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79--U1tj021 vl. <br />Present Tenants <br />1. From acrd after she closing date, Buyer• shall be entitled <br />to receive all rents and income of any nature accruing from the real estate. <br />2. Seller shall, or: the Closing date, deliver to Buyer any <br />and all tenants' security deposits, which funds shall thereafter be <br />maintained by the Buyer in a separate account for w'r,ich purpose the same <br />was established, and Buyer agrees to protect and indemnify the Seller <br />against any claims or demands resulting from Buyer's failure to do so. <br />3. Seller shall deliver to *.he Buyer on or bzfere the Closing <br />Date a list of the names of all present tenants, their deposits, and <br />the amount of the monthly rent paid by each tenant. <br />VII. <br />Escrow Agent <br />1, Commercial National Bank is hereby <br />Designated as the Escrow Agent under this contract. If any fees are <br />charged by the Escrow Agent, such fees shall be paid by the Buyer. <br />2. Upon payment by the Buyer of the purchasr price 1n full, <br />with all interest thereon, and upon the payment by the Buyer of all <br />amounts which may be advanced by Seller as hereinablve provided, and <br />upon the performance by the Buyer of all covenants and conditions <br />Mhich, by the terms of this Contract, are to be performed by the Buyer, <br />the Escrow Agent shall Deliver the Warranty Deed and Abstract to the <br />Buyer, or its heirs, assigns, nominees or successors. <br />3. It is understood that the Escrow Agent shall be liable ae <br />a depository only of the deeds and abstract. No payments shall be <br />made to the Escrow Agent. <br />VIII. <br />ueneral~Agreement of the Parties <br />1. Buyer and Seller respectfully bind their successors, heirs, <br />assigns or nominees to the faithful performance of the terms of this <br />Contract. <br />2, Buyer acknowledges that Sellers are licensed real estate <br />agents selling the real estate with the anticipation of making A profit. <br />3. This agreement supersedes all prior agreements betreen <br />the parties to the exttrnt that the terms of this Agreement ar consistent <br />therewith. <br />,,.~~'"""'""`++.,,,_ Dated this 2+~Lh day of February, ~ <br />fir- ~_ +}~,' - - <br />~. <br />~ p ~t~}- <br />f ~ ' " :1!' } SELLER <br />STA'~•~9P'^fOLBRASKA { s s . ~~ ~~ .~w rs <br />COUNTY OF ~i~lLt, { <br />do this th day of February, iS79, be re me the undersigned Notary <br />Public, personal lyy 3pff~eared h'r•rd M. Janl; eta and U.,::ra M. lanisch and <br />Larry Gc>et~en, President, Runlar, Ines +,,~ mr kn~=wn t~~ bt the identical <br />pePaonaa chose names are a f~~ixed~te the foreg~.~ing ins?rumer;c_ and they <br />sal~a~rledBa the exeeuti~n thereof Lo be their voluntary act and dsed. <br />W3tnese Nly hand and notarial seal the date and year last above ttritten. <br />tloll*ission Expires: <br />