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<br />- --- l <br />~{ ~.7~ <br />~~R ~~~~~~~; 31ada aad Ezeented this...._.-..__..~~~ _.-__.___dar of_ F.°,.,~'~~5~ _-,__._-A. D.--.....__.14 7A_ <br />t by aad§L2~T~1.215.-cZF2LrL..f3~ '*-• - <br />tl L~Lc7~---s~sn~.~`i.3.~6--...~1'iI.LS63IIf~_.&--`W1fL'~--- <br />.---__--.-._.,___._._...-lj.~-••~~~3...-~ cice-i.--°-~i-cizi~"'3.~.-812P~r_"r$g~.$`----~-BI~ aY the fast pant, <br />aad-__.~..J.t3fd21.~e~~,~z'.~..CHs.Go-rr~utra#-iS1i1...LJ.f-•--bT~}SL~3i75c'i.-..._.-~._.~..---_...-__...-._.._._-----.__.._._...=.._.._. <br />-_- _- _~ 4 3 3 _ Paci f i e S t,, -Omaha , NE _ 6 g 1 7 4_-..-___.._.._ ~_._..~_----~..--__--_partp of tke aeeond part. <br />WITI3ES8ETH, that the said party at the $rat part, !ar and, in eana;dsxat:aa of fOi2Zv ~1"iOtlaS_a_il_C~.- ~~ij,~ _~~~'~j <br />_1,$2:~...t,3,iF1.°,, c7r~ 17 ara anti --~•~-~-_-~-~!'•-~,1,n-...m,.....,~..~....,e~...~-.D3LLA,°,.° paid by _d party of the I <br />eeeaad part, the receipt whereof ie hereby aaImawiedge ,has greeted, bnxgalned, sold and eoaceyed, sad Sy these presents, does great, <br />j bargain, aEII sad coacay, Hate said party e.' the second part, the fallowing deaar-shed zeal property aitnate in thr Conaty of sad ~ <br />I State of Siebrsaka, to-wit: <br />.. <br />_._.__-_._ _.-._-..__----'--- --.~..-..--~aS?~-_ `AIL--.-u-4 }..-..-~ RIBS- t~ cnbris- ~ <br />~ -S2.S-1.OY3---1Il_-_'.-.-..._~-.__ <br />i ___._---__._._-._.-.-__.__~-__---Fall, Countys...._state of-_~7ebr~ka__.._-- ~ <br />-- ---------------- ---------- --- ----------------------a...---- <br />t ~ <br />i <br />_-._._-----_--__-_._-.._..-----.~..-.._.~____.-_-_--_..---_----------------------------_._...___--~-_._.A_ <br />y togethes wi#k all the tenements, hereditameata and agpaztaaances zR the =ame he!oaking, sad aH >ha ast~ta, title, dower, zi } of Same- <br />i stead, elsima aad damaada whaiaoever of the said party of the &rsf part a?, in a: to said premises or any part, thezeatl an~eaid patsy E( <br />of the $ret part daea fiereby eacanant, that said party aY the Srst pars pa~Ynlir seized of said premises, that said pxemisea are ltae ) <br />from incnmDzanae..e3CCept EC,fi1~•~~~e B1C~Q.,- F I,Oan ----- -__._,._._.and that said party aY the ttrat part will {{ <br />eraztast sad defend the title }a acid pxemiaaa aga;asi the lawful e'.a>_ms sad dtsnaada a? at: persona whamaoaver~.~.__.___._____-._. I <br />i <br />i <br />j P&4YI.DI;B ALWAFS, and titeae pzaseats are aeon These eandiiioas: - <br />WHE$EA9, said party of the ffxst part has ezeealed and dclicered tr. the said party of the second part__-_._---.__._.__-.____~-- <br />promiasorp note a~Y~GI,.._thi ¢ nd -~y>__.C.f_~e rtsa r-tr • <br />amount of three thousand dollars ~-3fl(T0.44~__d~;g ~~~-P.s3y_~.1.~ y~ty~ int~.~ <br />~ana Gn ~tYiQ aondzt~ons therein segcafsea <br />._.-~fS~f'^1r~1~'^r~}'_ Yk+'!'-«~Tr~'~ __t ~'d- .8 ~- _r <br />r <br />r _ <br />_-~-~; ,. ~_.-='-mac:-9rz~--- -- ~ ----_-:""=-----------'------_.-_.--- 1 <br />-.-._--__.-_-_.'__..--_-.~T_.-_._.- ---'---------------------------------------------------_-----'---- <br />j and wSareas, the party of the lust part bas agreed to keep the baiI.diaga, i# r p-p_~__ i±t=red in same eoasgany ar eom- ~~ <br />visa a rowed `~~~~.~~b _ <br />j Fa FF by said party r:f the seeaad pars, far the sttm sat 7cm than_--_-__---_._..---.....__~..-_. _.._- __i)QLL~g 1,1 <br />j sad deliver to said paste of Lha sreand Bart the p.,iiac ar paiiciea .-:atsiniag a elatse w>tS tL=a Iess paysble tc said p::rty of the saeand { <br />part, or ..signs, aad has agreed to par al: Case-a aad aasessmeats - ,, s.:s". said grace= sea he •:e ~- same, b. lets hea:tm,~ detiagaent, aad ; <br />has agreed thai iY said perky of the &zat part does net pracid -s~ h .nscrsaee, ar fx =s +o ace: al az=~s a fore aid, tSen s::id art sY <br />atndsna±t sh-~iE) tear iatere tsox t?•r. zs! pot au~eR 3nss-see ar.d t_ c ,•,tt'er of *.L<.1. ,-ad a?2 anecan?s so pasd bo mid g:ez#y afP Le met j <br />that, far, and said sam mar bo added to the am oft of t ~zuart _n. rm t_e date of garaseat. sacs :his a.,r. tga~e shall stand as saanrity } <br />~S:ajiebt, and the same zecac*_-red as a ere:s_. ;yaw, if tba said <br />? parts o? the Brat Hari shall well ,mss L_+al? gap sr saw.: ttt ;_-~- Y,,;-'~- ?S~ soil ,_--. _- u.aae xs s::id as p.~.t. ~weationed. with interesi <br />tSaraon aeeardiag to the taaor and effect of ass; aate._._ aad shall kee3= said~buildi~as iasnr<d as aforesaid. aad ahs,i•kerp a5i fazes <br />and asaassmeate paid. sad aSali dnly keep, aad perfarns aP Lhe ati:x c€~vraaats and agrr men t< a=erase eosxtaiaed, Chess tlsase presorzie <br />#n be nnll aad veld. Bat if said snm of moncc or say nary thezrrf- er ear interest iheraaa, is n=,* p:;id whrr tSa Sawa is due, nr if an&1 <br />bnildinga shall ^a± 4ie kal;t insured as s?aressi d, ar if i>:e Case= ar... asseas?nents sysinst said pr,.a;ises ara scat paid at ar Sefare the brie <br />I #hc same beeorne he Saw det;ngaeat, oz if said partv o! tl:e 5rsi part shall fail to keep sad pezfarze any eovenaats Seroia anniained, <br />iSs balder hareaf .<.`hnll Save thr.- option to declare the wholr of said iadabtedness dae aad payable at soy Time after snch failure or da- <br />fanit, aad r-~av m_niat_g;a as aetian ak .mr ;=r wait-, to .=ravsr 8~- sense, aad the ermmencemeni aY sorb artiaa shall be the only no- <br />ties of the ezerasse of said optiaa required. <br />A3Y'D IT I9 FLrBTH;Dt PRDCIDED A~ D d>REED, 7fiat the said 3iettgagaz shalt sad will par all tease levied upon this mart. <br />gage oz the debt scarred tkerebv, loget$er with anc athe; }ara- or aseaasments which mar be levied nodes the Laws of Iti obraaka, t <br />~ sgaiast(jtSa sa{id~ Mortgagee ar the legs! h{oi;ier of tb? said pzincipai roae...._ nn account aY isle iadebtedn=ss- <br />~n U1P#~J~7~~ ~#'1`Fl~~ ~ - ~~ _ Sserenato sat~_-.__4Llr, .h ds._ the data shoes writtaa. <br />~_.. <br />, _.-.._-----.-__ __ p <br />PBFSE~'1CE OF .. --~9~'u^- ~~-~- _ ~~y~~~~4~~.-.__-__~ .-.. <br />;' j Michael T>io kins_ <br />--- <br />t- <br />,r„~ - _ <br />e~rexl~ oa i~'>~sasse. - Deborah Hopkins <br />Comnty aY .F33t.I ~ ~` era tfil. 2nd --. .._-____-- Februa _____ 979 t <br />..-_day aY. __.._-...___._.~_~ __.e. I.4 ~..._._ iIi <br />helots me, a *Iatary Pnblia is aad Yar the said Coantc pezsonallg came the above named.:.... -f <br />Nii.chael -.and Deborah H kins I <br />._._~-_.~ -O-P-------___~___.~ <br />---.----°--- --______--.~._who___..~~.--pezaoasYlp kaowa to ma ~ . <br />to be the ideatieal person ^a- whaso aame.S-.... ~ %~-_...afcsed to the above Instrument , <br />~- ~ - - sa gsan#ax.~. aad.._. ~~~~~~' _---_az;tnawlt$ged said inatrySaat to be t~i~ai~taxy. <br />'~ set and deed. <br />Cf~l~;EER A.:;P„~ ~ ~ - ~ <br />+~~ .Alp €a.;,-a £rgs Tune Pn l3 - WZ72i'E139 mp head aad Nate..' t .seat r <br />l <br />--- ~-r,~~~---.__...._____.._._____.. <br />- - lYotsry Pnl+tis. <br />3€p eammiaslon-axpixaa as tlsa .....:............_ l6th ..__ .:day oY._-___....--~_.. +~li~~..-...~_..__...._~__.---.-..._-_a. D._Zg$~_....._-. j <br />Nabrcrko. Dorm ~ 687 <br />