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7~-- l/UO:~~.~ FXP:~,NI]AE3I..l~~:'.VIC)RTt~r~!.~E <br />AS5lGNMENT OF RENTS 47409_3 <br />KNOW Ali.'ak'v B? IMFSE PRESfN(5 i!^at tiorizan Homes 6 Zavestmerts, a partaorship <br />,;heretnatter calked the Mnrigago=si ,n ccn.ree~at.r,•r n^ the °,urr o1 <br />FIFTEEN T2iWSAND AND NQ{100---------------------------------------DnYtarslS 15,OOO.OU ! <br />loaned to Mortgagors. do herebbyy grant, barggain, set! anC convey unto COMMERCIAL EEDERAI SOYINGS AND LOAN !tSSOCIA?ION of Omaha. <br />NebrasMa. (herematter ra{led "Commercial"l, rts successors and assigns, the toNowmg described real estate srtuate0 m the Courtly of <br />Nall State of Nebraslra. to wrY <br />Lot Two (2) is Block Eight (B) in Kwhler Piece, an Addition to the City of Grand Ialaad, <br />Nall County, Nebraska; <br />i0 HAVE ANO TO HOLD TttE SAME. w~1a the appurtenances thereunto he!onguig unro C:xnmercia! its scarssors and assgns. forever <br />Said Mortgagors hereby covenant w,fh sea Comrrerua!. is wc.essers and orate s the! Mcrtgagors are iawtu'!y seized ~! sea premises. deaf <br />they are !ree from cv;amarances, and L:at 'hey will forever warren! and defen^ the title tc said premises agains! the iawfuf clams of aft arsons <br />whomsoever. <br />Pronded, newrRfe!ess these presents err upon the !ohnwmg :ordiba+s. <br />; That whereas the said Mortgagors as members of Commerua! have this date executed a note ewdencing sucn Iran and agxing b repay card <br />.um of money, wtlh intefest, m paymen!s as set forth m said note and have agreed to abide av me terms of said irate arts Charter and By•Laws o! <br />~,anmercral. <br />rnat whereas this mortgage she!! secure any addihrxta! advances. wi Gt interest. which :ray at the option :,t Carmidcial tit made ty Com <br />tntrcial to the urtders,gned Mart~gors or theft wccessors in hilt for any purpose. at any time betore the release and canceltabrxr of this ttvrxtgap, <br />but PROVIDED. NOtEVER a! ro hme shalt the aggregate pnncipal atrount secured try this mortgage, being the amount Are al arty brae a said <br />ongrnal note and any additional advances made. exceed an amount eptwl to 110 percent of the amount of the aigina! rrote. 6af m rro evaat sANI <br />said note exceed the maximum amowt penaftted by law, and PROVIDED. HOYIE'YER tlrat nothing hens curtained shall be consMsgl as battiwg <br />the areaunl bat sheet be secured hereto when advanced to protect the security or in atcadance win covertan>:` r:outamed re M aerfg~. <br />Now, i1 the card Mortga4ats sha!i pay or cause to to peed die said wins of rtaney when due, as set fah m card note, aad eery able rile for <br />sddrbmal advances made until seed debt is fully paid wib inkiest. tlrert these pexnts shall be vad. otherwise, to be aed rew+n ie till lap set <br />effect: but +f def^ult should be made: <br />let In arty of the paym-^rs due on ofd note, and any oCrer trote br addihanal adwnas made, a~. merem speed to De made br MtN !aprtgts, e <br />.b. In keeping ltie imp;ovsments on said premises inwred against loss ty reason at feet l;gntnfng, sad oexr Hazards ncludM M eslss/sO <br />coverage tnwrance in an amoraol not less than Ure unpaid balarce of said mortgage loan. in a capany a comppuas eccegtaib b Cea <br />eternal. the aigrnal of wch poHq a poltues to lx held by Commeroat, and anth a mortgage clause attacMd b said pWrq a pollees, <br />m hvw of rJoemrerual, a <br />ci M lee payment of taxes and assessments tev!ed uttoe Bald premises, or or. this mortgage. betae Ihey are dMtrrpuenl. cr <br />!d'. If there is eery change in the mvndshfp of fire real eSUh matpged hereto, by sale rt thee duhight or trj Land Cronhac t, or by sss+gheurt Of <br />any fnbrest therfeori or osrerrr,se. <br />then, is eery at lM above set forth events, the whole indebteAness heretry secured shalt at Cie ophen of Cammerna! inatety becerne due awd <br />payable wrthatt lurlhtr notice, and the amount drx iardef said rate and any olhd note to adtlihonai ~vanirs mace snag, !*om be dek et the expose <br />o! said option. bear ,metes) at the max,mun+ !ego! 'ate per anrfm and di,s mortgage may then be rorec!cstd tc sai:shr me tsaauat sAre m said ufah. aed <br />any other note for addihmal advances r;gether with ail wins paid by Commercial br :nsuian Uxes as>essmenh and aDStrati gbeslgr faargss. <br />with intnest fhdeon 'ruin the Hate o! payment at the maximum ieg~ late <br />PROVIDED that in no erect eidrer bstae yr after detain",, snag; tde ,ntrrest due sa,d nete aria M < ~!tgage and env ~thtr acre br >a <br />dtbrma! advances made rrceed !fir ^!axrmum !awtu! :oldest rate <br />FRU YiUCD. tetrifer, 0faf in rife rve+,i ifiei dEtay it a3s cu+s ,n giP ma:.,.tg ut th2 F,uy~,m~ts u`uc it ia,u wie a.i un am SiiF ~ to aw~6r7war <br />adYan'£S ,_ ri, ,., _ Eed .. ,~ ode ~, n xr{..,.,e g.r ~ _ ,.. ~.~ rt at- v ~.~ M,tin _- r n,.f , ..~ .,n «".. , ~,,, ,r ~ eat=s <br />~, ,a <br />a asstsswrenb ie,nnd upi#: de ;re+a,ses above desitilled a opal Reis :miftpse bwiu.e ~ era h.:3w de!:f+auaet ::oie:e,tra Snail Oe aabUed <br />to the ~vrraedfatR paSSCSS+rrrl of the nee+ses abvva deSlrioed together witt+ s~'~ 'mtS prCCeRiJs acv! :Styes w,vng aui a£ gu prnerses. and acv' <br />.. ....-.. r. ~, .. :P ^1t 'e:!'„ ~:, ,a_ a` i :Le'.:: "f'.f5. 3.1 .,,, :. ..r . __ ~ ~ .~. ~ .. _._ _ ___ _ _ '^.! ^~y.-. .... ^5:::~."'.S <br />~iamlttma taxes amt aSSe55f!lLTi tS ufaat wch pteli,SlS. d~ f4t necwSSN'i rSFInMS ~nC;tr'sd ~°. 'en iinF Sa!~P'r+"t:S~ a.V rate ifKtlr!S 'eni dilfltr9ai arld <br />Eo 3ppty sane on sat^, r~{e and ea=v x;tes av{%ae,ns 'ub,rr adver!ces era mr ,w~har~~rss ~ s 4:'..j ~,d a, z ~r ysen A,;r~yas <br />w.tE _.,,..smgnrMm...wc ,wn..;,y se- assign. c•`. ~~._. _.._ ,'a.._ _; . -r-^ .,_ _,c.,,: _-. ~ ~_ _ ..._ _~ec~ _._ .. g a:rr 'a!~ :rcoact <br />pey+~a+ts !et art +!!J!s :-• a!iy -thri :~,pvirs .s! aiy 'ytx wan s,e.r- _ _ ~c ts~.ate+ a .>s. v; ~~r`ra#aS ahhlvv desct<b~ Hat sad <br />'anaraturshanm ne USE be tiaae roe air ra,i,ue s ~sxure renai±rs cw~ecr rent[ sr x CrRSeiuu .,rows to recover possess,an nt seed ~>K <br />Tht Mortgagors lurlber appoint Gasraeri:]i of ().faha NeMasat tttCil arrornev .n 'sct ~r .rag card attancry rnwd ;rre+gcabN l.:her On it$ dawf <br />twat a Mortgages' names to table sri ~,rcessar stereo toy rxredings n touir o "die:w:sv !o .ausr sera ;uem:xs w tx vacated to olrect rentals <br />a Otlirr incomes ~e arM worn vaunt tv rt+et "rr rare ^_ ~.axr ,-- •rasvnab,e •eps~': ~u par 'aces a,t .., sa;o •m!> arvhts rtlrltract peymtrfh a <br />incaeres and tc so ai wrh lHmgs ogler M .k awn ,„tees ov ~t!x~ poi*+rs ~:y audru° red r.,d ~;~nt;.,ted by az ;s agent !er said purpose. aril <br />tc charge or pay a reasunabe tx ivr such x,n,„r;. .' !nr amve t:.K x wcn !:mar v,d „ wch marme+ eno x+ :,,,n terms as !o tht,r sad <br />ittnlnay may Seerfi brat w,m !t:~~ i+cnrrr :;' ~,DSt~tut~ ~: <br />The Mortgagors hereb agree eat ~! t Mmer.:a e;mei .r, ,mtar,i. woiurUi. y ar.a•ies >~ :s race a pa•h m any su!' yr ,uoceadrng reiattag <br />to the treretnberorc described =ee estate ,. ';, tars *c:=,tngr ., ~;,~ r ,-.ter the, mane ` ir+ n„ie .~st•n,teit ty .;,a' Mo+t~gas r,il <br />reimburse l:ommdua~ ern air iewsanaa!e ~ errs ,ar~nw' rh ~ rnmrn~a ~ursa.a w~' ~~: xcxeerh~:g ?1+r'b,,p~~,rq r,,rtnr ogee mat ., me ndewberae <br />descnbr0 teal rsGle a my tai'. thrrrui s ;.,uu;emoSn' ~nQr~ me ;x~we, .!' ~:MV,t Annam ~~;rriw~.r a<Uci'e4 !l'i a n.:" •ar me :amages <br />awarded. the pro<t~ds tvi me tabling anG rot the Cores:Ae~ab_n ~..r w.n aid,::+bd, ti, me er!mt ~.~ iMt ~~~ ar,,m,l ,•! fete ~eMr:-„~,~ ~nc;a,d irWOOlea <br />itJSS secu+Jd by tai:::s;ifgage ,r ars~.i they iW V/a r.r .:•: vein: i:; ~.-.,r~~•„ri: a- a.n! +na-~ tz to .! , n:... -~ ua:ace:.~r _• rx a:?i~~cr. _r, a; "?~-nr ~t <br />Me last meaning ~~<r~~imrnts >! ucr, ;:rdebttaYr. ss <br />tll p1[ tSENC_ f 0€, ifiDR27AM _NOMES_i IlirffiTI[19r1i t a paMa~std~ <br />.T3f i i i ~ - <br />1 ~ L< tfrit- L a. / <br />jye- , <br />- ., _..-_ _ _ ~g~b C NbT#li't ~.ufe d aIYR <br />STATE Uf NEBRASKA ~ a+wp~o o weuuaa _ <br />COikiTY 0€ HALL ss. ~. ,,. <br />itaa'thy L. a partner <br />On bra xZ.,z~=P~rti/~ uy of . F!~'!!1»'Y- _ - .. . t9 79 . bebre ale, a rwt:ry toutfhc ,n and !or sa.d +':wnh :>ersma!!y came <br />~ ~'K` Kirk 8. Arnold, a partatr aced TtaetDy L. 11ueu, a partner of <br />ilaeitaaa lialmae i Innattaanta, a pa~tsoraDip <br />b me well Nnawn to Oe fete fdenbnri person or txrsrns whose name fs a nacres are athxed to the above mvr!gagu ac •rant i ~ gram;., and mry ^e <br />at she, severally ackrrowtedge the card irs(ruaerft and the execution thet~l, to tit their votuntarv act and deed asa~ the sroluatary act <br />and dad as partaasy of Norisen NotMa i Zns+eattttarmts, a paz-taerahip. <br />V#tTNE3S niv nand arty tyotariai Seat tats day ofd year last above writterr <br />t ,.,.. 1. ~y <br />My ,_, n,is., , ~ ,r, ,p,~ ( 'k~ day . , ~ C. C. <br />