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<br />{fit fo use tht ::ssn r^.+der+crd tsy tier r,ott soft{y !or pu±pcrses authtxezed by :h«~ ,`,',uvetnmetei, <br />(71 7'o pay when tlue all texas, :lens, yudgaeeats, eacumbraacea, and asaeaaayeals lawfully atiachrng to or assessed <br />against the property, ixludiag all charges and aasesameats is oooaectioa rith water, water rights, sad water atodt <br />ptvtaising to or r~r+onabiy nccessasy to the vas of the real ptoptrty descried shore, and d! uses ased asaessateRts uvfed <br />upon this ssoRgage or the ante or sny iRdebiednesa hereby secured or Rgaiosi any legal bolder bttreot or of the sots oc of <br />said iooebtednass tender the lama of Nebrateka, sad promptly ddivsr to the Goveraamt tntboni dtuoasd rec~ts evidtntcfsg <br />sack payetmts. <br />,8) To keep the property intnred as required by and under insurance polinn ~ppruvcd by the C:overament and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. <br />( _ Miatau improvements to goad repair and cake rcpsira required by the Goveraeeat. operate the property +R r good <br />and;' irks maa+ter; comply with such farm caaservatton ptRCttces sad farm trod home managsmest pleas es the <br />Gevarartetrti free time to ties may prescribe; sad net to absrdoa the propnty, or uwe a permit aMe, leattesug a tepav- <br />saent d t#e teceafiy covered hneby, o+. without the writtee consent d the rrovernee+tl, cut reeve, or leatte any tteher. <br />grsvsl, oil, gas, coal, a other niaerals except as may be Rereatary fa atdiartry domestic parposes. <br />(10) To comply with all laws. ordinances, and regulat+ons atfecttng [he property. <br />(ll) 7o pay a reitrbnne the Go••erneaut for expenses reaaoeaily necahasary a tactdeRtai to the protectras d tM IisR <br />sad prierdy hrerod turd to the strtoecttaeRt d ar the coepliaace with ike psaviaiana hessof sad d the eats sad Ray ttsppie- <br />rteslasy aptseeeat (whether 6etore a aher ddauh), iaelsdiag !a< Rat lierlsd to costa d evidence d silk to sad storey d <br />the ptprty, costa d recording this sad othn iatttrttments, s:tttrseys' Ilal, tntilees' fees, casrt casts. sad eaprssa d <br />ttWeRitiag, tel8ag, aed caavayiag the propeety. <br />f1:) l+leitlrr tM property nor say potties thereat a fatarest thenh sWl -e k>•sed, assipged, sold, uassterrad, a estse- <br />bered, vdttsttarily or othrrwise, withwrt ttte wntten consent d the GovsrarRtiet. 7'he Governn+att shall dare t4 sole sad - <br />seehsiva rides a tsatgagec herensder, iacladtag bw not lieited !o tb port to pant cossaata, tttretial raiaeasa, aaioadar <br />rises, and strlialactioa, and is tasured bolds shall hors any tigk, title a iatarest is a to t-e IiM m asy Mr1ha bracer. ~ ' <br />(!3) At aA taaittraa-k titRes tht Govaaatent sad its agents ..y irra}aet lira pne/sriy to aacaAslia trietiar ti-tmrarltssab <br />and arMwsats eeuairted betels a u say sup'faeslary agreeesat arc being ~wtorraad. <br />(14) T1te Gaverttrrcat may extend sad defer the mattuity of std rcttew and reamortiu the theM evidensxd by tie Dole ~ <br />tx any itdsbtadtar to the Gaeternrttent to-used hereby, reieate from lis~ity to ttta Government anY PAY m ~k ~~ 3 1 <br />nbsse portions of the prtrperty' fnrat utd subordinate the lien hereof, and wafts arty other rights Iterasrader, witlwut affac'tiag E- , <br />the Breor priar#y hereof ar the stability to the Gavtrnment of Borrower or any other party for psyrrrrnr of the revs ar M~ <br />debttxtncs seswed hereby cx~sept ~ specified by the G~vernmeat N tsritltsg. <br />(15) B at any use rt shell appear to the Governtaewt tMt Hostetter stay be abk to aht.+n . f tree free • prdactioa erts/Y <br />srteaiatlaa. a pedeeal lard 6sak, a dies wspasiiM ceapeatiw ar R1rsOS ewpt sasses, as rwssaiN rases ttei tors <br />far loses is uittilw pr}sasa ad prdds d tires, saenwsr tsitl, tt/es at Qsraweest'a ratjwatr ag}iy tkx ssd rtccgt ssei <br />less i• rtatlieisst atttoaat to pay the wM sled say iadeiladatra asctwd bniy sad to pay to arty sttoctc sacswry a M <br />pttrtJssad is a cosperatrw ktstding agency u couactiwi trill sac- lose. <br />(16) Da4rk Mntiadsr shall cttmtitttb Mtatdt order say slitw twi Matt, or tender ay ptresaaat ptisgwly w sibs, " <br />eserrity iaaiaaetat idd a leered yY t4 6errsroaettt rrad trneetltd a autwi by BsROwar, eat ddath ttredst awy ash <br />ndrr satnrity iasttteent shall raRatknte datask heretraMe. <br />(17) SFiOUi.t) t~FAULT ocsw iR she perfrirenance or diachuge of asyy obliipition in chu in:trttmant a tecurod by eie <br />iaauumaat, a Jadd say one of the parties canted u Bortovrer die or ba declared en incwwpasae, a 6attkeaps, a a <br />faaol:eat, or anke an awig+iment fa the 6easfit ~ creditors, tka Government, at its option, vritfr a without aodee, slaw <br />(a) declass the satire rueoaat ttapsid artdar the Rote ird ury istdRbeedcear to the Government Itereb7 rscueed iatwmdiat+ly <br />due sad pajable, (b) far the sctount of Borrower incur and PnT eeaeoRRbk expmues ft„ repair ar maintenance of attd rake <br />prsretsdon of, operate M rent th~rty, {c) uppoow sppNiestion by K and production of tkis inattusteat. withaus <br />e+rlAaate turd witltQtrr roaiSe of of acid trppGntion, 6strc a receive itppaisrad for the property, with the uaeu! pow.en <br />eiE twrdeeta is Bite caan. ±dl fotecl~t taawnrntt u provNRd betels or by 6tw, attd {e}enforce say ttwd tdt other rigiM <br />sad eaaadira prtwided herein or by preaerK a iudae taw. <br />{!dj 'CAs psoceeda of forrclosun oak shall be appli+rd +r the faDowing ordM to the payment of: ,a) cant and cspaaset <br />~ t~,g ~ - + ~ ~ Ma.s€, tb) aRV grins iisas resorts.! 6r !:w +x . c+mnpeteat crzurt to <br />~ sA >~ (c) tM ~M~d by W soft. ~ ail ro sfss taovarnmerrt secured betray, is~j iei~riae heats <br />of record regtnar~i ay sw m . c.,.rspetestt eaa~rt w ~ w ii3i:, i•% at ~c ~." =trct3~~Rt`s _pt~s. ~y ~`tl?"r -~t~(:tetfwesf <br />.~F ~_---__- ^_~ er. er iwuaaed M e,tie Gaewsawtaat_ sad fll acv heroes to Borrowet. At iuree:kareure or aahra ssde <br />of RB as any pets of the poperty. the t;oaarnment nod its atyantt rnav bid and purchase ,s a stranger and may ps• tar i=u•ern- <br />iACAi't siasa tsf t'ks pusehau pzsa by ~ ttrr~ remtttrat ±•n_ sac dal is .u' besrnsavet :>s~++g tcs ...t tnsa,:ra$ b)' <br />Gatpesstset, in the order prercribcd sliovc. <br />(1Q) Bttatorwt apes thRt the Government wilt net bs bound by any psetcnt ~.r tutors titers law, (al prtrvli$rtj far <br />etliuatltxt, apprtsid, horrtntaad a exemwton of the property, (D) lxishibltrng maurtenamc of an ectttsn fix a de[kyency <br />petkrnaRt or litttitfttg the atttotatt thereof ur the tune within whtcb suel+ actnxi must k hcut~ftt. (t:) pscsi arty atlfn <br />stiNtite sit irtitRtiuas, (d) sgowYag any rlgltt of redenrptfost or posansrtm foUowtag any ttmcfosun gk, tx (at h~ntlag thr <br />casditions tvhicit the Caveramrnt roar by regt~rwa imprtrt, inrtudutg the utterest rats it nn~ ;Marge, as n ccRtditsant of <br />sPl~g s irtssder ai rite prtrparty to a stew Ifamwver. &artuwsr expredY wanaes the tsertef-t of any ww.itt Sou laws. <br />Bo-ttiwer herabY rethtgtittdan. waters. and a,nveys af! righix, rnt3twte cx crxtsunuteate. of deusnt, dower, and curtsey <br />~~ <br /> <br />