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<br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this....... 28th .......... _ ..... day of ....February ............... . <br />iR.~~.>'~~~he?y?~>gag~:tt`. .. A'-EC~.Lr,L..,T.,;~:.'J~t4_ pft3 ;3oYu~.I'Y.J,, ~il,v3f7 <br />........... . . ...... _... - - _ _ . _ , . _ . , .(ht~~ ` ;3ardv3wer" 3, dnd th2 Mortgagee Nome Federal <br />Savings aad Loan Association, a carporatian orgaaiz~ and existing under the laws of -Tire Iiniieci S~cuies of <br />America, whoseaddress is 222 South Locust Street, Grand Is3ead, Nebraska Therein "Leader"). <br />WHaRSas, Harrower is indebted to 2.ender in the pritseipat stun of.....THI,RTY .~. ~~(~....... . <br />AND It(.t/t30_------; ------------------- Uat3ats, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated...F~bruaxy..28, .2979..... {herein "Note"}, providing for monthly instatlroents of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of tl~ indebtedness, if not sotrner peed, dry and payab3e cn.... "_'~;~~. f,. ~t30~ .......... . <br />To SECUas to Lender (a} the mpayment ofi tltb indebtedness evidenced by ifte Note, with interest thereon, flte <br />payment of x13. ottxer stunt, with enicrest thereon, advan.~ed in aceordance herewith to prc~fert Llre security of tltis <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenant. and agrec€nents of F~rrrawer herein container!, and (b} the repayment <br />of any future advances, with intemst therenn, made to Bc>€reaeer ht' Lende€ pursuant to paragraph 2I hereof (herein <br />"Future Advances"}, Borrower does hereby martg~ge, great and convey to Lender the foliowittg descri'hed Property <br />rotated in the Catmty of .. . ........ . .............................., State of Nebraska: <br />LOTS SIXTEEN (ZS} AND SHVffi9TRBN {27) TN DEER St76Dl'[7ISZON, OF LOTS $I% (5), SEVItN (7) <br />AND EIt~' (6} ]27 GARRt:Ti's SA33IiIVISION ciF PART 4r^ Ti3E s~ssT l3ALF (>t~3 OF s$cTlot,i trtlNS <br />(g3, ~~~ &LSYffii (11) ~r3, RAb1GE fIINE (4} 3~FST OP TtiE 5TH P_L'~i., IN THE CZTY taF <br />GRAND ISI,ANB9, t2AS.L C03Ji~13"f, 1388ttAS3IA, EPTIFiG A CERTAIP7 TRACT OF GRt3UND DESDI~D TO TttE <br />CITY OF GRANFf ISLdND RJ3+CORDHD IN Ht)O% 138, PAGE 35i., Alm A TRACT flF LAND PORLy' <br />I#EING A PA32T OF A PLATTED R!?AD L%IFtG ~AA3,tiir&I~T ZtI i~3D SpflTFI QF IATg SIRTS$N {Z&) ~ID <br />SEVEN2BEN (17}, 1'It GEER SUI3DIVZSION, AND ADDITION TO TkfE CITY OF GRAND iSIAtaD, HALL <br />COITNTY, Nl;BRAS]fA, VACATED BX SAID CITY OF t:RAl'~ TSLAFIIS O!i Tf2E 2ND DAY OF IYtAY, 1952, BY <br />flRDibL1t+FCS 2+g}, 3805 OF SAID CI1`Y, t?HICiI IS I!3t1RE PA'I~} D33SCRIBRD A3 Ft~If)i~S: <br />HI~CINPFIAiG AT THE SOUTHF.S.,T COti:NBR OF SAID I,OT SIETEP~€t (25~; T13~E tltfls2fl.~ Otq 8 <br />PZA?E`GATZON t3P THLr EAST LINK flF SAID ZdY%` SIB (Zh} FAR d DISTANCE OF PONY (4Elj <br />Fli~+,7. T{3 THE NORTH LINE OF 2.0T THIRTY FOI€R (3~S) Its S$T.D Gra a318Dit~IS;tt31~: 1`f8 RLsBI.~_a <br />irassT tarn- z~ ~ 3sL:E flF SAID I~lT TIitRTY FOUR (34) trt3R ,~ DI.STA OF ONE RSt3 <br />THIRTY TWD (132} F3~'T; Tt3$FdCE RDA ~1RTf2 Oft A Pn~D1~3Nfi~'L~t)N OF THE fT LINE <br />sAID LOT S$VSI+t'Z~N {Z7) FOR A DISTANCE t3s+ F€)RTY (-`rfl) €BET TC3 THE SOi3T~dESY` t:O1R 6F <br />SAZD LtYf S&SSNTTI:`fi (I7); TH3~CS RtINAtZt~ BAST tJti' THE Si3LT1'H LINE OF SAID ZA2S S~ <br />(16) AND SEEN {Z7)FOR A DIS73i: OF O;E3E 3ii7N3t33ED TH;$g~ Tag (132} F TO <br />POINT of ~GL~INI?~G. <br />which has the address af......... ~~~ .~#~. CgPatg7..QeeUat~ ......... .......... Graztcl .IsZanrZ ...., <br />tst.msti ic;t~t <br />... NebrBSka,.588{l1 ....... {itereat "Property Address"); <br />t~tata s;~~ tx~e] <br />Tat#a'rrtsa with all t~ improvetrtents new err hereafter erected on the property, and ail easements, righh~, <br />_ ~iattses, tents, ri~y-ies, miirera3, oil and gas rights and prolirs, wafer, wafer rights, and water stock, aad all <br />fi~ttlrCS now car bereaft€r attached to the PmpertS+, al[ of which,. intruding-rePlacaments and additions thereto, shall- ba <br />cleert~l W be anct remain a of tip property covertd lay this Mortgage; and art of the foregoing, together with said <br />pro~rtq {~ t~ Ie~sehatcr estate if ~ Bdort~ge is on a leasehold} are heraeid referiesi to as Ilia "Property". <br />Borrower ciivettants that Harrower is titwftit[y Seised o€ the estate hereby conveyed and tras the right io martgaga; <br />grant and convey-the Property, that--the Property es unencrtmbcrtsd;_snd drat 33orrower will warrant and defend <br />generally-fife litre to the Property aghsst a3rEiaims_ and denaands;,sttiajeEt to a~ declarations, easements or restrictions <br />Fisted in a schedule of eacegtlans ta: coueaagt in any tale it~urartee policy insuring Lender`s interest in the Property. <br />;t(~--2 tee C~nity--&t75--ElgSltlRS.f~ 9tiKr3Akt ttT <br />