if nzicdd^r g ~•3~rni=' lfs „i•:rt~±' r,~: ('•ni: ~ ^Rsv t'rr.~ •~~Ttir r . - ~. ~ ~, "_ ~,. 1 ~r~'.=~[
<br />. alt d,,p.;§- „1;? i$rt:F I.:: Pt 9~ !!I'!".r:e<i1P3!el~, j~ri Jl 'fJ -..~ :~:tl C' (li v. e, }~r,;>~t -FG 1` l~`-~.1, ... ~, 'll~!"•. _, ;`~illin
<br />,p?rl bE :,--~~ita~: izt tiRr riaarat ed upj~t~rat~a[+ ~r a rta•rlit ;tgfsirurr ~~i.i qtr .~ -~• i-,- !' . Lt~,~r~;~;.i,,~;.~ -
<br />~ Apptieatioa of Prrgmantr» f.rnlc_« cep}'~iesi=!r ieru~ itt°ovtta ntlrtr~.K ~,sl: } s~,cri2t ~a,.;e~:s: i i,~: Ler;.irr
<br />under the `.'dote and }~arsgraptrs I and 1 }:ert~i eltrrli tug a},ptic*i by L.'Mirr first in payment o1 am:>~:n?_ pays hie to
<br />Lender 6y Borrower urd€r paragraph 2 hcreai, th.=n to interest is vstrle on rite !tiotc and c,a Futu:c Advances, ii
<br />any, snd then to the principal of the Mote snd to the {crineipal of Future Advances, ii wry
<br />4. G~a~q*s: Laaas. Borrower sha:l pay a!i taxes, ssseesntents and outer charges, fines and impositions sttrib-
<br />utable to the 1?roperty which may attsm a pnoritc over this 1Eortgsge, and ground rent, if any, at Lender's
<br />~ lion in Lhe manner provided under paragraph 2 hercrof ar by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to
<br />11 the payee ttaereot. Borrower shall pttiartpt.ly furnish to Lender aF{ notices o[ amounts due under this puagraph,
<br />GC9 and im the event Borrower altall mate payment directly, Borrower shell {.romptly furnish to Lender reulpts evi-
<br />G:Z desciryt such yaytrtents. Borrower shad prow{rtly diaeharge any lien which has priority over that ~fortgsge; pro-
<br />,~ vided, that Borrower shat) not be requited to discltargc any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to
<br />~ the payment of the obligstio+t secured by such lief: in a manner acceptable to Lendt:r, or shalt in good faith contest
<br />such lien by, or th.+fettd enforcement of such lien sn, legal proceeriinge which operate to prevent the enforeertent of
<br />the ties or forfeiture of the 1?roperty or any }:art thereof.
<br />~ S. l~md ieaar®w. Borrower shall keep the improvenxnts naw existing or hereafter erected on the Frgp-
<br />euty insured against loss by fire, hasards included within the term "extended coverage", and such other hasards oa
<br />Leader may require snd in aath amounts and for such periods as Lender may require; provided, that Leader ahali
<br />. not require that the amours. of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage require? tr, pay the sums natrd'hy
<br />Shia 11[eslgagt:.
<br />The insurance carrier providing the insarauee shall 6e chorea by Borrower subject to approval by Ltadar:
<br />prerided, that such approval shall not 6e unreasonably withheld. All peeminsas on ineutaace pdieka skull iw ps3d
<br />at i.etder's optma in the manner provided under puagraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making paytteat, erase dM,
<br />' to the inswana ts-rrier.
<br />L ilea wont any palit~ ii ant :tnswed oen or beEwe twa datys ai its etgtiratisn. td Lardttti M ~t
<br />its intarteat, arU+ pnxvre itwranca on ire imptotrsmeats, pry tM prssiuens and strde anm sWl
<br />iaenadiatai' dtw asd payabM evith iatsAeat ce the rain sat toeKh in wild mta inliflt paid ased aitt~ M
<br />sacas+sd Iqr 26!is 1Nnetgage. ~aitnro by Butrawner to ooaapiy may. at option of Lastda, oaststite{to a asdaesM
<br />astise tlra tares at this Maetptge.
<br />.Ail bstteaeoe pelisies and taaswaie thereof shall be is torte srceptsbk to Lender wad shad ineiads ¢ standard
<br />stases in favor of rand in form ameptstbk to Lmsdez. Lender etrstl have the right W held the poiieFet and
<br />rnassrala iheasof, tad ~rrrrower abaci peo®ptly furnish to Lender sit rnttetvst aeries and ail reeeipta of -paid ~-
<br />mp{ar. In t1e evwtt at toss, Borrarer aitai! give ptanpt trotice to rite insurance eatriw snd Lander, wad Laitdsr
<br />Emyr wuaba prod ad Ines if sot made ptmtptty bl' Borrower.
<br />tjniRw Leader asd Bersawrter otiNrwise agree in writing, iasurases proceeds shat! he appHsd to +wterstiwa:9r
<br />repair of t2se 14gieetY darnaged, provided eneh restoration or repair is eeonomiasily (easibie wad the aeettdtil of
<br />tits ]Minllgs!ge is set tberebY impsireA. Ii eneh restoration or repair is not ccorwmieaUy teaala>e er it the sseEUfr~
<br />rat ibis ?llbetpge woaM be . the iasursnee proceeds shad lx applied to the sums secured !>y thze ~dtn
<br />s7th the raxiase, it any, paid to Borrower. If the Yrgxrty is abandoned by Borrower or if Borrower faih tv t+sspoud
<br />~ Lowder within ~ clays attar warms try I.wdar to Borrower that the insurance sweeter offers to eettk a chairs far
<br />iawaraaea benedlis, Lentfar r aasbriaed W eotlsci sad apitl}• the insurance praeeeds st LetadRr's option si4hsr b
<br />reetorstrmr err repair of the PropettY or to flu esuutr seeureti by this 11oiYgagc.
<br />tierces Leader sad Boarow~ ntherwase agree in wntSng, af;y such at.piicattou of proceeds to priaeipai abaU
<br />sot wGwd at postpone the dnc data of Efts tmathty it~ailmena reterre8 to tr paragraphs i and 7 hsetsot or change
<br />~ aasataat ~ tt
<br />2f' ;tttriar ~` :8 ,'• ~ a a~rred by t~det, r.. rid}:t. - .t ate'- incarr~tvt liuwer 'tn
<br />wad M aRg iasssw ~+Stasswi awti u awti ee ~e !~^~+ tf t to ttx extEat of 4tEic starts aexured by Di~etet-
<br />gaga Y prsx is ,~ tats ~ ! tuultuttt fI=~w jasttage !c L!~ Fr:>{t~Y przer tg !ka ~S ~
<br />t~ matt i-ta+~ t4 t''tt~f.
<br />S ltrraasa~ tai - sit Y: ~.. .`-°..n r.,i.F, ~~, u~ ~'rwi.-
<br />wsly ~ ~ tinrir s~v~t eltrtl eta! p~l~M dr e~eeeiet .arc, .nTrutr~nwaE .r .~.,ereat~uv-t n! ciu t+w~a..e-~ S~
<br />with the provi~ioee of arty terse. if thw itortgare r_ ~•n s lesxi2ol~ If the ]iottgage rs or_ a t•~tinmiaium
<br />malt, ~riiWer rhall peeiixui ail df Era b~i~ativn~ utclct tlx ~leeia-siren do cac>steminiamt ae master dead,
<br />the by-laws wad ~ of the etasdomtnstwo pru3eH ,~rri c~rcnrtrttrc*t+t dort;ax-eta.
<br />!. Relstatisw of Lwdar'a seetwi!t~. 1t Borrower fats to perform Elie covenantr and agrasartaW eowttiaad to
<br />fhb MottMage, er if any astim ar psaoer.fing r coaameneed whielt tuatxalty aAeets Lender's iatettaet in the t'rap-
<br />aftj!• iaeiradirrg, tart not tirsaBetf to. Ott donuun.:nwlvency, code eaforre~tunt, or arraagetrctats or praeeed-
<br />iart iavolviag a ttsadtngrt to decedent, thmr l.tnder at I.ernfer'n option, upon notice to Borrower, may make ewdr
<br />apgwaraaea, $iatMltee strrh sows anal take 4uel: arturri sa ty necessary to pmtect Lcr4ler'i iateresf„ iaeludiag, t>r~
<br />stet IMeMed to, dieiwrsrmaat of euasawaite •tteer:ey's fear and era~y tepee tt>c Property 6o amiCt repairs. Aay
<br />aatoaoEat disbuesad hY Lettd+rc puawaat to thu parrgraptr : , wrtit itttteast thereat, shall becrtme additiastat sadabt-
<br />ednses ~ Borr+;.rer secured by thk .`.lartgsgv [?ntrss Borsowr'r and tender agree to other tara:s at pi-ysasat.:uah
<br />atatwato shall bs payable ~ notice front L,nmier Gt Borrower rcytrwttntt prytrnnt thereof, and shall brae later
<br />ash ftoeo Elie date c! uisburstment st ±tt: tttie stated to the '.v Mr tmlers payment of interest at such rata tsordti he
<br />soa;rtuty to appfiaahle law, ;n whaeh et-ertt such atrountr shall hoer interest st the highest nee peratiselbie by
<br />ls~. ~ a~aWrasd is tries ~ : attait ratywra i.eittisr .ce IOYYF +>A3 or;~w+as .ir +~ii~M+.
<br />~''~~ _ rt~ ~t~! ar ..altr ~ Ms a t+sawt~iiNS a-triw= tt~,o~n ate lrrpr si_tl~ .•
<br />ms's ~v~~' f~ t >tiet~e+st aelie~• ,~ +$ ~ aurit err epetifying rgarrsewbEte wnwe-
<br />!r ~irs i.. fats # :~ger>~.
<br />~. ~ ~ . ~. pttae+at~ ni air award ar• e~irrt ter +iema.gE+a, dirsrt er emarrtquaMid, in
<br />sib ate ~4a~s+s Aia~ ~ ~s lgi~sttir, of part the++sut. ~ ffi- es~~ itc ~t of oaadsan.-
<br />~~~~ - .... tier Wise,
<br />tree the tfdsEeir at tl ~1plr~f. fMr pifgMfdt ~ he applied to Nee craws seoared by this 1tMet-
<br />e it ~ Eo_ liar~er._ i~- ffic ,at s, ttakiag of the Protxrty, ttsless Bornswnr
<br />' ~ s~n4a trt 1Ya~.. iii t~tii'bs Adp~ti Eo t~ aecutsd bp. tba Mnetpgs ssaeh ptopor-
<br />tillllt.aE - ~ ` is tte~tti it ~atd, psattAttgiteM wA4r1t tdae.swarsst rat tbte sates sewred M Ibis Mortgage iawse-
<br />d±t prier to Elite tine et Eairiait bstres n- rise ~ saariEax valtw of Ilse t?roperty i+ameeiiataly prior to the date of
<br />t wit~t?Ws baEIMMa Mitt pseassda paid to Iieres!arac
<br />t t~i~-tlr~.hp $lfgpis#IC pr ii.aBly askige ~ Lswia to 8oerewsr that the condemnor . ~
<br />to pYaiEsi llril[litil ~ talkie a ai~iee $~ itdis to 6a I.eadar within 30 days of the date
<br />of wtait aAti4er Lender is atitrfih9/iiaad a etaiises tad spptp the ice' at L~sflder's optrop either to restoration or
<br />of theme a 4i t8resasaswd~r tots ~:
<br />Unhrss Ixtxler awl t3erroww otherwise agree in writing, any such appticatwn of nn- -r.i. to prtnrri~s! a+.tsl'
<br />~..~
<br />