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<br />~ aNDIV~DfJAL <br />D'..'S 3~3 ^,3ALE <br />~ f1PT1t5NAL ELITUFiE ADVANCES <br />s~vlNGS FLiND <br />FoeM No.'fZa - <br />- - ryoa aroatn <br />79-~~t~~5 ~GRT'GAGE <br />'THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this ._....._-_..?`..__.---- day of .._-----~.r~~:~-.__._.. A.D., <br />i$..~~._, between the Mortgagor, ....YTilldam..Hauschil.d..ahd_.I}awn...G~..Flauschf.l,d,_liusband._aztci.-.-... <br />~ri£g.>-.,~sziat:7.y..amd..each..~n.--bheix:._tzwn.--~a,~Itt,..-- ---- ------------- - ---- - --- ..----------_....._----- -------------•- <br />af .._..Gai~'o._.._ .................. County af _...-__lIa7,J:.-...---...-.......-, State of ...Zbraska......., hereinafter referred <br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AI'vrD LOAN ASSQCIt`tTION OF <br />i I INCC}I.N, 1235 "N" Street, Linrnln, Nebraska- 68501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as Lender. <br />~Vi3'x~ssErx: That the said Borrower for andrn consideration of the sum of -.T$IfI,~Y-BZY-~....._..----- <br />_'I~'IiQUSAI'ld?.-141113..illlNl.?R1D--FIFTY__ArYD_101!1Qfl----.------.°---~?bllars (US 5..3.b 459,.QQ.-------------°---) <br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to bender, its successors and assigns; the <br />following described property located in the County of -------..Hall..----------------------- State of l'deb*aska: <br />lut One (i} Weber Subdivision, in Cairo, Hall County, ATebraska <br />TocaTHas with all the improvements new ar hereafter erected an the property,. and aIl easements, <br />rigyhts, appurtenances, rents, ropal`ies, mineral, ail. and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and <br />wat4*- stock, and-all fixttu now or hereafter attached to Lhe pra~rty, all of which, including rbptaca- <br />rnents and addiiioxis thereto, shall lie-deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this <br />f,~lartgage; and all of-the faregoiag, together- with- property far the leasehold estate sn tI!s event t?+=s <br />Mortgage is on s leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property "• <br />Borrower rnvenants -that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the- right <br />to mortgage, grant and Canvey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Harrower will <br />vrarrant -and defend generally the title to the Property against -all claims sad demands, subject to any <br />easements and restrictions listed. in a schedule of exceptions to rnverage in any title insurance policy in- <br />suring Lender's interest in the Property, or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title certified <br />by F~~ded aug4ra~zer. <br />PaovtuEU Ar.waxs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, agree- <br />zngnts and abligatians of the Harrower, to-wit: <br />The ~'-~'sver ~°=•eos to pay to thv Ind<r, ar order, the principai sum of -TcTk-~..aFiOifSe~YI1..... <br />FOtIB...HB~i..£IFTY..B2+Hk.-N41.14D----_~----------------Dollars tT-'S ~.--36,4St?.-QO...----.-..._---•) <br />payable as pravide<I in a note eae^uted and delivered, concurrently herev,•ith, the final payment of principal, <br />rf not sooner paid, an the .._IrirsL..-...----. day of __!xarcb.--------.---...------------., YS~..2Q49 <br />UNLFOBK Coo€xA:a'rs. Harrower and I_~ender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1, Payment o! Primxapal rrnd Ia3erasL Harrower shall promptly pay when due the pxincipal of and in- <br />ten~st on the indebtedness evidenced by the '.Vote, prepayanent and late charges as provided in the Note, <br />and the principal of and interest on. any Future Advances securztl by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds fox Taxes sad Irssuraacr~. Subject to Lender's option. under paragraphs ~ and 5 hereof, $or- <br />rawer shalt. pay- to Lender an the day monthly installments of principal and interest are: payable under the <br />Note until the Note is paid in fuII, a sum (herein "Funds"} equal to one-twelfth of the yearlp taxes and <br />assessments which-may attain priority zs~ this i~fort¢age, and gmtmd rants on the Px{aperty, if sap pltcs <br />one-tiwelftti of yearly premium mstaltments for hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth of yearly pran~~r.ut- <br />staltmerits far mortgage insurance, if say, -all as r~.:rsonablp estimated- initially- sad- from tinge to time by <br />Lender on the basis of assesartients artd bills ffnd reasonalale estimates, thereof,-Lender shall apply-the Fuadg <br />pz=r. a~ud"~~o`, asseasrnertt~; ~ premiums and gmuxid rants. Lender make as charge f`or scS <br />holding and applying :the Funds or verifyizcg sad- compiling -said assessments and bills: The Lender shall. <br />g• e ;~; the mower, `azltlxout charge, affi anmisi accounting itf the Funds showing er'edits and debits ~-the. . <br />Funds arsd the puzposc~ firr which each debit to the meads was made. The Ponds are pfedged' xis additional <br />syirtty far the auras secured Ttiy -this Mortgage. 'The, ;3orrow~ agrees-that the Funds may he hetd by the <br />t.Cn~ler nn~ c~,,rs_.,~~led wrt~i otter fuada-at]u tl~ ~Lender*s ir~i Rinds and--the I~nder may pay such. items <br />from its oan funds and the fender alial3 not be liable far interest dividends vn such Funds- <br />If the anwunt of the Funds held by bender, together with the Mature monthly installrneit~. of Funds <br />pavab}e p yr to the due datee of trtaes, a~sgrnents insurance premiums and ground rents;, Sha3I exceed <br />sue a.~aunt. renuired rn ((~~v said t-axes, assea~marts, i„z;z_ance prrtniuieis and ground rents as they felt-due; <br />such eac~ shat ~, at Farttrtver's option, either prompt}y repaid to I3vrrawer ur.eredited to Borrower on <br />month}}~ instailntentq of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient ta_pay <br />taxes,. assessments, inserance premiums anc~ p*otutd rent<, as they fall-due;. BarrctweP sfaall pay tti Lender <br />any atiaquai necessary ~ n>a~e t1p the de$eiency within thirty days_after rmtice from Lender to`Brerawer <br />requ~,.ing payment- ther~~af, or Burrower shad, •by an increase iri nnonthly installments of Funds required, <br />repay :the df:ftcsenc~• u-itlsirr'the Fund accounting. period.... <br />tTprm pn~'ruent it full of all sums =,'eur¢t; hY Lhis Mortgage, Lender sllaIl apply Fltnds-held as a credit <br />agafn;;t;all Burns--due. <br />t` <br />