I ~E~~ ~STAjE,_MQRTfi~~7.E .. _....__.__... _. -.._-_.__ _FO RM, FLB_.2D8 (RQyV._i~.l]~.
<br />79-- ~:tt1~49
<br />i
<br />! James L}, Riley and
<br />S. Riley, Husband and wife
<br />rate February 27, 1979 i
<br />[^artgagflr3,
<br />of_ - Hall _ ~ay,ty• Nebraska in consldzration o2 _~
<br />the advance of thz principal sum recited In the note hereinafter desarib?d, receiptaf which is ac'uiawledged, hereby
<br />rcrtgage and convey to {
<br />THE FEI}Eiti1L LdND 8ANK OF Qi•1ANA, a Corporation,
<br />of i3meha, Daugias Coun#y, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit 9uiiding, Qmaha, Nebraska 68104,
<br />~. -Lgag?2 +anb,i act t- a 1 gas, and mineral ^ights owned *`° t.~-.^risc Ct;Rcr rrun rv+;nrrgngOrs• axSSGing aacemnnt.g of ~
<br />record; reservations in Uni Led States and State gatenLS; andVthe rights df the public in ail highways), the following-
<br />d=scribed tea: estate in Hall couttty> Nebraska
<br />s
<br />SEC. TMP. R8.
<br />SE'~SE1G------------------- ------- - 9 9N
<br />NEy (except 0.29 acres, more or less, conveyed to County of
<br />Hall, State of Nebraska by Deed recorded in &ook 87,
<br />Page 520) --- -- --------- 28 lON
<br />All in------------------------------ 12 W6thP.M. ~
<br />cart=lning I99. 71 - acre:, o less, together with ail 1' the ri,'~it, title, and interest
<br />rnow owned or:iereafter acquired? et the " -tgag;.rs tit, cpartY, `lading a1 ~dings, +mprevemzn,.a, Sixtures,
<br />- r spper..z,.a`rces tr,etean u_ ' '*=r •~riT'+^r a - r.a_+nacc rset,rs. rte tenements.. t
<br />iteredt Laments and appurtenaneesV t`ereto ar~d th e~rents, a?s pis, anG prcfi is risSng from maid ianc+s; and fi'
<br />t?te Mortgagars~ rights in the public domain are requlr?d~by !;or*~gee Icr secarity pu.~-poses) ail leases, pzrfiiCS, !
<br />1lcenses, urprlvs loges, apgurtenant or rcnappurteaant td s^'d moresgaged premises ^.nw or r.?res, ter isilaed, ?x*cnded, 4
<br />or renewed tc tnz riortgagars by the united ,:.etas cr L?te s.A to Sn which the abc vz-described p^eperty 1., lO~t.. _.: or
<br />a,'G department, bureau, .,r ag?nay thcrso*. _« ' - _
<br />':3tis Tertvsge is given tc secure apre-missors ante of ?vz^ date !ierecel'h executed Sy ricrtga;ars *_a Mertpag?e, in
<br />the prtnclpA? sum of THREE HUNDRED FORTY THOIISAND AND NOJ100 - - - - - - - - - - - gayypgS,
<br />pay ahlz w±th Srterest accardln?~ to the terms et said P,at2, thz ilnal paymz?tt being ~dae and payable en the first day
<br />at March, 1999 rt_is aanveyance sY:ali be void upon she payment at said prosiissary ^atz.
<br />This mortgage Ss sub,]ect to the previsions of THE yAE3.N CAEDT2 ACt and all sets z.^iendatary thersef ar sugpl?mental §[i
<br />thereto. the prarszds of the lean secured hereby will he used for the purpos?s speclf±?d In the Martgagors+ agpll- a
<br />catlcn for said lo5n and authorized by said eiet. _ i(
<br />t.? t~rtga3ors, and each o2 Ehzm, hzrzby warren t?iat they are fez cwrers cf .h,_mcrtgaged real ^rcperty: tSat they 9
<br />~+ill def?nd the GStle against all claimants whomsaevzr, and that said praFerty is Eras tram all encumbrances: Lhat t
<br />they will kszp all the imprav?manta, 'fixtures, and appurtenances ocaupl2d anC Sa good repair and permit na acts of
<br />west?; and they will relinquish all rights of hamesteay fn-said premises,and covznant and agree with the t~rtgagse, -~
<br />_ _.~ Scliaws: - - -
<br />,ij That they will pay when due all taxes, liens, ,)udgments, or assessmar_ts which may be lawfully assessed against
<br />t*.° „^•: op°rtY herein martgagc3. - 111
<br />Set TtiaL they w1i1 insure and xaep insur?d buildings or ether improvements now as ar which map hereafter be placed
<br />an-said-prea;lsas Lo-the sst`,s2actlon-of the tier*,gagee, suchlasurance policy shall be andarsad 're16h a-mortgage clause
<br />with tna lass thsrAandsr tp be payable to the tiartgagee. Atly sums received may be used to pay far rzconstrvatian-
<br />^f Lhe destrayad in>rrovet~nts: or, if not sa applied, may;_at the option of the ilorLgage?, be applied in payment-of---
<br />any.indebLzdness, taatured or-u ,matured, secured by this mgrtgage. _
<br />;3) is Day all rents, fees, ar ehar3zs new due or to become due-under thz tares of zach 2zs5e, permiC, Ilcehs2, or
<br />privlisg~t on the Dublic datts+.in whfah is appurtenant or nonapyurtenattt 'o tats martgaged preials?s, which teas bean
<br />i~zedf eXteuded, ar reiiPwerl by Lhe iRil^ed States or Liie state fir. which the abgva-described c±raperLq is.lnestsdl aatd
<br />La perfarm and oassrva every act, cov?nant, candltlar and gt p-alation necessary Lo keep each of the same -1n good
<br />st~tsdlts8: and Gb tekE zveZ^f necessary step Sa secrg•a the reissue renewal, or extension ^f zach at the same: and to
<br />n3,41gn. waive;-Fledge;- ar andarss to ttzs-ttarLgagEes=aac'i lease psrmL, license, ar privilege if tta_tgagors+ rights
<br />ii iic amain era rsfluirsd ey tlartgagaa-far sec+rr2ty purpoaas.
<br />(rt -7+tat in the avant the *tartgagea Ss a=-La. y to 3ry +tiy%tL+qit 3ffact}ng ttae securi-Ly dr the 12en at its Bart-
<br />gage,. Sne7.uding any-su1L t>3t th$ tfiu'tgagsat~ oreriesP ch c ~wrtgatka ar any sulG~in which Lhe Y,ortgagee may fie named
<br />' p~r'j defendant .n which .C 18 obligated Ca trots t is rights or lien, including.~candzemaGian slid baninvpUCy
<br />;,. rceedta~,s, the ["crtgagea may TnCtF' even: _:, s;~ advance payment tar afisEraaLfees,. attorpey fees- (except to the
<br />',, ~ e,' hi'~1* Oy 19w ro ts, ~+ ^~se~, ts_n=3 =_~ther charges -_-_ -- _ _
<br />- ~ 3 ;e e!ent .r, He gra*. s Fail. t,o say w1;et: due s:,/ 3-tes,. '1 t~s, ltidgmerits, or a4sessments, ar fail to
<br />~ ma .sin n ,.tense as 1}ereinpef_ore gr v?dad, ar rail to pay tarts £ee or charges ;finder efts terms of-any lease,
<br />Fe-tt1~ ~,ena" ~r privilege, ;ar *TartRatyee S 'eqn fired to Svc it xpersee far a¢sTrab4-fees-, attar hey fees, cost.S,
<br />f ArF tl~e _nd Othe^ Cilaf'@,e'+ in C¢na•3nt1Dn~-with L~ tigatlnr,, !tort gageC may ~paktl 3lleit gayment or prOV fide aGCh SnS'aranae,
<br />car ln;,,.t each ah;.lga:tl4irt, and Lyle amaunts',Faid thtrefcr ahall become ~• part o2 Ghe 1nCsbtednass ssc~mzd hereby due
<br />i »nd pay3ifle-ia'medlataly; and sriall beat-liiterasi f,~Wr tut.dat8a:.payrient.at-the same rare as provided tnr default
<br />~ in the hate,
<br />) -
<br />i ~
<br />i,_ _ _ E
<br />