<br />IP{©1V1C3ilat.
<br />^!JE flN SAI,.E
<br />!` ~~7' 1 sAVtNGS i`u~Iv
<br />CORM-NO-7ZO
<br />loan Numher__ 4~6iQ__~__39Q_ _j___
<br />. ~ T,pp 0>anth
<br />- - - -
<br />TIIIS lt~C)FtTGAGE, made and executed this ..............~ .._---.-... day of .:..-_ s""~'_~...__,;::.._ A:D.,
<br />k9. .~f...., between the Mortgagor, -.-Paul-.H,-.Blankinsh:tp---and -Beverly.-3..-.-Blankin~iP-:------- ------------
<br />--hLShand._aad-.~.~a:.-3oactSo I,y..azxd._each-.in-..their-,arm.s3.8hty---=---------,>,~„~;,..~..,....--
<br />of -. Grand.- Island_--.-.; County af -.-.._.. .. __Ha11___.., State of -_.IVebraska...-..; hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the t~lartgagee, FIRS3' FuDEI3AL SAZ7INGS AND LOA~hT ASS(}CIATION OF
<br />LINC(3LN, I235 "I3" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska ti$501, ifs successor and assigns, hereinafter referred- td
<br />as Lender.
<br />THE
<br />SEVLl~'F:llTAi;1D t~ ~,~ Borrower for and in cansideYration of the sum 43 .-7a0~ 7'HA~E,- fJ5_4ND
<br />-- ---- ...--- ---- - --------- --- ---- --._..... --- - --- - -- -- - - .._.-Dollars {L3S ~ -' - ~- .00 ~
<br />-- -~--
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successor and- assigns,- the
<br />#ollowicg described property located in the County of --...- Hall ----------------_-.------, State of Nehiaska:
<br />Lat Two (2), flock One (k), Lake Bevis Acres Subdivision, HaII County, Ptelsxaska
<br />T4GETHEH i~ith all the improvements now or hereafter erecied on the property, and aII easements,
<br />rights, apptrrtenanees, rents, royalties, mineral, air and gas rgghm a*;d profits, water, water rights, and
<br />.water stos:k, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, all of ;which, including mplae~-
<br />sgients sad additions thereto, shall be Beemeil to he and reasain a part of the- property covered by this
<br />~lnrtgage; arsd all a# the foregoing, toEeth~s with said property {or the ;easehold estate in the event i:._:
<br />'mortgage is on a leass;3oid) are herein referred to as the `Property".
<br />Harrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, thai the Pzttperty is unettciimbered, and that Harrower will
<br />warrarst and defend. generally the ti#Ie to the Property against aII .claims and demands, subject to any
<br />easements and restrictions Iistg€1 in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance poFicy in-
<br />suring .r<erder'a intermit *:n the Property, or € ~l attorney ~ opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br />by banded abstracter.
<br />Pu<+~%=rtn Ax.~s'AVS, end these pracents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, agree-
<br />ments and o6ligatians of the Bcarmwer, ra-wit:
<br />The Borrower agrees topa v to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of -. FORTY-_THREB..THOUSA8IA-
<br />-----SEVII3-H17NDAID_.A2_IID-.41011Q4----`~-'---~.~-~_.._~-.,..._=.+13allars (lib.u-v3.,.?~.si~-----:-------•-..-;
<br />payable as provided in a note esensted and delivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if nog sooner paid, on the ..Pizst--- --.-... day cf -.-larch...-...-. --- .............__,1-~C-.2Qf}s.!
<br />Uxiros~s Covsav.asvrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. PTtgsuent cd Pri>xcip¢1 IataresS. $orrawer shall promptly pay when due the principal of arid- in-
<br />terest on the indebtedness evidenced by flee tiate, prepapvient and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br />sad-the principal of andsnterest ais any Future AdS'ances secured by this ~lartgage.
<br />2. Panels Ior ?axes sad taauraisce. `g:ilij~t to Lender`s option under paragraphs ~ sad 5 hereof, Hor-
<br />rower shall-pay to Lender on the dat~ mcsnttily installments of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />.'t3ote, until-the ante is paid in full, a sum {herein "Funds"i equal to one-twelfth of the yearly texas and
<br />aa?~sment,=. cvhfr~h ma y attain priority aver this prior? ~~e, and ground rests on the Property if any plus
<br />one-twelfth of yearly prersium tast~Ilments fur hgxsrd i~urance, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium in-
<br />stelliitents for mortgage insurance, if env, all as reasana§ly estirnat~:d initially anu from brae tcs Lime by
<br />Lender on the basis of assesstaent~c sad b`i'lls and reasoisalsle estia;a~,es thereof, Lender shall apply tlse Funds
<br />tr oily ~d° taxes, assessments, insurance preiniursis and ground rents. Lender shall snake no charge for so
<br />holdiise ared applying:-.the Funds ar verifying atsd coinpiliag slid. assesssnen#s and bills. The Lender_sliaR
<br />~sve tsi the t`lesrrower witliaut merge, an sutnual aecauntiag of the Funds showing eretlits sad debits W the
<br />Fundy and the pisose tar which each t t?se I~ariels ever. shade. ";'-'lee Furids are pledged as additional-
<br />-. , security far: the scone secured this 1'~ge: 3`he Bamawer agn~es that the Fusids may he held by-the
<br />Lender and sasnsningled wit& +at.r footle sari the Lexider's r~wn-fuada and-the Lender-may-pay -such items
<br />from ifs owe funds sad tli~ L~ils~ stsaill, oat lie laahle Oar irstea~st or dividesids dn-EiseL= min - .
<br />kf thea~xsuat of tlssr P'undalield by Lessder; ttagpt,udtli the future monthly:iitsBallmersf~ of Fiords
<br />payabia pruir: trr idle due dates of taxes, neesits, ittauiaut`e prerniua~ and. ground rents, slush ercc°eed
<br />the amourxt required to {,ay laic: taxes. es+~sinenta, insurance Mums asd gmarid renfs as they fall disc,
<br />-such eXCC~s ;} be, at ~rrnwer's oirtioa, either oromptty.repaid tn-l~ra+ts'arer or cr~idited to $ortowsr Qn
<br />rESOr>thly-,~sstaaimenis cf rands. if the amoun* of th4 Funds held by Leader shall not be sufficient to pay
<br />taxes, .ssaessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due;;Borrsncar shall- pay tsi Lender
<br />any ainairrsi aects.:.ary to make up the deficiency with?t thirty days after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br />res}uestissg payment ther~f; or Borrower shall, by au increase in marcthly iiisfallments of Funds required,
<br />repay ilia $efieiency withut the Fund accourtia€g period,
<br />[.pon payin€znt in fall a1 all.s»ms sc~:ured by this Itilortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against all sums due:-
<br />