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MMa�r P��. ment a madifio�llon of�rnorU�atlon ol d�eurni s�cund by Ihls <br /> `.����';:,�� U)��Nol R�M�Nd�exi��aon or u,e u�,.ro�p.y v_ <br /> � Oe�d of Trwt prented by I.ondor ta any auoce�wr��Intereat of eorrow0r shau nm oper�te tn raww,ln any m�nner,the Il�bllfty <br /> ��= of th�a1�In�l 8ortowe and 8orr4war'��uace�son in Intera4 Lender shall not be requl�ed Oo comm�nc�pracosdlnps ap�lnd � <br /> eueh wcaM+or or retusr 10 aztend tim�1or payment or othorwl�s modiy�mori�z�tion of the sum�s�curad by Ihls OMd o1 Tnut <br /> by rp�o�ol any dem�nG1 made by the o►Ip1na1 Borrower and Borroaar't aucco�sora In tnteros�10'�y ob1l Uon h�rMn � <br /> '=a (p)�,�ndK'�Pow�n.Wtthput atleotlnp the li�bllly of any othu psrwn li�bte for tha Wy W <br /> elsanwd a�sacurlty tor t h a�l,uul l�ou�t o l a l/n p�of 6li p a tl�ons.l.e nr d e r m A Ynl r omt me'to 1 m�and w hout otice(q release�ny <br /> �-=�`� person eo Ilable.(Iq extend the maturlry or alter eny o1 the terma ol any suah abllyation�,(IU1 qrant other tndul�encs�,(Iv)relwse <br /> _=_-a-�-=�,. �col. on or all ol the Properly. �s <br /> y. or reconvey,or cau�e to be ralaased or reaonveyed et any tima at l.ender's optlon any pn �o com slGom or odwr <br /> lon or vl ma po <br /> s*-^•�'� . r In mern �d, 1 1 <br /> _. � '��,.s,: . <br /> __ ,,,�,�;,r,; - (v)take o►release any other cr edd8fonal seaurly far a�y oblipatio�he e 6 ' <br /> _- � ar►anpaments with debtae�n relatlon thereto. ri ht or remedy hereundar,or <br /> '�=��..�� (o) Forbssr�nc�by L�nda Mut a W�Iwr.Any forbearance bY l.onder In exerclsinp any fl _ <br /> ���s•�-tiP , otherwlae aHorded by appliaable law,ahall not be a walver of or preolude the exe►clte of any�uch rlpht or remedy.The <br /> ���--��= meM of taxea or other liens or aharpes by Lender ah�ll not be a waiv�►of Lender's rlyht to <br /> _ .,r_,�_ procurementot ineu�anceor Ihe pay <br /> ���� m; • eccaerAte tha matudry ol tha Indabtedness seaured by thls Deed at Trust. <br /> —��� •� (d�guce�son and 11sUpn�Boued:Jeint�nd Sw�nl I.I�WUtri�plbnt.The aovAn�nls and�yr�em�nes heroln eon- — <br /> "'-"•'-=�'-'�'�:�: tpined shall bind,and the�igMe hareunder ahall inure to,the respeotive sucaeasor�and n�lgns of Lender and T�ustor.All _ <br /> °���,�• covenents and ayreemeMS al Tru4to►shall be jolnt and several.The captloni end heading�ol the para9raphs of thls De�d ol <br /> ������.�•�l„_,�" Truri ore lor convenlence anly end are not tc be used to interpret or d6fine the provfsiona hereoL `_ <br /> °�%��-�. (e) Rpwst la Natlao.Thp PeAles hereby request that a copy o1 a�y natice o1 defaull hereunde�and a copy ot any noQce � <br /> -�f-�- 01 eal�hereunder be mall�d to each party to this Daed of T�ust at the addresa set lo►lh ebove in the manner prescribed by ��. <br />�-~:��:�� ��Q�'��`f appllcable law.Except for eny other notlae required under applicable IAw to be givan in anothe�menner,any nodce provlded <br /> —�'�;':-`,+����� for In Ihls Oeed o1 Tru�t shall de ylven by melling such notice by cehilied mall add►eased to the other parlles,at the address set <br /> y � �° • IaAh ebove.Any nodce prnvlded lor In thfe Deed ol Trust ahall be eil6atlre upon mallinp In the manner de9ignated herWn.II �` <br /> `=.e' 4c,��;:i• <br />�.�.=,� •✓�:��..:,. . Trustor is more than one pereon,napce sent to the address set tortfi above ahall be noNaA to all euch persona. rovlded ��,:.` <br /> __�i '��',,. �r: (Q Imp�cQon.Lender may make or ceuse to be mpde reasonable enlrieA upon and Inspectfona ot the Praperty�P , <br /> ,..�. Mat Lender ehall glve Tmetar notice prlor to any auch inspecdon specityl�q reaconab�e cause therefa �elated to Lenda►'� <br />—;�: -:^'�' .� , (ntereat in the Properly. <br />_-�� . �;;•;�y• (Q) q�tonv�ra�c�.Upon peyment of all euma aecured by this Qeed ol7ruat,Lender ehall request Truatee to reconvey the <br /> =��'�'s '�� Properly end shall eu�render thfa Deed ot TrualBnd all notes evfdenoi��lndebtednesa seeured by thla Deed of Truet to Truetee. �;,, <br /> � r��,��'���• Truatee ahall reconvsy Ihe Property wNhout warrany and without�oharpe to the person or peroons lepally entldod thoroto. � <br /> =��. <br /> °���.�w}_��-..� Trustor ahall pey all cos�te of recordellan,If any. - <br /> r��f;-- L ..-�:-�►'�--- <br /> r�� ,, .•�` . _ (h) pMtaal Prop�tp: S�oudty Ap�Nm�nt. As additional seauriy tor Ihe paymem of�he Noie,Truniar hereby flrants —_- <br />. ,• :, ,� Lender under the Nebrnslca Unlform Commerclal Code a aecurNy ia�te�eat in all tlxtures,equfpmen�and other peroonel property <br />,_«; . � . , �.. <br />,..;��j�, r� ,. , used In connection wlth the real estate or fmprovements located thereon,and not otherwlao declared or deemed to be a paR of — <br /> the real eatate aecurect hereby.7Ais Inat�ument shall he conaVUed ae a Securlty/lgraement under seld Code,end the Lender � <br />`_'°�;�,�,� � , ahell have all the rlpht�i and remedies of a secured perry under said Code in additlon to the rlphts and remedfes created under �- <br />=,.•�; ,; L�: end accorded 1he Lender pursuant to thls Deed ot Trus�p�ovided that lender's righta and remediea under ihfs paragraph shall ��t� <br />","?�-:.�:• �c '' be cumulaUve wltA.and In no way a Ilmltation on,lend6r's rip hts a n d re m e d i e a u n der an y oUwr aecurl ry a�reoment aiQned by <br />;,',!,;;::. �+� � . , Borrower or T�ustor. <br /> �' '" . (q Ll�s and Fnoumbrsnch.Trustor hereby warrants and represeMS that lhere is no delauN under the provlalona ol any <br /> ?'�,'�� o �" mortp��6,deed ot lrust,lpaee or purchase contract descri0ing all or any paA of the Prope►ry,or other conlroct,Inatrumant or _ <br /> • .r.+.� ;; ' " agreement aonstituting e llen or enaumbrance egalnst aU or any part ot the Prope►ly(collectively,"Llena'y,exfatlnp aa of the <br /> ,:;;C date of thls Deed ot Trust,and that any and all exlsting Uens remaln unmodilled eKCept aa dlsclosed to Lender in Truator'a <br /> w►Irien dlsClasure ot Hens end encumbrances provlded lor hereln Trustor shall tlmely perform all of T►ustor's ot>tlyaUons, ___ <br /> ` covenants,represerNalions and warranUes under any and all exisitmg and future Llens,ehall promptly torward to Lender copies <br />;:��.��,� " .,°-�d "• of all noticee of det.ault sent in connectlon wlth any and all exisUng or future 4iens,and ahall not wllhout Lender's prlot wdttan <br /> � consent In any manner modNy the provlslons ol or allaw any luture edvances under any exlstfng or luture Liens. _ <br /> - � � U) Apppeatbn�ot Prren�M�.Unless otherwise requ�red by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,�ncludi ng without Ifmlletion <br /> °w:.'•` pAyments of prfnafpal and Interest,insurance proceeds,condemnaUOn proceads and rents and proftla, shall be epplled by _.., <br /> ,� '� � Lender to the amounW due and owtng from Trustor and Borrower m such order as 4ender�n ils sole discretion deema deskable. �;- <br /> ��.''�� ' ' (k) 8w�r�6161ry•�f eny provfaion of this Deetl of trust contl���ts wdh eppUcabla lew or Is declared invalld or otherwfae <br /> � unenforceable,suoh canflict or Invalidity shall not aHect the other pro.•-sons ot th�e [)eed of Trust or the Note whlch can be � <br /> ,,,,.�'j � �Iven eNect withauttAe contlictfnp provls�un,and to Ihis end the prov,s�ons ot thls Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to b6 <br /> - - � � severable. ��" <br /> ..�..'..i. <br /> y�, - y (1) Twms.The term9"Trustor"and"Borrower"ahali�nctude both smgular and plural,and when the Trustor and 8orrower �r <br />': � ��.R, are the same peraon(e),lhose terms as used m thfs Deed ot Trust shatt be intercnangeable. __ <br /> � � Trusto►has execuLBd th�saDeed of Deust as of t e det bwntten above Y�ha laws ot tho State of Nebraaka. ��•� <br /> �ti �;_ <br /> . Trustor �f�;�t` <br /> . - , --1J�-��G 7y .'�'" � G�"•�. � � <br /> � �Trustor <br /> �'; <br /> � i`. . <br /> t <br /> ' <br /> �• . <br /> -- �-- .. �_ <br /> `�'' �, <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i __ <br /> + --� • --- --•-- - - • - -- "'` _ - <br />