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-7 c.}-.~.1 p~ + ~ i i ~`,i iMt2RTt;~,{.~E <br />~,:lJf~i W. UJf~3.S artd ~'IF+GTCvIA ». IZ'E'[~:~, litvtarra <br />This !Mort;age is entered into 4etwzen ____ <br />ai)d vVl `E: -- -- Iherern "Mortgaycr'"~ and <br />THE t7iJE:l~I,A.*$~ NATZCkFii, I3AfQK CF GRANT) ISLAND, C3rand Island, N!?tiiru5 <br />_ _- --- ---------- - ---------- -- - - - - herern "Mortgagee"j. <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee to the principal sum or S 10(i , ODU . UO_ • evidrnced by Mortp[or'e note <br />dskd _._Fet.rtuz~ 5, 197~erein ''Note"} Providing for paytwenta of prncipal snd interest, watt the tsrlance of the <br />W psY -2brildt~' ------___-' <br />indebkdness, if not sooner .d, due snd able on. _ F 4, 1980 <br />To secure She pr.{ment of the Note, with inkxat as provided tberrin, the payment of atl other cams, wrth inkrest, <br />adranoed by Mortgsgee to prrtect the security of this Mottiage, aM the performansr of the covenan4 snd iiipeetwew4 of <br />rite Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby taortgage sad convey W Mortgagee the following desrribsd <br />PntPaK3+ located to _. _._~l __-- -- Caanty, 1':ettrrka: <br />'the Wa9t Half of the Northeast. Quarter (W~Jt) and the Northeast Quarter of the <br />Nart2}east (atar'tex (hF~1NFJt) and the East Half of the Nnrthwe5t Quarto: (E~t) all <br />in Section 'Ih irty-S ix (36) , iii 'Ibwn~ttip 'm_n (10) North , Ftarx~ Eleven (11) , west <br />of the 6th P.M., in Hall Oounty, Nebraska, <br />F~eQtittg that portion of said tract 3ieedeci to Rudolph Lutes, as Recorded in Holt <br />143 at Page 62fi of the Deed Aeoo~'ds of Hall Cot,utty, Neiaraska, and <br />Fsae~rtit'rq that portion of said tract Deeded to ltnitxt Oil OueQarty of California. a <br />talifornia oaz'ptaration, as r+eoo>:ded in gook 156 at Page 119 of the Deed Aeoacrde <br />of Hall Cbtulty, Nebraska, and <br />IDaoepti:tg that portion of said 'i5ract Qorrdmtt>lad by the State of Netoraskar Department. <br />of &aalda, as s€t Earth in the Ret(~z: of Ap¢raisers Re~zrled in Boo3c 9 at Page 427 <br />of t1zQ Misaellaneotls Records in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall (btnty, <br />Nek>r'naka. <br />'lbwt4er wrath aU truddin/t, improrementa. tlttWree, stoats, alleys, parageways, eaarsnents, rigliia, ptriciisgss snd <br />atpwbantNtaas leoitsd thanon a to smywia. pertsioiag thereto, sad the cents, isswa awd pmAts, nveeaioes and twoisi~dss <br />therrot; ~tdiag, twt sot !lmttcd to, heattag awd codW; egnipsewt and such pi!raonal property that is attacind to tlsr <br />Nnprtsaasaah to as to cortatftuk a ~tttre; VI of which, including eeplacemen4 sad addipau therNo, r beset dsdaind <br />b be s port of the real aAtk serttnd by the lien of this Mortgage snd alt of the foregoing hemg ..tarred to besets r the <br />«noPem,.. <br />Mortgagor further conveaanls sad agrees, with Mortpgee, ar follows; <br />1 Ps}raral To par the ittdebtcdeaa saM the mterrat thereon r prorrded in the Mortgasr and the Note <br />3. `iYW. 15euigagsu a the owmv o[ the Property, has the tegSt sad aathortty to mortgage the t'roperiy. sand <br />wurwna that fJle lien created hereby i a Asst and prior Iten oa the Property, excrpt r mrr utberwise be set forth treads <br />~~7 The Pnmertv rs t;ubiert to a tttxtgage wherern - -- . _ _. _ --_-- <br />d tie + recorded ai Boot _-._--- , ~ --.. _.. - _._ of the iturtgage fiacurds of - . _ ... __.. Coa$tf, <br />Nabrasia, erhleh fAOri~r b r tan pHOr to the ilea rented hereby. <br />LU Oflier prior !coati ur arcarnbram~aa.... _ _ -- -__._ -- _ ..- -- . _ __ .... _ .. .. . -- _. . _, - _ --- <br />3- Tsnea. Atoern®eria To pay when due all rites, cpectal aQeaamenta sad dl usher rhargrs agarrtat thr Property <br />awd, span wiittea dersad'ry tdortpgee, to add to the payments rrgwnd under the Nuu rerured hereby, such amaret r <br />easy trr Wftieterrt W ertsbkr th. Atortgager to ps} such taxrs, aasermenta or other charges u ttmy trrrumr dur <br />4. Iaarrrawce. Tb trop thr rmpr.,rrmrnts nrrw ~x twreanrr Irnatrd un thr n•al .state drsrnbed hrrrrn ;nsurrd <br />agWrat dsmaer by Arc and such uthrr huani~ as Nurtgager nrry reyuur rn -nwuua and wrth r.rm pamr> arvrpuble to the <br />~. tnA +rith leas pryablr iu the ?N+rrtaaasr !n case ut i.ra under sorb puir.te- thr Mortgagor w iw thontrd to <br />.t4Q,,.jp,,e.t,,, aestrilrrt end eenipri>rA(ae, Ih i4 dtsc rru~rt, art C{aitdr lhenVYrtder at its sMr upitun, authurirrd W erther apply the <br />r~^"' t0 NM wNaeMM 1[ Me ~~ isr MBllt tM IMgbMilas~ satwsted ~. hwt /alr~w tte!et~er dltit ew• <br />None atNl ~! # teewwd CMwiJ a /~ b ft~. <br />tr. -.7 1 t`ef T7iY Md t1tt~ `Thee. Notwrttsstaasting uryttsioj tvnirnrd rp ~ 3 sad 3 btraoi $~ i5r <br />*, ~.~t sRT!! DmT 'A ~ tt !ha tsar cf ps; rag Gat ssaihl; t!n€st!!!!r!!ta of tuis.Yg~ snd, <br />awe•twNAh ~ ibe y.itTry tatpra, aawniw(s, itTSnesi mwiaaer prrtaasasa, and growtd rea4 (if an} 1 whist rata} rtiria a <br />prtgtty veer tii- Yerl+~Bi e. t~ Its nMOnttlbi' wtttristMd stein gtne W erne by the FtortBagee. 'Rw ..mwnts so paid rntdt he <br />Irtd h71 tfs )tietrggse wttra}t MOMwsi tetra q/tNd to rte pyrr-at art tIM tteaas in reTpact W whielt atsah aaswwis were <br />`17N ststas paid to liiot(!~s hTww4dar aeF pbired as adldiaoaai security for thr Wdrbtedner secarrd byr the <br />YgaitWti- ~ per' tss~ :~ amoitat 3f lay slsildeacy brtxrta th€ uttrts taxes, assess*tter.L<<, istacrTtrct <br />p Tsai gtnewud r-' e- and the daeoalts herwtsdsr within 10 dttys aRer dTrwand a made upset Mortgagor reQttealing <br />grgstrst tRarwaf. <br />d. (tapair, Irlaiatanance snd Use. To promptly teyrTtr, restore or rebuild any buildings ur tmpr,wrmruU ii~w or <br />tan+atter oa the Property; to steep the Property m Blood coadltion snd repair, withrwt carte, and trey from mrrhsn,.•'s or <br />tstltetHetn not eapresdy wbrrdtnnted to the flea hrnot; sot to mTie, suffer or permit any nuisanrr to rxixt. nor to dirmn <br />ids or impair the rater of the Property by arty rci or omission to art; and to comply with a?i reyui^"~u•nt~ „! :^» wilt, <br />t<apect to the Property. <br />