<br />
<br />'"~~'~~'~'i`GR~u is ° ~s ; :.. , .....:28t1? :.. , :.. ..:.. dAy 2€ :.... Feb, ru~[y ::........ . . . . .
<br />i8;~,.,betwaamttheitF[ot~tgegor; %rAVID..K...OSB{}f~^i,~ttttttarcieG.AND.TERES.A.L.,l~9ALOY,.zirsnarrie.d
<br />.......:....:.. . ........ _-: _..:. _.. , .-: , . {herein= "Borr+cwer"4: and the MnrtRaBee,. Home Federal
<br />Savingta and Loea Aasociatiort, a.exit'poi~ation organized and existing undue the laws of 'Phe Utsitec! States of
<br />i+.tnerica; whose address is 22i South f,rsatast St=aaet, 4iratvd Isiaad, Nebraska {hereut "Lendei "y.
<br />WtsEtei<~s, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the prineipa[ sum o€..Ti!l~~.n. SEVEN, THOUSljryQ,TEi,R~~ ,yt~VDI~D
<br />Ft_3-f'Y,AND- ~f01lOf~----------- ---------.f:.e.
<br />...... . ......27~llars, which indebtedness ~ evidenced by Borrower'£ Hate
<br />dated.... Fgbruary ,28,. # 979. : _ {herein "Note"}, Providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with -the balms ~ a€ tha indebtedness, if :tot saaner paid, elate- and payable on..... March _ I,, 2QOfl
<br />'Ts~ SectJnig to bender {a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereitn, tl~e
<br />paytnent of sit other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accardance herewith to protect the security o£ this
<br />Mortgage, and the perfotmanx o€ the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and {b} tlic repaytnettt
<br />of any €utare advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein-
<br />"Pttture:Advaaces"}, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn~ property
<br />located in tl~ County of.......' HALL . . . . . . . ...... ......., State of Nebraska: '.
<br />auhutthastheaddre~of.... .......~FU.'~'est.,iQitn, ........,. ,,,,~t'pitd.I.Si.S4ti:;.
<br />- _ . - - t~araaal - fcityt - -
<br />Neb rasRa.. _ .._6880! ..... {herein "PmpertyAddnsg„},
<br />. , . ~ ~ (State and 2tp Qodei] - - - ~ -'
<br />~FOG£TiiER with ag ihe_i~prttveme:tts stow ctr hereafter ected on t$e property, mtd all,-casementsr rights,
<br />appurtenances, rents, royaitir's; inistcrsl, oi! and gas {tghts and pmts, water, water rig3tts, anti water stock, "arrd all
<br />fixtures nc~ or herea`ter attached to the nr®petty, ail:sf which;"including r~-plat`etnettts and additions thereto, shad 6e
<br />fleemed to be and rcatain s pelt of the propery covered oy this Ivivr gacc ;and alt of slat forzgoing, tngs.iheC wiih3aisi
<br />property {or the leaseltetld estate if this hortgage is on a Icasehold} are herein refered to as the "Property".
<br />Borrower ,~venants that Borrower is !awfu4y seixd of the estate hereby evnveyed and has rho right to mortgage,
<br />gta~tt and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbared, ~rl that linrower will warrant- and defend
<br />gettaraliy ttae title to the Property against all clam»s and demands, suhyict to ;}ny ~ laratians; easemettis or restrictions
<br />listed in a scbedu[e n!` excopuans tv coverage in any ftt{e in3laretiCOpoliey-insuring Lest<ler's intatest in the Property.
<br />{~~~-l to 4 taotilY--fiJ75-iNfMt#ktMg lFi tltSiRl~Mi
<br />