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INt31VIDUAt_ <br />DUE ON $ALE <br />_.~'~;" OPTIONAL F"UTUR)t AOVANtrES <br />lAVINGf3 FUND <br />Fp/1w No. 720 <br />loan NurrtDer___444_t4_.---~$$-- -~_-- <br />Trve on„cn <br />fig. UU1~13 MORTGAGE <br />THIB MORTGAGE. made end a=rented this ~-~+ ~.... ... day of ~ ~~t--? - -.. ... A.D., <br />t9.i~., between the Mortgagor, G,tx A. Dt:ake,..7-t:.- -and Niancy. M. Azake, tauabat~md atbd.xife, <br />Wtrttrsstrx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the wm of ...t'Z.FI'=._~...... <br />...k`A~t..UIIIiI~A A}fA...IiQL1.QQ_c-----.-----------------Do4arn (U8;-..~Q,!-SMt.f1.U ...............•---j <br />......................... <br />paid by acid Lender, dove hereby mort;age, grant and envey to Lender. it. wrooseeote acrd aerigos; the <br />fouo,.iag da.cribed property batted in the County of .....}lAl~_._...- - --.--........_.. $trat+ of H.b:a.k+t: <br />Lot Eleven (11) in "Eosa end Ashton Park" being a Subdivirion of a part of <br />Lots fourteen (14) sad B18fiteso (18) of County Subdivision of Met Half of <br />Soutfitteut Quartet (1Jlr Silk) and a part of 6aat Half of Soutfitrat trtaeter <br />('GIf 8iit) of Section >Rlftem (t5) in Totreship Eleven (}}) Nortfi. of H~Ba <br />Hine (4) lust of the 6th P.M. <br />_ . _ ..._.._.ialot-Is tamd .erc,}t in. chteis..c~rn. r1Yhx~. ....... - _ _ _ .......-. <br />of ..Gzand_Isiand- , f ounty of Hell -.... .State of -Me6raaka , }tereinafter referred <br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOL*T, 1235 "N" 3treetr Littcain, Nebraska t;85b1, its auccaaeors and aesipts, hereiaatttr retemed to <br />as Lender. <br />Ttxsssxra with all tht itraptovemeab raw or 6eteafter eraeted oa the property, and aH asreanta, <br />~-ta. appnri~oes. rea4it, r~eYattier. miaeen}. a~ aril t}as fights and prelib, water. water rte, end <br />waver rtocls. aril a8 firluttte nasr a haMfirr atxached to the PnPA'b, aH eft which. alluding trpisss <br />aeetttie a~ edldEtlot+s thet~eto, shafl 6e deewted to ht and tenrat5rt a pert of the proporty eaRwd h!' tfi~ <br />Maeysge; and stt et the . togaHfsr with said property (er the leuehoid relate is tfas rover this <br />lftertgttge it rxt a leenehold) an herein tefteered to as *~s "Property". <br />Borrower coveoanta that Borrowr it }rwfnlly eeieed of the aerate hereby cmtveyed and hr the tight <br />to rartgrga, gnat and canveY rite Property, that the Prv;pwty is uneacwabreed, and that dorrvwer witl <br />wrtztutt and dehnd generally the title to the Peopesty against at} claims and detmutde, subject to arty <br />saeresettls aril t+~ liwtta} is a t+e}teaW et saeap~erur btr doeera{rr itn awy tide inertsdaa F+pRf is- <br />Leedera irteseet a the Property. err i3) attorney's opinion of tirtit frcun abetrect ~ tirtie aeet~ied <br />hY hattd.d rhateacter. <br />~iasD Ai.wal's, attd throe presents are E~~uted attci 3a}iver.Ki uqua the ~,t3cwrtiag .!oudittosa. agrae- <br />ta ~ ofti!xx of tIx Stu'rorres, to-wit: <br />The Boesower agtsea to pay to the Landes, or order, tlrr prvui_prl rum of lt'Tt'I'Y .?Sl~D RQl}8 <br />~Ri6..ih'iI ~f.~lt~.--'-'----........_.. ."------------ fb}i-:v tll'!S: ~,r00.t)0 ) <br />payahhr as pa~evidad it • rate a:eeuted anal de1}wred, cat+eurrantlY hetr.vith. thr 8na1 paytawet of pep>~, <br />18 sot sooner paid, ar. tAt firer day of }tac[h . /lit 2009 <br /> Crnrwarrts. Borrowtr and [.ender covenant sad agree as follows <br />1. ~ of lrleciOsi old l>tatrsed Bam,wer shall promptly pray whoa dtu the t~nr>c+ of sad io- <br />terret ep t!r ~ evidene«l by the Nutt, prtpeya+ent and late charges • provided nn rite Note, <br />sad ttfe principal of and labrest on any Future Advaacea second by t!~ Mortgage. <br />1. fiwir lac Z.vaea clad irareret. 3uhjsct to I.erxier'a optwn andrr paragraphs i and ~ hereof. $or- <br />rower shall pay to Lender on the day monthly ioetallmenta of principal and interest era payable under thr <br />Notr, until ttx N.rte is in full, a yon: lhcrein "Funds") equal to nnr-twelhh of the yearly cases and <br />ewresawmta which tuty attdn prirmity over thin Mortgage, utd ground canto on thr Property, if any ptw <br />ane~tpree}fth of Yei jiiun tns#allrnenEt for hsrd inearau.~e. ~~-twelfth of yearly prrs+~iuffi ~t- <br />tt1~llMs for ~ Waotoq Y a@ as ratrtalslyr alttireaieti~-~8erre Mtne M tilrts_ i~t <br />1Faairf eat this }rails aesartalwis aril 6f~e rbd twsrMtAfe trfheaga thereat. ehnH sp~ l4nee <br />r MS+atii War, aaaraia~a. ~ and ground >r~: I,ttrtttr slaH nrakt rte ~ se <br />ttaidiag tutu ttpg~g tltr Irttnds atr w~ attd nwspt~ng rid Wit. fwd Lill.. Th. .tnaH <br />is the S•t, ~ r ~ l wowarftiwg d tht FaaAr ahvwistg eta ati+d debits to the <br />busts pa~srs lot which aaeh tfeitit to llet duds war tardy. '1~e [ttratY acs piedpd r addMisarl <br />~ spaalrt this Aieltip~n '1`hr lbnower tapttn +w t1eWs I~ ~ ~ r~scb~tt>ttma <br />~Tts eetn~lmptfipa~L~e eat; ~ ` ~fMtadiratMr}aears m wch <br />das~atE,iis h'tntals brit fetr 1r~4 Mpliesr with tit ftelast rsettehy inelMieeents ell t+ttndr <br />~a ~RJrt fte . last iMsa a~ firrrs~ agrrarMatuls~ iMnatres gawsiutor exd Hnottnd recta. tdtrU ezvoeed <br />wraont t! ^sy editi eatiliwsr ptallittertr ssd geared tents as they tab due. <br />sut3t allerw be. at ~4elaetstt'a o malt t~pnill M Betrrwrr er credited to Borrowtr on <br />d I?heda U ttraottnd Nto a~ psld IIy Lender shall wot be sutfirient to pay <br />fMgGatsaie pttlaairpar tied-~ lrfr as thegr !tH des. Berrawer shall pry to Leader <br />tttgr tH aerae f9to wlthla tWty dsya after no~cs fl<om Lender to Borrower <br />.J~~gaaas .~ ~~incrlree m moretb}Y insta}hnrnta of Funds rtquired. <br />Upon payment in full of all Bums seemed by thix h3ortgage, Lender shall apph F'un,i h, l,i ,. H . rcviit <br />against all sums du+r. <br />