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~- <br />not Mend o~ ~~ustpune~ the dur lisle of the l~,rorutni~.' ucwtaYitnrnlu rei.~rreci to in f,~aragraf:irr i mend 2 !:ereof o~ <br />stutrtge the astvutlnt of such instatlrna;nts. <br />Ia. Barorarw Na ttaLiased Extension of ties tsntc for payment or modinration of anzortizaticn of tlw sums <br />.secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to ear successor in interest of 3orrotrer shall not operate to release. <br />in auy meaner, the lash*.lst.y of the oti~inal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. I.etuier shall trot be <br />required to costtaeace proeeeditrgs against such successor or refuse to attend time for pavrttent or otherwise madHy <br />:aatorsiaswon of the sums aeearsd by this }fot-tgage by tesaat of any demand trade by the original Borrower std <br />Borrower's wetseeeors in interrdt. <br />IL larbaartinea br iaedor liot a Waiter. Any forbearance by Lander in exercising any right or remedy <br />hereun~r, or ~rwise afforded by applicable law, shall trot be r waiver of or preclude the exarfise of any right <br />M or remedy hereunder. The procurettsent of insurance or the }tayment of taxes or other liens or charge by Lendm <br />~i shall not be a waiver of leader's right to accelerate tits tmtlrsity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgrge. <br />,^ 2L Rtise~ea t~tmul~ita. 411 remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cutnnlatite to say alhsr <br />e`I tght of remedy under this Mortgage nr ltffordrd isv law nr equity, and tray be exercised concurrently, itrdepead- <br />,,;, eettly ~ sttcoceeively. <br />~ ls. 9ecaaereee grad Astir.,er sound: taint stud Sw+rrd Liabit#Y: The coveuants and eptememta <br />betas eontairmd shalt bird, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the reepeetive ettcceaeont and assigns of Leader <br />sad Bertower, subject to the provisions oS Ixtragraph 17 hereof. 4ti eovetsanta and ttgrctnsenta of Borrower shall <br />QA be joint and lteveral. The captions and headings of the i.arttgrsphs of this Mortgage are for ceavegienee Daly and <br />h are apt fb be ruled to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />ll. Ilotier. Any notice to Burrower provided for in this Mottgagr shall hr giver. by rustling such notice by <br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Nrq+erty 4ddress stated 6ekwr, except fur any notice requirwt ttadtr <br />parapaph IS Itereot to tae given to Borrower in the rnann~r pteserihecl by applicable tea. Aay notice provided <br />fat in this Mortgige shall be deeme+t to navy -nrn given to Borrower when given m the meaner designated betels. <br />It Wtaw~ Mert~sr Gwseaip I.erw: tistresaiiiMtf. Thin Corm of nwrtt}age combines tinifors es+etanlt <br />ter tiettwel we wed non-uaitarm covenants with limited variatitrns by jurisdidioa to ecastitub a rmitert• lteur- <br />r-11r iestrturtotet eowarirrg real Property. This 44oripge shall be governed by the Itw of tM juried)etise fo rAiti <br />Ilse t~tapeety is Iseatad. In the event that say provision or cleric of this Mortpge ar tM Nato ottti0i~s tt+itb <br />ltppliteabie lttw, siren conHioe shall not affect other ixoviltiorss of this Morlgpge or the Note wiid- eta bt Mete <br />street w>fLetit the eeaHietiag prorittioa, std to this sod the provittiens o! the Mortgage attd tM Nets ors deeL+fad <br />b bs etti~eraiwt- <br />1{. >feaeloar'a CaP7. Borrower shall be fttrttished a twnfotrtted copy of this Mortgtge at the time d etrttaw <br />title ee alttr reeoedatipn bereot. <br />tT. lMirlrr a! Its hti/adT: ll~. if all or any part of the Property or an iptnesR titentie it tteli <br />or trttntented by Borrower without Lender's prior written content, excluding Ia) the rtptioe of a Hen ar ~i~~!- <br />brtruies at~orditatite tm this Martpge, Ibj tie eretuiea of a pt~eehere messy qty iriterwt far i~settltrld 4PB' <br />anew, (s) s tta~ by devise, decant or by spa»tioe of law uftoa the death of a joint term ar ld) tie f~ M <br />ttq kerueDeW iatawt of three years ar lair not eeetsming an option to pttrebsse, I.eeder may, at Lanisrht e*tiw, <br />declare all tie sums refuted by this 1!Ioetgsge to be ttuitaediatrly due and payable Lender shell have waited snob <br />option to tueteleeate it, puns to r,iu ttaM dr traaeler, Lender and the prison b whom the Property r to be staid m <br />tniariarred reach aQrsement to w-ritiog r,ltat the ertadit of suet. Ixrpo ss satisftGMon to Letdrr sad that the ittterset <br />ptyaik as the strmr reettred by this Moregrtge shall tx at wren nle sa Letuirr shall regeteu. !f lender bte waived <br />the option to acceknte provided in this paragraph 17 and d Brrrower's rurcc~wr to ittterrst her etecated a wrk- <br />tan asnrmptiat agneessat accepted io wnWeg by l.eadsr, Lender shall tercets Borrower [tea all obiptieris tirades <br />tilts itfaetpge and fir Nate. <br />u lsnder esrarmsea reels option ro acee)Rats. Letsda tdtail tttati Harrower ttetiee of asoeleratirn is aseasdYas <br />with pt-rsi~ntplt }t harm, `~'ts^h nutter shall previtir a Isertai of tat leek than 3tt days linen tie date tdtr rietiet M <br />scatted rit6in~w-~-bggiOlt Borrow+~r tnay pay the stutnt dectarrd dur. If Borrewa•r fat4 to fray attrh auras prwr to tbs <br />E~tti~t ~ iaCFi , t-~r1~2rF lRffl' ~'7thQ!!t fii[~iv~~ rji_.t irv ,_ r ,7Mne[i rN[ i~t! {~~iT~i'~~. !fi v{iS5? rSni r <br />tt bK psrate If± bereaf. <br />;foe-t ifttroitst t~.asaars. fSOrrowr~r anti I.+=ntl€r tar~.c•r rtsvrnant sad ~ra~~ as fc9):3wx: <br />ti, ArOt;aNfiowr AseMd3sa. ltixre-fit ~ proi::tal in fa.ragraflf: t' .rttoi. u}ws: 8orrowsr's hrtarh of auy <br />eaaweast w ot+ of Borrower in this Mortgttgr, rnciwhn` tla rovrnants to flay wheat date any nuns seeuned <br />t!y rile Motigege, Lenclrr prwr to accrkrotwn atoll mall nottcc to fiorrnwrr an ;lro~'ute.i sn flaragrtl>#! 11 hereot <br />sptleityutg: ill the bitten, !?- tGt artlon nvpnrr.l to rtltti• suri~ I.rcarlr, r31 a date. net lean titan thirty dew <br />from tike dart the notitc to uraifed its f{i)lNwt'r t;~ a iit(ii fttrii I:n ~l;•!; :oust ia• !•ur~.i. and :~ 1 that t-'1}tt n' tQ CU IC <br />wen breach an or before the date yfsec:fittil rn rhr nutsrr play mul! !n rrcrierttsrat of fir :unM ercut'esl by tots <br />MortHrt~ sad sale of the Proprriv It tt:r hrrarl::a sltri cured :rr. ur l,efon• the .tact afsrrttied sn the twtiet, Linder <br />at Ltlitder"s optiQO luny dtclan ail of tin ~uu~ nrt•~re.t i,y t!!!K Mort}tttKr its tx lmuseiiatrly s#ue and payable <br />witbaut fluthrr slenwntl arsd array turtv`Itx~s~ ri,!> llurtra~,. t!~ tls.ilctai flror!*etlsng L.s•nder shalt he entttkst to colktM <br />in wteb Nracrrding alt rxfsa•taa~ a; t<; r,•~;:s~::~, ,;:<•!;: !:l:g. hes! ro! !:out ~+. tt; ,..x+ls of dV!'llitlf't1t'-!rY !'YMtltl4Y. <br />sbatnetr and title teperttl <br />lfl. ~aerslrts•s ~ tb ttlateeeaM. \,aweti:atandlnr, Iw•talrr . a+•lrErralsw: ul t!ee wow ;a!t:ura.t by tltie <br />~, Borrower shall have the right to base any ;.roretvirnttz !argon by I.ersdrr tae rnforrr thta Mortgage dw- <br />ref al~r°IMp qMr t~~trl iii a Jsriprwwt mlf~m{ the ~losterge d: cal ~r~rwor piajtr jnsadrs all <br />e~ ts~ wMW ie tlNe dw tiadsr this lloetptty, tie ~lotr slid ttNer sssarittR Ptktlrs Atirttetsee, ~ tej, Aed tit <br />MesltMiMt atertred: Ib) 1ltortevtr ettres a!1 bmehes ~ env other ct»•c.tritia or •greemeats of Basrevar etrm- <br />tttt9tti ie tits : lei Idarrawer pays ail tYaaortaber rxtsprtsrv :ncurrrci by I.rttefrr to rttferrtitg the cevetsattts <br />i83 i~ettitPii ei { ratted in ttdF ti:.rtttsge and t., Frfr• ::nz f.-tR•i:~s _ rrrralsss as ;:rxsvtdez+ m paa:= <br />~~ tfeeeof, irte)tidia~, but sot htaited to, -e..tnablr attornry'K ft~, tad !d! ltorrorrer takes such aettort >b <br />tgal rtMOlttbly n~gtiire fro talus that the lien of rhea 1{txtgagr, l,rnder'a inteted in the Pteperty sad <br />ltltatt!aen~i. aiBMiti~. r pr~ratts eewtred by chi. blottlpigc sMlf eoatintie lutittipaittcd. lJpon srteeb }taytttlaw <br />atl.eeti b4t Dt~toar, tltM ,led lire at-llisati„nr trteuxd ht~eby slla-I rremt-n us roll irises sad street a. It <br />wt ara~ttoslinta Md eoetttnd. <br />1i~ ~ ~ »tp ly~l.4t4eet al lAeasirlert Etii~ie- iw Perratiaa Ar atiditietal seearity 6ers- <br />utidK; ~wReMtMr 1Mrrrly i•"+i~ta far HM- riwta d i~be Prsptrt~. }nes~det! that Hnnvnrrr t~tail. }xiar to acaskA- <br />tttire- taatttr' pry ti perept er ab.edetrnieru d tit Property, have the ritfht to collect and retain attrh rents <br />ttt+il~iettttili ors triad pylaltle. <br />ti!!ador padi~pib l~ lierae4 er-fit of the F*raperty. I,rtnt^r. to flrnon. by agett~ <br />er b~~dSei~! atipeistbd t'sot4t^as stall be etditird ~ aster ~• take pesseas+ioo ~ end tssarsritr the Property <br />sad t~Al1!iMot t!M tseM 6f tba F'sgtaty. i'dndkMt these part dw. A!1 rents collected by Lender or the trxetvrr <br />titdl btralrptied Hest to payeteat of fi-hr casts of t of ttte Prot+erty and roilrr! mn et err! - :nris!<Etnx t+vi <br />not )trotted to, recriver'r }sea, prealiuma on nrri}-re's burui, and masonahh anurn,•p . f.Y•- an .., !;~ ~.~; .un,> <br />assured by this Mortgage Lender and the rrrriver shaft t>r habit to arrnsmr onn fr.r thrl.r rent- .r,"i~ ~• , ~•i• , ~i <br />