r i,
<br />other party if deposited in the tiuit,.~ States Mail, Registered
<br />or Gertifisd, Rootage prepaid, xitit rstura receipt reque&ted,
<br />rxrd addressed to the respective parties ai their addressee at~oMn
<br />b"T their sigaatuates a± the end of this Lease Agreesaeat; strd,
<br />if re•Quasted in .+riti~ ~ a per^ittsd assignee of Loses, to
<br />such assignee ss tiae address specified by stech sesigpee or at a~
<br />other raddresses tint each asaigzsee spry deaigalate fa ~rriting.
<br />B, If at say time, or fros~ tiar to ties, there shall
<br />be addltioasl Lessors, one df such Lessors shall bs dsaigaated in
<br />aritiag to rsceiv¢ all adticee sad rest sad asxviee upon ~r paj-
<br />srrrt to drat Dare aha11 coaxrtituts service upon or part tm all.
<br />XII1, lfi~l~'GA~GBS• SiiBpSD11iAT~QIt.
<br />'this I.esss shall at all tisies bs s~sb~ert aed aaD-
<br />oard3arste to fire lien of say siert~s (lac ludia~ !ot pmtp0~l~ai f>stt+pr[,
<br />a~ used of Trwt) tbst srry be placed oa firs ptssis~s h ius~.
<br />Lesse+i shall saraeuts, sakoereledge and delfwr as~r lastreM~i liME
<br />any be regwated by Lessor or Ltasor's ~ fees Qf~a q +l~t
<br />Co ertdesee such staLcardisatisn of raeoard, if iwsset sir~ll r
<br />delitrst to Lessee before Lessee is re+~uirsd to easev~ta srr~ ealf~r
<br />iss~cvMrast, a ~rrittea frame any auob aor~s-;aa, is !f~'~s
<br />aatislsetsey to Lessee, statiaa is sahtasese tisat s ~a) sa , as
<br />Lessee taititfully diseissr~ss :rah sad every aDli=,afies esa ms's
<br />pert to be peslosartd iretarmdor, Lessee's temase7 sill bs sos~t#SN
<br />and sot be distrs>*hed Dear this Lease ire affecpd !rp asp ~ err
<br />a`oreel~ure under said iiatstgaga, aaad (b) in the crest ~ fasfiaslosrt~
<br />or other safoscesrest of said ssrtgage, tha r~irta of Lessee •beli
<br />survive sad his Leese shall in all respects sos~tiarre is full forma
<br />sad effect Lf Lessee castisuss to f:ally psrfors s11 of Lssssr'r
<br />obligntf.ons heseunrer. Leases airall bs~re the sift to acgesirs fire
<br />parses is ire of ~7 arreit f~aateE loses . Ia3 the s sd ~
<br />~tan2.t r soh sortga~s or sort,ea, Laas~ agaraea tias€ Lames
<br />asp cdare sash daienlt red deduct aaeg rdfasses rsde fot tt~ puarp~e~s
<br />f~ fut-r~ rat ~ b~rid T_.es~r.
<br />~c Tv , err wcart~~ ,
<br />A, tb wiwr of say breach hereof b7 Leases shall be
<br />eoosidered to ba a waver of sap other or rubssqueat breacti.
<br />a. 3uDject co the provisions c+f Article tIII slrtitied
<br />"Aa.ig~snt and Subleasing," all of the covemsata, agareesiesta, pro-
<br />v181ass acrd coaditioaa hearsof airsll inure to fire beaarfit a-t card
<br />be bisailsg upau the partir~s tse>:eto, their successors, legal
<br />represeaCstiwe aaei aaaignr .
<br />~. ::acu ,arty agrees, upozs Chr rr~ueet of the otixar,
<br />Co assc;tts a sir~ist toads hesao,f =~ yttzpaass of rseords.tlon sad to
<br />Asa t~itis Lease st asp tiaat .
<br />~. v~hst #xp this Le~e~, eat or apgttrv:l o.t s
<br />paw is req~are$ prlsac to a>4 act, sash party shsil reapewd pro~ptiy
<br />1.'!'1 ~ a~egneat thsrefs~r fres~ the etir~' party and C9~leat or ipprpvil
<br />eMrsll 1s as ease be cif ud~irsll.
<br />i+. Z"i,s ~ of path paartt tasreto atoll be ei-
<br />oraesd iy aalp ~Ls. deLey oar ~l1~ dos tso ataribs, lociwuta,
<br />piCieet3a~, b. ^smtfis, dal t~ts#sstiom~s, gowrasratal re-
<br />g4ilstieaara, gews'eMa+~al eerrtaoola, es~ er htutlle ~(ovsrssieatx t
<br />aettoa, fire, aQta of tiOd. fle~od, ei3`t1irt, harricaae or ot~z
<br />eswea oz oceesrresees 1uep~oard that part7r's reasonable coatrai,
<br />_7_
<br />