( ~~S€A4 ==vT°T€ "iO°TGk~E~--(Y.'Eth Tax Cdau.-:¢) $ev. ;8 Ns',fmsn end Felton S- tYClt, :Ysltan, qe. 66.".61
<br />i I~st! ~ q't&3'~
<br />KNQW ALL RiEN BY THESE PREAENT5: That We, Ronald ~i. Spiehs and Jean Ann Spiehs,
<br />each in his and her own right and as the spouse of each other,
<br />of Y'~all County, and State of 1V @ br3S,)Ca , in conaideratian of the sum of
<br />'wo Rundred Thousand - - - - -• - •- - - - - - ($2p0, o00, 00 } - - - .. DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, da hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Rvber~ j„3t/efic't
<br />of Ha3.l County, State of l~ebraSl:a the following described premises situated
<br />in Ball County, and state of ~tebraska , to-wit:
<br />e north Half of the- P~ortheast Quarter (Pi~-AIE~} and the Southwest Quarter
<br />the Northeast Quarter (Stil~NE~} and the Northeast Quarter of the North-
<br />st Quarter fN~~~}, a.~l in Section l9, Township 10 North, Range 10,
<br />s~ of the 6th F.M., ext:luding a tract heretofore owned by School Bistrict
<br />6 in the nortYl®ast ct~rner of said premises -•- the premises hereby
<br />nveyed containing 35$.5 acres, more or less
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute tine in fee simple, including alt the rights of homestead and dower
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with atI the appurtenances thereunto belonging: vertu the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and Eo his, her or thew heirs end assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express-
<br />conditian that if the said mortgagor{s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or ass~b^'ns shall pay ar..e8tne~e to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their haws, executors, adnunsstratars or assigns, the principal sum of $ -~Q.,~.-~
<br />payable 88 fauaws, m wit; princippal payable in annual payments of $1t3, 000 each year,
<br />commencing March I, 19~i0 and with the unpaid vrincit;z3. balance ~I'~ng March
<br />1, 1995 then fully payable; interest at 8 per aD.111~ from-March 1, 2979-
<br />payable semi-annually ~o~imenc'~rlg September 1, 197? and an tale let clay of
<br />March 3.9$0 and the let day of September each year thereafter until-the fulll
<br />print:ipal balance has been paid ~
<br />with interest according to the tenor and effect ni the mortgagors written gmmissary note bearing even date with YhP9e presents
<br />and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said reaS estate, cad atl other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon thix. -
<br />mortgage ar the ;,ote'which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the bux7dings_on- -'.
<br />said prem•~ insured £~x~r~+tse3et~ tc~:s, if anp,. payable to the said ma;-tgagea, -then these- pr€-.--'- -
<br />to be void, otherwise to be aR~l remain is full force. - -
<br />IT IS FI.tIZTHER AGREED {1) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such Faxes or procure such *rc+~rff.~.s,, the
<br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest at elePr`EIl ~' -.
<br />cent, sha3I-be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shalt stand as security for the same: (2) That a_failure to pay any'
<br />of said Taney, either principal ar interest, when the same beeamea due, or a failure to con-iply with anp of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause the whale sum of money heroin secured to become due end collectible at once at -the option of the
<br />ffiartgagEC. ~~ y, "!7(~ _
<br />Signed Chas let day a{ March , jy~,~ ~/7 i
<br />In gres.>nce of ~ . ~~;xn ~ :'~ _° .°...°........_. ...
<br />r ~ana~, ~ ~"~~~~,, _.. i
<br />,f Jean Ann Sp eh
<br />f
<br />STATE OF ~~~;~ ................ . County of . ~~#1sI:.....................
<br />The foregoiftg instrument was acknowledged before me ~~~~. ~ ...........................19.7.9. .
<br />~~ },yRc2p,.t~ .I~,..Sp~.~~s ,c~ Jean Ann Spiehs, for the pur es therein set .fort
<br />~~
<br />~.
<br />~~ -o yv.: ...:~.:.c. .. fit' ...,....,f
<br />J11 C, W1Yl~ Signature of Person Taking Aekn 1 nt
<br />~6r~.t.tti~-atr.d»p r~tY?'ARY PiT~L3:G
<br />Title ...................... .....................
<br />u'
<br />1
<br />ai'n'1`Ir, QF ~ ..___ 1 Ent~r~l an n+~xdcal index -cud ftled #3r reecor~
<br />i
<br />Cosrsty _..--..._ ._......._...,._ .._ .:... .......... ~ ~ is the Register of Deeds OtSce of said t.ounty tho'
<br />:.......,..:_.day oE..,....._.......__........._.........._ ~ 39._.__:..., at........._-._...._...._..oclac} azMt....__....._ .............. minutes _......_._M.,
<br />tf I
<br />aathre~zdad,ia B°Ok----°----- ..,..._..:,_..._.df ...... :...:...:... ...._.....at gage.....:...»..._............_...-.----°-
<br />£ ..
<br />t~ ._....___........,...,.......--°--........._.._ ...........................Reg. of Deeds
<br />'~~. 4 - - _ - - _ _ - - By_....,.._...._..._.........,.._._ .................................................Deputy
<br />t
<br />--~-~-
<br />~±
<br />