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TH£ 'Vit}i?"t'GrLCrlOit F'1JR'E"H',ER CO\tEhiAiIGTS kiVD ?G&9: <br />i t~ <br />That ffia 'ItRvrtaRtRVr wdt pay thr irtAcAtedrrapa aa~ . <br />FhaE tits :storttasvt is tint t}~tttar of sard property in Eee ssutgk tnd Ftaa {ovd rillht sad lawtui nttitority in salt and <br />corrveq thr aatga +iad tiuti tilt 1ipK~.~ apd tdaac vi any Ilan or'~; and tt~ Meetgasor will warren! and detetx; the <br />title to raid ptawtirtw atfs#trtl tl~ta e#aiiAS a~ alf t . <br />`~^ p4T iy +itl-tElt `due 1-'Pa~r~ie t~ ~~ t=,a~'taxaa, apeGi•1 aeesamrnM, watEr ~ciurt~es, eevrrr eet•- <br />ice ettarges, and rtther taxes and chargeb sexiest >wttd prrtprrtY, attd aN tattew levie.,i on the AaLt recu red herelsy, srrr! to :utwiah lira <br />Murtgaaee, npas request, with the writ(inai rtr dttyliMtte reveipls tktardtr. 'I'!te H1arl~r salsas tinst cltere shat! Ile-atf~i;~ <br />rarh mrmlhiy paymer,i nqutred hereunder or under thr evidrtxr of debt sacur-d hereby an arrxutnt rstirnated by the Mvttajayre <br />Rn Itr roAcieal !rf 6aaYle the ~ptt}plirett to t,ay. as they Fteotmr due, aU Hiata, atsa+.meMs, and +rmdar char/es upMl !Ills, . <br />great subjrct thtretu, any deAtirnry hfr*ait:w nt ih.• ins.t}firiertcy "f ouch additional travmrMa .hall M forthwith Aepoiiterf tW {Itr <br />Mnrisajor wtLh thr Mwt„agar utx:n drmsrni by !h,- \1orlKaye.! Any defau}t undrr th,. paraa rYph shell he rMemed r rleiauk m <br />p.ym.rtt vlt lasses, tgrenrtatentx. or stroller rharRea reywrrrt tY•nYrYfrr <br />jA 1'!x• Mortgagor ag gyro that t}trrr Yhxlt ales. }rr sr}r}rd t~, rach :nonthlY WYment of prinriyat and tann~at asgwtall tHaF~ <br />jlp Lnde+ an arrr«unt ratimater) by thr Martaatee w be stdficirnt to enable thr Moti{sRre to pay, a it bar rotes des, the itratitface <br />prnn:^m un utY irtw ranee pYluy dr!ivrnd tr, the MortEttyee AnY de6etency Frecauar «r( ihr imttlM•ieertey d wC'it additigs~ yRy- <br />men+-~ .hrtl Ae tncthwith r}eprrcitrrt by thr R}~•rtgagur with th.~ Mortga8er upon demand by tfir R~Enrltts;er Xny t}efauk uttde- tltN <br />paratl raph rhail hr drrntr.i x <fe.(ault to t}tr paY mr~nt o! irttnrran:•e preyrrwms [f the pnlirw nr pnlia-ret r}epa~utrd sty atrcit r ttatlnr <br />uwnen nr all rerk trr>ltr.•tr- an:1 thr rirpuattx an- ;nsutftetent to pe> the rntirr premium, limo MurtRaaar may apply ll+a <br />cMpvwt to <br />pay peemiume rm rraka rry„tred to hr rnwrerl by thtx mnrttaae <br />~ Paytttent~ tnar+x by thr Vf„rtgsgur under the attove pvaeraphr may. at the opt{ua of site MwllpfaR,, br bald 1-Y it toad <br />tawnmirtsied with uthrr wrh !urtds or its own furdr tw lhr piytrtewt ni atrch ittmx. and until as <br />Olwd;ed a trcunty for thr uniwrd balanrr ut the mnrtRate irdebtrdtter « ~~ ~ iqt~ hershY <br />Tv procure, dritver to, •n.i munlatn For thr Mrrr6t rd thr MnrtaaRer du girls thr ilk ni thu ntotittrtp ari/it11i iratitiat aMd <br />retratwla thetaaf, tfativered at lemon trn days betorr thr erptratwn d anY sere•h poiictea, tnsunna a{aitrat iin asd altter iasustlltla <br />hasaerla, ran1tt101as, ttrtd rontitrtenciea ar 4ra Altttlyatyee nay tpuin, is alt asoaat squat to fie iaiaMatiaa~ ttlettlai Lir Ilia <br />Mv-t~lye, taad in vompaniea acreptable to the Morttaaea, with loss paysbte clnrat in laver ut sad is (ntre ttootplaltls m tht <br />ar'e. in Ills event sew pnlicy ea nnr rrnrwed on nr befnn! trn days d tta etganttitm, the Mort~ee may procure inatrrarl4M Ott tlta <br />iaaprsataaswtr, pay the peesrium therefor, and each bum bbsU ttrs<arte irrurrediatrly dne and paytdtie witA ietetasR at the raft ttti <br />loath M atptd etntr+ traUl psad a+rd slvli hr w~eurr.d by this mortttaae Parlors on tha part wt the Mortpqur tv lurarah atsalt rsaestsis <br />r are harem required ur Colors to trey anY saxes atlvarrtd hereunder rhalt, at the optiart of the Morlaafet. aamfiNrte a tMfaak <br />urxier rite tltBM of t}ta mnrttate 'i'h.• .irir~rn •>t su;-h t+~lxtea slrafl- to thr moss! of r}etault. rorytitvte as ariwt<rttnrn2 vl thr uw- <br />etarrrttd ttraaaitmt. <br />AtrY ewerta reaxevvti hq the Mtgt/ape hY reatttrr et roar or rlarrrtrae iaaured attainrt may M telainarA by the MrteVgae <br />arxl ayplietl U,ward t},r t.ay rt,rnt .d ttr rtrM heretty xrr^urrd ..r at the option n( the Murilager, rur'h ruwy rithar whaily c.r is <br />part aasy be pawl rely to the blorigapnr !r. hr used to rrpatr such txtildityts nr lu hud.i nr.v eur}dmttx rn then piaer ur foe tray <br />other ptrrpuae or o6iect batiefactory r.• ihr Mortlatee without aRrrtirsq thr Itrn .,n thr rnnrtgaae }or the full amount wcu rrd }rare <br />by beluga utc-t payrttrnt «ver took plasm. <br />To Weaaptly reiuor nwlurr .,r rebtrtM any taatldrtte. ur imtrruvements fro.. ,,r hrrwftrr ~m the trmmnrs whtclt mar he- <br />otraue daetaaed ue dawtroYrd, t<, ;r .saY! premrrea m setod cvndrtrun and repa+r ani }rrr tn.m any nterkwaer'x Item or athtt Itaa a <br />viltittt d lien ttwt gpreaaly wrM.rduutrd to thr Item }teresrf. era to twRer nr ixrmtf any uniawlul tut of w anv tautatAw W asst rya <br />tIK3 MIVPMY nor to pertart waata un rani t>tatnteea. rr,r eo sin sty Yeller act wharebr the pr.>pErty ttarehy caRYryad sitNl Itavt9Ma <br />Ime wlttaSia, a.v w dttutaiatt ar trspatr rW value Gy any set or utnr,.atr.n u. art to curt,:. wtih alt regatremrnts rri Lw wRh rryrei <br />to 11tu gtartyltyed premises sad lire use thers..f <br />That rihttt+iti fir Ureertr~r +.r ary pwrr elner~i irr 6alce.r .•r .iarnyteri try reawn v! anY tttd«krF eatpxwrora[ Yr <br />T5TE3fft[lff~ Y '1#HtY~ rlge n,gS-r -l «ae.~r .Ltaf9+fR•. :.~ :r 33'£~Y f?>'. ~^3_.. -. - i':1.=2 ~ k3 <br />aaeaada. and art,Y other (raymvni or nisei thorrtur, std trhaN 1k etriitied, a! its utMirtw fe etinrrraeaav trDpaar its last a/altlaYt! 111 it <br />styes slarta asy aeawn w prntsrxsinR, w to teals anY e[Hiprcrinrae gar settteertnt rn t~«nnrctn.n wrttt .Yrh takswa .x tkaetatysr Ad aaralt <br />tl sib ~ astitrr: ~ p a~ isarstrt m six. ~_ ,.~ w~. f_ ii~a~ t <br />flliw~san tt~ iY Rpsrrr, ttsiaaas stay amoya >b taeresd -r N wr tttppb tits asme otr slay ittdarllttrs asratuad tresey-'E'Me 1~ <br />tat f~NM Ia aasatNe atsr6 Iss!lrer aMiytratr+ttM al awy ts+ewpnnastum. awnis, dttetatpea, sad riattr of aeLu+t trod Aaatwda Y the <br />~% ralr-re- <br />Flrat mca~t of fit},tre to (x«rF..rm any r,r ch.~ anrnantx hr yell,. the Murtt(ager maY do .m thm Mruttttrxx's ktlatt ewr.thip ~„ <br />tr; txrvwaaaUd: that Ills Mwtaaswe nwv sbrrr ri.. arry w~t tt r«wy derrn rwcearry t,. t«nsect the hrn thr rw«t that tits Murtaaa.«r raU •'~° <br />daalaad saty tttwtreyf paid nr dreho teen M thw Mn for any ,d ttte« tttn+ve ~~ <br />w'P~'-e re[aE~ ParY,'aa ter} uu•}+ tnyters retrtlinr wtih <br />hlaslslll t#aaaaw al tlW tale pwriAad is aatd rtop« aMt} bervtrrte wt etttclt additiwtal irtdeblsAtssar hetriy ari[yawli aNA arty its its +.. <br />sfidsll la any tftrree fara+citrrta¢ Ih~ mortaaae and Gr t,atef out r,} the rerrta or prueeda <t rail d ssrtt ptserrrsen if asf aitttnsttaa '~' <br />ertid, that rt ai+rtl rwi !rt ua.lettatory ute,r tt+r Murtauaee k. •Yqutrr <nlo iM wlubty rd anv iron. rnrawrltaruw or loan tw all- + <br />vgMt#ly tassels r eirsra aati!twtasd, itut tenttrnel Mme erxttarwad WrU br atatatrued r reyuarrta tlra ltisttErtaee tw ttdYaaee awy <br />taatMttntJar self trrrk / lase pr tie arty set htts~trtder, and tAat MorylKvs altaN wr•t tarvr aey perartgal ItalaMty har<t1YSa d glttr <br />tl+ioa a ate; do ur .sad to r}w her.rtnle. <br />lu alts arrAi ut ties t}~..~,. ~ u`. tAr y~wattt al.#gii . t~ dit_ ~~r_st~rr r~ . <br />ill iltlt ~~ d Ma ti~tUaw # ttli arrt~ ar r tia tat}ia twMfa~ i~r~Yl ltiiawil~ri iiii111rr"ItiiN1 ~. ti~ir- <br />+#lilt ~rf MAR Y1>#~M{ itliia~ }eti,lAlr lil~l'~M~1t111ttM~ M a}tkWed M its ttoltpat, ~IilNil <br />;•~ ~~~ !' `t'[ - t. ~in~a ~'~ 3~ - tR ! ~v~il it'f~ t~ ~ r ~~~t` - i~ <br />r;;i+¢Q ha'. fx#_ast}r~r'~ray s:+G -fit ~ ttte !fia•ti~ad ~. attA is t*ai`...~ ;treti t:~e tttii rtat+t, iristmt ind <br />tli'~itarl • Ste +laiiib: ~ eiilii vi ti~last~fatII ~ i+nlltdtiiin. ~ lily iwwli'iNrhrlean ~aosfad ~. ettir srld <br />idlifliks Yet 1~~~!"~Ir(# ie tllta'~r ttttUre tsttrtri#ir Ise tau ptryxttal d ail iadeblrvllatiil aseusw0 'rt:;thy <br />Tl,e Mrt1pN- altar taatta Nye /tee L tyirotoial atsY ~ ee ayes N ~ dMise ktr !b Carpw d rtvairiay mod Praa- <br />i~t >r» ~ t ~It!fs a~fL~ IMi~ t~M._ M+r~fuln ~! ittatttt~ - Intl N tom' ktq' 44t a~ ayid ertvvwyt aN eapetrtu tatvrnld is rewt- <br />N» ~ ~ its aad ~ ttirtt !?u >-•t±a2r t!u-eltt~. '!'lit= isatiiaca reulafaizty s`l any. tlui! ?:e :ttptiF. tutvir3 the <br />tllst~ratpt d tlta ~. 'C'Irie a~aiiptment is b 4tgitttiaale sad ltetsase null sad void ttptya release rt( this twprtstt~r. <br />