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79_ uU1U21 <br />CON'~'RA.Ci FOH SA1,r: OF REA1, ES'I'A"IE <br />THIS AGREr.MENT, made and entered into by and betweer. Fred M. Janisch <br />and Donna M. Janisch, Husband 4 Wife, hereinafter called the Sellers, <br />and Ranlar, Ir.c., hereinafter called the Buyers, WITNESSETH: <br />That Seller hereby agrees to sell and convey to Buyer and <br />Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from the Seller the following described <br />real estate in Hall County, Nebraska, together wits; any and all Smprove- <br />ment and any personal proi:erLy thereon, hereinafter called ''the real <br />estate": <br />The Easterly One Third of Lot Six (6) and all 02' Lot <br />Seven (7) in P1ock +33 in the Original Town, now City <br />of Grand Islam , Hall County, Nebraska <br />upon the following terms and conditions: <br />I. <br />The Purchase Price and Manner of Payment <br />1. As the purchase price for the real eats*,e, Buyer agrees to <br />pay to Seller and Seller agrees to accept from Buyer the sum of Sixty- <br />Two thousand Dollars 062,000.00). <br />2. The purchase price shall be paid in the following manner: <br />(a) The sum of Five Hundred Dollars (:500.00) upon the <br />execution of this contract, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged bq <br />the Seller. <br />(b) The sum of Nine Thousand Five Hundred (19,500.00) <br />Dol'_ara shall he payable on February 2'7, 1979, which is the closing date. <br />(c) The balance of Fifty Two Thousand Dollars (35Z,000.Op} <br />shall be payable at the rate of Five Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars and <br />93/200----(3527.93) per month commencing February 24, 1979, and payable <br />on the 2~+th Say of each month thereafter until February 24, 1999, when the <br />entire unpaid principal balance and all unpaid interest accrued thereon <br />shall be due and payable. lntermst on the unpaid balance shall be computed <br />at the rate of ten and three-quarters percent (10.75x) per• annum an the <br />unpaid principal balance, corrmencing February 24, 19'9, and each payment <br />Shall include interes_ accrued to date of payment all in accordance with <br />the ghh~rt-i~{j ~m :rt 1 oaf 1 nn ~nhe.rj,yt e. <br />(d) Buyer shall have the right, wit*;~ut penalty, to make <br />$ti3iLi'_~ral a_vsr.__ p.~;j:?:e.^.t° .`f 81~ _. anti -':lr, .. ,.. ;:~1„~ Lai balanC2 <br />due hereuneiPr or. ~+_nv n-rinr 1 n~ l ;??~'~!~i. ~ * ,+3«.~ _ <br />'.. .. -vt;i •;tG ~f pr .•_ .a.rv rz., s,^,all be <br />pai!i to trio ~__.e_w _'.. fox i~'l, 3ran.1 islan:., "., .u. ha 66;... <br />I[. <br />;saxt•s and Yosses_ ion <br />1. Seiler a~rrc-rs tc pay the general taxes accruing on the rea: <br />estate on and before the date of closing, and B~.,yez• agrees to psy the <br />general taxes on the real estate beginning with thr~ taxis accruing on and <br />after the date of closing and all subsequent. years. Taxes for the year <br />1979 shall l,~e pr,r•r~,Lr~:z tr• N~ . ~ .. •r a ,! _ . ~;:i;' t <br />,: t~ss~d <br />upon asser sme;,t:~ t'r:r• i ., ~.,..i :h[i~ ~ ., 1 ~..~ ._ _ . _,! :r,. <br />~. Seller :ig,r+-~:, T.~ l ia~~er Csuyc~r lr. t,,,.;sE. ai.:r, ;, ;' t-hc' stove <br />described real estate on the closing date. <br />?. B!ryPr ages-.- `hat if it shall fail ::. ;sy tars before <br />they become delinquent, ariy taxes agalriyt the real ert:~i,erc.r tt!e y°~gr' lu7u, <br />or any subsequent year, Seller may pay said taxes and fire amount so paid <br />shall become due and payable forthwith by the Buyer to the Seller without <br />notice or demand and shall become a part of the principal due under this <br />contract. <br />-1- <br />