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<br />Leath 100 fart of north 133 feet of a tract described sa be6~~6 <br />at • point 742 feet vest of the Northsast corner of the North 10 acres <br />si the Yost Half of the Northeast Quarter (Y;NY}) o~ Section 10-11-9; <br />Eamce South 331 feet; cheace Yeat 132 fast; thence North 331 feet: <br />Eicpce Past 13T feet to the paint of beginning, ae shown in #ook 177, <br />}sge 381 ~ =7!2.00 <br />leach 100 toot of North 133 feet of a tract described u bc~tint-lag at <br />a pint 9Z4 feet t+uc of the Northeast corner of chi Nozsb LO acres n! <br />_ CYe Yeat Half of iha l;orthwat Quarter (Y4Nfi1;) of Section 10-I1-9; thence ' <br />Latta 331 feet; thence Nast 132 feet; cheace North 331 feet; thanes East <br />232 feet to tlu pint of Degianiag, a aho+at Sa Daok 121, at pale 26d g92.ib <br />lwrth 100 feet of North 133 feet of a tract dsaeribcd u betLmios at <br />a plat 660 tewc Yost of the Northeaec corner of the NbrtR 0 ecru <br />st CM Yeet Half of the Nerthtrest Quarter (Y1yNY}) of Sserlon 10-11-9; <br />Heeee 3onth 331; chants Yut 132 iut; thencs North 331 fuc: tneacc <br />4st 132 sac eo the point of beginning, as ehotm !a Oeeuaset 7#-001722 ~7l1.00 <br />Meta. i00 !ac of the Nartlt U3 tat of a tract deeeribrd a be <br />~ <br />st s pint S2# feet West o! cM Northeast cernes of the Meath I ~ <br />s! ens Yost 41t of the Marcaaest Qaarter (fq~fAq:) of feeciaa 1(1-it-s: <br />#-ussa aottEa 330 feet: ths~ace Yees 132 tact: easaae Monsh 730 feats: taeaes <br />Mwt 132 iNt to the paler of belianiag ~7!!,N <br />MMSa I00 !uc of Norte 133 feet of • treat dseerilM is ae~tsaing at <br />i..plrtE 264 fseE asst of the MesthsasE eesasr ri Ens MesEh 10 !af!! s! <br />>yesF 41t of eha Norehwac QusrECr (WNNk) of frceiat 10-12-f: niece. <br />Mexa 331 feet; tbasu Yas I+K feet: anew Nosch 331 islet; cheese East <br />!f~# [eat to tqs paler of begiaaing, a. eassa la.lrsaaast Nn. 7l-OOf022 K.1M.09 <br />Martz 100 feet of the North 133 tat ei a tract deresi-ed u be;iasittg <br />at a pier 132 tut wst of car Mxhsssst essnet d tea March LO scree <br />sE Car oral 41f of the Mo+stRrrsst Qasrter (YkMMk) of lretlos 10-11-9: <br />lasses Mtth 330 fast: teepee (feet 132 fast; taawee Mseta 330 lees: <br />rawer 4st 132 fat to t5s past e! Liiaaiaf ~.lQ <br />Leath 100 Eut of North I33 tat of a treat deeeribsd ae be;ia+it~ <br />st the lbrchsaat corner of tla Month 10 acres of da Yuc Nslf of <br />Ea• 'lorth.reat Qwrter (Y~k) of lsecloa 10-11-4; taeae• Loath 331 tut; <br />' tMtce Ysat 13Z feet; thence North 331 fat; chance East 132 [at to tae <br />reipt of belinnin#. a abater is #ook 106. isle 263 i7l2.Q0 <br />Leath 100 sac of the North 133 feet of a tries dracri-ed as ceaaraclsg <br />st s pine oa ifae Norsh Live of #eceisa 10-Ii-i sad the Yeas rilfhs~st-w7r <br />line ct t!•.s 9rd #ranch of tfu ~:tas lacifit #ailraa~. .ua€xcs Hest to a <br />~at 1,3Z1.! tut East si the MsstAtrut aatnar at grid fiaetioa 10: thoace <br />133 fat: chance Essc sa Las Nat ri#ac-at-wt Ziwa of said reiitoad: <br />saaasa 4tttc a aai.3. ifrat mist=o#-~ :lea ro ~:.a pisc at ;:agian #~,2t?.OC <br />Esti`t7r 1w:::..~.:. r:. tks IGUth 133 lra: w€ a tr~as[ 3ascr:-1~ as saciaa:tpt <br />aK a ssiat oa cbe North lire o! fisacioa 10-I1-4 end tae East sitAt-ot-ws <br />line ft the vrd araach of cas iiniew Pat=tlc islireed: taissae 4se on said <br />MNth 2#aa of fsscEfa 10-11 -! to# a tLSEassa o€ 1.11i.#s feet: c#arYie aoutL <br />2~ tut; cbtaoe Yuc to tae Eaac tight-of-w7 lira of said Ilailsoad: cMaee <br />Meath on tar Yaat right-of-es. to the point of bssiwsiwg 17,171.24 <br />bath 100 fat of eM Norte 133 fart of a tract deacri-s1 a be``lama <br />at a pine 35Y.S• fat Cast o! c!u North Qwrser corn:r of Saeeiaut 10-11-9; <br />Ciatce eowtiauing Faec 461.77 feet: cheers #oush 133 fret: tMncs Wst <br />Iii. %% fat, terra or lua; theac• Noreh 133 sac co car pine of <br />alsaalni e3.7ro.u <br />asst 10(1 sac e! the test 13] fat of car Nsrchrssc Qttercer (MiR) of <br />lsstion I1-11.9, unapt that porc:on deeded to tla Clc7 of Craad Zelead <br />fs leek I63 , 1'r;e 310 421.193.60 <br />1'dtiL i7i,176.20 <br />.~- <br />