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i <br />yg_ uv1U97 <br />AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE <br />THIS AGREEMENT entered info this ~_day of _, <br />1479 between CLAYTON C. MEYER and NANCY J. MEYER, each in his <br />and her own right and as the spouse of each other and still as <br />point tenants hereunder, SELLERS, and GERALD J. STUDNICKA and <br />S(!ELI,EN STi1DNICKA, 33 io; nt tenants, BUYERS. <br />Sellers have this day sold and agreed to convey to Buyers <br />and Buyers have agreed to purchase the following described <br />real estate: <br />All those parts of Lots One (1) and Two (2) on Lhe <br />Mainland lying North of a line which is Nine <br />Hundred Eishty Two feet (982') North of and <br />parallel to tits East-West One Half (112) aectlon <br />line of Section Twelve (12), Township Nine (9) <br />North, Range Eleven (11), Wsat of the 6th P.N., <br />containing Twenty-Eight (28) acres, sore or <br />less, and all that part of Lot Two (2) on the <br />l4inland lying West of the North-South One Half <br />(1/2) section line of Section Twelve (12), Tovn- <br />ship Nine (9) North, Range Eleven (I1), West <br />of the 6th P.M., containing Ten (10) acres, <br />more or. less, all in Hall County, Nebraska; plat attached] <br />for which the Buvers a,~ree to pay the swu of rt fcy-Two Th~~~~eand <br />Six Hut~red Fif[y G ctct/lOO -•-----{:SZ,6SO.OO}----- Dollars <br />payabls as follows: <br />LZ1,000.00 upon sxeeutlon of this Agreement; <br />~9,65i~.t~ on 1(arch 1, 1'79, Settiestent mate; a~ <br />i'he $alence =€ fri?,Of10.0O, with interest at 9 3J~4 <br />per annum cos~auted from March i, 1974 anti <br />such balancs payable as follows: <br />September i, 1480 i6,58S.02, including interest; <br />5eptextber 1, 1981 :4,538.52, including interest; t~• <br />And a like aasount of =4,538.52 on the first day P <br />of September of each year thereafter, +~ <br />including Septen~er 1. 1991; which ~'1, '~~ # <br />amountr+ include interest; and ~ <br />Any unpaid b~tiance is due and payable in full ?~ <br />on September 1, 1992, plus incerest,~a~..J K.aay~•~.~+•~ <br />^,11 pAymwnt~ Arc- pAynhie to Sell~rr at 1015 East Phoentx Street, <br />Crand Island, Nebraska 68801, ur such oth~ar place as hersafter <br />designated, in writin,;, by the Sellars. If the Buyers ace <br />dalingtient in any pays-ent, the delinquent paywent <br />shall bear interest at l~xper annaas frost the tisie of such <br />default in paystar-t until such default is reeiedied. It !a agreed <br />that the sayers easy prepay upets tM unpaid principal balance <br />