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US13A-I tttt-IA <br />form fmNA4".7.1 NB <br />lR.v. , ?-~k! REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br /> <br />TtilS MflRTGAGf is made and entered into bY --=~-_bs• .-s7Z1i~_...ITSr_~~~.._. <br />~30C1-17+'d~- ~~ in 211Si_.aIY~..~1t3L. ~ ~1~ .~O8.~C8it~'.-~.~.tJP...4i2>P.La <br />residing in ---.._..------------~j----------- -----------• ---------._....__ County. Nebraska. whoa post office addreta k <br />~~ 1 Cairo 68824 <br />-- -•--•-____.._•.------.._...--------..._.-._..---- ---- -.-....--- -_.- ----------- --•--- - ----°----•--- -•-- -- .Nebraska <br />hewn arkd "~brrower " and: ---_.__---~- <br />WHEREAS borrower a indebted to the United Slates of Ameru;a, acting throuth the farmers Morse Admirwtratian, <br />United Statcs Department of Agrictdture, herein called the "Governnnt.' as evidenced by use or more ptomnaory note(s) <br />or tnaurrt(rtian agrattxnt(s), herein a[kd "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payabk to the order of the <br />Government, suthoritts actxktatMn of the ensue indebtedrtess at the option of the Government upon any detatdt by <br />8ot-ower, and b described as ftdtows <br />Arrwwl Rate Dre taste of Fbral <br />Ads of Inafrsrnent Pritrclpat Arwownr o tntersrt lwetatbsetrt <br />P+ebctlssy 21, 1979. 555,000.00 8.58 Fobc~aiy 21r 2019. <br />Mil tie sate sviMncaa a bu to Horroser, and the Goratarest, at any tire, ay aaip tfe sore asd iaaars tM RgwR <br />tbaras( wtaat b tbt Goaaslidated fair aced Rasai Oaraiaprant Aet, or T itle V of tfe e( the Ibaaiag AN at I119t <br />Aced it N t4 ptstFose aced inlaat d tfis tnatraraM tot, sarong otfee tfiap, nt aU tirp wfea the Brae 1s balilytls <br />Govaenntee4 or in tfe wsWt the Goveearsrt afoald aaaigs ibis itntrrraat ~ilfo<r inrttance of ~e nde• ibis lasteszant <br />abed sttettn paywt of tM astr, bat wbs t4 note is laid by r naani folder, tfis astnrsat sbaU net anew Reset <br />~ tfe sots p atlae4 q tM daM aviiant.+d ibsrabr. frtt as b t-e nets and wcf dsM aball coestiitttbe to ~y rssws <br />to ttsesra the Gavararnt apinat tans sailer ire ianrranee ceatrad by reason at say detasit by Barovar. <br />NO6'. 'f HF.REFtNtt:, is coordaratas al tbs ban(s) asd (a) nt dl tistes mine t-t wte is ttetd by tfe Govanrwt, ae M de <br />evest eM Goversraat afoald aaaier ills isatraraY sritlnttt issarasce d ttx pyraat of tfe note, eo saetue lAaM payraN <br />of tfe sole and aey rsaesals aced estaaaioaa tfatast and asy apeerwts coeitr"red tbe.ein, inclaNnR any pwriaioa tar tbt <br />paysKSt eA aw tamraece a offer cfatRe, A) ~ aU tiara ales tfe sole is Mdd by as~ naand troida, to asesta ~erfsewasce at <br />Barosr's nUraerest tunrn to rsdetaaily ~ aavs fnrrless tfe Govasreat atlaiaat bas aattar its iaaaraacs cent-aet fy <br />rarer of nay latnrM by Boeroser, and (c) is say sveat sad ~ aU rises to aaeaa tfe Asapt p.yraat d nU ad+rtraeas std <br />espeaitttves rude try tfe Governrettt, sill interest, ss fe•efaatler dearrifad, aed lfe prfotrattcs of wary cevanant and <br />age ~ 9Emesa =^eds~d fsrssa ar ~ any ntFrteraesary +~~= Barrowar dose feaadT (Fast: sail, o~er~sy <br />esd arrit~r, sal bnrerd s sab tfe [rsvaard tM tolbsiag Fwprtr dtnatM is Ne S+Me of GamtlAssl~ of <br />Hall - . -- °-.-._..........____ __......__. - --- - - - - --- - -___ __ _ _-- - --- -_..-- ..._ ._ _.. <br />8~st s~+t~ t7i: ~: ~-t:`'~r~--- :.3, . ':+~:~!r "_'+~elt+e (12! <br />.... - y ~sy~ es~t, lt~3t Ms t.~ Rix±h a-~v.,~l rrrr~tAiarrt; <br />~: - <br />8t®7SLT '1D a teoaci,~ltge in tevoa' taf 4lte !'esis.~tl Lend Ba~n)t of Gleattts, A C~ot~oocet- <br />tioet, tit tltndta, Dou~lu t7otetty, Nebcerlka, in t3te prirtcfpal aseeolstt of 38C, 9©t1.00, <br />old <br />~- tract r~ hard aaeprisiry a xu't t7# the t~lottt2e~+est Qart-ear (t~Ml{) of Section <br />1lsistY"siu (36?. 1t~nettip 'ilstbl~re f12) ~. Iirsnge 't\telvtb (12> . 7isst a# the <br />Sixth Fri~ttCi{!al Meridian, Hall Cturty, Nettcn~ca, ttt~re particularly deetxiia~efl <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />