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~~- ~ ~; i 1()«7 <br />Lle.itFOasv Covv.t+nW-rs. Bs~nower and Ixnder covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payasest of Priecipai sad latest. lfarrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtednep evidenced by the Nde, prtpaysnent and late chargrs as provided m the Nae. and the prtnctpa! of and interest <br />on spy Future Advances secured by flits Montage. <br />2. 1Raais for Tara wd taaaraaaY. Sltbjat to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lertds oo the day monthly ireuallmen4 0[ principal sett interest are paytbk under the Note, until the Note is paid in lull, <br />a sew (herein "Futsrk") equal to one-iwdtth of the yesiy taxes and arxser^-rats whicfi may attain priority ov_r this <br />Mortgage, asd ground ren4 on the Property, it aoy, plus onrtwel(th of yearly prcmittm isutallrrtertb t« hoard irnuraoct, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inatallmasb Eor mortga_ae inwrance, :f any, aU as rentonabty estimated initially std [ran <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of asseamena and htlk and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Frmds shall be !told in an institution the deposits or accouoa o[ which are incurred or gwradeed by • Federal « <br />s4te agertcy f including Lender if Lender is such an irstitution 1. Lender shat! _pply the Funds to pay said taxes, apasmeots, <br />inartraoce pnmiunu and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so hoWiog and applying the Funds, analyzing aid account, <br />«verifyiag and compiling said apessments and bilk, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds sad applicable law <br />permib Leader to make such a ~:harge. Borrower and (.coder may rgree in writing at the time of eaavtion of this <br />Mortpge that interest on the Funds shall be pad to Borrower. and tsalas such apeentent u made or applicable Iwr <br />ngttites ttta:h intercu to be paid, Leader shall not be regwred to pay Borrower any interest or earaio;e on tlss Funds. Leader <br />shall pve to Borrower, without charge, an anew! accounting of the Funds showing ctedib and debib to the Funds end the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Fulda was mark. The Funds are pitrdged p addttiooal sactoity Ex the strnu securod <br />by this Mortgage. <br />It the amount of the Fttnde Geld by lenrkr, together with the future ttwniMy trntallmutts of Funds payable prior to <br />the due data o[ to:es, assessmeo4, iawrance premiums and ground rarb, shall exceed the aatourtt regtriroa to pay said taxes, <br />asassssanb, isssuraoce pretnittms and ground renu u they tali due, such excw shall be, rt Borrower's opwn, either <br />pcospdy ropaid to Borrower « credited to Borrower on rttonthty imtdhnertb of Foods. It the amotsest of the Fusels <br />httW by Lander shall ltd be atdikimt to pay taxes, aaaanena, istsurancc premiums and pound rend a dssy fall du0. <br />8orrvwar s6aB pay to Lander aoy amount s>acapary to make up the ddkiertcy within 30 dari from the d•s stotice is rtwlad <br />bf l..aaldar b Borrows nVt+Mt+ni PaYmem t6areof. <br />Upon payssot in full of aU twins secured by thu Mongage, L.eodsr ahaB promptly rcftud to B«tower any Pwb <br />held by [.eudar. I[ ands paragaph IB 6eraof the Property u sold « the Property u o~srwta acquired by Deader. L.aadsr <br />nWl apply. oo loot than immediately prior to the sale d the Property « ns aogtrsinan by !.alder, aoy Ftteds haM by <br />Ltttader u the dine of appHweioo a a credit spinet the strm ssetrad by thta Mortgage <br />~. ApgreaYaa r Ptt/maatta Unfas applicable law provides dherwne, aN paymerus recavad by Lends tsadar tits <br />Nola sad panpapis 1 oral ~ htuaof tthaB be applied by [.coder ieu in paytaatt of amounU payable w Easels by Barcsrws <br />tutelar ptsrrtgraph 2 !leant, tltaa b ieteraat payable oo the Nde, then to the principal of the Ndt, amt rhea to interact asd <br />principal oa any Futtae Advaeoa. <br />4. CYagsp IJan, Borrower shag pay aB lasers. assarrneob aed dher charges. Dana sad impoaiti«a attriMtahM m <br />rho hopaety which aY again a priority over the Mortgage, sad kasshv~ld payments « gsnuad mats, it aay,r tie ttsarnar <br />providd seder pratapb 2 hereof or, if not pad a retch rttanner, by Borrower taatieg payasant, what lira, deraotly b tits <br />WY'M Borrower shall promptly ttQaiab to Lands all ndwcs of amosaHs due uads this patapaph, trod is tits swat <br />Bsrtvtsar shag sate payaasx directly, Borrower shall promptly fusaktA to t.sade• reaipb erideaong sleek pnrsrtaass. <br />Bortower shatl peo~dy ttischarge say lien which ha prtotity over this Mottgage: provided. that Borrower sAaB not be <br />taquind to diacbarpe say such tkn so beg as Borrower shall agme in wnttng w the pay»aant u( the obligation secured by <br />sorb lien itc • relapse aaeptahle to Lender. « shall in good faith car~test such lien by. or defend enforcemsat of such lino io. <br />Itpl prtsceedtogs which operate w prevent the enforoesrtent of the Iten « [otfetturc of the Property or any part dtenof. <br />S. liaaard Msaerace. Bortower shall tarp the tsnprovemtnts now exkung or hereafter anted oe the Property levered <br />against lop by An, harards imludtd within the arm "exteteded coverage". and such dher Aazarda as Leader may ralutrc <br />sad m such amarna and for such periods u Lender may require; provided, that Lender shall not requtrc that the amauat d <br />srrdr coverage exoaad that saornvt M caverag~ regwrtA w pay the vents serutad by thu Mortgage <br />The iasuraace carrier provid&ng the iowraoa shah be eheaea by Borrower subject w approval by Leader: prmtdad. <br />that such approval shag reel lx tsnreasonabty withheld. All premrtxsn txt traurartcrr goiters sMll De pad cn the realms <br />provided uadu paragraph 2 ttereot «, if not pad m utclt maaster, by Barrows roattog payment, whin dtse, dssectdy to the <br />iawr~ Barris <br />AJ[ ksatrastct p aoa rtxxwtds tlterwf tdsalf bs sn torte acceplaMr so Lerdcr and she!! :ncttuie a vtan3ssd ::sastgage <br />closes m tav« d and m farm acrxFtattle w Leodu. Letxirr snarl nave the rynt rc: tt.Nd tree pwscea amt rcnewaiv tneraot, <br />sad Bnrsavzs stall psaasp:.;~ hasish m Laoda sl! rso.~w:.' mx:~-os a,:d a!I :~s~s o} paxt Mrea::.:sns In t!x evsm o! leas. <br />Bortowu shall give pmmpt twtice to the tosuratut canter and lender Lender tttay make prtxrf ctt lop tf rnx made prrxnptly <br />bY' . <br />Udsss Lends and B«rowar othet'wtsc agar in wriuttg, inaursnct prvxaeds Malt bs applied w r. :uratisw car npau d <br />the Property damaged. provided wch testotawn or repot a ecorsort-r ally teaubk and the secure. of rhea Morgsgs to <br />not thsaby imparrad. If such raut«arrun « npatr u rwt e~rommrcrlly luartek car tt the sesunty d thrs Mottgagt wewld <br />be tttopatrpl, the mwnaee ptosweds shall be applied to the auem second M' tlw Mortgage. with the exsxp, it any. pad <br />to Borrower. If the Property a abardoneal by &vrowec, or tt Borrcrwar lath to rmpumt to l trader wtthtn 3U days from the <br />date noses a marled by Leads w Bcxruwer that the trouran.t earner uflen ro uvtte a elatm for ttesurtta~e traoellts, Lender <br />b aathorizeed to cosset and apply tie tnwraru-c prooeesb at t crtder's csgton other w rastaratson or rapau d the Property <br />« M the attars second 6y thu Mortgage. <br />Uolw tender and Burrower utherwtrt agree .n wrung. any a+.'h applrvatton „! prrr'oads w prtncepal vhrll twt esterd <br />nr po+tp~one the due data of tree trtunth'y twtalirrrcnts refer led to to puagraphs i text herarl or .dangc the rmourN .rt <br />such tnsWlmants. If unLr paragaph I a herart the Prupsm w av.;uuuvi by lender rll right tttk and tntercvt of dlvura+wcr <br />m red to any' imuranrc pohctes red m and h, nc~ prewceds thereat resulting from damage to the Pn*prrtv prn,r h. the vale <br />err swgwutiun shall pas to LeeKler tr. the estent cat nc~ suave ve.:ura: hr thrv Nortgagc immadtatclr txn,r rt. vuch uk :>. <br />angtrisitirm. <br />d. Na/isaia tell Maislsaaaa a/ hapsstYt LaaasialdN Casgandalnrart Kassel llalc Oavalagt~stsss. Bortotvar <br />lira! loop tits Ptoprty a good repair and statl ctrl cosmic waver car push imparrmsat « dassdosatioa of tie lroparty <br />and shall Ctxnrt!y vrkh the ~ of arty lease et the- Mttrtgsgc M ern a ksaeneid If then Meregage n cut a unit sA n <br />candrrmiosum or a pkoned tutu devedopreeat. Bnrewes seal! peef~+rtn alt of Bormwer's oFlegattnra under the de.larNmn <br />« GO'Yalaaa CKaGag « grwsntng tip catdotemtum or plannM unn gevetopmant, the ray-Nw arW segutatorss of the <br />eeadortsisitMO « p[aoead unit rtMdopaMd, tad ccsmtituent dtx:tunents. l(a condaninium « pknned unu dtvelopsetartt <br />rider u nacWed by Bortows and rtttoosdad tugalssr wuh this Murtgaga, the wvetuura sort ag.ramanb of such ndtr <br />aWl 6a iatsorparadad loan and siaB aasatd and cupplamaat tdr covesast-, sad apaataetw a( the Mortgge n rt she ride <br />was a pus litres[. <br />1. Psalae/ars a[ tattatiafa iresrily. It Bunuwar tails to pu[urm the vxrvaeauia and agteaassata vwetaured to th+s <br />a it arty sells « prowadiag u coameotrc! which materially aQeca Lersder's trturea le the P*upeny. <br />Y~ but not iimitad to, amiattat dc.aairt. insolvency, cods eaforarnserst, « arrangesenb w prctcasdinp revolving ^ <br />bantrtrpt «dxadttot, then [.Bader a t.aodar's option. upon rtdtzw to Borrower. may mats sw'lt appurartcea. drvhurx vw-h <br />twins sled take suck action a a aacaa+vy to prdect Lender's tntereat, rncltxtiag, but nd limtred tn, dnburumsm of <br />twraonable utoraay's [eras sad mtry tyen the Property to males ttapaint. If 1. Jet regtnrcd mortgage tnsurancc rs a <br />conditloo of soaking tie loan sectrrad by tits Mom, Borrower sMtl pay the premiums regwral w matntatn leech <br />tasurama In eQact cell! welt time as t}se rsgttirataaat f« wch ittwrantt terminates rn accordarxe with Borer+wcr'. and <br />