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~9--~,~.,~~~~~~ d~ORTOAGE <br /> <br />'Chia Itttienture, fdade by and ltrtvruen ~~~ E. MA3'1<tSi aryl II,UA M. M~S'PEtd, thisbar~ arri Wife , <br />E~h in His arad Her C~tarl Right atxi as Spouse of Each <br />and '!~ UV!"12I11t1V tg1TI~1AL BARK CE" C~f~1ID ISIAItD, C~~,n , altlalor <br />referred to as Batik 25 031.62 <br />'Ills Mortlalior for and in aottodeatioa otti ) <br />~1~FCli.~ ~ ~-F~(7R.At~p 62/x. '-_nouuis.o.~d>rrtb+h~tk. <br />the tauaipt whereof is hereby ackttorrledled, has gamed, harlpained. enld std coareyed, std bq t5e praaeY. does leant, <br />haatp~iat, ae71 and tmvey, unto acid banlr, lire followurg aeeritbwd reel I+eoperty aituarad d the Coattty of Hdlg <br />,q~d flEaaM ed IYebnake, to-wit: <br />All of the South Fifty-Six Feet (S. rsb') of The West onrHalf {F/t) of Block <br />Ten (10) of Ple~eaaatt Hone Subdivision, of Part of tine East Or1t~Half {E~) <br />of the Sautlletast Quarter (Si~!t) of Stxtiar. 'tWertt}e-one (21) in 7t~wnship Eleven <br />(11) NDrth, Range Nine (9), West of the bth P.M., hbkr oily of (Wand Island, <br />Hall Cbtrtty, Nebraska <br />tvlether with alt the tenements, hrnditamen4 and appurteaanne to the name 6elonliag, and all the state, tale, elates d <br />deataada wbataoevar of the mortgagor af. in or to rid pnmtrea err any part, thereof: and said atartlaler dsw ~ ra <br />eeatr<r that the morlgalur it lawfully seised of red premier, that rni premnw •re free trams iaet~heatee ltd ~aetR~ <br />ret$ warns/ std defend the title to rid pntsira aaritut tM ehtirr and derttattda of all peseta ataettsr~rat. <br />!lDVIDtD ALR+AY3, tttd than. ptvasata are upon t-er eoadltbr: <br />QRETLiAS, the tw!nsls•.t~ r kr a:eauted and dt;irerad to the Dark ..A ..Q~ttll~tt~._ ................._....- . .~s t~ <br />dat!sd l+sbruatiy 6, 1989, ~ 525,034.62, xith inEe:'est at a rate of 10.001 r ~ fly <br />Qf t'll! ~~,='t3t ~ Of eat3t nCnttt ~OSme[tCinq I~T'L~l 1, 19797 the arttire tnpaid p[iilCiprl ~i1f'~ I <br />plus aoratad inbeast shall be ties a>ad payable oN i1~t~D. ; <br />std eta slaved b taaiataid tin, windstorm and emended cererale inauneKe on uid prvmiar in aatattta a+gtaMtd ltd b <br />eettptdaa appemrad Dy the bank std with xtartdard mortgage clause which polirip rhall he de4tra»d U L-a hat}. led W <br />Herd b py V! taaw sad raertaredts lerted apitut rid pnmiar before the came become detitttewt ltd It tttiWia aW <br />pnateltsa <br />New, faatvlare, it the taertlalor slop comply with all of the proviaionz of rid fettle std the ptwiaista ~aeael than <br />Iheas peeesMS shag ba tro17 sad void. <br />However, it the shore torte and intertwt thereon or any payments called for thatvon an not paid when dY a< K aq <br />of the eareeaats of thin ittatrnment are Hoc complied with, the bank, or the herder hereof, at i4 eptioa try darYtre rte rs- <br />matttiat 6slaace of rid indebtednrs due •nd payable and may maintain sn action at 4w ar in putty to nearer W aagaata <br />dM sad ett~ree the prortaions hereof. !n the event of the failure of taoKgagur to maintala the peeasiaea, or to taaitRtfi <br />ittaanaea r is above proridad tor, ur to pay Ls:ea ar aresemants, the holder hereof may adrann the sofa or am teantttT <br />to obtait eotap7iattee and such atauuatn atoll be added to the amount due on ttte above mancioaad sets sad hw iwbraat at <br />tae htlheaL legal nte. <br />IT' TE tU1tT8l.R AG7tP.ED, thin afo-it(ate abaci consLituta notice itaraof, that thin eeo-flats r aexvfiEr tar art wip <br />Dse am±:vttf adratt~e! w.;r-, r_hr ~ec~.tie>z herw+t hit at! r~vt;~-r a:frarraa yr=;-a n:ay a€ taade at lira app ~ tAe <br />paatNs err thslr aasJlns uF ~ rhr focal sawunt stated in this murtKala, to the ame ezteat u adraatwr etili:ylZy grade hese- <br />tntMr. /Yrther Holies is hereby gives that eha Lector of reA llortgaga Kota inc-coding rhr inWwat raM, irararr, ttatdtrit~, <br />ptmatttr, sad tt~ar iarass zhall rsa.°ttrranttT nptir, az~utirri tom--::ate a Hari ..f this ~...rtgr~. <br />TT IS Ttr$?7IS$ AGR~EB, that the __:1 ',ida:#paz:>r :kal! err„,' wi!! pry all ua.r. !erie,d apor. this aasrttase er tar tail <br />aeet}!d tterebr, toletber wa!-h any oEher taxes of srataamente may Ue !erred under the i.avr at hTrbwka, ilalii! tea <br />aatd ~slltgr7 a Lix ~~ !der a+ the xaiA „ .:~^ipa! ....._._, -.. _........ of thin ,n:~bt: in ~_: <br />SZ' IS p'U$TttER AU$EEll, if rt anY G:mr,_wh~le the mortgage Fa in e.Kect and tt sots for whuh rhr taertgaga it <br />~ ea aaruray, yr any yrrt thetavf, remain un pard, the undrreigr,ai ifurErtaKora ere!s, convey or vntsart to vii fir! tva! <br />aa~ate heralt daveethed, err say part thereet, or the llortpgors do Hat have or cease to bare tale to rid real wrote er iq <br />past taaerC, tttr add in any ettrh wente, rhr ftlortgagre may. ^t Ira option, declare rhr unpaid prinrtpa! trNnvt, std faeeevat, <br />d tea aaM seetrad hereby immediately due and payable. In the event thrt these premteee err not now, ur ahauld herwRer, act <br />M areopled by atortsalr.r then this matrumrnt -hall canaUtute an aaa ignmrnt of rcntaSa end ecru tce of a copy ,.hareut upon the <br />aaetpati aYaa! be wlticiadt to nquin all payment for rental or oar of rhr prctn uea roar date of such i.rrtea to made to <br />~tlrtltlM. <br />allaad tats ~tth day or F'ta4~ftr',rz'Y . is 79 <br />In pr:rarncr of ~~ £ ,,~/ ~~ t al~.lf~- <br />Elva M. Melsten Ci G'i ~^'v' n1 •~ ~'~' <br />lli~pter ttl. s trNtq ptehMr yt-alttMd tar sad eoaaty, perradlr calla E],dOrt 6. llll~bin ~~e <br />Mttt'~ "~- ~ b if tlM 1iltaliNl pereea err parwaa who signed the farolnirg iwatrxtaraal sad achnow <br />«ia1!1lhM sad deed. <br />~'2-c:> <br />~, ~>3 oar __.._..-.._ ............. __ - ._ _. . <br />- <br />....da3 ed. .._ to <br />std tweerLd is Moak. - _ of <br />6 is. ?~ . <br />ty ~-~ - - ~ I'aWs. <br />1 lateral on nntarkal indaa sad flied for recaed~ <br />era. <br />' +a the Regtater of Daede t?ffka of 9M County the <br />,;t o'clock attd minutes f(., <br />at page <br />Reg. of llaada <br />~' [leputy <br />