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75--tr~r().f~7 <br />To I{.avE; s:~,>'I`o HOLll the same unto the Mortgage, <s frere:~n pru~i<#cri. Mortgagor rr.prrs.~nts tc;, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has gouci right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwiae recited; that the ldortgagor will way jant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinqu€ahea <br />x11 rights oP homestead, all marital rights, either in lave or in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />the Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises. <br />P1tOVIBED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to <br />wit: <br />)dortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of Nine ~utd orte half per centum (g, 5 `ie) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal sad interest shall be payable at the oftke of Afcrt:gage puts Inoorporatsa <br />in 13tglewooci, Colorado , or at such other p4-ce se the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to ±he 3ortgagor, in m<~nthly itu,taiixttancs of ~ F1p~Y~j aCtd 37100 <br />Dollars (E 442.37 ), commencing on the first day of Apo:il , 18 79 ,and oattttnutrtg on <br />the first day of each month thereafter until said note le fully paid, except that, if sot sooner paid, the final <br />payment of ptYacipal and interest shall be due and payable oa the first day of ~~ 2009 ;alt <br />aosording to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith eaecntrd by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor further agrees <br />I. He will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbeforo provided. Privilege is reserved to prsprq* at any <br />titres, without premium or fee, the entire iadebtedtteas or any part thereof trot leas than tM atnoust of ose <br />ittstalltaunt, or one hundred doiLn (1100.00), whichever i. leas. Prepayment in itdl atoll b• caadilad as <br />the date rsoeirsd. Partid prepayment, other than an ere ina4llment due date. mud not ha osadi`d stsfiii <br />the ttntt towing installment due date ~ thirty dqn after such prepayment, whichever k eafim. <br />g. Together whit, sad in addition to. the monthly p4ymanta o[ principal sad intaeart paisNa asiar <br />the terms of the note aeertred hereby, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgasee, as trustee. (render the tttrtata o7 this <br />trod as beretnafter stated) on the tb-st daT os each month until said note is fully paid: <br />(s) A suet equal to the ground rents. it any, neat due, pins the premiums that wiN »ett! baoo~ra ase <br />sad payable on policies of fire and other hasard iawrsnce eoenerit~ the tsesiragad , <br />pica taxes and asaeaamenta next due on the mortgaged property (a8 reatitatabad by the Ider~ <br />gagee, and oP wfiieh the Mortgagor is notified) leas a31 sums already paid thsntor dhidad by <br />tM number of mantha to elapse before one month prior to the data who artdt Ili t!etata, <br />premiums, taxes and aaaeaatttenta will become delingwnt, web salsas to bs bald b7' II[ortp{ae <br />in trust to pay said ground rents, premiums, taxes and special aaaeaamenfs. <br />(b) The aggregate of the amounts payable pursusnt to subparagraph (a) and thoaa prvabie on the <br />note secured hereby, shall be paid in a single payment each month, to be applied to the 1To0ow- <br />irtg items in the order stated <br />f t) ground rents, taxes, asaeaemeeL, fire and other hazard insurance prern#uer; <br />tt) intermit oa Elm ~e aecwrea! hereby :sad <br />(t1I) mortir,atiur. of ~k• ;,ri~ip31 of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment sha0, urlaas ttsads good <br />by the 4Eortgaxtrr prim trt +~ ring date of the tteat ~.telt psi inert, c~ttinte sn eat of detfarrk <br />under this ma:-tgage. AL Mortgsg~'s option, Mortgagor veil! pay a `9ata charge" ~ asx-aar~ <br />ing four par eentum (4 ~) of any install went when paid more than fifteen (ifi) days after the <br />data ttr~f to e~~~r ills antra ezpor[s~ involv~,i in )saadl~ dalita-luent pajr-aassta, Sttt <br />"iaGs ahar~" shall not be paprtDle out of the proceexlt of aay sale rrtada to satisfy the led <br />rteaa secured hereby, ttnkaa each procreds are sufllcknt to discharge the cadre iadsbtadttuas asd <br />ail proper coats and expeaaea aecurrd thereby. <br />3. /t the total of the pt-yaaests mule by the Mortgagor ender (s) ai paragraph 2 pteg atrU <br />erreeed the attsanst of prVmsnta aetsaily reads by tfx Mortgagee, a++ trustee, for groatid rents. taros and <br />waaaeoents or inwraaoe prmmiums, as the otur may be, such exoess shall be credited b7 the Moelgagas <br />a ashaaattast ptymatrb to be trtade by the Yo.-tremor for each items or, at Mortise's option. as trstsa. <br />aha0 rte tatuaded to Mostgasor. [f, however. such monthly payments shall net be wAkissi is pq snob <br />lfaetna rrdrrt the acme shall become due and payable, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagfaq as <br />trvatas, aay aetottat necweaary to make up the defiriettcy within thirty (10) days after written notice flint <br />tM ll[ttrtgasae stattng the amount of the detlciency, which notice may be given by mail. if at any time <br />tfte l[oetg+gotr shall tertdsr to t!w Mortgagee, in s<rordarxr with ttce prov#aions of the rwte secured <br />henraMr, f11rY M1rtMrt eft the etrEiee iarl.Yladraaa re(iseaesisi fiiawiy. fhs lierlgagsa, err Ewatw- aiidl. <br />b fries the aftanrst d aatah laitieainr. audit M tits aeaoast of fha ltarryrr af>Et- attadit ~e~hntaa <br />arwfw+dttfad seder the pswtrWean et /a) d }angraph g hared[. U thaea; ahaN Ors a daffatrlt tetir sear <br />of the proeiaFrss a! thk rwrsfting itt a pe;l~lle setts of the prearissrt eavered ltars~r, ar if Elie <br />satlsp~ffe aetwErw the propefrgr aEhitrwtae afaar d~`auu, the fflartpgee, sf tr+uNee, shall apply, at the <br />tffoM eft tie ooterpaoaetaat of sash praeasdisp, err at fir dttaa the ptvpatty is otharsrlre aer~dr+ad. Me <br />tpsflafat fArs raflaitf{pg b er~edlt the lRarMNat radar (aI at osra~h >< patiesiis~ err s credit es Elie <br />ltdrx+gat aieerea~ Errd mtpstd atad dte baiasoo m faro Mrlaeipal flies naaaaisi~g ttspaW os said sole. <br />!. Tfr ~ of fit» isratt shah rsrsa~ is ti»tl fares sad egeat durisM aay prrrtpuuetnant or .~- <br />aion ed fhethreeaft payawmt of the isdehq~aas or attfy part thereof seattrad hereby. <br />5. )lie will p4y ap ~etrwnd rests, taxes, asawea-ents, water rates, atxi other governmental or munici- <br />pal ctiaegra,lises. or impositiotut, levied ~ tad prestiaea asd that rte will pay all taxes levied upon thin <br />nsla~trDftp. or tM delft aacured Ehereby, to~pether wi#h any othsr taxes or aaaassmeata which m+,y be levied <br />lrttder! the laws of Nebraska agaitut the Mot~ee, or the Eagd holler of said principal note, on account c: <br />Shia indebtednrua, etuxpt when peynaent for aA such items here theretofore been made under la) of para- <br />graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly detiti~r the olfkial receipts 4herefor to the Mortgagee. In default <br />thereei the MOtt~agce may pay the same. <br />