<br />~.# riIS i'v20RTCsAGE is neade this......... l sr .....:. - , .......day of .... March ......:...........,
<br />19.'.y-. be~e~ th~Mottgagar, . DAItGLAS. A.. -~fi£t1R1-GK- r~D ..1f~EALY~ ~R. _;-1~EdRl~K-, husbertd -artd~ wife
<br />....... . . . ...............: . . . . ....... i'nerein "Borrower"). szrd the agoitgagee, Home Federal
<br />Savings an~3 Loan Association, a corporation orgaeia~r an[C existing tinder the taws; of The United States of
<br />A.mtxxis:a;wiwseaddressiutg2l~iautfiLacust9treot;Grs¢adfs2and,iebras~a ~hernirt"i~ead~'i.
<br />Borrower is indebted to f.ettdecin the priricipai sum of. ~.~ ~.`.~1 X .T}iQUSANd. E.f.GHT.HtAJL~Q
<br />,t'it~ld Nt3r~~s=--------.-,-------------------~~rs, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower=s-sate
<br />dated......?~rch..t-,..1.979.....:. (herein "1Vote"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with t}re balance of the indebtedness,. if not sooner-paid„ due and payable an- . , . , ^A3rch . l , - 2{}08, a ....... , .
<br />To 4.,`E£eJRE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, with interest thereon, the
<br />pa}mrent of sit attrer stems, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of trtis
<br />Mortgage, and tree perfoemance of tits cov-enarrts and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (bj errs repayment
<br />of-arty futut~ advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (heceiPt
<br />"Patens Advance"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fotrowing, descn'tred property
<br />' located in the Cauuty of ...............N fl~ L....................... ; State of 1+Ietsraska:
<br />which has the address af..:....4t}22,1'irst .need: -Road . : ............ _., G!'r~ltd . Es f-sad... _ . ~ .:.. ; .:..,
<br />(srree#3 (ctp+( -
<br />N~br2ska oBBfkt ....-::therein"Proterty:,4ddress'--')>
<br />_ (5:_tsfe avd ZiR Cods? - - - - - - - - --. - .
<br />Toct:~rrtsr` with a8 the imnrovcmeat now er hereafter :-rccted on the grcperty, acid aEt easattuun#s, ruts,
<br />apY~stznances, ants, royaitic~, maszral, ail and ga, rights and profit3. ~ve[er, worse rights, aril water stock, and arl
<br />futures now or hereafter attached to the property; alt of which, ii ' s :g .~Ylacemcrts and ad.;:-G:n,s :rte.-' ~, s:.a.r ~
<br />deemed to be and remain a part of the pcoprrty covereoi by t}tis i~artgage; and a(I of the foregnrng, tagetiter witTi'-said
<br />property (or the leaset:ald estau: if this ~Tortgage is oa a Ieaseholdl arc herein referked'tc as the "Property':
<br />Borrower eevenants drat 13orrawer is tawiutly seised of the estate hereby cottveycd and has trieiight tomortgaget
<br />-grant and aJntay the Property, thaX the PropeRy is-unencurrtberzd, and that Borrotivzr wirl warratrt and ticfettd
<br />gerresatiy the title tattle Pr€tperty against aR clai:rs and demands, subject to any declarations, easements or restuctians
<br />- elated in a sehedute of caceptions to coverage. in any title insurance; policy-insuring Lender's interest in the Property.
<br />~--i t~ ~ Ftsreilg--~b775~-fti~lffNLl~.tittlfORlil tlkE#I
<br />