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79- tr ~~ 1 ~ :1.1 1VIOlZ'T'GA.~IE <br />~id8 NIOItT~AGE is made the ............ Ls t .....:. ....... day of .........March........... , :. , <br />iS79..,r~est-itrreQ~airia~,, ic~3oct'3T.y_.r~L'c~yTI.tLST.Aijitl.i~rc`~iA.K..i~Li~iltST.,•:nusDana.and.w-i~fie; Ai~i3 <br />5a_~~~~.i«~~-~-T.€~~ -- ~ . "~e~'}, an? the M~g€v„ t?3pme ~t'deral <br />Saviags anti Loea Asaaeistian, a ~idfng under the laxs of ^l'he Unites3 States of <br />America,_whrrse ado is ~219aufd Lrtsvat Street, Cirnnd _islared, Nebraslta - (herein "Lender"-, _ - <br />Wtaetttsas,-Borrower is indebted to Lender in -the grincipal snm of .. ~~~1TX. ~ t. x . T~QU$A-`l4 . ~3P C'1P/. kQQ . <br />-°`- -~"~ollars; which indebtedness is evidenced by $oriower's Wort- <br />dated...... Match : i +. ~i 979... _ :.. (herein Nate"}; providing far monthly installments of princ;~ ..°~'~ irerest, . <br />with the balance of the intebtedness, if net sooner-paid, .doe and' payable on_:.....M~C~h. ~.,:.244~......... <br />Ta Stctntt=. to Lender (a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, with interest thereon, the <br />_ paymem of all other sums, with interest thereon, adv$nced in accordance her~wrth to .protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and-the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower hereincontained, and {b} tla; repayt~nt <br />of. any future advances; with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to garagragh 2I hereof (herein <br />"Future Advances"}, >3ottower does hereby- mortgage, grant and eonvey to Lender the foIlawing descrt'bed property <br />faceted itt tI~ ~au;.ty af...........HA~~ .....:....:..........:..... State of bieistaska: _ ' <br />LOT FIV£ (57 IN BLOCK ONE HUNf)t~ED THfRTY THf~E (l33? IN KOENIG & WtEBE'S ACJIT#ON TO 7HE <br />CITY OF G€2AND iSLANO, NEBRASKA. <br />wlticli has the address of....32 i . S ., dashing,ton .$ . I 1 ~2::+'!@S t. Gt~i3T:l ~s.... , ...- Gt'.atld , i s l arid:....., , <br />- - - tsrreet7 - - - -. ieitpt - -- - - <br />Nsbt"ask~ G88Q i , _ :. {het~ia "Property Address"); <br />-..:-- - taSBte-sxr6.Fi. p Eft". - -- _ - - _ - - <br />"I'oG2.rette with ;.-s3 the improvements-ttow or `x:reafter erected can the prapertp, ssrd a#I eascstents, righti, <br />apgurtertanees, rents, rayaltiw, nwter:l, rill aini gas rights arsd profits; water, eater rights, and water atar3i, iittrl all <br />fixtures now or hereafter 2itached to the property; xtl of which, including replacements and additions t6itreta; ~ha#t be <br />deemed fa be and reurain a part of tfie property covered by this Mortgage; and .! of ~ focegoin3, taget6tr with said <br />property (ar thelhold estate if this Mcrttgagc' is an z ieasciold) arc. herein referred to as iht? "FragarEy" <br />Borrower eovettants that $orrawer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grwrtY and wnvey the Property, .that the. Property is unencnmlxred, and that Barma~er will,warraret and defend <br />generally the titre to tfie Property against a!; arras and demands, sub}ect to any declarations, easements or resiristauns <br />listed in a sehednte of czx(aiaps to coverage'i^ any title irsurance pakicy insuring Lender's interest in the Property. <br />~Kti-1 toy f~niip--6!'75--FLNlllif#Hl-dG ttl4lFpAAt ttt$7dUAffllT <br />