<br />Mc~RrGAt;E
<br />MORTGAGE i0A!r ti0...~23346 ~-_-
<br />ICNt~ALLMF.tiBY'i7{ESEPRESI;NTS:That Kenneth E. Weber and Rebecca R. Weber, eac;t in his
<br />and her osan right and as spouse of each other
<br />Moetptpor, wldthtt okra ar more. in cosrdesx[!wr of the rsm d
<br />Thirty Nins? Thousand Five Hundred and No•"100----- _------------------------------_-OOLLAR.4
<br />loaned to said mortpixrr h). Tht Equitable Bui}ding and Lsprr Awociation of Grertd liartd. Nebradra. MortgBee, upon 395 iursa d stock d
<br />tail AS50C1A110N. t'ertrfiate !vo. L 23346 , du hereby grant, antvey arrd mortpee unto the said ASSOt:fATiON the folforrittB
<br />desssitsed real estate, utwted in Hall County. Nehrtuka.
<br />ht~aehec rkh all the tsaeatenn, hes.dwrrems and grpunesanoea thesatseso ~M ~~~! waahai flow arwaiyt, r wirrAssr lgraaM.
<br />Misr thaies, ~, ataem erisriosrs, aA'esfn0• Wit. ~ ~, ~ phi as/ twit a~riBtwt rttd at~a~lwrtfrK tltwMrk.~t1~.IMrIR
<br />urei~ata, and other fixsuros trtd egdprneat aow a tretrtaMs attaeftad to a tab w txsrstedaa w~rW ral efMM.
<br />And wlrasaaa tlr trill rsoce/dos hs teraed aed dars hrraby yns that tM e`d and sai• pg r ttYtls aad saaralarMgR larlatt M
<br />aaHtad tafrt~ trail pmaxiaes artd rpm NY tatnrtp~a Ytr the trend asescai tha~Et!Mwa tlr a~ ah/ >tartM dt~ltMSt: M Ai14i a~lst/i
<br />~ilelstaaas r~a • ,. baWirgs as sxif psentira tigrtwd Y the txrm d S 39 • OQ ~aiys~ark so stdi AlOQA71l51ii td M tMltt lis t31i/
<br />A~rtAtit]N the prtticsts for raid ice: at6 not to msradt ar pttsstM as7r oaate ae a ari pasriNe:
<br />ha oyes at iefaak m the perfarrtaxe d enY d the tomes trrd tvrdilloas d lhr rrttel~ u. dr trod trc+wd -as-y. ie ttasst~e tf1a4.
<br />on demand. 6e antitkd to mrmsdiate prxsetaon d the ttsottppi pwmues trd the ~r~pt~s~ hen-y rrratlpts, ttasless d okra atwt M dr
<br />asottiaiae all tAe renu, re+etttres and uwme to be tietisad hors tha wortit(pd pasasMn Arrirr tudt tYr,s q ttr mrrytre isiaieaiiro it1~ wtsais
<br />gttttttisl: and tha trortprgee tduB base the prwtr to appohrt any qeM a trpsta a: my dais (br ehs t>mposs ar repaierti saN pasmleat asi rte/
<br />does tress eri anWxtirng the rentt, roseataa asd incoase, asd u may ptsy trw d acid caroms eB expeara d nparlr~ sari pwmiasa asi raslalaRy
<br />mmrrWttiarr andeapcnon incurred re netnq rd ttrsaptti the frtr rd or eaieotats rsrtrb ttwa6om: tYs baYrr ta~ritra, ~ trsty, b Yr
<br />taawd tha disclrergr ut sod ~+tgaK mdebtsdrsus: rheas ripats of the n+t+rVaieK try M exsecird u any tray tttairr( ~e e~tlrtaan d lash
<br />~, lrsse~scs.i of arty to _~sa;> ~aivee d the rata.
<br />Tans Ytsrnrs, tic7ra•.tOr, ars :rpm tors i;urdrlior, 3'trst d r§e wai ~ e ~ «~ ~ ur §~..rs t~ a>~w~r ?d '
<br />prymant; psq' stastt}ely to stgd A550C1ATfUN or the arm m the lasd aserrad~ r rtttauas and pnrapai aw epi ksar. m ex Oaitra
<br />tl3e Tinr±lt4th der of easA artd e+,<rr month. wr[i and lom s h;std: pay d wrn and aerwrrnKS Mwd apmer aui prwria asi oa ~t~e ikwrt~t~
<br />r~ _~ fly seer=! r_t~ekx, helms delas~xy, ftse~A a~eosed msrrasae rpc~ rtes t ttrseaae an ~e r~r a(s 3~ s ~ ~Q pttps4rb
<br />td rxi3 A~C3[s.1:t:.:;. ~.,aa ...::.. A~:A:"it.4't'. .."` :.~:-~y '+y~ ^ ~ ~'¢ . ~s ~ *_^~ ~ ~
<br />tYa tataxiarrrs Mran rate rirseeon trust dap d pgrrsat aii d which Mwtiap hereby aieses to psry, yrrtisa nu srsts ties mt8 ptsstra: hwp iris ~+
<br />she ~ the,~erteteau amf c.usdrtxars of tRe Bond tors 3N,~.OOrhi- day gtxn by tRa said M+rrtptiw to rtrd AS$S7(`fAfi~V. atoll tsrespir
<br />with i the w~srirarnerus d ills :raRrltW i3A and $ytsws of said tC55flttATttYi: thts tame psetrerw stta$ >ttr~ ued sr~d. oN~a!!Ia i~aq
<br />ltai ttemat: b frd fosse and ttsay be fnnslssed M thr option trr tM rtrN AiSOCiA110N after ftrw far these tttxrrtYs N tars sa0' d eui
<br />paymerta or w tMs rsontha n anars u rASiciap tatd eeenthiy ptsymcrrts, ar to Wp tsati comply wrtA the s{tserastt tmi anedit{asa olaaii MtM;
<br />eadadd Ifurtpiw aprses to harts a rsflsrves apftomtad forthvlth m arch tarecbrse peoondiyr.
<br />if thsa a aay c}rarye w uw'ertRip ~ the rpl ewu mrxtpied IweYt, by ris w uthrwier, claw the arms raarraltti radrhgiisrr Maaary
<br />aeucad stud, a ,ye optbr or Tlr C~oierrhle lyddirq tnd lnsr Aswdatiat of Crrd laird, Rirrbrarka, become raetadiMrly dir. card sr~haas
<br />farefrs tsotios, and Me eutstrnt ranrrtstri due carder end botad, aad arty wirer bead for rwy addpiorral edsatroea aaaie thasmiw • ritJl. Hssr tires
<br />Jaee of axass+iea of said bear riaesst u toe rsrs^srrutn iqx! :ate. and rhos T!a mty rhea be foretdomd to mei+fY tiN assatu[ tbN os and
<br />bari,trti asy odta fa oidaiuearl adt4noert, ropetRsr rHR all srrp pnd by cad The figwubY )>rYdhti ri l.rrrs AnoaiKloa of fwnsd fisi.
<br />ftlei-edts for inawanac, taxes and ttaseatn^xes, and rsctrry extenw±n with mtersa tbsetan, freer dues d psymrt rtt Ms tarxiarrs
<br />~~
<br />As prrnlded m the qua/ srcuta! MreEy. whdr ~Rrs m.xt~e rrnuuts ur meet lfw mwtygae rru> Aeredler dsarKae addnkwl srr0a tc~ the
<br />tssaiers ut srid Bond. tRsn astyru .x sw;xuurs to mtarts+. wtv.h scans shall Re wnRtn tRe security ~.t the murtpye tRe serer ^s the fwrdr ur~laady
<br />sec~aed thertby, the t.,tsi sra...uni X prms-tgal ;3€yt !r•-;* +~: rsta~ +t ^nr urrte the xr~rrral arrurynt of this rnorgge
<br />taarw thr 19th .ts) .,t Febrwry A It . t~19
<br />IRk ~s: clstlr. 19th attar Febrwry i9~4 .be[tratrr,
<br />ra ~, s NMary hWe is and kx mir GamNy, petansary Dams
<br />~ E..kiti6tgr tt~ Rt~~t A. p3C.ti i 1 his iAd tsar t7YYi riq~a~aS S~i~tarr ea
<br />~cA, other
<br />w to d. Na idataiai ptretio s svhnea a.me S are e~bwt to tie m rerort>ftror s rd they attwrauy
<br />acknewMdp~d the trii Lra4srmaet to bs tht3i r sahrtary w and dwrdf~t ~- : ~ ~ -
<br />IY!'TN648 try baNl and NnexelN SMI tlr bN faaexd. f ,~ ~ %
<br />My Commnepua expaa ~ ~ - ~/ i
<br />..~`~--
<br />/ r i.-----..-' rxary
<br />s.: ar xi G-~j ~J. E Y` . ~ 'I <~ ntq._: •.~ v,•.. kv ~
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