~g_ U~Fiu~a 1gVIQRT+G~QE `~tM ":
<br />c'~f)t~ 3lnaenture, at:+.tr and e-xer:,?rd mt. 22nd day. or F'etras:•y „n ;~ .•7y
<br />briw re., MICHAEL ._'. SAWXE.`R, sn individual
<br />party oS the nett part.
<br />~ n.• r)mat,a ;:at:.•nal sank 8 National Batilting -Asseciatinn party of the accord part.
<br />t:IT\ F:SSEi•TH, that the acrd party of the :Lest part, for and In eottstdrratt~n of i 4. 81'. xO~'"~ • OO ,EIGHTY-FOUR.
<br />_ _---
<br />THOUSA,9D AND NO/100------------------------------•------------DOU,Axa. p.fd ey cats party a ttr
<br />....m. part. the r.r:~i pt whereof a hereby acknnw !edged, hu Rranted. Ear6alned, nld and conveyed, and by these ptea[11U.
<br />. - want, d rRaic, sell and cum ey, ants Wald pariy of the eel rufd yart, tM followtr.; dexnbed red property situate !A t11!
<br />„~,.^t,~ :~ H811 and SWtt of Ncbr ss-s., tow•it:
<br />Lot 2, Scheule 2nd Subdivision, a surveyed, platted and recordted in Hall C.ouraty,,Aebrs~ka.
<br />(Subject to a mortgage of record to First Federal 6avings and Loar. Assoeiatior, of Lincoln
<br />for X40,000.00 filed November 22,19?7, Instrument No. 77-6787 in Hall County, Nebraska)
<br />~wf:h all the 'rnrmeuta, hercditamenta and appurtemtacaa to the came lxionRitlR, and a;: the male, title, dower
<br />,,;1~~ ~d' homeatra.l,cfcl ttm. and demands whatsoever of tlfs cad party of the tint part of, u: w to saW pretnWs Ot aAY l~•
<br />,. , ~, ynd ~:++•! {ta-ty of the tent part Aoea hereby torettant, that trld party et the and part L tawlulty erhted Of Bald pcam•
<br />. ~ I'+a+:.+nt+l !,r++nrvrs;;re Irvr t+om mcumtrranre attd Utat Wdparty d tw tlni part w1L warrant and detlM Lte tkla W Bald
<br />:.. s .,,,:un.,t tl:.• lawful tlafine and demands of ail prraata wiornwerer,
<br />19t0\'IPF.D Al. t"AT3. and these presents w upon tltw eoaditlatta:
<br />Lt'FIBRk:Aa, sW WrtY of the (lest paR W etteeutsd std dsUrered to tie saW party ttt tic ssoset4 part. LMQ...........
<br />!.+„~:,+..ory mftr s dated September 28, 1978.. in the vOUnt..of ~22.OQQ,~..a9d. ~1~4 ~. _ ...
<br />turd a note dated Aprial 28. 1978, in Lhe amount o2' .~E2.QQ0.0!? dup pn Delp~nd_ atld
<br />repaymble accorditlg to tAe termts ~qd tenor pf.st}id notes and all renewals,-ttxtaaaiana
<br />and sodifications thereof.
<br />:rut whrrw, the party of ttae nr.t part W aNraaA M kep tic Y any. upon said pretnteaa, iwafa'ed fa afttne ww.
<br />!...1. ur companies approved by aaW party Ot iM arOaltd part, ltte tlN (nLL lrtvaWe rater asa!M toM Dy /n stall tfrtdetarpt rr~
<br />n.i•d Mvrt'alte and Aetlrer to acid party Ot tM teOOtd part tie polity or poddn eantalNa~ a tatandatd tnort~t !IW!s wtR~
<br />th. t, efa payable to YLd patty d the setosd part, or aaatatts, ar,d W asrasd to pay an tas.! and aasaantenu aRatnt Mld prrar
<br />hrh,n tM came, by taw, become OeWtgwta, aM W .ara.d fiat tt edd party of tie OrtR taut con net peartds wick
<br />tr.,lmtnN, ex fwila to pay aY taatl u afoeeaaW, tiers card parq• at tie netasA part. or Adder bserot, n`+a7 pay ewui Itlatlraaaa
<br />anal take, ar etcher or tMm, and an amorttp w paid ti aaiC party al cis aecad part than Mar trrterwt M tM rats q! alas
<br />i. r , .•nt per annum ttan tie date at payment. cad tW wrtRass alts!! RstaJ as security thtrebnr red said aw w7 M
<br />'~ d to th.• atnouvt of tM mortiate debt, aM the cams reeov eyed av • part thereof. Norr. !f tMe r.fd ptrtr ~ tM /rat paN
<br />-11.+ii t.rll and tfut> {wy or utre to De pdA the aaad wm at mossy M card nntr S mrnttonc-t w~:th tnterrat thrr:•na aceosd•
<br />fn•; :~. the teinr and rRect of ntd note S sett! rasa tsep cab biYldtlt[e tawred as atorraa.J.: raft ~~telt kewp aL' rants and
<br />.. •. - .mrnfr pan!. cent ahe-1 dWy k.vp, std preform aN lM dit~ eorea.ttts and aRrwementa her, ~.n tn,tt4'fee,, then tltlx
<br />pr,:: ++la to be null affil word. But :i aa,d cum d mumy ar any part tMreot, ar say mtereat thereon, :• r.-tt pea: .when toe nme
<br />1~ ,~•:, ,.r +t artd Wnl,!1nRa ehaLL not he kept Ytiattrtd v aloraaald. ar N tM tutee and anevtmetrta a{taMtat ar!s ~rr±nura are
<br />n..t l+::t.l at ..r Defure the time Ute acme below h! lam aeilagtasat, err u safd party Of the nett part felts!! tall to keep call
<br />,..., t„~ :,1 any ~tvenanta heron eoniatmed the ioidar ttsreof stall law cis optktp to derlarr the wtaute o! card Ytdsbta.taraa due and
<br />1q,. ,: c .,• at any flaw sitar wwk fatlLre .v d~ttta, aril stay tttala rifts as artio,t at lau :v r,7fuiiy to w w.arr Eis K.wa. amI Y1e ~era-
<br />.,,, ..~, meM rd atxh ar~tkm aiwll rte IM Darr pe[!ts d tM eiterc W of ttNd olRfott regtund.
<br />AN[> t'r t8 ln7RTHL7t t~ROY7or.n AtYD AQRBLD. 'RU eM aa/d llfertSaRor stutl and wln pay aU tarn levied tlis
<br />.,.:w+RnRe ar lht •trM rsrurs.t tMreby, taertier tetttt say outer taaaa rte aaanemenu whfeh may M kv!M ttnd+rr qs I.aw K
<br />ti.,..waita. a~e:nat tk: aa:.; 3t.~tgagt. ru ike lanai bdder r{ tits ni.I Frttattpai rwir n .>.t 9rr.+vnt ++l Ihie Ind.rAedae~i-
<br />n~i? !~ e €"R":'ttf>= ?'!t<>S~tT~4 AY t AGI'EEQ. ?ha*. ~tIkhe a~_ai 4 ice:tjad_r> - --=t~.a- ~ --- --:.y: - - ---
<br />'.h: :!tuns 1-<r .T.ta :na lRla Van Is that file Yattaisu a }and .fi: t.tlittn:ir te. ow -
<br />.•.'!re:•r:tx_ _a .-_ .e ds•r!!1nR ~ tAe xr.RSSera ea !nn= sa ~: ~-~ ... _ ._..-:te east-! Sexs'~. e:
<br />v t Egrf ihr,e~f star tlnPSad. AO w t -if R6tr I~r +vRtcR Mta a!r*~ist to (ttM M
<br />- _ s=.:s. my gg~a _ f_-nit rrrusra. ynp..d, tkt etll ur .:_,evrv tRr =t, at ssta?r Rs*r us :i~_±A€d es acs
<br />r? 1Rr ra•.,t. .ir :he t1_•ri 3ra ae to vyspdririie O ~- ~ tt tRa re..f .;r .wcr :.: erti.,i,ia;!r
<br />.~.N`. ~~ n t • unt+a, orumt.tpsl bd MC end ~tawteretit~ of the n~of~ sscu,rd~~n nebv nimmedtats!Y :tun rt et cat, et tta
<br />~~~ i~c~fimoap ~~ertOf, I have hereunto art tqy haul this day rota year first
<br />above written.
<br />/~ '
<br />tN Ihi~E~T{CE' OP //-~GI't-r~ i'~-
<br />Mi: teat! .-'f~
<br />+ ,: r. ;tt' ~k:ttttAkiLA ~ qtr utu r;:ltd day of Rebruttry w LL tt t9
<br />,, _, ,;f Dvugiae ~ ~' betnre r!te. a Natan WWIe M cad to! cis rld Qwnty wfawtalty carafe the alvw
<br />tfrmed Michael J . Sawyer
<br />telto is personally knnsrn to w
<br />k be the IdeMA'al pnaett ....wiw trine is .shined to t.'te aWvr lnatrumeN
<br />u Sraatrs tetd ackttoaAsdpd aald Ytetrument to De h i 8 vdunta rv act and deed.
<br />t'V11'N1ESS fay iattd and Ntttanal Sea! the ! !art aforrsa!d.
<br />.~~r.~.. N' ~. ttibu~
<br />,;~
<br />