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0.1'±9:3A.•s rr `' , <br />lRe: ?.]r.i its-Al- ESTATE ktf}RTGAGE F4R Nk:BAASKA <br />713tS MEllz 1a--tG'E rs made and tittered rata by ~-+JL~ii-~G.--F~71i17C:bj--~tA3-4"LOT~A-A...-~ALL7G11r-Y~bdtAd <br />attd wife etsch in his attd her ca+rit r' acid as _ of the otht>s <br />- ---- <br />~esitlirtg in •----- ---..--.-_._--------__.------~'~~-~..__...---_--.----..--_..--- C:runty. ':ebrsska, whirce post M-fwe addrsas s <br />-----~-28-=r~------- - - --- - ----- - _------- -- ----- -R3'v~I ---._-_ 68683--- <br />_ -- - - - - -- Nebra~lca __~ .- <br />herein arkd "Borroser," sod <br />YrHEtiEAS borrower is indebted to the l%nited States ui America, sctieg through the Farmers s~rrtte Adminisiniitm, <br />United States Depattrrter!t of Agrrculture, herein called the "Gavernrrent;' as by one or orate protnissory rtote{s) <br />es erprtnption a~Cernen~s?, hereur tailed "note,,. winch has bees eutcuted by Borrower, is pryabk to the order of the <br />Gotrorttrttsnt, atrtlwtlus accebntkxr of the entire indebtedttess at the option of the Gavertttrrent upon any default by <br />Bwroax, amt 6 deacribeJ as fotlows: <br />Ars+rsrl Rate th.s Aste of Fir*rl <br />llrte of lnltrrtnrenr Prvreipa! :lmoent _~latentr Irtird4+rwr <br />Fatttrurtcy 20r 1<379. S15r250.00 ~ 3/4• Ptpttttttet>ry 2Q, 3A7,2. <br />Aad w sole widaresa a lone to 8errcwer, sed the {io+retrrert. at •f ttre. M!' wasrsn the rote rd ittarts the prysrrt <br />tlsrsel prraueet to tWr Copotidated Kerr aed Renal Ds+rtopart Act. or T ills V d the ai w Fiuattrt Add 1949; <br />AN it ie fire yer}ose red inset of tins iergrttwaM lheR, aaraq aNet tliep. M rdl time rhsr ~s rate it tr11 Yq Ntt <br />Gorar~art, or ie w wan tle Goremeaet alerid esip ttns irotreeraet viUost ta.rce.cs of w ede, tWs ierttraart <br />shell asters ~eytsaat d tie a«s: byt rhae w eoM ie trtM -y ae tawtr/ ldier, tlut rtatrrreet abet! sot aataoe {tapatlM <br />of w rWe « arad to tle d.w .vidare.a t-.rary. lttt as a w mots aed and MM Yell oarelilMe .. iriareNy .atpp <br />b asewno w Govatrwt traiaat bas wr4er Ns itrartaeee ceetract ly raeer^ d eey Idaah by Sorrosrer. <br />lit3i, TNi.REFORE, is cosaidtatbe et tle bar(e) and W M a!1 tires rrlsa ile estr is tsaid ly tlae Gevsteraet, ots the <br />ewM the GovMrtaeet mould esaip tiia ierrtraraet ~itltrai iasarwct of tle /syraet of the sour, W sacwrs ~rerMt pyreet <br />of w rate od sry rseernals aed esletraiaea Ueesot and any etaeeraete cosisiaed t-e+era, rrdahes eer pwisroe fsr Me <br />payrssA of w ieserrace « alter cherEe, ftr) d sU tires when Nis erM is Held by as ~asered holder, b sates peebererct d <br />Borrower's agoenset -ereie to :adererfy aed awl Iwerleas t4 Gesawewrt a4atap loss sa4w rb raasraats caelrrci-y <br />reaeet cl say dslaah by Bortewet, eN {c? ra aey west red d aU dear to secure t8e grapt tsal~at of aIi rsdrrarres art <br />etr~seditures raAe by the Garaarrat, eril- ietaceat, as lereisa[ter deacrilad. sad w Niarrsaro d wary' aavsaaM end <br />sat d cssetaiea4 ~eea as a rey ~ a~raerert, tiarrowar Ices ltres4y tt~4 ; +~ ~'!! <br />rrd rwetlrf. trill ~sl warrrdatg seta tle twavwr~ert tls totb:ia4 /rayc#y eitsrtsd u tlr Sots of ltet~eis. CssrtaEiea) .! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />