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ISTATE dF NEBRAfiBA, County of ....................................................: <br />Filed for record on ................................. 19........ at ............................ o'clock ........6TA'LEtSdS~ p'I"l'AGM~~ <br />and recorded in the Deed Reeard .................. ,Page ............................. NEEiRA~KA Gl3t;ll`~r[C,•lfi.kY <br />.............. ~TAiv1r' TkX <br />...........................•a rxra...........^.............................. By ............................. .......... ... ~...... <br />Register or Deeds Deputy Regist of lle~r~~ I{ '" ~ ~~~ <br />~, <br />ERNEST W. GIFFORD and JEANNE E. GZFFORD, Husband and Wife, each in HIS and HEM own <br />right and as spouse of each other ,herein called the grantor whether one or mors; <br />in consideration of TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($24,,000.00} DOLLARS <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey-and confirm onto <br />EDMUND P. SONDERGAARD and LILLIAN D. SONDERGAARD, Husband and Wife <br />as joint tenants with right of snrvivorship, and not as tenants iu common, the following described real <br />property in ~'L ...... County, lvebraska: <br />.......................................................... <br />All that tract located in the West Half of the Southwest Quarter(W~SW'Z) of Section Eleven.(I <br />Townskip Eleven (li}, North, of Range Nine (9} West of the btk P.M., Ha11 Cc~mty, Nebraska;-more. <br />particularly described as commencing at a point Five Hundred Three and Eight Tenths(5l}3.8}:feet. <br />West of the Norteast Corner of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter(W'~SW~} of said Section 11-. <br />running thence West 110 feet along the North line thereof, thence south in a-line paralleil'with'th+ <br />east line of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W~SW'~) of said Section 11, a distance of <br />330 feet, said line running througkt the center of a cyclone cellar now Located pn said premises, <br />thence east in a line parallel with the North Line of said West Half of the Southwest-Quarter of <br />said Section 11, a distance of lI0 feet, thence north in a line parallel wick the West line of <br />this tract a distance of 330 feet to=the point of beginning. Excepting tkereEram a tract of groans <br />more particularly described in the Quitclaim-Deed recorded as IIor_,mient ~l 76-042877 in the--Office' - <br />of tke Register of Deeds, of Ha21 County, Nebraska. <br />To kayo and to hold *he aboFe described premises togetker with all tenements, hereditamenta -- <br />and appnrtenanees tkereto belonging onto ¢.,he grantees and to tkei* assigns; or to the keirs and assigns- <br />of the survivor of tkem forever. <br />And grantor Does kereby covenant wick the grantees and wick their assigns and with -the heirs <br />and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said nreanises;that they are free from <br />encnsixbranee except easements and restrictions of record <br />that grunter has goad right and lawful authatity to convey the same; and that grantor vtarrants and wiH <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons R-hornsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of tke death of either of tde grantees, <br />fhe entare fee title to skis real property sha}1 test in the surviving grantee. <br />.~~ , <br />7,/~i ~b~~' 2Z~ i9 79 `~ <br />'~~ .~ ted Fe <br />- y~J~l~,~ t~ f` ~ <br />STATE QF ..NEBRASKA ....................................... County of ...............HALL.............,....................: <br />Before ma, a notary public gasified for said county, personally came <br />Ernest-W. Gifford and Joanne E. Gifford, Husband and Wife, Each in 'His and Her awn-right <br />and as spouse of sack other <br />known to me to be the ideatieal person ar persons who signed- tke foregoing instrctment and acknowledged <br />the eaeautiaa thereof to ba Iola, her or-their voluntary act and deed. <br />~i Fitness my hand-said aotariat seal ou ...: ......:., .....::.: .....«:. ........., 19 ................ <br />,f ~ <br />au~F- d iaLar:r .s:~~'~"'`~ ,,, Notary Riblie <br />~ti.1{t~tt8 ..,.. ....... .,.,.., .............. <br />hyc7oswa~Are:t-~it ~/~ z-- <br />Bdy commission expires .1..?:',~`~........~ .................... 19,.~.z... <br />Form 4.2 To be approved by Nebraska State Bar Association. f`dto" d~ Wdr ao.. ". x~b''. <br />