<br />cT
<br />Pr
<br />i` u`ic~s ;srtslt ~'S ~ .±'C:; E"r, ~ 'd= ~ - - .~ E' . ~ _ -
<br />i::r,li „pp!}. e:u star sh<::: r:n:t:€•i:ar .~ :~ri „ , ~~ ~~ :. n, ~ r, ,-~ I ,
<br />;;s-;t1 by hander i tMr "ua,. ? .tt'j:l:y:a ie::at ~~:, : r•. ~ ,~.;.r•,,ru-i `~,i,- i ~ _ .. ~ Al ur„~.,
<br />3. Appfic~tton of Payments. T,'nlesn .rl, ~ It :i ,.- r~; t~:ia;. cr'nnr~ : .. },~i.,,r~ .. . I a...: :
<br />under the Itiviv seed I'raral;'taplts Iand 7 hereof ~trsii t,.~ appit` i i,}- i.cmi._•r tint ~n~~lray-n:,•nt ~:(: ,aunts :r ~abir~~+_:,
<br />Lender by Borrower under psragrai:}r 2 hereof, t:ren tv intereHl payarJle vn tiu• lute au.l ur F'utu*,• -\.:vaa,~ea ~;
<br />any, and then to the principal of the ~otc and ro the irrini•tiisi of F;tture A~iiun.~e-. ti anr•.
<br />~. lens. Borrower shall pay aii taxes, attrxamenta and other charges, fines anti :rnlx~itio[ts attrib
<br />arable to the I'_-operty which may attain a pnority over tbia 1~ortgsge. seal ground rents. if ,env, at Lender's
<br />option in rite manner provided urtder taragraph 2 hereof or by l3orrowrr making payn.ent. when dare, directly w
<br />the payes ttteeeaf. Borrower shalt prtrmpth• furnish to fader aii noticee of sntviaus due under thin iaragraph,
<br />atxl }n the event &xrower shall make payment directly, 9orrower r}talt promptly furnish tv Ix•nder receipts evi-
<br />dencing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which ira.. pnonty over this Mortgage, pert
<br />vided, that Rotrower shhall not be t•eituimt tv diaclrarge any such liar su tong es l3orrowrr shall agree in writing to
<br />the paytneuL of tFrz oGligr-uon seauted by a-uch lien rn n n~nmr acoxptabk to l:ettdPr, or shall in good faith contest
<br />trued lien by, or defend enforemnem of such lien ur, Irgai procerdmgt; whtcFi operate to prevent the erttoreemertt of
<br />the Gen or forfeiture of She Property m any part t hereof.
<br />£ Iimoatd !laemrmas. Borrower shall keep the itnpmvPnrent~ now ettaseing or hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br />erty itssured againa far by fire, hasards included within Lhe term "ertteoded eovaasc ', and such other hOSnr+de as
<br />tmadrrnay regttie and in aneh amounts and for such periods as Lender stay requ}re; provided, that Le~adsr tthall
<br />not that the amount of such cmerage exc~d first tmount of corerrge r'egr:ued to pay ttts atmss aeetlsed'bq
<br />tbie i,tortptge.
<br />Ttfe insttrance carrier providing the insurance shall he chaen by Borrower subject to approval by bawler;
<br />provided, that coal: approval slta-i not be unreasonably tvithitdd. All praasiams on iasuraaoe poFiaisa shall ira pOid
<br />st Iwoder'r option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hsreo( or by Aarrower tnakittg payment, when doe,
<br />' to the iawraace earrisr.
<br />b tits treat say policy is cat raeewed as a bOfoett tan tiiyra of its capioaliaa, tiia ~ to t~
<br />its iadaaat, may peOetuee Fastaaaaa as fire impsoeMeesta. pyt tit0 peem~ma cad ata~t cam atop >trcaa~a
<br />iianaadMbly der sled payable with ftahttert ad the sale Mt lhrth fa Mid area t>~il paid cad tdW br
<br />aac7ltnd hY thta 1-~tsyag0, i'au7ase by Bot7'orver to t~eeaply tatlpr, ~ ttytioll d Landes, eo0alita/a r datitak
<br />aadatr l!e lasso Ott tMa M01't~e.
<br />i1U iesattateee ptrGeies sod renewals thereof rhail be Fn tam ~ to I,aadrr ate ~sll is 3 s>
<br />tmrfiftipr daaee FO favtar a4 aced is tam aior:apiable to Lauder. Laurier rball irate tlw• right to itoid tie pol;eies cad
<br />renewals tltttttaot, cad 13earwer shall pt:+aeaptly ittraiab to Lander ati twew+al oetias and sit raaelpts Ot }lid p>i!•
<br />ttsiats. in tie frart of ices, Batawer shsl} give prompt aotioe to tbtr it»urarae carriv and Lt>stdar, anti LOadar
<br />tttapt tasb t~ of loss if trot tgada prempcly by Borrower.
<br />t3aiten Latdar and bottvwer otherwise spree ra wrtfroa, taauaoae proceec{a sMl! be
<br />appiisd w t+arn~sa as
<br />repair of the PYOpactp dsnwyeti, provided such restoratiat or repair is ceonmuically fearihle and the seaarsiy of
<br />thin Idaeys~e is not dtarsiy ~ apaired. If such restoration or repair is not ecaaoaieat}y tusiile or if Ne sttataig
<br />at!!ds p would be impaired ttte insurance proceeds shalt in• applied w rite sows secur+~i by lira Mamie.
<br />wiih Wa ettessr, it say, pod to SOI'rFwer. Cf the Ptropetty is aktandoned hJ' Bonvwet• a }f Bermwar faire to pond
<br />to Laatta~ within 8tt days attar notice by I.ettder to Borrower that rite insurance carrier al[en to aeteis a cisisa tar
<br />}etrataaoe bstwrhta, Leader is authvriaed W eollact and apply tae irbwranee prucearia at !.®der'r opCiete sieltar to
<br />nstotatisto yr repair of the Property or to the sates secured by thts ~lorttage-
<br />Unless Lender sod Borrower otberwtse agree io writing, any sorb applicatwn vt yproctrods to priaeipat sia[I
<br />nateatrad or paatpotte the due date of the rnoathly trsaKailmenq refereed to m pantgraphs t anti Y hereof m aiapgpe
<br />(3tsi~ioa>as of s intrtrlL:teats.
<br />under parap:t lfi itsreoi tree Propstty is sEgtured by Lender, atF right, title seed iater>crt a tleerst.+sr }n
<br />cad to aaEr inaataaca pnti~aa awl is cad to the proeesii fhet..ti ttst the extent vi the -utaa+ tarurEd Fay t#is Itet~t-
<br />r.~:_--r-- ~_ ~~~'-tat. r~ tt
<br />' - ____„ $ ~ >a}~ 4, 4~ r 1t., ~ 4*vrrt °?arUa~°e *~ .,:~ F~~~°• ir~~ :s. .~
<br />aetttun~® per, to E trs-
<br />ie. ~wrtaerstgast aai tttF is ice: teas. Borrower al:all keep ttxe t''rtrP-
<br />~...... acu,.,., w.n, ,.,.,....~ t~.awaa .ter ,vau..rE ...urn, :rer+,.#!rmwn., e.* . ?,?4'rt~!'attCn ~: t .~ t ."iy °°-~ rruiit
<br />m~I-y with rite prvti•i~wns ~! ~r:t' lacer, ~t t1r~ \fortasge ,. ter, a aii=.~r±€: ~Ff ihts ~io~ t v: a •
<br />trait, Barrowsr sitaii perform ail u[ tiocrower a oWtgstivns antler the derlaratiou of cotxlomtntum or taastar dssd,
<br />the by*-laws aed nptiations Of th6 eendanlAtwn prayort aucF constituent doetuttent~.
<br />7. lttataelise M lowdar's 8actwilT. if 13orrorrer fatb to lwerfann the covetwnts and aKres+ucnts ~tttsit+ed in
<br />tbit Martpye, or it any action or prrreeevftttg ie rotnrnenced wh}ch tuatertally aftei~ts Lendai'e tttteraa. to the Prop_
<br />atty. }ueittding, but not limited tv'. erttttttnt dutrwtn rneul.enry, case enforrcvnet:t or xrra»getnentr o- proceed-
<br />itye }nvGiv}Al-, a baakrvpt or decedent then I.cnde- at i,endrr's :M,t,on, uiron entree to borrower. nary teaks such
<br />appeassaess, Jirbuera etre}r auras cad take x,Eri• scram +a rs neresasry to protect l.erWer's interest, tttrludittg, F,ut
<br />act iieoNsd ~, dishuestsaent of ransrutalaie attorney's face :utd entry upon tht Property W facia trpaiea. Aay
<br />atawnts dishoeeeri by l.eadw pursuant ro thM l~~aragreph ; with tnrrreet thereon, ahal! Fx+eome ada+ittotssl iadsiE-
<br />aiosrs of t3orrvwer sacursd lay ihir tiwrgatie, Liuirna Isurn,r#rr serf i,ender a~ to other ferrets of payment, atteA
<br />atnoutt4 tthalt be payable upon nonce from l.erkier w Y,.uruwcr requestutll l:ayment therttof, and nha(l brra^ iata•-
<br />~.lrom the dat€ v# dial,ursen,~*tit rl She rate atxtcd :n the !'lore uttlryw payrneat ~:t ttsterest at sireA rat,m yrctuiA ira
<br />rttatrary to aplti}eatzie law. in which event sue! atnountn shalt treat utterest xt tGr higltda raft psrtrkw by
<br />=lace: nattiantltd u tW psatiErapa 7 ttttlW teggNtr LeaMr tp tstattr say +ap~a of tlirl~ art
<br />iL bea~dar + ataka a carte to hr ataAs rwrearshle entries ulera start ~ et tke !~r-
<br />tn{.jr prueitiad that t.etuter sitaii ¢ Ber~ra,war aartrr• ~~rior to a,..• .u.at iasps.~ti~n ,~.~iri tahFe eaEr:~
<br />tiv I'a i~3lniit ifi fire P:gxrty-
<br />lL C~aittas atdaa. ~ lid e4 say award a aitim tar diesel er aewagwa~itd, in avwaaaiior
<br />ttrit~ e~1tg ar other ~ ati tlr Ftepsrty, or pan thereat, ear far emveyartee is lists st eatdttmaa*
<br />~~~ ~+:tsd-elhldt bapetid to Leadas_
<br />~ Ede crawls Ot a total taki~ d iho ley. the praeat~r aitatl Ft:s airp~Fiad t0 t~ rums see+tr~t,F Fay this A#aet-
<br />i~e. wi,a ~ ~, if ark, ~ to ~rRlra-tire ~,a:r al a pastti~i of tae 3}ropsrsy, ttafrw tsseeawr
<br />a'ii~ ~~ rt its wm~stia~, thaw iil>~ hr appl;sti to the ttaeu. seetaed by skis Mortfage seed peapa*-
<br />titta of tike psdsis' agttat Ere-{~• A the amoaat ~ the sofas treated by that l<dre~e intase•
<br />dia#,~r ptrsas t0 ~ data of t, ' ~ laces ~ eM fair rnstlces ra}tsr of tha t'rgrarty Maly pr•ieor w the dare of
<br />tdds~ vdilt~ ~ tbs praaaseb ptrtl tar Bvrrtrarer.
<br />#Itf F":~oR~.~~ 1~itF4~ijlllr,ar iE-r-#r~.ootioa by f„wdarr to Bos~tciwer tAat the ooodarrtnor offers
<br />~'-ti1i a ~' a aL-~ #ae ~iwt-. u tails to respttrd for L within 8i} days of tha dale
<br />of ttltdt tselltset Leades^ is ttwb~eeissd Er stiff tlp~* ihb-ptOCaetls at iwtxlCr's option tither tv reatorataon yr
<br />~~ tie I~iarty ee iaehs aortas stcas+td°it~r tttp lftrt~t~tge.
<br />Unless I,endnr and Barrowar otherniae ter writ}rtld, airy such appiicatiou ui l:roceeds to ...: •iu.e! .i,a;
<br />