<br />I,JNIPO0.M COVENAf.'Ta. Borrower and (.ender covenant and egret as toflows.-
<br />I. raytsert of Priocipt and latet'eM. Borrows shall promptly pay when due tLt principal of and rntereat on the
<br />indebtedness estdertced by the Note, prepayment and fate charges as provided to the Note, and [he pnncrpa~ of and rnterat
<br />txi say Ptrture Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Reads ter Tun ari lanranee. Subject to applicable law or to a writtev waiver by [.ender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lends on the day ttwnthly imtallttxnts of principal and interat arc payable under the Nott, anti! the Note is paid m full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds'? slue! to one-twelfth of tlx yearly taxes and auessmcnts whtch tray attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, sad grtxmd icon on the Property, if any, plus otro-twelhh of yearly pxmium itWallments f« hoard inwrance.
<br />plus one-ttveltth of Yearly premium instaflttunn for morlgtge rnwrartee, if any, alt u rsrntonaMy estimated initially and from
<br />time to tune by Lender on the buffs of aaseasmenta and bilb and rtasortabk estimates thsteof.
<br />The Funds shall be heW in an institution the deposits o: acctwnU of which are iraured or guaranteed by a Federal «
<br />state agency (ittc)tsding lender if Lender a such an trotittrtion! Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, aveasraeats,
<br />iasttraace premiums sled groutd rcnn. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying tltc Ftrtsds, analyzing said account,
<br />« verifying awl compiling said asscumena and bilk, unless Leader pays Borrower irt~erat on the Funds and applicable law
<br />petrttita Leader to make atrch s charge Borrower aril Lender may agroe in writing at the time of execution o[ the
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Futtda shall fx paid to Borrower, and uakw such adraerttent a made or appliabk law
<br />ngtrira vetch inlaid( to fx paid, Lender shall ttW be roquiten to pay Borrower any intt.rsst «tarnittp on the Funds. Lender
<br />shat) give to B• -rower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and JeEiu m the Fuob std the
<br />purpose for wnich ea:h debit to the Funds wu made. The Furls are ptedgted u additional rec,srity [« the sutrr secured
<br />by this Mortgye.
<br />t[ the amount of the Ftmds held by Lender, together with the future ((tenthly inuallmeata of Funds paysbk pri« to
<br />the ills data of axes, nsersmewts, ituurana prcmiurro and ground rents. shall exceed the ttmotmt required to pay said tun,
<br />aseerssaents, ituurattue premitrtns std ground tents u tbeY tall due, sttcA excew shall be, at Bort'owsi s option, other
<br />protapdy taped to B«rower « credited to B«rowa on trtoothly itatalhpew of Futtds. I( the ama+at of the Ftrtdt
<br />hard by Leader shill trot ba suttkJeet to pay taxes, aeeermntu, inwrattoe plamrtrma and ginned rem a they tad dtts,
<br />Harrower shall pay w Ltsssder sty amount tsecessary to make up the deAewacy within to days from the date notice w snaffled
<br />by Leader to Harrower rtsgtsaaag payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all strtm sxured by this Mortgage. Leader shall promptly rtfuod to Borrower +eY Futsds
<br />held by Leader. If wader paragraph 18 fxroat tin Property s aoW « the Property a otherwise trcgwtsd by Leader, Leader
<br />shall apply. no laser than immediately pri« to the sale of the Property « its rtogtgsit,un by Lesdx. soy Fwds held by
<br />Leader et the ruse of app4catioe a a credit agaitrt the cams secured by this Mortltagr.
<br />3. Ahieaelea eel -ryaestY. Unler aPplicahk law provides otherwise. alt payments received by Lender seder tlw
<br />Nose sad paragraphs t sad 2 hsteof shall be applied by Lewder Art in paymutt of amounts payable to Leader by Borrower
<br />tnsder pnragraph 2 Isreo[, than to taterest payable on the Nde, then to the principal o[ the Note, and rhea to isslersst sad
<br />prieeipl as say Future Advances.
<br />1. Chta~ert fJeu. Htxlrywer shall pay all taus, axernreau and other charges, Ana and ttrtpositioas attributable w
<br />!hr Pea*sety whiieh ttaay attaie • priority over thw Mortgage, and leueltoid payttaerts « growl tem. ig say. m the asaaeer
<br />pstatnded utsder parysaplt 2 !Basset «. tt not paid to such mtwur, by Hotrower ttrkttM payment. whin due, ditetlly b the
<br />payee thttstsot. Harrower shell peomptty fttreish a L.erder W notice of oeaouau due nailer this partsgestph, sad i• the .vast
<br />Hormwer aktali tsseke pavttteat dsratty. Harrower shall promptly /uroish to Leader receipts evidenctnj wch pymemtt.
<br />Harrower aMl1 ptooptly discharge any Batt wheels has pnorrry over this Mortgage: provided, tMt Borrower shill not be
<br />required to dir:huge say wch lien so kutg r Hotrotver shall agree in wrntttg to the payment of the obltption secured by
<br />such Iwo is a manner arapuble to Leader. « shall to pod lath conteu suit lien by, or defend enforccaaent of such lies ia,
<br />legal ptucroedirtgs which operate to prevent the tentorceauwt of the Iran or [ottnturc of the Property or any part tlteteod.
<br />3. Hleaard laaeraess. Borrower shalt kwp tiro rmproveaertu rux- extatttsg or hereafter erected art the Property assured
<br />aptost bss by Ate, harstds tnctuded wtthm ttse term "extended ccwerage" and such other hazards u Lender may requtro
<br />sail is swch aesoua4 arNG tar ctKh pastels ss t.assdv may regalia: provtd~, that Calder s!u!I no: eequtrc the the rrassfnrtt sd
<br />wilt coverage exceed char .~~•r .~ ec.vsrttge reymt4d is pay the Burns secured t.y tt+,s Mortgaga-
<br />7he iasruaetx carrler providegg the iaassraa.:e stssN be chosen by Honorer subject ~? approve! by Lender; pcovtdsd,
<br />thY tatr:h ~n's'd shell not bs trwssesoaahiy wilhbaid AH paewrtrtta m inatrrande paliera shad be paid in the mamas
<br />provdo/ alder paragraph *_ hemx or- :? sot pail m srsih ataaner. Ery &vrovter making paYroenr. whsxr ds:a d:rs.'tl!i t3 ihs
<br />MRafaeee Caret.
<br />1-H iawratact poileaer aril raaswale tlssesrt (teen ter to f.t ar..-sptatrk to Lsniltr and thaf! rrtclutir a atarsistd mortpgr
<br />clause i. tavw. of erns to f•~ er:.^efttasle «, i.es~ t r:_tier ~B fuse slit r,~: r. rK,id the er>;wtea rrxl r~x«s tha:aw~.
<br />~,prtgwet shill tEy lsuaah to Lsrsitr~ att rsaielal rsr>irses ass! all ra;s.ptr vt paid prsmwrr+ In the total of leas,
<br />Harrower shall pvc prompt notsee w tM taswan;e carrier sail t erdse (.ender may mike poet of ion rf nest nude prsxnptly
<br />by Horrowt.
<br />U]ler Lauder sad Hortower uthersviat agree in wrung. insurance proceed, shall be applttxt to reaMratron ar rspau of
<br />lta Property tlassagart, provided such tsst.xatx,n cx raper .s econosnrcally feasrtrte and the aecur,ty of tors Mtxtgage u
<br />not thereby unpntad 1( rash rrilOlatn,n ,xr sepsis r nx te.xx,ranatfy tesurMe ~ .t the spumy .~t the Maxtgagt wotrid
<br />be utPrred. tlse tstaurttrrtx proceeds dtati & appiraf «, the salve apu»st h. ttus M.xlgage. with thr excess, d ens, pad
<br />m Hos'ntwn 1! the Property r alvtsdaxtcal M &+.ri,wsr or ~~! Burn,wa tarts t,, rtspxtd «, leaks wttihn XI days tnxn Ilse
<br />des. aotrw r staled by !.ender to Hsrrruwer that tlwe »aurracs curter .,Acre ts, Berk r clam hx rtmWSitns tteaeAts, (seder
<br />r atrthnrrad «, seller'( and apply the ururaewe pnxseds at tsssdsrl opts•x+ ether xi ratata«un ax ~spntr of tlfe Property
<br />«to [Ise stems secured by tea Mortgage
<br />Uoiw Lender std d«rrnrer .rtherwar agr.x .n +rr«tag ens su.fi apPlaatxx, .N praxtteta to pruxipai .naffs not (stead
<br />«prWpone the dire daft of tltt maxithh tnartlrrtcnu refetta] «~ i,r prra~rriphs ~ ar..t htre.,t .u .hartge nc~ ama,unl aN
<br />xtsch trtatallu+rirts 11 wtsW paragraph tg husut the Pra:part. „ a.yrutl h. !eater aIi tight. rule and ;ntreest of &xrrnver
<br />to and to an.:r~trrrtce pofkaa arxl ir, anJ t+~ the qc>k eels (heron( rsssilii~; bean .Ian,agr to tht Pn,pena pr«x to the Bak
<br />or rum shall peas to Letadcr to the estuu ~+t the sttnn enured bf thr, 11r?t;ajc ,m:naatwtti~ prwr ,., s.wh uk or
<br />~. iswarvaWll nail Mahtlsewire d PsePerq; L~eeehahbt CwdnmleMtsaet !!Bead !hill [Nstilepssssl. Harrower
<br />t$sll keep :tn Property w gi;rad repair sled .hall tx~ :cattaatt! weals ;_; pt_r?rut urrr~estt n; ttatrrtssration et the Property
<br />std shah co®pjy with the ptotralsxla tit an} teals rt thr. Mortgage rs c,o a 1t3ash.,W !f this al.xtgagc to axt a rmt[ m s
<br />a,adomiaxtm or a planned watt devolopmtnt, Harrower dull perfaxrrt a!f of Btirrsnveri uMrgutcroa under the dalaattun
<br />« covsaaau crwtlag « govmuttg tlse caadomintum or planned unu devshsptwnt, the by-law and tegulstrons u( the
<br />ooe/etnieistm « phtawd tine drvdap®ess1, awl t:«utlsueat Jucttmeara If r ccralomutsssr or planned !alit ckvelopwrewt
<br />rider w wtuset by stltnower sad teeorded tagettter with tits Mtrregnge, the covsnasw and agresmenu of ssrcA stiles
<br />shrM ba iaootporeted save sad dull sines! awl sstpglement tM covewepta sled ageetarats tit Uus Mortgage u tt thr islet
<br />wars a pre herarrf.
<br />9. RwotAsa et Lassass"a Heewlt•. It Horrossr fats to perform tlu covenants Bred agroemenu csxttarrted rn this
<br />hlortptHe. « it sty action « psoeeedieg n caeraertcsd which maleridiY aRpu Lauler's rntercat in thr P•opem.
<br />IrICltldiwg, but not !stoned to, emiaaM dawaat, rrttroivancy, code enforcement, .x art'srtgements au pnscreding~ ~ns.,ls erg a
<br />baektupl « decedent, that laadrr u Leader's option, ttpou notice to Borrower, may make such appearances. di,butse se.. ,
<br />oust and take ststdt action u a rrossanry to preset( Leader's rotercu. tncltutrtsg. but nM limned to, drshurxmem of
<br />rtrasanabk attoriuy i tea sad entry upon the Properly to make rep-ers If Lcrtds reyuircd mortgage insurance as a
<br />coaditt«t of nuking the ban sectrteat by the MortgttBr, Honawcr shah pay the premiums requ~rr.+. «~ marn[arn su.h
<br />japttitaCe lIt C!(iCf tmtjl such L1tOC as ttte rplt~ettsea! [« Buff:!( tnstxartce termtnetcs i^ acrntdana: w~rh Bar a+wer's and
<br />