.~"_ .. -_ .__~.,. ._-,~--.-_...- _- -- ~.- _.,,._..~z.~ .__..~.. ~.~x---~,~n
<br />-- .__ - .. ,,,._ ~s a..
<br />MORT[,Ar:L LOA'S NO ~. _ da, t _ --_---
<br />K'~CfWAL.iM~`E'#y'T}4i:Si'!'F.cSi.'i5 's'h~€ ~Ualnf? ~, ~ialson at`'d Cheryl 'L. `iE156ns "c1L'tt 1^~ his and
<br />her own right and ar spouse of each other, Mor~r, a. ~:rbt ;,~ ~r rraue, is rpreridrrrtirM of the rust of
<br />Sixteefl 7hnusand Fi_giLr rna a_an.~~l~c1e--~-_ --------~ --- __-~_~-- __ -----=txlt~lts
<br />k~rre1 t~ :salt r.,c~rtgagar b~ Che E~uitef?k Building std Loran As~ctrtion vi (rand (~^d, !vebrask~, Slorc~ee, upOr- ~ bx $etrer of 5tas* of
<br />+ai; 455tY'IATlOFi Crr!,. ,.:art do L ~3,34~ . dt~ hereby gnat, cunrey and rrecrtgge antu the reed ASSOCIATION the fullatviee
<br />desirrhed real estatr, taro«'.-' ;,, lia.i ('~.. _ keFr~a
<br />taptttar trNO all tOe teaemrrtts, bareditsmestts sac appwtaeaeua tltatatmto bdtss~ies, ettxAed tlctr aatcalept, aY tr~t#ogr taataaa,
<br />wrieiietn > , N«en rrhtdaars, nra.~p, heatut~, sg coadltY+eint, wd phn~tit+t~ apd wit r~a~tt rd aooweslo Yws~o,l~M.~.
<br />telrl~rrt-tora, sad other fixtsues sttd equepatent no x w hereafter attacAed to w turd is aonttecttro~tt vrk~ takt tee eetals.
<br />Aad rrOarea the sard Aar awed and doer hetssy spat that tht teortp~or ahiall std wi pay dl ~
<br />aaietaaed ttpaa aa3d pasntlaM sad uptra tAa trrtxtp~e aed Mt bsmt farms d~~~batae tha moe s~ baatstee
<br />tlttcettmnr ~ [!te ttte{dtalp ae saW yoaariwa atAeat a tAv sglB of = }§a ~. OU gayaMt to aaW ASS4]CIAT(QN and as M~we en aY
<br />A'~.St3Ci;, the pult~ies fttr said inssrattu; and rtGt ro tomsttit w pet>tdt say wasis ~ ur abut r:ia! laemitws;
<br />la cast of desau!t tr, rF>: perfrtsteasraro of any ut the tetsa astd ceeditwns rsf floc taurtpye ur the bead sewer! htrobY. t-e rWtepMtt atatd,
<br />art rkraaed. bm aeanie.t tv uevrredsatr ixraw:sauo .rf tM rrtortdayed prateiaa and the tttwrytttaar hereby assigns, ensufkn and acts awn tit t-t
<br />t> all t!x rentz. reYenxr; ar±d ,t,~ ortze rr, Ire dr*tt~ frotrr the rnottystrd premtss d atilt tint u the raottpr rrwiebtedesa tMl! stsaela
<br />unpid; and the nrr;:tgaaec shall hax th.. la.wtr t;, appuuu say a~ertt rm s~eera r[ re.y desire fnr the pwpoee of rapatttrte Hard pseeea ttttd ttretet
<br />the star and cvtlecruq the rs+ats, rratnrrtr xw rmtrrtx_ rrtd N taay paY oW of raid iecxmx all expasaes ¢€ repatrUlt said petntiaw set ga0slii)'
<br />star expeass srnrsred a reet~rsg sad the soar end of rnliect~ rentah '4stefrcttts, t!a baiaace teseE'ai((, t rty. to !a
<br />ttnsrad ebs dncrw~gs -:t rail rnrxtp`e ntdsbts~ttas: lave r>MAta tsf tat sttoredtge arty be excr¢raad at any taste drtrm~ tAe eaiMtaEts Of sea0
<br />~t, are~aatira rri aey tattup~xarr rrel+lrr Qi tae ~_
<br />liWs f iaz`nia. i~u~-,err.. si>; .:¢'us iia ~~~ =. Via: rS :as sib a~.tttyy~x ttte: !,-pip :sp: iG3n oat v. ~t.a€ €iX ;>:ta:Hr ~ tii~.. t3ti`fa 3~i
<br />paymerrrs. pay atonthly to ss0 ABC lATtty!t of cite wta tpteafied a the Bead stxued hereby is atttt+e$ sail 1 au red lase, m ~ i
<br />the Iea?ts+~th ~ ct ram and start mtsGen, uatd >nd hsan is fuitr Pt+d: Par a!! taaas sad auessass>:ta lasted atur,at aid Qnmhw sail oa lOtt ___.
<br />ew -..~ :a ~=_ - --t ~ r~t::,~r ~ra~t _T-- ~ ~: e~ t>:,~~;~ tt,~~ ~ tt~ ~,x t t~
<br />_;~__. _ a
<br />--- - - • - _
<br />. _ _ W EVSI 's_zT.,4l-4rit-'~ - - ~ a -rslusf} ) i~~ aP~u r4+~~. ~tm+~
<br />rn rim r5rnst. rA t t4~. rF~e ~° v a. tan a.~ - " - --~ - ~.
<br />dM wtne~ let) rate tJaera~ frrn, ,Irte r•+ oarseans at ff trltwdy lhrtptRy[ hrreby ~tMr to JaY: perte,t rs warts .rn trkd sftetettat:bea! set
<br />. ~ sLe ~ ' - to >.~i 3..r•= _~ &~: ~ S 1(i, . I~ ttas yt at+~r, uy the ,ast `:l..st t=- sa>d ?'!AT!{~A _ rnt
<br />seida s iae requaemean ui sne orrsrnurx~ rarl 67~a~.daaid A5SClC"iATiCirti, tle,. r?rae prvarmtn .$osn baw~r ,.~ rrrao .ata, ..drerY.,aa F)rt)
<br />sha!! atEiersr to ii,ll true sail :ray bs farrckaet N she trpdert erf t!a srsl ASM'lr'!APlflN dxr fasl+sre ter floss nteesAt us artls: spay ®f sail
<br />arateis err bt spree ntanahr to aneus rn nsatma Hid ~rttAty pay~ortts, sir to tarp rnd ttmPtt ?rtth ttr sarttaaunu sail rnadrtis+ae of said dcrrd;
<br />ldortgapn reran to Fate z tEC~rrer apps..+urd lurta+wrta err snit ttueekWne prck~eedsq.
<br />is tAarr a awy r~ss~ .n ,.rnersf;Kp ,u the rrst auax nasrsysjed beam, lrt wit w :rthenvae. than :tw antsrs renna[sra6 ~e ~retsy
<br />tre~me3 sttrdi, at :ae ugtrCxr of T'ht F.gwtabse badsirtsg rmi L:xar. Arirrt>itiart of C rand Fri. *sebraka. bar-vma artntadbtaly dre and Payable a+fttr~
<br />ftmllter FMIiICt. SJrQ rqt amount rrrrtlMa~ dur ntkkr .a Ns ttsutd, and my other Ixrnd fw say rrkisttavui rdwtw~ Made thercwtder. . ftMrr ttM
<br />One of etnreetre ai raid apttrxr ~ can asserw sr tars wr+a;.F:~+su .pi rare, urd .h,. rewt cast tttra k faraaorrd w >Eirriy :Ste rnrssnaat .lrr .as ewi
<br />Aettai, ~ say rrtttn lxmd tau additwnat adraaaar, tc~teat~r with rB trstna ptid by tart 'Cb Ea~taMk gntldeer; stad t,utw Asaee^iNwa of Cstaad lfYwd,
<br />Nebraaitr tcv. inunancs. tarte=r urd axacu+exntr. urn! abstraar,r:r r.s<srsiKr.e c$artter, with rsttrtast theism. t+,.tn date of _'}aTaleni is the tailtisrtrra
<br />lat_al nra
<br />As paurW~t nr the ~!nd sraurAv 6ere4t. whtk 'r:;s :,a.+x~a~e ic;a,r~_ .a e!leut she rakxta~r.•e =star hercatcrr rdvrin.x s,k3rrrcreat stuffs to rate
<br />rnahere a! acr.,l &Hed. i4wttr rrrfgrtt.a xa....atraut e!i mtu.-rt. ~+?:r,P. warr,x J,al; t~~ w~ilWr tt>: ce.unt. ~:! i4,n nx,#t~ the tarrx s+ ~iac `<Ja(lautekp~
<br />iFi~^. {b'y~~S tielC:ii. .)R~: wt: @StP=oi`.a -°: ~` ..=:r'SS! .:i --:. :°..-'^. e' s,^.: t.^Y .ice .u ~- 3~ Y.^.~-,s}..a ,. ,.<.s .~i;:i
<br />. ?:~~ UL~j1 w~:~r ii:lr r'c~dt'~ ii_i _3 jy
<br />_ TtAN
<br />r J .Car _.y'~. -
<br />F - 1..,`Y """r-"~" ~' . s rte:
<br />5'CA'1'c (it" N~KA,
<br />L'QUAi'tY t;1R-ilAt1, " fltf tlra 6th ,~, ~ February lv 79 , Ytfae tea,
<br />h.,t~~ ~ # tr~ 1~ r~ as1~1 ~ ~ 7 ! t~e,1 c ±sn } ~ +~teaisat, a D[etaty FrNic s awd far .rid Caswty , pertrtttaAy swan
<br />@t!£~t ifl-Ai5 dsitf !tGr CsItPYt t"1g~lL ;u16 dS S#titltSe 0~ a`aCh 4LhEr* wtta dre prusatratly~saanrto
<br />tare W.be tAe idantiael peta>a g v+hosr Hoare 1; ~ re afflited ro lAir aOttwt iwatrwtans; ax rtmrtsagjur S and they severally
<br />aultek>wrladpek the ~ ieutrusewtr w 1u t}!g i s" 'ratunr+~' eat +pd fit.
<br />iYSTNt~ art btwd and Natatsat Std tAs dace sdseataad. ,ti
<br />sty Li s~pi{ess axpnas - _- -
<br />i'Ftt(Ipit trwixer st - ..~+~ r~ ,n l - _`.____.°..~.d_ sgc-- - ~_3t9~ -..-
<br />