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79-~ Ut,z~~)4~ <br />!b) To ttse Yh! loan evidenced by the note solely ttx purposes atrthortzed by the Government <br />fn Tv pay wttm sue alt taxes, hens, judgments, encumbrances, and aasesaaents latvfuily attacbtng to or asussed <br />against the property, tncludtag all charges and esansweats is eoaaectran nth water, Mater rights, sad water stock <br />pertatntng to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all taus an6 assesawtuua levied <br />upon this morlgagr ut the note ut any trtdebtedaess hereby secured or apiaet any legrl bottler hereol or of t\a cote yr of <br />said indebtcdrtesa ut+der the laws at Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the G~vemwest witttoui tlemsnd receipts evideacta~ <br />such payweats. <br />;d` T~ keep thr property to cured ax rey ut: ed by and undrr utaurancr putties approved by [hr Graver n:ne rat and, at its <br />request. to debver such poliuet tc the <:u vcrnment <br />(9) To watM/+4..aaystlYramettfs in doad repro sad wrke rtpatn requtrod by tk Gove»axat, operate tke property u a t'~ <br />and \asbaatlaupy~~~~~crwpfy Myth aac\ tarot coaservaltoa practices sad (sew sad httwe waoatZeweat plaeta as t\e <br />Goveratttsnt ft t' lM"~ My prescribe, and not to abudaa ttN property, tx cwae tx perwii wash, IeaswiaA a upair- <br />ment d the Hereby, a. without the rotten coaaeot d t\a Government, cm reaove, a kart any ttwket, <br />travel, 0;1, gas, coal, a Cher to:nerala except as way be reccatsary (or adiaary dtrwestic peeposes. <br />(lA) To caeply with all taws, ordinances, and re`ulattons aflechag the prapMy. <br />(I1) To pay a rctr~barae ttte Government la expenses eaanara\ly aaceaaary a txiderttal to the protectiaa of t\e lien <br />sad priority Meant std w t\a aafaeewsat d a tM cowpfiaace wk\ t4 previaiwa \seaof and d site saM aa>+ say ttgpM- <br />tatrdary gwetsert (w\d\sr Ae/aee er after ddwk), taeftrdirt~ Mt rot tiwlM !e coda d tvideace d title to sad ttttuwy d <br />tfle prwparty, cotta d racordiaA t\H and d\w tnat:wtaawts, attarwaya' foes. tnstew' fees, coat cewta, aM espaaaas d <br />rdwRitiw~t arifutd, era/ eorveyty tftr property. <br />(I2) Nwiliw tie prrtparty as any porttar tleuat a itttarpt tieeu s\ali M laaawd, tatti~aed. sold, hwaatanwd, err wwewat- <br />ttarad, veltaAartly a dioewiae, :ithod fire written toasaat d tit GorMYrYwt. T\e Govenitaeat atoll Mva tfle Hate sad <br />•sitaiw ri~ftt a taartEadee hecettrdar, hcirditat~~ iat sot liottd to tfo pswwr to Araat coaanats, partial twfawatta. wiaeliaa- <br />tiaaa, grid senisfaeKiat, and tto itrotteed older a\aii \rw try tritil, stole w Mlaead i• at ra t\e fish a arty {lgAAh \aewat. <br />(f3) At ail aasoarbte Does t\c Gwerwaeat sad us apds o.y iaapact sir propwr[, ro aacugiw wbrt\er Lis ewrwwaats <br />tad apawataata caatatned Aeena d is say ssppieattatary aaaerat era Yeiq paAorwsd. <br />(14) The Government rosy extend and defer the maturity of and renew and reamortitt the debt endtrtced by th wok <br />w any t~btedttcs to the fosterarnent sectuui lserrby, release from liability to the fovemmrnt arty party xr hook ehereae+, <br />release ptatioett of the property from and sttbordittate the lien Aersof, and waive any other rights ltoreutider. wYChvu: affecturgt <br />ctrl lies or prtonty hereof or the liability Io the Govsrnttwat of Borrtserer tx any other party far payment of the note ~ in <br />debtedrtess ucured hereby except as specified by the Government in writing <br />(IS't tt at any trine ,t shail appear to tke Goverwwest that &xruaer Hwy be able to trbtain a loan (row a ptaduct+oa crttdtt <br />assactat+oa, a Federal load stoat, a d\er twspoasi\k cttoperattve a ptvate credit source, at roastnabk rates sad tows <br />fa law: far sianlar pwpoaes attd periods d tiaie. Borrower will, upon the Goverrtarawt's rtgwat, apply ttx sad accept such <br />loss to suft:rtent a>gotrm to pay the tide and asy radebtedaeas secured \aeebv grid to pay for asy stack aacewaary to rte <br />ptrtetraed in a cooperative lewding agency to cmnactiaa wN\ such lass. <br />(161 De(auit hrreuader shall coMtrtate default trader soy atMr twat estate, or wader say patsooal ptvpeety W otftet. <br />secatty inalrutaeM held tx taauted by the Goweraweat and taect#ed v taawwed sty Borrower. sad tLetark seder ay sack <br />dfW tacwtty srgtrttttsrat s\sll rtna:state adaah taeeweder. <br />;!' SN(H iLl) I)£FAt ~i.-t ~KCVr to Litt ptrltxMtanet eN dts.~harge of anV obltgat Wn In tuts to tLTUtrte tx tN tecurtd bV tka <br />taatrumcnt. ~ shrxtld any am of :he Partin itmied sa Bar:tr'rer dir ~ ~.e tleckrrd an ittc..tnpettnt s lankritpt, or err <br />=-gig-~` :~~. ~ ~ F>: ~1ir. ~;_ 4; _ .. .~*i, -~tf~t <br />:C.r;.~r:r_ :-a ~..~kz ::,..«. .tt. ~.'Y ~ .. ~, ~R:<:>:r::. ;r ~ ,~_ - _- __ <br />d..:t..=c for cuts att'•=.A• ~~pa~ _tdts ebt !ate and any inettbttdnt:: rn tot t:csetrnenent hreb; tes-uted tttwhe <br />Jut ants payat~Ye, ;e± t9t tot apt orrat ai ttvrtower incur ark pay ccavona6ic txpewaea '.,r te~ir .a +.. a~x.~- ..: ae.1 Tait <br />.~.~ ..! _ .+...,._ , r .rtoiicsri<m 6v it and nrodw~rtrsn u} skis inuturticn[. ant\owt tst\d <br />rwirlertce and Mit)tout n ti_ n,i heatin^r f„n shave a rettiver appointed i x the prnptrty vetch tot usual povreta <br />.,t rt€tartt..a tiL€ ta,+€a, ~.; .:ra.:3osr ~ iau:t:m-nt ss p=urdcd hcr••r :- by las i d ;-. *•ni.»cr ant a+tr± sU Ater t~Yr± <br />and etnrcdies prtrveded Aerein oe by present rx futon bw <br />(18) Tke prucetds a.f tweclwurr salt shall be applied to the taUowtttg .xder to thr pavmtnt .r! is:~ ~wtt and cxpettsta <br />tae rat to to rxctnVj cK complying wttb the prstvtuunt hrreot. ,br any prix Ixtn requucd by law ut a .u~nFanent court to <br />bs so paid, (ci ebt debt •vtdenee3 by cite Hutt and aU indebtedness to tht t:ovcrnmtnt .r.ute.l httebr, .1, rnirnw liens <br />;rf record tequved by htw tx a c.snspetcat coot[ [u M su~, {e) at the (.overnmeat's upttan. any crier tndrtxednets <br />of Nrxrow.r owing to rx inuurd by tht (:ovtrnment. • (t; any (>a4rne to Borrower At fwecloaure ru athn wk <br />.d all .. am part of tht p-vperty, rite <:..vr.xa,~nt an.i u. agrnts troy 6u! att.3 PPw.kase as a ctxactg.-r and troy p+t tl:c (.:avttn <br />ment't state of the purrs:se pr art br ;rc;fit inp su.`. amount un am deltU of 8cx rowtr owing tr..M tnsurtd by for <br />t,,,vetnmrnt. in the order prtsarrbcd •isu.. <br />tlr+l tie;:tox:': ag2tYt rtes! !t:e tur4<'!::....,:: -:'.~ '... ~ h„:!rl~I h~ al11 et.~~rt ..!~l;e' \tatr lay , •,yt•l!.^.~' (L.t <br />valurnuts, aptxatsaf, htaiecatrad .n rxraiptr,nr .,r the pt,ys•uy lb) ;auhihnmg ntavurnanir •..t an a:trx~ tut s Jrtktcncv <br />ptdKnttnt ur luunuttt ,tin aunnuii thtrro! „r +trr untr wuhm whah su.h uiusi tn~ hn,tgetit /,)pres.rttttny env ,ttbei <br />staiuic ssi hnu.atitsns, (dj aiiuwtnK any ttythr „t :rJt-r,tpt Hen ,ri {rossesxtun IoHo'x wig -fns iurrcltssure sale. r,r 4eY ltmiitng sett <br />~ixidttuats whn:h tltc Y,r.vetrtnMnt ,rats l.v rFx~lattt.+_, unF~~e. rncluJiaY the ntterrst ,ate it troy ~t+arge_ s. a .aat.isinat .,r <br />r tratisfat e/ sir property lu a saw laerotrat. fttnertitswr •ttptxssy etwtttws the tratatHit w awy assets ldetsa sawn. <br />lorrotrer ietwiy reNtigtsufns, rraiws, and a~wveyt all rirYts. iadtrwu tx ctirsaweimnate. of rfesctnt, dourer, grid ctwteey. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />