<br /> ,~ :~
<br />21, Future Advances. Upon request o€ Borrower, Lender, at T ender's option, prior to release of this
<br />Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shaIi
<br />be aecuxed by this Mortgage when evidenceck by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby
<br />except -that the- interest rate on $he enure unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the extent
<br />pernsitied by law, may be ad~ueted as::the parties hereto may agree, At no-time shall the grsncipal amount
<br />of the indebtedness secured by tksis Mortgage, not including,sums advanced in'aecordance Herewith to pro-
<br />tect -tile-security cf .this Mortgage; exceed--.the v~iginal-amount' of the Nuts plus uS ~:::1:~...3~~.~?4.__....-...
<br />P2~C7itYi~F;I=i~ Ht7~t~, iktas grepaympnts of princilsst, as provided for In pkragraPH z2-that f©llows are
<br />return~:d tii Horcower- or:are made aki~vlute noi-=withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br />sums as permitted within this paraph. -
<br />22. ScviAgs;Fuad. Borrr3wer may make prepayments cf principak on any installment dpe date or
<br />immediately preceding-said. date to tie e#€ective on the due-date following. and prepayment shall be applied
<br />trr irtstallinents last to become due under this mortgage: -Upon request of the .undersigned-or either of
<br />tHein, provided a default does not exist and.they are the owners of the mortgaged property, the tender
<br />agrees to furnish to the-undersigned ~(kf3°fp of sych principal prepayments; anless advancement is prahr`bited
<br />by the regulations of chartering and. supervisory authorities then in effect. All aucH advancements shall be
<br />secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as if no prepayments Had been made.
<br />`' 23, Retease, Ugon payment. of sll some- secured- by tksis Mortgage, 7,ender shah discharge' this
<br />Mortgage, without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of .recordation, if any.
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<br />IH RriTxsas 'WHExEOS, tkte $orrower Has executed this gage.
<br />z Srorzu~ttE2¢~. .?r=ower ~
<br />~~3f'owneli -Harrower
<br />"" 82k kTes• iith Graud_Zs1andi I~abreska 6$df)i
<br />Property Address ...-.- - . _~~~.ff .....x. _.. .._. .
<br />STATE ©F NE$aA3KA ........ _... _.C.4'.~ j~ ..............._...//........COtYIIty Ss': - - .
<br />On this .._. , ../_ --_----- day of ......~.u..r~.!'1 .: _._.., 19.-Z..9.'., before nle, the. undersigned, a Notary
<br />'..' Pukllic in and for said County, personally came .._I.dxx:y..,I.°.-i3~o~ne~.1._-and--3udy.,7._Bxowmells~._.=__._:
<br />_ ~ -------huslzarui_.and..Jaifa, - - .... ............. .. . .........- -
<br />personalky known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to tha akrove and foregoing
<br />instrument, as mortgagors, and eacdl aeknowieflged skid instrument to be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />;; - Witness my hand and notarial seal at . r¢rt.._-~S/sz~~d,-.-If~L~., ...--:-. the date last aboye.written.
<br />My Comm-sslon expupr>: ~~~t~Mttr~3.8lstE3 --- __-.fir:*..~~~..~-.
<br />oar comF,t. rim. acs. +~. tes~ Notary Public
<br />STATE flF . _ . --- - •- ...-- ---- - -- -_.....
<br />~~-
<br />County ........-- --... - ...----- ----------_ ............. J
<br />Entered on numerical index mnd Aled for record- in the liegister of Reeds fliliee of said County the
<br />..._.--------...- day of ---------.___.....----.__....- -----. i9..-----, at ----------• --...- o'clock and -----------:.. minutes. -------~-..M:,
<br />and recorded in Book ----------------------.- of Mortgages at page .--.-.-:_.....--._., as Instrument No....._......_...._°--
<br />xieg: of 13eesls -
<br />`When recorded to be retttrtieti to fha ,
<br />Stree[ Rddr~u klellk+~ Mdrenv - - Phone- - '
<br />^ 135 Na, Cotner t31vd., Lincoln P.O. Box 5204, Lincotal; Ne: 6$565- -. - - --- 475.6521. - -
<br />2101 So, 42ntl St., Omaha P.O: Box 6273, 0m8tf~ die. 68196 554-Ftootf .
<br />- ". 131.1 West 2ndSt, Grand islan6 18i1 West 2nd St., Cisen6-'Islane;`t0e, 6$891 - - 384=4433 - -
<br />