<br />t
<br />?~- tlllt~yH6
<br />TH13 INDEW'fU6'.E, made this_ - -- ~3c~i day of __ Feb rue zy 1S 79 by and between
<br />_ ROBERT S6EIT):'riEX>?R snd JA,YET -5. DEITENEYER, Husband _snd_. ~ife~ each_in h1a _snd her _rnm
<br />right and ws spouse of the other,
<br />~ ____Hall l'ouaty, tiebrrska, as martSaaor s .. ,end Good lslaod Trtut Cnmprny of Grand lalsad. a weFontioa
<br />orgaaiaad attd aiistinq under the Lwe of tiebrsaka with its principal office and plan, of busman at Gnod ls4ad. Nahrraka. as n.ortpare;
<br />W ITNfiBBETH: That acid Nr 9 .tor sad m cooaidaatioa of tAe sum d --~--_.-.-~_ , _
<br />"tfostl; I~usand FosiL$uadzsd :11cy-elg.~L sad ALL`li).ths'*-..--,,,.ladM~rabs-~'s.:. __ t.
<br />the eutwipt of whirl is heeuby arltaowMnerd, do Dy thrs presents mortgage sad wettest unto Mid , >t.e su~ aM arises.
<br />fawvw, ap thr ldbwin~ describd real aetau. eNurts4 m the Cnwuy d Ht1 I_ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />rah Btau of Nrbrrrka, to-wir, A part of Block 'hro (2~ of Koehler Subdivision, Being a Fart of the
<br />Southeast Qwrtsr of the Southwest Quarter (SE-1/4 SM-1/6) of Ssetioc Iif Uen (~5), in
<br />2ovnahip 8levsn (11) *torth, of Rings Nine (9), sad Part of Lot Fourteen (IL), of the Cottaq
<br />Subdiviaioa of the Weac Half of the Southwest Quarter (li-1/2 SM-1/~) of Sectiw Fifteen (15)
<br />is Tocasltip Kieran (11) Rorch, of Range Rine (9), Mest of the Sixth (6th) Priaeipal MsriAia~
<br />lbn t4rtieularl! Described u Follaw : Coracin6 at the Karthsastsriy torasr of Slott 1Ms
<br />(T), is Koehler Subdivtsioa, Accordinlt to the Rseorded Tlat thereof aor on FYls la tAi Offio
<br />et t6s Resister of Deeds of Hall Coca[!, Hebrssks, aed ruanittC tAaies Wstsrl! a1s~ tfs
<br />liorthsrlF lies of Said C1ocR Two (2), Rinet7r-fists (95) Faet, Thsaee Soutbsrll, Farallsl vitt
<br />the Lartsrl! Line of Said Clock Tvo (2), to the Risht of Ysr of [he Nit L1tae of tMs Ckta~
<br />Wrlis~tse i Quipcy Railroad Coeipaalr, Thaacs llortheutsrlF AlonE tM Morthsrh Lias sf fait
<br />risht of rtes. to the west Llnsof Said Clock Ttw (7), Thsacs Ifort';erl! Alone the Isstsily
<br />Gies o[ Said Clock Tvo (2), Otu Hundred and Fire (105) ?set to the Plan of Ceaiarias.
<br />7sepMar atil7f si Metier. air ems, b~f. aed pitmbias aquytm~t aed Hour... iorhwiat eeeswea, oralrtp, eases wiatbwa and
<br />dean. Md wiedaur shades ar bliadr, used m a h eaoaerrtioa witk sod peo',wrty . whether fir same an awr baud m acid praiprrty a houdtas
<br />plead tMaea.
<br />Ta NAYS AlIG 7'O NOi.D THB BANG. tdpthar wkh rrd aed afgelr tit fsesosata kaeeARttataeu sad eppueaaaaawr thwwalr br
<br />ar N e ~. Riw~, ari .assert tea dtla to tit sacs. irtrid eu+seier _ii heeuiay aeseaeei _~ .>fi rrreN
<br />tint ~~-- w ~r -- alit _-._ . g zr datiwry Yataat, thr iawtti aerr_~-_ at the pnaaiws ehaw ~ aed iaseetlsi.
<br />4d _~~ __ _ _ acrd d a seed and atddteaibia rants of iairrNaser tiwwa, taus aed dw of d arrnebraeras. sad tdrt .S ML wii
<br />u~ sad aYMed Ya ss#s ~_____ fow.as tie ~atrrra w3 ~ a ~ vtra~~ Q
<br />/ti,erA1: B, are tttie bruin Y asfcutad aa9d aearw+d to eerwa the ¢araASet Qt ~ saw, sf
<br />*"*Four Thomaad Ftnrr Htandred Fifcyr.e~ht sad Ho/1t38tha+*_- - nau.n,a iti~R.~ -_
<br />ftltlt ittwuet tleeaa, taBadO with sash Arryas utd advrsore w m.y br der and payabM u snd eeottpyr osier tit assess sad oariiiar
<br />of tie parriwaey esMr J e+e~ ~ ks...ah sad araaao Yaraby. asst+tad by sod ...~ to sad oaetprta, p4ew ~ e~eeeeie
<br />Yi aaY eels, end a aaaru tit paAa.erew d .C tie tear sad aaadiioar orauarrd tiaeaie T'ia assns rl sad aeie w hreiiy iaarrpatatad
<br />itaeda b tW atleseae.
<br />It M tie rRaetiae snd spusaatet of thr peKlr Aarati+ that this ewVeM shall tiro sewn say ihtWre advattrae +aadr b said maet~tpar4_
<br />b' adi atsetir~a, aed say ud tl1 stdabndeas m additwa u the amauat move stand a 6teL snd mtaa~ors, a aaY d Nato, aayta tw to
<br />said t0a(~i. Iaweear evtdwarti. whatMr by wont. book atxotta or otbarww Thr atoeaaap aWr Herrin m full loeu aed aAK htawaan
<br />fie paeYw itaM aed risk leer, preaoert npesaeneattr~a, aocea~ors snd seeress. anti! d arsuw eawnd hatreade . iurAadktd Mwte
<br />drsser, w /old is tag wMh istatsrt
<br />19ea esaatseso-.a_ - hanby eeetta to rwl rtw.rttteaae a~i Hots sad Wwma aneeaa o say sad aY taro teen earl p-apreay sad
<br />hoaby aattirr4a rdd e~ ar its epm. at eta apiwn. utwn Aa(rult, w ohs cMrp al eat0 paopntty sad cdirrt rB Hats sad teoums
<br />oist~aMaa strd appi.y eia store b tlr payasee d iatanea pritteapa/, isarrrare peaoa,wnt r,aaa.. aa.asea.rs. rapru+ .w iwtpv..twat.
<br />asaeeert' ru krap end peoparty m uarnuMe uxrlnwa ,u w cxlu cMreae or pay®eet. pn..-mss a,. r,e..tr ._,r .n tM xiate !.s+=±., aecunwt 7hka
<br />raett ratiptm•wt. siutl roYatlsttr m ireae uattl the unprW rrLaw ad seed oast r tuY7r pad Tae tarty t pnwwteaaa hsewresiar shat! ~a m tettnai
<br />pawsMaEaarl>todadd aa~/i/la is fir aspsttMatad tWd aura hY Jssriusta at atllls~lea. .
<br />1M Mi1sM Ya Mtieiee Y aeesft eRf a/ r stiles istas~ir K ee0' tlr alai sat M asftfwttt~ M • esMw d Mat f~ M aas~t tie
<br />wets at felt lMw tMaa sri to Wrs else aed estates shin a~adleeer ett- ai tie wee sad pewidrer at arY trM red at tNa o.fiptR.
<br />!i Wd a aWl ytrr. w Si paid u, raid tie eaa:. rwnrvet dw +x hwatteiee, tart sales tits resew sad p~srisirtu
<br />at sail aaa Mfald teuasad, ieehditi hKUea adornosa. sad aaq •taataiar a raearaY tasraod m aoenedrtta wank Ue tsw,e sad pewwaawe
<br />tiiwd. sad tit add rsfytpr.< _= uYai aaupiy wki v dr paviadaar at rrid reels sad d this atwrtrapi. tint tires peraealr atrN hs voii:
<br />a0lwwieakatiwri is Mi Illessdaill, aed t1lN twltpiladtli Maslttid a tieleeeeaefea ai aY of sell Pepw7. sad augr, M rr aptiior.
<br />lldsra tier wOl1aM stY tlala tfal aC tsllilllalr tspaalslM tMatip a M 1atYrMlea~ ale. eel pqW+• stal eeey lstaelaar Yrta asrelpp
<br />a rata rrtY slier duel aeYsa N pw:iaat Mr ft~t. Aprefaawtatl rrafead.
<br />Tile atripia iai is Waliai tries Yl airH aetea Y tit i~rit of tit iaM, aawfor, e+aiaMfsclew, aaeeaawn sad arrtsr. of tM
<br />waapaRdw prow iawla.
<br />!N WtTNBiB wdilCMEt3~ arW MettOa•+r-! M ~! haaaub sat .__the ~ a___. rise dap and yev (fret about
<br />wrk!@t.
<br />e~el~` ~' ~=-'.
<br />-- -_-
<br />Jrtnet 3. Deftweyer~
<br />