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79-- s,~U11~33 <br />1. Tb.,eert~r oorersau aed anew Y rao..: <br />a He will Pr'e®PV7 W7 tde iadebtedrew erideoeed by Yid prwtiwory cote at tie tiwY sad is tie <br />aaea~er tbaeeitt ptra+idai <br />b. He wilt Nl ell ta:w, arasMU, wst« tstey aid older Po-eroweotal « woakipal r~attpsv bey ar <br />ispea{tima. f« wbieJt pro-isioa 6Y toot been lade beteiobe(ore, sad will prowptly detira the aieaal neeiP>. <br />tdtrd« to ebe acid wortaaPee. <br />c. He will pay stxh eapetues and taco ar may be incurred in the protection and wrinteaaace of Yid <br />property, ineludin~ the fees of env attorney employed by the mnrt~atCee for the collection of say or all of <br />the indeblodner hereby .crated, or (or forrrloat,ro by wort6a6ee'e Yk, or court proeeedinRs, or is any other <br />liti6atioa or proeeedinR afteaKina Yid premises. Attoroeyi fern ressooably incurred in soy other way shad ba <br />Paid by the wortaapor. <br />d. F« better security of the iadebtedaesa h-reAy Yeored. apes the regewt et tM wert~aP,ee, it w- <br />oesson ar aasifpr, be shall execute and deliver • wppkwstal w«tpape « et«tFapaa eK additieay <br />~pe+reraa®ta, « betterretenta wade Y the property hereinabow daaeribed : d •{I peopeny aa7ofaod LP <br />it afoot tde dal! 6eacef Ia{I ra feam Yhafact«y Y aYriRa~ee). Furtherwere, shaald w«tRaRar ~ t• attee <br />wry ddaah iw the pateaarst of a pcr« K inferior awetewbeanee an the property dtoeribod -~ this ieaurttenerl. <br />rYttiawor hereby aReeY to pervert wortpRee to ruR satclt defauh. but worl~aRee If reset obKtcatea N de aa: <br />sad scelt sdratrcY slYll becewee part of the indebtedness secured by this inslrtrweat, au-jeel to tM aewe <br />tarot sad eoaditiaas. <br />e. 11s rydtu created by t-w eaoveyanee shall rewain a tall force and a%et duriwR aa7 Porepww~e~t <br />or ettearion of the tserte a+t pavavewt of the indebaedweas awideoeed N Yid preaeissotr note er any PYt thseoet <br />seeared bereLy. <br />j. He will Continuously wairetam leaard iasarwsee, of sase6 type sr types aead is scab awoeeNr Y t!e <br />wortRa~re war (coca tiwe to tisur re9nirc oa the improroweata trove « tsereaher ea Yid ptoPartT. cod <br />will N7 ~ti w-oa iae ewe Prrwrittae tdeootar. Ad iawteaa« adan M eeeaied iw oet•Prriro aeaapaerla <br />t. ta.rt~tpa tt.d tde P.>;a.a aver t.....b tderoe/ .ben M held ti etaasttptpa n.d baeo atueabed ttttttetDe <br />taros Pa7tt~ classes i^ factor .r a.i i, fasw aoeePeeNe to eM weseppa b .vat .~ I.tte. r.«ty.~t.,ru~ ~iw <br /> a.tioe i^ writia~ to woeygaat, ..d twtiyate ttteT taebo ai {... H tact t^.i. la~f b <br />aaastMer, std oats Lwre~ea eewpah eaaewsed is haee-7 aatberiead aced discoed N ~a N1w~ tar twi <br />toes diraeeFy s• wastpta iareead at M aai w«t~e~ae jsmtiy, rd theseYawee Peoereiti « eK <br />Pest tdasoal, naafi M applied by aesetpses a iu eptiaa aitbar M tba t.daetiaa sd the iodaiaaisr bewry <br />aeearod ee a the toseeratiw « d tM Prop«ty daw.s.d « daatao~ad. 4 art at tosoelwao ad tbi <br /> er adtsr t:~ at tH{e to cold Prop«tr ~ r~tita~ahweat e( t-e iadebeedaw saxweei baaabs. adt <br />rivet, tkly r~ iatarYt ~ the w«tp~r is atsd to my nesarawCe pe{ieiaa rhos totes aba~ Prta M dta <br />ParChYer « taert;ae(pce «, st the ePtiea d tde aYttRasee, wy be sarraodarad f« a rr'toal <br />d. IIe will -«Y rll bufklioy asad eiber improremcnts na Yid propem ur good repair sad Cead{E{est: <br />vii! permit, eamrait. Rr der tts waste, iwpairrnent, detrriorstioa erf Yid pre$erty or oar part tbaroat: <br />b! tiro .vest of Isilure ad the wera~r to steep the baiWue a• Yid prewiaes and t6oae aeaeead ar aaN <br />peani.ea or improvements theraen, u good repair. the worettapon wa- ma4c searh eepain ar is its dircreuoa it <br />aYy daces neeawary f« tbt Proper pres«vuioa tberoaf: and the [ul1 asaaant of eat awd ever? seeCh paywatt <br />vhall be hnwedYtaly doe stsd payable and shall be secaaed br tM ties of Chu eaortRalte• <br />A. He will reol •oluwtarily create a permit to (w mated aRamst the property subject to this wottpape <br />say lien or Bears interior or wperior to the lien of this morlPaRc without the wntten consent of rite rreoet~ <br />PaRre; anal further, he will -erp tad waiataia the saaee free frees the closes of all persons wpplyistR labor « <br />materials for ceerslrurtioe e: awy and rll buildintts or imyrevermnetr now 6riatt erected or to be elected M <br />trill Ptrwisaa. <br />~. Hr will act rent or uuRa snv part of the rws! of Yed neortPacc I proprrty or dewoluh, « rewva. <br />or wbruntullr alter rnv buiWiatt without t{ee written coarcnt of thr n ortaaRtc. <br />j. Ail awards of daweaRcs is eoaneetim wilt oar eendernwatru: .., »airlir usr of or in jars to any e( the <br />Pr°P"'~y rubjeCt to thL ewertlCaga are hereby aaridned sell shall M paid m seAaa~aa. wdo way aP{+{7 the <br />..t^. w p,rwwn d the irralLMY la.t des a.d « Yid wow, sad w«tPeas i. Iwoby aotb.riaai, {~ eba <br />aawe of ties aortpaat, to saaawte sad deliver valid aequittsaeav thereof sad to appeal (rave any aattti sward. <br />k. The atertPat{ee e{talt have alto ri~{et as iarpeea t{ee wsrlPaged rt any reaaesabla lives <br />i Uetasek is wyr et the eoveaawu « eewditiaas el this isatrenaawt « of flee note « boa ytreewset seeated <br />berabj dead MtiiriY the ne!l~get+e ~t M Pesaaariae, see. erd ewjerwest of the property, U the optics of Iha <br />sses'tiabee or his aasiPat !it bassi aErosd that the mortiaior shall have welt right ;tali! default!- l~poe any oath <br />~ietstok+ tM wortiasea sh.... beeowe ti • own« of ail sf the nrb and pro6u accruiaR after default a. sa+cr+rity <br />fir the ittdebtada... secured hereby, with the right to artier ttpon Mall prepertY ter the purpose of eolleCtityt such <br />nwu sad Pt~t- rtie instraweet shall apssaee Y aw asripwwt aL uy renwls on Yid property to that carrot. <br />