<br />~t3~ .. -.
<br />Ttrat-Elo Stert;agar wilt ply tfw ~S tw l{tt~(ea*tt
<br />Thad thz Morl;attot is dlaHdttnrer of said property in fee simple and tear Wod ridrt and laredul authority M self ~iad _ F.+
<br />t»avey lire a~d- t~tt ti'81ha ~a t~a~~r., of p~qX Tien os Mtraalbrippte, red @rrl --Itid~r;or wilt warrant and de'ttYe `
<br />tills to acid prewiees a;aitre~ iMa - ~t~ttlanity 1{~}t. _ _- _
<br />~~~~~~~~~ r ~ :.ice ~~ ~_. .: p:•`.: :.
<br />Tn ~f~lgadtatstY"'atMt'A ~YB aNtQ ~ ~~ ~ ~ titan ~attn, tt)7»eid swswrtxwta. water char;ea. awtr sere. `
<br />itr char;es, and'atliw tams sled ehar;es a4syrwt naut prt>~tty, audsR, haett levied qp the dekt eRgted 6errby. and to /untieh lire ~.. - t 't..'-.
<br />Mortgage. yp6n ea gttast. wktt t1u tAittinat'or diupieeafe-tt+t~pM @~- The Mct•fpr{nr rRrt'r+ thst there shtdt be added to
<br />each rnr.nthty payment req•tired hereutdtet ur emrkr the evidence of debt seertrbd hereby an atttrwnt estttrtated by itte Mo-t4r~ee
<br />lee »u@Iciwtt ~ ~ Nrs =~7ti to i,ay, ee they fteeotne a'ue, alt. laxee, asaeswtretrts, seed similar tdtarp rlpaa else paws«.
<br />whject lrtereh+: any tIe$ciency ~vrauar of flee insufficiency oI wch addltiond piytnsari shalt ftt [orthwten dspr0aiteA by teal
<br />- ~ ort;a;ot wiM the Moriga;ee upon rtemanri by tFw Mart;ads. Any default unrirr khia parre;nph shall he deemed y :iefauit in ~~
<br />~ltt'yment aS loess, akMrwMtnettbs. er' siwtiiar charge ragwrrvl -wpwy+icr. ~~
<br />..art The !ltort;a;or a;lees Chat mete aha11 also hr added to erolt ntanthly paytrtsab d prittci~! turd itFteaeN ragtitMd.lMtt~
<br />,under ern amrrurtt ralimafed by the Mot'ttal;ee to ire eulecient to ensbie the Morlsyes to pay, as it ttscaraser dos. tllr irYrtrrtttaaa
<br />- premium m any itrsttraxe !.alley delivered to the Mortgage. Any dedriepcy bscautr n! the irwudriettFy of etch ~ ltrb'°
<br />!aerte sMN fee fnrShwith <Mnnaitcd by the Mortgasor evitA the Attisrt;rtSse upon tf.ilttarwl by the 1t1o7lplXae Any ~ifr~~ Ntis {
<br />Q~ partKnph shall be deemed a delsuff to the yaytnenk of inwnncw prarnimrta. tt`ttw pdicy nr patlriw ttefrseetrrd ale sstlr.~ itMipir;
<br />t'r mratere nr all oak yuticn°. •nc! the ctepuettx rro irssu/Rcient tc, yay the entire premium, fhs Mnrtsysx maY apply ttre dsptvt to -'
<br />. p.y pt+rniurns oa rreie regwred to Its insured !h this rttortpr;e. ~!,.
<br />f'aYroanla mach- by the Mart~or order the abrrre parKrapha may. a< rite apttop d the Alan;yCe, bs M{ti by it teed
<br />_ cornmtn;lsd with dhet wch /urtds or its awn trwdr Par qte=gnirAsat at etrtir iktapr, steed arrtil se tlppitaiA.trleK pttpttr>tets are hsreirs
<br />pled/ed w atreurity !or tfw unpsd balarscrr d Nee ttlsetpp .
<br />Tp peoeute, dsliver eo, turd trraintttia far tM -strt[t d NM tlrria~ Nee tif« of this atl~ttet l J1MI
<br />rua~s-aSs ihared° dde'xrx! at iaaei fen data 6efe~ the axg:rar-.s of say =sell ors, rnsurr~.3 ttgarrt tt~ and .its-e att~t#9tji
<br />haaletritt„ rastaaitiaa. arld iroptittgencraa rthe Mtttypotte rpaY rett~rq in M a~ttrnt etttai b tia t~~laYasflliNr asSYtMeNI ~
<br />MorMpR, and Ire soceptairts to the Mrrr<gagre, wtM lrree payable elves m faces d turd m form aetrprt;bla to Ma
<br />(aa, lp Itle a'Yewt spy pdrey m nW renewed utr ur ttektae Wn da4y- d i4 sgpWlllt. thR Mort;M'-e ln~J' t~1rs rrINM*ttt?t`,t~'t~
<br />irllpr~tw+ewtxtbs, pity the pnetiura therefor. and teach sum shall 6ecetepe trdpeiaeely dw• end t>+Yabk wNh wtaraat ~ lie! rtlta~trt
<br />fatYr m steed vote tmtt{ pard vend alutit tw neevred b~ Met ttwrt;aEts. Fadnn ow the pvt d tAe Atort;aNtu to furnieh eW7it nprat~s
<br />~ IJn berate t+gtaired or lettuce to p.y aqY ttaau advaru:rd hereunder sha11, N tfre uptsun of tfre Yofl{;;ree. ttrtrtRltala a tfefMd!
<br />Italdar NM arrow of drib mortyta;e The delivery d such p+olieiae tthtdi, to tAe Brent d dsftruit, crrewtrttrte an apeigytmeat aE thx rar•.
<br />tttwrrett ptaatitrw. -
<br />Arty amss rrxwtercl by the Mnt't;attre by reason ut tuns nr rlrmtt;e trtaursd aia.nxt may` Ile ratattred try the Mwya/ee
<br />set} appltad Wward the I.a~mene of ttte riel+i Itrreby secured, ut, at ttR -rptlore of tlu !v1lc:rtgagFe. sw-t..urns sttfwt .«h«,tty kN M ~.
<br />part ice' be paid user ku the =Nnngae*x tr+ be used to eepair each 6uildirua or !u bush! mw breitdrrux es: the;: glace «sr e:u an
<br />y
<br />other pstrpeee ar eth~ect wtestxeexrry w the Mart;twee witM,ut xllxKtrts tfte Ixn nn inr nnxl;aK tu« et«e fait enerntnt xcurerll bete
<br />try before tpteir payerent ever !. K.tt iriaee
<br />'Pet trrtr~rttY rep~z. reste:t w rt#rid my bttth$rt~ r tsrtprsxe,~r~nta :xt+s ;;t As.-mite. ~ t;~ k-s.:mt~ wt~,~ ar.~ Ar.. ~ ..
<br />~astu darr~trt ~ dwtt,.;= i_ t.~ t«s«~,..ae«t t«r~rtis~r.. to ~-: _ri ..-,n€hti5rt anA .,r.l.£r s_ttA f..... fr•.r«+ s~~ _ t~ ~ Lh,..« . ;.a o-~e: r._~ ~ .
<br />t d ~ pvt rayteady suburduratetf to tltc Len fterrc«r[. twC lu wRtr w pervert anY uniawftd verb d ut spy awmwes tst eater aw -
<br />aaid pWUpsrlty tier to parrtrtii waste crte acrd prereesrs. nor to do anv other act wheratry ltae pe.q,rny he..hy rntnvsyed slttrli trbeswrs
<br />~ my =.. ~.«.t.n«.g..., -,.«~y,... «st«~. !«y 3zh, ~.:.-..,e _ - .•,:• r., x --- .. ... t• :!t ya:rr:ttr^ta :-! 'x»~ miL~ rsr.,+tisc6
<br />tV ttM rtsartayew ptrwsbees esmi !ife E{ae therenk _
<br />a~L«s+ ~ k~ ~ Q....~-~ ... ~..: .. 11~..~ l.~ !e'~~a :.. :r3.:.ag°"t 1__. .. ..« ~... a.: .- '4~F«n«~r:.« car - .,.
<br />praasdtrt;, ui truttxt th>• ryhi of ern»rent Aomaia. ~r err am other ars_rise r, the rslnR~;s>_^^a!«~}f ~ enittltvi deE^•ill
<br />swtt[da. and esny uiwr tasr+.awi or relief ihrrefvr. end' ettal' hN et-iltlt~d, ai lie ~oplibet. i«. c.+rtassrrws. appr~r in aaw3 pteeae*we ii ii °
<br />tratlt lasses »wY aetlm or procesditta, rte hr tasks aaY n»rapramiaar or atlti+*nren! to cnnt»rtaun with such takes; ur dip. Aft welt -
<br />agwrMtti' saapttia; tfil~a; ri~a of tsMiaw lead ptlaoaw- lass ~ eeeiPed a the Atktry+psa. tetra tppv. tAlat daitlet~
<br />w ~4 aaMa®arel« rtJtrea anY tntsteys an recsirted b' it or arprDlY rive aaler~ tr.r aaY ~ ttastnad harai;~. Tilt lJ/wt+-
<br />plpoR ttifeeaa M trseratr wch frattrrr aaeilttrmsatre d say t~ratrewsMsae. a+varda. r~ttapra, sad rigtsht d steles utd paoewtrds • tlrr -
<br />M9etlNtpa itppgP rsgWes
<br />SiiN. rw crss of ltrtiure W ytrrt..rm wny r.t the +~«.~.r««rnw hereon the Mort;aFss twy +l«« «rr tt+e MrrN;s{er~a behalf
<br />M oesauattisd: tt-at the MttrMagse raeY also ten any ae•t rt n.ay :teem necessary n« pnstart the Iten thereat: that the MwtpKor wtNw'N °
<br />tiHIM tilNdlt deintod any a+dtrya pte/d w diaMtntsA by the Mort;a;ee fur any d ttx aPove pstrpttres. and tnult terotrsra 6attd-ir with ,;;,,,.;
<br />3kttX'Yrtat; Nresaoa at tfYe ells preserided in laid csrren shall !er•-nme an matte shtrtiotu! inclebir-dusua Aeraby xerrrrrd aA:! may bs .rr `~"`
<br />efraded ip tetY decree lute~b»trr; !hn meet;sae am! Ir yatrf nut ..t the rents .~r l.nrrntls at wle nt card pr.teut.ei tt arc! nthnrtrise
<br />prod: Mai N shalt n««i Fw• tAtiyaUxr utt+.n lire Al+.rtaasw- U. itwlurrr .ntu the «shArte r~l enr la.. uruvathrarw_e. nr rinm en ~..
<br />vwtdit~ taope{a p +dtme tartht+riaed. but rarthtag iretatn coatatped tMllf he ewtatttud w rsetretrtryC the ttltttet~ilree W adM1rtrllLrt say ..
<br />tnae~ for ttatY terPh p~gwae star as do spy +aCl ht~etutdty« sad that 1!~rlNgs ttirrtl root nteur MY petsuaat lalhdity hltttlrtae al tlwlf=
<br />-r~-~,~ elf iha.r}~{, lr~ ~ itr dw,ftr~ltaest ~ altY MMrA1i. N tttliiitld:l4t ib MMe.aagtlad ~~....~
<br />M tae ~' of tart' ~4rt kn ttrrr t~l!)rt+^'4je' .`! M kl#' tenet teCYrt>~ ~rlleltty, ih! tAtt)et;ajle ehal} !}E 4MtltfleK! !b dREtarf ~F
<br />- 3r~it_--~ze.sst! ~u~. s~!'se ~ fie!! fee st ~r = ter- Ltd- ~jt tsa~i
<br />ac ~ } fR b fl!~ flte+ad raved w{~ant ttt~iit~ ~ tAt ~ of arty rMlmatf}ty tar' Nrs fatiedi+ee- tr-
<br />- i ~ti~ts i~Yt~ t}r'~Yt - ~t1R iMtd tl9 tstl~ Ntfd'ttleErrfFMMe~ llte• r~sUltR GtN1YS iM~ }Mt
<br />~~ -
<br />~• , ~~~ ~~M~~iti~M~~_ ' ~~rr ~tali~illf~l~lriC~'.'+ Mtta-s
<br />} 7itr iFteseyedttRdttrl itww sAa ywrar M aRrstw! arY ttgrtrl w tapMa tl ntsy risetw hs Nts p,trp+» at txp«.«ts +atA Pr+^re•
<br />lasa;'ttlrkMlR tiR tttt~le _ . _ lkM~ttkM! Ned lwootM-~Md # tRaT ?~D'-level sf allld irko4ees aH eapstwba tantrnd to tsM•
<br />- ~ . -
<br />lNf~~l~ IiAtr Barr awd ~ 1~itr ttastalt ~rrtteitattt~- "l~ta temaktitta~; ri aikY, shatl 6e rpplird entered efts
<br />tfk ~ aee/HYeept Y iD teflrl+rrste and trMetee rr4tt lad ofHd upon retearrP r.t f Fr+ ~+rtetret
<br />