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~~- ~-(i t r~n~ <br />MORTC:Af:E <br />MORTC,IGE LOAN NO L z3,~9 <br />KNOW ALL MLN t31" THESI: PRESENTS: Tint Ray G• Jackson and Yvonne R. Jackson, each i n his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other <br />------- Mortgagor, whether Otte or more, !n conakleratwn of the wmt d <br />Thirty Four Thousand and No/100------------- _ -----------------__ ____~u~ <br />loaned to raid murtgag~,; by The Equitabk Building and Luau Assoccrtiun of Grand isknd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon ~~ aitarsa of stoat of <br />said ASSOClAT10N, Certifigte No. L 23s ~9 , du iscrcby grant, cvnve) a.rd mortgage unto the sod ASSOCIATION the foBorriog <br />desrn'bed real estate, situated in Hail County, Nebraska <br />LOT FILE (5) OF BUCK SUBDIVISION, LOCATED ON PART <br />OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER (Sill) OF SECTION TWO (2), <br />IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) <br />WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. <br />taetcher rich ad the tetrsttwu, hertditamwta and sppatterueoes tharnatto beMttgittg, attached flora ~, a0 ~iwiotr ttaasrMa <br />ttritador sludea, blinds. norm rtrtdows. awnings. heating, au coaditioniug, and phstnbitg tad water agtdpsrset and ttsoaswiss tlarars.~assp,tMww <br />tefrtgeratata, and other futures and equipment now w heswftar attadrd to ar aped gt oanneetiua with slid teal eaata. <br />Aad arlrraw rite said mortgagor ha agroed and does hereby ~« Hrt Ur wort~pr shah and rid pay ad tuns cad rrt~ltrts brill r <br />arorad ttloa std premises end upoa this ttsortptge and Hr hoed scatted t~!~~~bsfwe tM usote rldd booors dNiogtraet: m fianiti aAisnwd <br />hnsucaooe tt~~ooxa the bttilditgs oa sod prsmiass ittrwd h the strm of S ~,~JINI. W pyaMs to aid ASSOCIATION atd co daliwr a W <br />ASSOCIATION the pdicics for said irtwrm«; and Hutto txeawit tx permit any waste on or chum spd preawrs; <br />la caa of defaal in the perforrrraoe of say of the trams red txtgdtttont of the mrxtgye ur the bond ssr:ttnd hereby, tM sited. <br />an dearad, be entNkd to untrtediau poaeseon of the ntortpged pmtnsaes and tlr rstort4tq{or hereby aastpts, traa@'sn aed ell <br />moregtyre aU the rents. reHentra sad W Write to ix darned from the muryyed prctNat dtuutg welt race Y the tlNrrtNe ladabladtlaaa rAad rawila <br />aapaid; and the mKtgayse tlwU trK rise power to appumt any agtnt ur adorn tt troy desire f~~r the purpose of repeating aid presaira aed raattag <br />tM tats and coarcttrtg Ute recta, rertnuea and tttcnrae, cad x say py ore of said tttsetrte st! expeata of repurietg raid pmaisa cad ttasaglfj <br />coaaatissiaer sad capanses tmvrred b Hating tad ~ thr awe cad of waaetitt6 raetak tharafsota: the btalaeee ewrfaiag, i apt, a <br />toward the drxitarge of nmrtpge Wtedasa; throe rtNru of the marrgyse array be exs:asad at aey arms dratted the esthrseet dulEh <br />~. trreyacure of amt tetaaporasp weaver of the carat. <br />Tires Ptaaats, howsrr, are upon the Cossdaaoe, Tiro d air steel Msatgaga rlWi racy cad loot on .w before tit teaturny a( aid Idtaae <br />payw~t: psY wrwthh w teri A554['fATI(N: of air row epacifisd w the load rcatned Frothy as ~atetest apd prieefpei aw said later, as a iefae <br />the Twmtreth day of r~ cad every month, oatil card toss h ftuBy paid, pay all sass cad aaaataarratss leased agaYan wrd 4'~- ts>sd ae r>~ <br />W ifnt dcttd an-:rrad tbsravy. bet+s:o ~aaa;:an~-y: t•.8-ai~ appros-ed :rstaark3 ipua the ov~iaga, r the war of 3 ~ ~~. {~ ptertt8i <br />m adi A~tIEiATitav~, repay to rrsd A-~~l1t~iA3lfyir .poet dsartut nt mottay i#y :t paw cw ~1t areas, asrmffmtx sari matte rfM YtOnsrt aR <br />the er.~r..w ~ rate the_,u.n from dare .J .rwya~nr .yH of wAu'h M.ut~ Iter!by ~... r., yY. xr-.=! x we~:a ---+ ps~~ lx ate <br />etyth ~ rite ~eme-nts ar~+ c~tdrrx-,~ c~ tlrs Ao;td fas S 34 .~0.OOrhn day pvsn 9y riot saw Slarrp~u to amt *tlL'iAT2t~t, cad t <br />troth ail the raquassran w the Cuaatumrun easel BYlars of ttad A3Sl7C1ATlt7Pf: Uaen tMse presents shad bswsr trod cad vrrad, sthantia lfry <br />sled nrasgt w tad twee aed cry be (oredard N the oprwe of 1M aid ASS+a['iAT1t1N after tadw far tMw months b salts arty q( said <br />paysasMa or bs thm rarxttht m ursars w trtakwg sad tartttthly paytttsna, w to keep std r~>,ttpty rtth tM sepsetrou rod evndttiowa of W dead: <br />cad lAortgapr adssa to Mve r rertver appurntad forthrrth m ruck forectowre ptcwvedattp. <br />it Ilrte to any charge n uwrtnsMp of ibe real estate ntortgrtged Aerem, by sde ur athtrwtr, tiro rcr antes rsarmioyi YY4btadasa hasAp <br />aar:trad shad, at air upliwt of Tit Equitable Budding and Low Asaucrttun of Grand Iahutd.IWbraWa, bewrtne unmedaetdy due cad peypY rnltoW <br />htellar reoriae, and tlr rawxant ranwrg due under rrA hood. ~ttd wy uthrr hoed fix say atldttiaui edvaaots nsada tirtsurtda, aWl, flow Ur <br />daft of ttrartae d all apaton, boar wteren at the msamrum lopi rare. cad thn nw~ga~e pray tlra W frrrasioaad to ttttrfy tlra atauatat dM aw aid <br />bated, sad eery other band for ttddpstarl ttdyacara, tagetMr wnh aV cone pad by all T1r EQuxshY Widiag and Ltwt Aaaprtiaa d crated g11Mtt, <br />Nabgtks for arurwce, razor and naratents, cad ttbatracttng rxtmaun charges, rttb uateten Uwetw, loses Jae d paywestt at tM tattrwm <br />Ndd tar <br />Aa protitded ra rite Bumf wweJ horaby, whde tiro nwrriyt rentwu rn ar7srr dr mrrrgrrdsa wrrr IwsafUr adweae ddutwrl wawa to qr <br />trtaken of rd ~mf..hen cares. ~n wcare.KS m rMercsi. s~hhlr wme drli bs rnhtn the tecurtry rn tlar raetrtpdt the nme n the NatQtt ttt~aad~r <br />rcrtred thereby, tar toter ueesnuot of ptukyoil drbr ocrl ro cxc~td a wy tans the urtind arnwnt of the mttngagt <br />,jtaud rite 23r .~ ~) Ftbruary A. cr.. I ~ T9 <br />ac so f- f <br />~~~ <br />qtr' ~ ~~~ cYn r~ 2~d. ~' of February l9 79 . rdoa row <br />br uatMatygd, • ley pe-ae M cad for acid Cutaty, peraaatl~r arcs <br />~U- fs. Jati~ilea awd Vtrernie R. Jackson. each in his arit~ her aiwi right and as spouse f laCh <br />~~ ~ L ._ t~ are kaorn to <br />tae to ba Ile idsellca- prison S ~~. ~ ~` err! afriaad to the above ianrurneat u watgapr s end they reverady <br />adtaow44gad tM alA inn <- ~IR~ { an aa~l dead. <br />R'fTNdBS <br />r iy _~ M1.JC~•=__/ <br />a l~iM RI ~~ ''f ~ <br />t~` ~ c~ <br />