<br />u(JR T+ ~ 4t,1
<br />~wK1t,-nr,t ~t ~A~ ~~ ;. 23345 - - - _
<br />I~ouALf>nf~dtirtiFSirHFSF~.TS Tn,r Kirk G. Arnold and Manila D. Arnold. his wife AND
<br />Timothy L. Dunn and Kelly M. Dunn, his wife
<br />Murtgtgu; ,whether one or rnurc, m wnsidrntiun n( the win of
<br />_Thi rteen Thousand Two Hundred .and No ____-_ _ --_---------- _ ----_--_----- _. _____ _ _ oc~LLA~s
<br />loaned to said tmrtgaxnr by The Fquitabk Budding and Luan ~ aaxutnm o(Grand Isiarid, Nebraska, Murtgtaee, upon 132 stoves of aodc of
<br />raid ASSO('IATION. CerpL.ate Nu L 23345 d,x hereby gent, cunve~ and murtitsgr unto [he sod .4S.SOl:lAT10N the followurr
<br />described rral estate, srtuatrd m Bali Count}. Nebraska
<br />ttr*ether with aU the tenements, heredtunrnts and appurteaartcea thereunto 6elwKur~, rncluduK stiadetd toot uoterin/r. aY wudar ataaasta.
<br />vrhedsw slydta, blinds, norm windows, awnnep, Iwtiad, au rnndnwniop.aod phurrbiod and wattt tQaipraat tad atxeaurra tltaeelo,'tutp,#oiaa,
<br />rcfrrgc#on, and other fixtures and egwpnsent now « hsrcaher attadted to « aced m cwtrreq,mre wish and ew! eat.#r.
<br />And tvlrre# the wsd tttoripµtr h# apwd tad dots hardy ysw t{rt the mc~n~sr shag and wii Pis' aO taaas aad trwttrW Iwtad a
<br />atasard upm rid pststebts asd upon this mortyyc and the bond tcr~•ed tbre before the sasee shay becoer datlngwet. w flfafdl n~aeead
<br />iaattraaoet~wt the bwldirry on said prerira dttaatedjst the suet of f 13)200 ~ P•y~ to tad ASSOCtATfON tttd to dtasn q attitt
<br />At1QC{AT'ICIN the pdicks f« sod ietsunnce: and not to aosnrit « perms any wage on « about said ptttaiws:
<br />In ore of default ra the prrf«rttutce of any ut the turn and uasditioaa of thit mrrfOt/e ur the bond scored heroby, Iht nsosttra lbar.
<br />oa dttnnd, be rntitkd to immediate pnsswon of the trortea/ad premises end the rtturtRagr hereby •••rNs. trunks and fns uvN r tlr
<br />swrt~tpe all the tints, revenue and income to De dsrivad from the mortp~ed prcmess duruy wci+ time as sir awrttgp rr,dtbttdrss tAdi teraYt
<br />uapad: and the ttw-atgagee dull base tSe power to appoint any went tx mats n may d-t:rr ::~: ttte pwpuw of rt+prrd swd peasniaat ud ranbld
<br />tht sate and avlbcttst{ tM rents, ravmtres and income, and it rrsy p.y out of rsd tnouose atl rxpin#s of rtprriry sad peerira tad rsaawauy
<br />aostttnsssaws aed ex~eriaes uuurred in rentiq ass rtsaaprq the same aad of col{ealrsr~ reaub thsee(rawi. the ba{arrse rttttrdada{, of any, to b
<br />toward [he oisclurde of tad rnxt~ rndebtednes: thes rights of the mortpapee may be axerrrwd # My trrae dtnia~ tha sstwrnce of yri
<br />~.st'a{+e~tivr ,±t any tempaaary waver of tht fcrtte
<br />Theae ht`sents, t-aaa€~r. are upon. tts€ farditxtr.. T!tat if the saui'atas`iad'or tlt3il repay svid 4~^ •n N !+etcxe ttx rset•.k is ~! raid area by
<br />pgeswt, ~ roalhly w wr!d ASS4C{AT10Is1 of the swat tptsafied m the annd sa:wW trreby u :nttttst ant prio:tpal un sad ban. oa or baAaa
<br />the Twmtitth day of tsrh arts rutty month. uM8 wig tuna n tuuy pfd. pay aH taxes and atssattrsnts kvscd adsurzt rid premsa ud oa tha M
<br />ate eM hand ttv:peed thereby. Detest dabtpwacy. twarh apps,red uuwanoe opus rt,r 6wsdara, «servua ur rht sofa ut S 1 2.200. QQ ~7'~
<br />M 1[`t 41ff}4 .n+ey •,, .~,a 4tCl4T{(fit dP-"t' demand a4 uxssrev h4 'i dud f,a iych etts~ tsaea.a±eat, try t~ wets nsttitt #
<br />fir sarxinnrm iadal rut theratr, tr.,m dttt at payment aN c f which Sla+rtp(rtr Irrtby gates :opts . pcrrnet ewes vitas un stsd paeatnss: teep and rs3st~
<br />wpb ad the greemenrs snd a,ndurota cst rir GonJ fat S 1 ~,~00. ~ tMs dsy psen by the ut8 Mmt~pt ,n nsd 4SSOCIAT{(MV. eed ~
<br />tuft d ette te~artrststs r±t ttse i =kgtsrrtem aed ttaa asva of sad ASS({F 1AT{tlTi, then rigs oreteot. sing 6ec~r ts~ an+i v~ti. atlwessr
<br />aYatl rtatria s rum frrax and racy be f«rcbtad u the uplwa of ehe sr0 ASS({CIAT{Oh alts fadwe iw thew ronths w arYt ary eft rid
<br />payatwns « bt stow awwtir n trreas a nsaicry rd ronthy payrenu, w w luep and aimpt+ wtth fir spwtnanes and arsdstrsaa ut tad send:
<br />and Nor1/spot aow+ w Mt s rtarrver appowted (wthwrih m west fueecks,ure pusstaNmp
<br />tf tbe» a nay chuyt s uwuenhip of the rHl cuatt murtpad harts, by ok w utMrwes, rhea t!r carat reaaaaq atdabtaders Irre-y
<br />tuetred aha6. ai tlr optioo of The EgtHabk &rtldtrrd and l.ttn Arocsatan of ('.rats Itiand.!ltbratta.6ecvtre atansedsatety dr sad ptytrb{t sridsaul
<br />/urtha rtsttfoe, and the amossUl rtrnusseK due under std bond, tad ray wlrr bond (« any addntoaal advascys nest tbsttndu. a1rY, tstsr dla
<br />d#e of raascre ttf rid o~tton bw arleresl at tae nusrtnum tegl rate and tha moetpde may rhea M forecSosd w stasty tM anasau des rsa rid
<br />bond,and tsttry atMr bond tar addithtnal advaaua, topstMr with ad wen pad by tad TM rgwtabir dtdiMn{ and l vin AweWrw of Gsad (dead,
<br />t,idraalu t« hnttrasar, taaaa and aarrvrrnts. and aMtrxtsr!<rstens+un cl,ages, wnA attertM tlrseoa, trot dare d payttsai # tst tttrasitatsr
<br />kpl tits
<br />M ptovdrd 6r tM [Wed scrsrcd hers-0y. ~luk thu rtrsrtlyrre rsnrins m effect tha mxtpYrc may trrtaitrr tdun Y ddatnal tarns to ttr
<br />maker of ttfd Satd, their asaldm ur suacecu,n m tnterrsr. +hsrh wau mull br wniun the aecwHy of tha eourtpdr the same u the t\rda uttpw~aNy
<br />ae~wtd thwtbv, tts tuUl utaunt of puw,tud dtbr ~>.~r t.. e..eed at ant rmre tIu orrdirsti utN~,unt of tha. ~rort/tst
<br />~ th. rteent r,t February ~ ~ I`+T9
<br />. 1~@ s . ,
<br />a t* Y ~ u
<br />~~~ ~~,~ r. On that Thi rt~ettttr+y ~ February w 19 , carne ttr,
<br />~.t{-yAAta.
<br />`Vi'i#l~kk ; Q,i ~17W ld aRd Ih1111a Q. A{"nOl d s ~• . a Nwxy tubYc r and r« rd county. parrnaaMy rata
<br />iris tri h Aiii<- Tia{aiity L. Qane{ sad Kelly K. Dunn. his wife w{,D are p«t~h tauten w
<br />ttt» to be tt•t idtatitat pttraast s trl,oae ssst:s s ar! atrlsasd r the dove ieeahuerat r m~q gador s and they rranHy
<br />at#ttowMdpd the rid instruasant to be thtl r voluntuy act and gars. ~
<br />{v{TNESS ry hand std tioeaial swl th. d#t aronrid _
<br />My Coatsadaion .spins ~..y~ ~~
<br /><- /
<br />