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;i! it -~-~ ~d i~N ~.-.. :!1-~ Clef. :LRIW a: t:'I:Jri}~dpr aiS+;~.. - ..~ .. ~~"r I=~ t'" ~i -~~i} ~~L'h/. <br />wrtli f-nu-. ,u p:r, t.,.i. }~,ui-~ .:,~ar'i t..~ the StC:rt~lary r,;E Huus_.y ausd Cr_a,~ L}c4rl s, [se-i' ;' ,_,-rt.::..~!-~.. <br />ti:ttttszal Fluulirs>! ti t. is a~aie- r~IzJ, end applrc~anlr, ltegulatr~orta siterfiw,drt: ,~~ - <br />l;li !f and .,~ long as card oats of zven date and thin instrument are bald 6y tha'iectetary cd Housing and <br />['Than ilcvetopment, a nn3nthk a".arge !in lieu of n +rtr-tvoge insurarner F»entiunv} winch tell be to an <br />us:ourst eyusl u3 3ts€-twelfth f t%1<') of txse-half (Ir'2) per untum of the avrraae outsttanditig ttalance <br />du; un tttc note rcmputed without taking into aawnt daLrysaencies or prepagrrxnts. <br />~ fbj A sum eyual tU ttte ground rents. sf any, next due, plus fire premiums that will rust become due and pryabk on <br />polscies of fire and other hoard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus Wtea and araesenxats text dtte <br />nn the mortgaged propcrry latl as rsrsmazed by the Mortgagee: kss all sums already paid tlxre(uz divided by the <br />nurr:ber of months to rtnpsr Fxfore unc rnomrs pour to the date when such gnwnd rents, premtums. taxer and <br />~ assessnxnts wdl become drlmyuent, such sums to be held by Mortgagrt in trust to pay sand Frautd rents, pre- <br />~ miums, taxes and special atsessttxnts; and <br />t (z) All payments mentioned m the two pracednsg wbse~tiarts of this t,sragraph seed all pavmettts to be made uttder <br />~ the n+,t~ secured ttereby shall he added together, and ttte aggregate artioum thereof shai7 tx paid by the Mortgagor <br />l~. each month in a single payment so be applied by the Mortgagee Io the foliuwinp leans to the ,seder x1 forth: <br />(1) premitun chanties tinder the catttact e><inwtsttu with the Secretary of tiutttang and Urban Deveioptuent, <br />of monthly cfiuge /tn lieu :rf nrr*-tygge fnarnmtce prerttirtm), as the case tray br. <br />(It} gruttnd rent, taxes. assos,nents. foe seed ewer hoard irtwrana ptrrmttass; <br />(it!} tn;crrst on the rote mcurrd hereby: and <br />(IV) antorw.atton of the pratcipa! of said trots. <br />Any defrciztscy in tht artwunt of say wch aggtegau rnaatthty payment that!, unlMt made goad by the tiiee4 <br />gasctr prbr to Nr dw date at the nsxt atcA paytrtertt, cuanitute an etent of defattit tttrdar thlenaart~r. 7Ae <br />Mast~ttteee trtay collect a "Nis ahsrge" attt to rxtroed four aaets (4~ for each ti~tr (f i) of [tar! pgaortst stars <br />than tlftean (i S) days 6t ateati to ewtr the extra expemr imesMd in hartQMag deHrtgaertt paytttatb. <br />i. 'ghat tr the fetal or the par.atta ttatiide y Me under let er ptragssarlt ! }rred+tts ~ ataaN <br />the restart er psytattate acttially ttesde ry ribs Mwtsay~se ter eauN teases, tttttes ltd atreeettittttaNs K ituwaaaot- #~ <br />mlema, ar tfa ~e tart' tta, arstti exceea, it sits lsttaoi ip cerseet, at tax apcior or fire Nert~ss, ailt~q 6e r 4' <br />Ib rliet~sgee ap erlaatsgstcsti ptytaeats 6a 4 atade Yy 8te liartga~or, er reruaied U the U• htearevee, tw <br />Y b!' ~ ~V~ tatider 061 of pare6tap6 2 paeediM ahei! stet k stdficisa a ~ •~ewttd <br />i~ taastr seed aarxaaatagis er ieaatrswste premltrtee, as Me etMe stay he. what tiMt seine rltaii hretw+tirr atl!`way- <br />t>rio; titett the giasl~t~er edtaii }ray ea tAe Mort~a~eet arty aatotmt necessary M wake aP tRa dafirisry, eia K itsdaro <br />rite tittle taltse ! er aMdt ~eutrad :atNa, rases, ttpeaatsprs er itaarraace pemlams ahafi M tiNrt. ~ re <br />tfaie tito Aleet~ tthaEf tarsier M the ~. in aecntt~ece triflk tie ptvWstaeta et M tttete s~tles~#tlaaii~, <br />iiNi ~istrt of the eMNe hrdeit4p~ttleM srtt/tesetteed Theeeh , 4e ~ sits!!, to aeagtalists {b atM#Iht ~ tllld <br />irtdeAtcdttetis, credit to [fie ;ucawtt at the Mortggor all uaratertts made ttttder the proviatms ~ fai of pares~rapb 2 <br />heresi whir h the Nartga~tte haA sat becttate ubllRated to pay to We tit~rretary of Housing sad l!rtaan OeYe <br />aswi stet' tralance remdnit~ ea the AwdR accttarulated uttder the provlr:rat:i of r Si of paragraptt $ ht!reeL f} tltarre <br />stltatl tts a default under ~y al tl-e pravtaiane3 of Nis taertgyte resulting to a prblic -aiP at the prertaea esveced <br />hereby, or it the 1lartpat[ce• actpitea the property aMerriae ttl.•r default, the tlortRattre t+hhall ttp*ty, >u We tiara of <br />Ne caratencewent of tWCh pntxeedta~, or at dte flare No peoperty its tstlterwisc rcquirvd, Ne taalaace dtea resaain- <br />laq is @te lttesi5 arcarulated sodas r ~~1 at pt ! ptet:ediutt, aa+ a credit ttataiast Na ataawtt at principal Nm <br />rewMnttiR attp_ aid wtdar =old [rasa. aed egralt paape€!v altuat aer tt+vtttbtr wAlett email have 6tteu .aAe ssaFer !e) <br />of pustyssrPtt =, - <br />:. That the lturtyattcx wtti pay ground rrnia. !axes, aasesamettes. ,sate rates. usd athat lanernmrtstal ur etanicipwi <br />,~e_ nY!r+ .viii `_- .~ ti erne}awsr! ~?e+ Ms's eaten toga{ srerflRtYfcYi. 'lm' fR ~!!R±s!t rrnr r i 'yj_nR~ !~[~ <br />pax ixi atne2. - „m"s , - wap~` en ~"aiptlF de;~i'- [tie irli'iCsai ref?tptS #h.tzef:~ iii ttlc 'ituiY~is <br />t. ?Tu 'A;srt~gan ,sal! ~; ~ :sus tstntit3 mat tae tavted upon rise Mav#~ger s stHrrest :n +at¢ teat ,stmt and iatptcrrc <br />~... . ~., fe.,E a. e.s ..~....... a,a A .rr~ ~-... x .>F «. .,w , .,~., , .,,a,. <br />cd h4 ~Y arW ~rw1ti w the tatter ttsat Mils uiJl shit make this kutts uatuitixtsi. taut tsc~:tudi+atS ant iAA<:at~ tat. ,titate :u FeAaral, <br />®pvaed oa b#a t6s;ec. s~ wig fig ittc utgriai receipt shuwiry svcL payment witf+ ihr Aiartpyee l: ptxt viaattiort of i~r rad~w <br />tatw~. ar d the Alevtnapr N prahdstttt bs am law now of heroaftet existitt)i [rata paying the witota w say partioa at the arara- <br />aad tsar., ax span the randerirtg a,i soy caun n-rce prohibitinj the payment by the M.xtpgasr ar any such tastes, ax d tats <br />tx detect provides that say amawnt ca+ paui h: the Matt~tx .furl! tae credued an the masrtgye debt. the Nortpitee: >~ have <br />rite rght to ~tvc tnnety days rcrittea n,ruaz iu [hr uwtter Ut the mcrrr~u ~Ymtac,. raauutzso the paYakns aa! the tnaiwt~ <br />deter f such nattcc he pvcn. the :std stew ,hall Income due. payahte and tutkcnMa at itte rsyrattott td sand stater. days <br />t+ That shouhl rte fart to pay any win sir kzeF any uvemans proatdcd fur to thn Ma,rt~tec. then Cite Mor[jyre, at Ma op- <br />tttat, rqy pay w perferm the tune ar+d ai; rcpettdtturea u made thaN be added ro the prtttctpat rum owl am ens stays start. <br />,tuft I+s rsecutrd hc; gray ,and stuff b€ar intcrr~st at tits rats art fartA to the aasd nuts, ttntit pttitf <br />lieu he iterahy as.tgn+ tran.frra .,r+d ,r.t, ~,ar, in the Mtxtlr{tet. w hr applted tawrud the payment ,,t the ssatte sad aG <br />sum. ;esuzs-d ttrzsE. in c..c .;# ~ drta„#t -, ; he x. utrstan.r ~ anti .,t t~ feint; :nu :vad;#tar-,s t,# itus A9.wty~t cry the sari <br />roue. all the rents, rraenuec alai sncumr ta,rtu deer+rd fro+m the nvrrs,ttaecd tsrrmtrr• dursne .uah nnsr r. for ma,rtYrrje ttadeAtttd <br />eras at,~+! rrmatn un{rxeai next the ~I.,rtrsrrr ,h.rtt base #,awr; t,r appa,tnr an, aarnt „r derMa tr !oat dtartT f/N the parpt»e a1 <br />tsc¢atrtttg ~ttt prrmtsra rtt,.1 tai ;corms the +an,r -.,oat ,a,#lratme tits sznts :e.enur. and +rtaa+mr. r,ewi st may pay oat of [said ~ <br />~c+atai ~t tx~Fns€t at tapaatay aasd pz€ms~ : and tt€+crss=szr .ums:iaaa3raa aed €sp€tvcs nte~rei :n rrttt;~ anti ttt€ <br />iii ~Ir/lhlAft file trailtttaR tatlM~c ~ ~. M its ~p~->tetwM'~~a~irMer/raf i~-ttaM~e <br />~. 'ihat hit a$M titMp tdM ~ a4gr eaiatM! # hitt~lar aAaCit4a 6a tttE atat?~a~a~ rfoMAY, tal~iai{ M ~Itir tti <br />ze$Atre.'1 it7m tune t3 trine by tht itaiigjtrrtr agaisci &>rts by fire attd atttet hai:rds..:asuahies and r.antiaermies in ertub <br />:~ :.lees r~.`~ ~ ~s «s ;. «r Nr. U.r. :a.; -~:: p;.:s yrw~tt;. ~#ar. et::. -', p:F~~ as r <br />asasastnae ttra+~thsa tar petrates~ ttt trhiseh has attt bass made be~eiabetare. Ali ittsuraacr sttatt tre curled sn ratapat-iea e0- <br />tHVVatt by tkr ~tatrtgaaee acrd tt[t puti><iea and hsnewak #iiettarf stsdl Se held by ttx Maxtgrytrc atad har-c attached thereto tans <br />Palma sfiaaea at taxer trt' nod N farm m Yte . In evHtt of lass islaryrpr vrt'Y ~rvr ietntestiart noeiee by <br />ttaal7 le the hiarfpga#t, trebly awry ttttiiki ~~leda $ eel made protapNy ~r Mar.~ar. asA eacb mssvttacs cempay con- <br />LariYtlld ie ttesetfy aUd sad directed to make paYateat rte mtci teas~~rae~r to the ~ instastd of to tttr Matte <br />sad !tar hlsrtl~lstFf'l~+t«. aoidt62 iar .t'aeCe Frocasds. ns arty paR tAet-at. Agty 6tt > 3v ttt€ Mpr> at itc option etthrr <br />W tht rrdtlatia~; ar rttt Iadabladtitaa hmahy ttrt:ursd tx tia~~s rtseertNtst ~ repair of the prttperty d:maprtt to event of lurccb <br />swta ~ thu iweetgt+ie or €Rt-as traeMa at•~ to tht mtxtlraged property N satiptashnxnt of the ittdei+tedncaa ,scored Ixrtby <br />ah right. title and itmrrat ~ the Mortpyor trs arttf to amt' inturance ptdirxa ttten m tarty shell pass to the purchaur w ttrttnue <br />9 That as additi:anal attd eattaxra! security far the paYtnrrtt a>f t1u rttxt acrit+rd. and xfl coma tea txaume due utxter thi, <br />tntxt~a ~ hetebyitsai~ts to the Matgeytet aH pragis, rrvstates, royttitiss, tyhta sad benefits acuuitta to the <br />Marr~t un eratw std ail art and gas karts oft said sr~emises, wilt dx mitt to recrtve and starlet far fix same and apple <br />ehetn ia, yard tttrtcdta:s as Nrtt ttefaNe as after skfauH in the cundittuns of Ibis m+xtgaar, and iix hi.•rtttattre mar demand.:+sr <br />t,sr anal rtEata;z arty ,ttr h t3aystt€nts ~ttrn drat sad pa7r. Lett shall ;.s3t tx r€yutred ,:; to Jot IYes+.:~,;Xnsttent t.~• terminate <br />and lees ante null and soot apart rr;raar of thlc mrXtfaat. <br />