<br />prior to entryof a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: {aj Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be than due under
<br />this Mortgage, the 2~fote and notes securing Funrre Advances, if arty, had na accelera#ian occurred; (bj Borrower curex all
<br />breaches a# any oilite covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in -this Mortgage; (e) Borrower pays atl reasoaable
<br />txperises incurred by Lender n enf'aicing tlte-covenants and agretirtents of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in paragraph 9 S hereof, including, but Hat limited ta, reasonable attorney's £ees; and
<br />td} Barreiaer takes each action as Lender tray reasonably. require to assure chat the tien of this Mortga~, Lender's interest
<br />in tltc I}ro~rty artd Bvrrawer's ol?tigaa¢n tv pay the ~curtts seei~ect ~y this. Mortgage sl!a1t cdnzinne nnitupaitrd. Upon sixti
<br />~ .paytttent :mod elite ~ry S€rrrar~r.-t}tis Mortgage-and the i>~gatisnms secured hereby shal3 rettiain in ftclt-farce sad et€cct a€ if
<br />nts accelerarltin itad ~vrted:
<br />~, t o€ Rtntta ilppolak~4eut of Rettiver, Center ~ Yoaien. As additional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />- }~reby a~i$n~xa Iem3>z zlte rents~af ihe-f"raperty, Proxided ttta! ~trra~ser shalt, Prior to-acceleration under ~h £8
<br />hen~f or abamlonmeent o£ tht Property. have the rig3tt tv nollect sad retain W~ rents ~ they ~ymr clue and payalstt.
<br />t3pan aixeleraticat u*#~- p~grt 18 isereof o abs€t&~nmtnt of the Poperty, Lender, is person, by a$et:z ex by
<br />judicially appotnzed receiver, shall he cntided w enter upon, take possession of and manage tfie Property and to colket the
<br />rents o£ the Property, including those pas; flue. Ati'rents collected by Lender or the receiver_shall be appliui 5rst to paymtat
<br />o€ the castsvf srtsrrageiitettt or` rite Fmperty and collection of rents, inClttding, baf not limited tt~, reseive~s fees, prena"ntms ail
<br />rtcciver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the Burns secured by this b4artgage. Lender and the r,.oeiver
<br />shaA 6e liable to a+xount'cnly far Chcsse rents aciaaity rtctived.
<br />i~. Palace liidva~ss: tipnn request of Barrnwer, Lender, at Lendit's option rn~rn~iar to release of this Nfarzgage, may
<br />., make Future r4dvatxes to Borrower. Sash Fnture Advances, with interest thereon. shall be secured by this Mortgage when
<br />evidenced by promissory Hotta stating that said notes are secured tttreby. At na time shad the principal atnotat of the
<br />iadebttdness steered by this'Mortgage, not including sums advanctd in axardartce herewith ro ptoted t}u security of this
<br />' >ti£artgage, ext~ced slit original amount of the Nate plus USS. ~,.=?~-.~........
<br />22. RS'l~e. Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall du~ttarge this Motzgagt without
<br />charge zo tiartower. $otrowtr shalt pay all casts of recardaiian, if any.
<br />Ira Wt1'x€ss Wttgagtrg, Bonasver bas extcuttd tlt~ Mortgage. JJff~~
<br />24IY~lLVAtZ -sarrawer
<br />- .~?~ ~~~~ .............. .-sorroww.
<br />S~€Arta ap Nt*atustcn .... . ...........HA?.F'.......................Countyss:
<br />f)fl this...... ZS~ki ......day of...$ebtuary......, I9. ,7.Q, btfart me,-the uadtrsrgned, a Notary Pnblic'
<br />duly comtnissiotttsl asxi gttalifitd £ar said r~tunty, ~rsonally came - - - ~a:~?~~`: rte. , :~~ .7, .
<br />. _ , ,YAlsi $tlST~41t8, 81~ 6~~, . EbC;H , . , F~iS. Axn ,1~, ± ,~ . 5kttawtt to tie the
<br />*dCntieai petsott(sj t^. names) are stitsscribed is the foregoing itt~tuirier~t hn at:zn~ i ca~eia,~.
<br />thereof to be... their... _ , ..volsitttary act and deed.
<br />Witness my Irdud and notarial seat aL.. , . ~r~€!,d .Z~I~d,. ~brarv3cp .... . ...:......in said county, Liar-
<br />date ttfot.
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