;s_ . . . . . . . ; r f '%Xy�t "4v:r,
<br /> � �` • .t: � � _,_„� � .a _ _ _y.>.�:.ti.:-- '�' -.3.t.��..i:i � .
<br /> �II���
<br /> `� �{/��$ �,lY���� �st�s'`�.:y�;
<br />-.._,.' p'.`_.t`.°".��.
<br /> 1. PQ�. Bntm�r egreua w maRe a0pa ymm�ta on dee catiwsd dsbt wl�sn duo. UNoss ��var enO londar agroa oUtervrisa. er.d � r;
<br /> +�rna�ta l�ndet ree¢ivas from Lenotivc�r ar fot 6nrtowafe�eneftt wiN Ee epD,lind flrrt co any amoutna 8orrov�ar owo3 oa tha mo�r�e0 debt
<br /> t easxhrsisro o4 UYesast ar prineipai,sacond w i�sterest,sn�than to G��ai.tq per�a!prep6ymarn of 4ho saaurod debt occum hrr o�r�asor,i4 wID �` �:_,
<br /> ' not reQuca or exeuss any echadu'�d paymont untsl ihe set�red debt is paid in fuit. �;;,��
<br />,:.,;�.�
<br /> �' 2 C�drtcs Agrt�ynse Tf9f*.8arrower w7I ptV eN ta�ea,essessme+na.end other char�attribumbt9 Yo the pmPem!�n du�end�iil dett�td Eft�e '� .
<br />. de enses w�hlchaBorrae4irav m��have ag3�Inst Qeltl9i w;10 supD�'il laflar o�m�t�ria�o tm�Bve or mai4�ain dio p opa tlIIastgn eny�I[lhta,aluhrea a� `.r�::��,.,�
<br /> 8,tnssamtzo,�ocroxvat wiU keap the praperty frtewed under tarma accapteble to lertdar at Barrowafa e�aNto and far Lender's ba�le[it AU ,;='
<br /> � incurnaca qu�eles ahnif Eache�a a cmndard moRgxgs dausa In tavar o!Lender.Lendsr wili�a nomed as la.;�paya3 or ea ttw insured on any such , :F�,;
<br /> or$t�o��e�cur�ad��bt.i M I.ond���s muar gago�indsut�an�.�e earrowai a��m mair m,n�acfi��ncu�nr.�a 4ar as taop ea Len�x�r�i�II�+��mDefi► .. .,
<br /> =w:
<br /> -^'.:i 4.Pnt�s,�cry.Bot�owar vriil ksop tAe propartY in gaad condition and make aU repairs roesonabty nocessan/. '
<br /> 'ti
<br /> , f �`yr .:
<br /> • 6.Gr�ensea.Borroerer a�rees to Oay a0 Lertdsrs expenses,including reasonah!e atmmeys'faa�,ff Hotto�iar 6reaks arry couor�antu in this dead .�;-r•:-:
<br /> 4:��� of t�ust¢r tn any obligaLOn seaued by th�a dsed of uust.8orrower vr81 pay tl�aso amoums m►.flndet ea provkled in CovonanY 9 ag thl5 deod of ,,;"
<br />.. r Uu�:. N-%��, .
<br /> .t'.4{ tf..j?titu Ssa�ty�ntussta.Unless Borrower fust obtairts 4nndaa'e,vrtitten eonserrt,Borroti•rer wiSi nat make or pormit eiN chenIIo�ta any prwr 7�.��,.
<br /> ' .� �easrliy tnteresta. Bonowor wi1�Getform e11 6f L�arrotveYs ad�tt�ns urtdor anV Drior mott8gga,dao4 ot trust or othte ea�rttt+agreamerrt, �._y_�__
<br /> , . induding Barraever's cavar�arssts w make PalmtSerta u�ttsa due �.,,,j;:.,,
<br /> '�`��' 04 Rmb�nd�o&b.Barsawer as��s w►esr8c-r L�:e rerKS and Droftta of the property.L'Me�sliurmwer and Lsnder 1�pvn agre9d =•`•,�;;,,
<br /> �t�tt� r . LandtYa 'k.:��•�
<br /> `'�� �iftte��se in writlr�,Bonawer rr.�y co0sct and r�in Cse rFrda�long as Banower is not n dcfr�t tf�rttirnver defnuits. 1.endur, �
<br />,�;'�trt��: ag�t�or a cow2 appointed rsc��nay ffice�sassass:an ttsrt rrsRnaBe the praperty and C�11.�r.L�`ae ms:tLi.L4r{�rtta.lOtst6�s co!}o�ts shtiil6e '�''�-�,;
<br />` `°s'�� � rd�i�l.�'i�st to the eosts of m t�e propFirhl,tndue�c�urt costn and ettomeya'�S.a��s su rentr3 rt�O,and any other x,�r =;;
<br /> ��t�?'��,�� ��sy rnitresd ezpsnses.ii•.e��ing amcc�e2 aE rersta vari�tts�s+aPP�Y�P�ents on�s,sc�raal��s Ik�'o-i�.`Es3(n�enat�t 1.
<br />�,+t� �'
<br /> ;� s&.t:ius�do•�ndomid�ums:PJaixNd tt�3 i�Yst,��:Borrower agrec�c to compty with tAe Provista�s�'ar.ry tease fi ilt+s de3d o}truat is on ,`.s��r.;:
<br />` 6 ,e!�sehotd.I�shis deed ot trust(s an a c.,�fi�m�andom�nium or a p7ann�d aait davaiopmerrt, Bonovras�ooiU r�erform ait of Bonov�er's dutios ,,.
<br /> •;:v����� �rfar the covenants,bydaws,or regulatiars�ihe�ndominium w plannc�csntc Cavelopmsrtt. �' �«��-'
<br /> �p�,•��y a}����p�rtoc�i{cv gor:m�i2¢ �9orrp�ver fu7ss toyerfor.^:mnY of 8oaowe�s duties under tfiis daod�of Yrust, Lende►may ` �.�,
<br /> ; f �
<br /> : ,r p�t�srm tt►�duitsa or causo them ta be fierE�^s�td.Lender:ttaK dgn sarto+�ve�'n name or pay ar►V amaunt it aeeCU�r/for.perfomimee.if any
<br /> � consiruetiort on thepro perty is dtsconttnued ar�ca�ried oR tn a reasonahta sr,�mner,Lender mal►Qo vrhatevor is ncannscpy w protect t.en�defs �
<br />,;'.f c�'t. securiry Irttuast in the ptope►n+.Shis may Pndur�`a xnmptettng tltia consmructlon�. �•'. .
<br /> l f �a_�_-�.
<br />;_�;�,� Lertder's faltute to perform wili not prtctuda ltxso5�'hom enercisirtg arry af ite mi�sr rights undar tho law nr tbis deaA of ttust. --�.
<br /> r��� and w t1�6�ev in�terest from the dst�eao�f M PaYm M umi D idnrtu t at the irttere�st rate njeift+at on th������I be dua on dsmand y`.:j;:..
<br /> b-a
<br /> �` �` �p, p�fa�ft�nd AccdtKatlon,lf Barrower faita to make any payment when due or bsuoSt9 anp Qa�enantt►under ttiW�nd ot Vust or any ; .5cr.
<br /> .:.,r abGgatlon aecurai bY this dead ot Wttt a anY prior crcortpaQe or duad o}Vuat. Lander mp,Qaoetemtu the mawrib/nf•�i�D sewred debt and '.4;i f_.
<br /> ,' < Qemand tmmediate paYment ertd maY Urvo4e tRe powet o4 eale artd any other remedias permi�d A��opptfnnbtg tfiv __
<br /> �.�{ :� �-;,
<br /> 11.R�ut far tFutlra af�staWt It is hsreW taqu�ted that copies of thg noticoa of datau#and se{e bo sant Lrt each persan who iti o Oerry E,.___.
<br /> ..•�. u - -
<br /> , ' � hereto,et the address of eaeh such peraon,as eet fortn hareSn. ��:::
<br />_;,,;�;.`r;, ' • 41�-Oow�r aJ S�.it ihe len�es invokes the povrer of s�te, tlr�Ycuatae shall flrst recerrl ln.tho offtce of tha m�Yta,0�.ttc�ed.s o!earh wuniy =_.
<br /> • ,-,•.. +•rl.�erais►the uust proparty er�•r-�Part or patee}theraof lo t4s�suted a noUce of defautt eo . the intocmAtian.mqutl��'►f law.Tt�Trusua .��,
<br /> ;:r.<... teto.and m atl�ar pu�aaers a3 scriDed by ,
<br /> ,���f 's�rtall also maii wpiea of tho r.xtm ot 6efautt to the Bcrtower,to each panon who lu t�pvr�V
<br />;:n;• 6 j appUCeWe(8W.Not tesa than cr.:8 rnontA after the Trustae recards the noUCa of dafau t��s�lc�wwo morrtho if,tltH ttucZ{YapeRV nat in cny �,-.;-
<br /> 0
<br /> i�.=S'c �. tncoryorated dty or vlllpgo end ts used in farming operaUons cartied on by the vustor,t?re�iuflma shaU give pubLp ncrrlco of eale t�the perrona
<br />`'t�x and in the mannx prescri6sd by apapiica6le t�a.Ttustea,withoui domand on Bottower.sfisG�aall t?to pfnpert�at,puDl'c auctlon to the highest _�
<br /> ``°�°'"�� � bidder.f4 nqukad by the F�m Homestead Ph�atlan AaL Truatee sha11 offior the prope r t y in osn GePerar�a�7bq ua mqulred bY applicaiole law. __
<br /> ,=�t�� Tn�stae m aV PostAo n e e�t e o f e 0 a r a m/O a r�k a f t h e M o A e rt V ti Y D�ll o a n n a n n c e m e n t a t th�.ol,r.n an�p tn�of�an�1•proviausty sehaduiid 6iie. c_::°-�
<br /> :Y,{�.
<br /> Lendar or iU drtiQnee rtuy p��ae tho D�D8�1f��Y aela. `f�`
<br /> J f.��.'�r:
<br /> '� '' Upan roceipf o�f psymerrt of tho pr(ce Etd,Trustae shail deliver to the purehaser TrusWa'a dcu@ cxmresYlng tho pmp rt1l.'f�io recitlah corttained In :�.�.-.-
<br />����?.: TrutON's dee0 shall De prima hcis evidienca of tt�e truth of the stainments coMained thnrein.�Tiw^tea atta9 app{Ki�o placeeQ6 of hq cala ip the
<br />-;J,,s�;�: folbwkq orQs�: (a1 to e�7 expenses of the r.ara. including, but not flml!od to, roaaonab39 Teustosi'g 9naa,.taa�a�uhto attomoyfa fsea end
<br /> s���q{; rok�te�m fsaa:lb1 to ail euma sacur�d�Rhrs 48ed af trw^t,and(c)tha balanee,N arry.to the pamanF lE�gaSH<ratt od•to rscetve k. �•� ���•
<br /> .'` " 1 8,W w c f a u¢�,At Landar's opUan,tNn dneQ d zvst may be fareciosed tn tha manner provide by appUC++G�tir hnwtm�tNUCtosuro af martpapoa ��
<br /> �:;. on roe1 proAestY• �.;,=:.
<br /> 1�,�n Lendm may enur tAe prapertY to inspect it it l.endar gtves Bortower notica botmohand.'n�o na�lae�m�s#stam tho reasonaDte o��r�-
<br /> ; ' caua for Lenoer'a inspectian.
<br />�`-'-�""�v= 1�.Condw�rM6an.Bortower esdpnm to Lendm sheproeeeda of any award or ctn(m tar dam�gas cvnnr.att���wtth�canQemnaUon ar atAer taking =-
<br /> _ - _ `.��a�pari ort}ths property.5uct��ar�ep�s wil!bo epplled an provided(n Covonart 1.Tb;3 a�.�mmrt�fu subject to the terma of eny prbr =___.
<br /> . .,�� �� t�.W�twr.Bll e�cercisinp eny r¢r..ed1l a.rt!tabla to Lender.Lander daes not pfve up any ri�rta to lateruas anv othar reme6y.BN not exarcisir►y =-.
<br /> any ramedy upon Barrowera detsutL�enCer does not wahre any ripht to tater consider tae event a dofault It tt happens apatn.
<br /> . 17.Jotnt�nQ Sawrnf . Co�crv�aicu�sars ind As�ns Baw�d.AII QuUee under thls daed of bust ars joint ub sa�ra6 Any __
<br /> . gorrewpr who eo-s}pna thts dead of vu�:��D� Qoes not casi�tho underlWn�deDt I�uur.��ntlst:dans so onty to pretet and cont�s,lt tAat .__—
<br /> Borroviora intar¢st in fP:o prcporty to the'.':��e undar the terms of this doed o truat.in edditlon,a�ct1 a Banower aQitee9 that tho C8tsc5Dr�nd
<br />'`-°;��;';, rny ot�*.ar Borrovrer undar thio daed of tr.xss+nrny extend,madiflr or maks amr athar ehan&es in thg tarmo of Uila Qoed af trust ot trio s8c�ed
<br /> , cAc(c:wiUwua that Borcovro�s o�nsent and w.�ut roteasinp that Borrower from t4�o urmo of this Qoed oi wnt. �'_' '
<br /> ihe dutiaa and benefrts of 3S�i�dfau3 d3 tvst shafl bfnd anC 6amotit the successors and asa'gne o?Lendar and Borcowar.
<br /> �''��"� ta.NeNe�.Uniets otherwiae�eauirsct Gy�au+,any natlae to Borrower sMil be piven by deiivering it or�yr r.+r�itinp it Ey eertifted mail aQdreased to
<br /> i�:�,�r:'.�;•
<br />• t„�,. . 8ortow�r at ths prop�rtY+ddr�u cr ar'J cttvm address that Bortow�sr has ptKen to Lendw.Bortowei a�n!pnra any nodce to Lendo by att3fi�d
<br /> ���;�;` '� mai!to l.�ndw�adQp�s on paQo 1 :��•�x C'rm='��f vuaL a to eny other�ddress wt�ich laneor haa dask�caa�.Any other noUce to�ender shatt _
<br /> . be ani to I.�ndeYa addresa aa at�s�an Ca�c�a!thla Qeed of truat. �,�
<br /> i•.-.
<br /> Any no3lca etUD he dpemad w R�u:m Lasn�rron tu Barrawe��r Lender when piven in the mc�nner rt.atas�Ino ia. �;�,.,:
<br /> i�,_:�,
<br /> � 18.TwrufM of tlte Prap�Cy cr���iK���+ow�r.tT all o�eny part of tRo rp.�rpmtirtI ctr em/interoat in it is so(d or tratuterr�A jj�r,-
<br /> ;�i�l�� wiUwut lenQar'e priar vuritmn to�sa�.GouGtm may dnuuncs a^madiate paymerrt of the�os+rnadl.E�:�landor may alro domand immedirta ,�.:._:
<br /> •,pj��5; . Qaymerr2 it 8to BotrCwet(s not a�ahust�;er�e+-�a and a L�xncQi,iai inUUa�t in tho Borrov�er ia s7Kt a•s�eneferted.Hawever, l�ndec m:T,►not r`,•;
<br /> f����+; �; Qomond paymont fn tt:o abovo aidru5or,aif ixira�Cr�hibitad���t o frra;�eur�mC Zho Qatn of this CQa9 cP Qs�
<br /> r rUtnr ohli�lon to mako arSub.*�Ces ..� .#.2
<br /> 2@.Rseonuoyrw�ee.Whon r,�o ahiSpadon aecured bY dtis G��rf�.x:'r.�s t�een pnid and 4.9n�e*'��,eio,;: ' !„�':�
<br /> undar ttt0 tnctrt:mo�a or wename secwed 0y this QaeB���'t^��cL tho Tructao she;��v+�ur�tcma re';�;�ast by tRo�rin�ev,racomrey the trust ,�?1_'.
<br /> prapa1CV•Tko lendar uhdl�wes to tho Bonowm,or Eo L'�ta�x+���e succossor in irstoro:L+:mm mvm�'and tho natrr�ar oYhm evtdence of the 1�:'
<br /> � oLlYjrnion eo oatfctiad.Eonecr:ac afiatl Doy anq roeordation cocw. _
<br /> :;4rtil,r•? p y �......
<br /> ;it;�e;}::.' s���pn ptfit�atoe es roQuired by app�cx5ls law�endethen b�y�f'�tingnthe suebndtituilon c4 Lvstee for�rqa^�in tl�o offlco of�the regis er of deeda —
<br /> �'�� of aach county In which tho vust propcny,or somo part thereof,ts sttuatod.The successar truttee,vu!iT�aut comayanes of tho property►,ahall
<br /> , sueeeed to aU the power,dutlea,authority nnd titio oi the Trustee named in tho deed of tsuci and of any suceassor trustoo. r'"";�
<br /> A---
<br />_ �',:- .
<br /> ' (DSg!?el?J i__�
<br /> e�wc�es srsrEUS.wc..sr.eLaw,ea+sesm n�ow��•�asn Fo�:+ocav.rrw,2 enaA� �`
<br />' _ G�'�'
<br /> � �����
<br /> , „
<br /> ,,_.. . .. .. .. ...,. . ,.. .. .. . . . .,. • . ��.
<br /> ,, ,.. .. . . . . .. , :
<br /> , . .... . , _ ,� ,
<br /> . ..._ . _ ._ ..
<br /> ,
<br /> ;� . .� � .o, � • • . . ..: , .°, , . .
<br /> , !1;,.i.:.� . .. +.�.�. .. . _ - _ . • . �-� , ... . -. � � �. - ', . ' �. . , . . . -
<br />