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79--• ~(.~(7~~ha <br />fie Nnvt; ntvrr Tt~ Noiu the same unto th«~ Mortgagee, as hereon peel ided. Marlgagur repa°,•w•n2s lei, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotlterwiae recited ;that the Mortgagor ~t•ill warrant <br />~ and defend the same against the lawful claims of ail persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes <br />~ alt rights of horrtestead, ell marital rights, either in law or inequity, and all other contingent interests of <br />~ the Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises. <br />~ PeovlDSD ALWAYS, and these presents ate executed and delivered epos the following conditions, to <br />V~ wit: <br />~ Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of nine and one half per centum (9.5h) per aauui~nr~~mogn he upppgagid biialance until paid. <br />;~ ~' The acid principal and interest shall be txsyabte at the otlke of FAsaocii~~oniofa~inn~olnnd Loan <br />vC ~ in Lincoln, Kebraslca , ar at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed t.o the ;viertgagor, in monthly installments ofTN~ tIUNDRED NZNS':Y FIVB AND 201100 <br />Dollars (= 395.20 ), commencing on the first day of ~bruary , 19 79 ,and continuing on <br />trite brat day of each month thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the Snal <br />payment of principru and interest shall be due and payable on the prat day of January 2009 ;all <br />ru~ording to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor further agrees: <br />1. Ise will pay the indebtednean, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at say <br />time, witlwut premium or fee, the entire indebtrdneae or any part thereat sot leer thae the ameaet of gee <br />inetalteseat, or one hundred ddLes (1100.00). whichever is lass. Prepayment in ttell shalt he csadiad ea <br />the Arta reoeiwd. Paetial pe!epayeemt, other than on as inatallaoeat sue dsa, erred sac he oaedMrd aeeW <br />tIr Hatt foUowieeg ;nsatlmatt sue date or thirty say..tar such prepayment, arhichrrrer i.;sr. <br />S. Tarathar with. sad in addition t0. the monthly payereta of peieecipd sari iaa:.rt pyable andar <br />the sear a'the emote seesered hereby. Most~egor will pay to Mort, ea trustee. (Hader the terms of this <br />feast aw Meetaatter atatsd) oa the rlrest day d each month until acid note is fully paid: <br />(s) A sum equal to the ground rents, if arty, next due, plus the premiums that will aazt become dos <br />and payable on policies of fire and other hasrard inwrance covering the >ISerpppd peapeefy. <br />plus taxes and asseasenenta next due on the mortgaged Property (ail as eetimatsd by the 1[oet< <br />gages, and of a•hieh the Mortgagor is notified) lees all sums already paid therefor divided by <br />the number of months to elapse before one month prior to the daa whoa sash g><aeaed r'aaa. <br />pramiuma, fazes and assessments will become delinquent, such sums to 6e lee{d 6y Mortgagee <br />in trust to pay said ground rents, premiumx, taxes and special aasesamenb. <br />(6) The aggregate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph (s) and those payable on the <br />note secured hereby-, shall br paid in a single payment each month, W be applied to the toibw- <br />ingitems in the a.rder slated <br />(1) ground rents, taxes, aasesameota, fire and .ether hazard rnaurance premiuas; <br />(tt) interest on the natasae~trrodlierebY:end <br />(til) attlurtiaatiun of the prrnerprl of sold note. <br />Any delkirrrcy in the amount crf any such sggre;atr monthly payment shall, osiers madt good <br />by the ht~•stgn~•r pFi?r f._~ the ~itr« date ,:f tt-~ rr?it ±iirh peYmrnf. ~•~:r,atitute ari event of defasiit <br />entire this mnrtt[age. AL Martgagc•e`s ot,tion, 'd~rtgagor will tu-y a "late chose" not axc~ad• <br />ietg tour per centum i d ~.) of any in3tall nrrnt when paid more than Aftaen (Ifi) days attar the <br />due late ihereuf to cover the extra exp.=nor inrutved rn handFrngdelinquent paymrna, bee stedt <br />"late charge" stsatl reel ta; payatsk out of the prvccstts of any sate made to satisfy the tsdadead- <br />ness secur=ed hereby, unless such proca•ds are suftFcient to discharge the entire indebadeersrid <br />aU proper costs and expenses secured thereby. <br />,. If the total of the payeeenta madn by the liortgsgor under la) of paragraph 2 preeediag shall <br />eeteeed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, u trustee, for ground rents, taxes and <br />rrrpeeaa-e~u or iruuranee premiums, u the ease may be, such exeees shall be credited t-y the liortgegee <br />sat aeebregeeeet pwymettb to be made br the Mortgagor for sash item or, at liartgagee's oytion. r trustee, <br />drag Ere ratnndd to Mortgagor. 1f, however, such monthly payments shad not be suAlcient to pry suds <br />items when fare name shall become duo and paysbi.~, then the Ilortgrgor shall pay to the lMortgagee, as <br />trustee, my amount neceesnry to make up the deflcirncy within thirty (30) days after written Holier from <br />the Mortgagee stating the amount of the deficicency, which rwticr may !x• given try mail. tf at any Liner <br />the MCe'tr shall tendt+r kr the MurY,gag~+r, in sese,rdancr a rth Uie provisruns of the nutt+ rut ureci <br />~, lets 1~YMat et the atitit+e taAMMdlrr lrprarMad tMs'.b7, the lime, as terrleh alfi; <br />is esmpatiag flee eaeoaat d rack iedaWdte~w. t:radit to tar aoeoaet of tlr MortEl,agor aq credit brass <br />rya utitlcrr 0rc ~ of (a) of parsgex$h F ttenol. if there shalt be a detaek leader say <br />of tle provisioar ~ thir taortg+tgo resvttisg in a public sate a: the premises rntered hereby, or tt the <br />liart~egae acquirer ter propraety otherwise afar default, the Mortgagee. as truster. shall apply. at the <br />thlM Orr tar caaua+aeemaat of oath p.aoeediags, er at fir time the Property is otltezwire acgeired, the <br />thats rwealate~ to ee~t thre Mostgagor seder (s) of paragraph 8 peeoediug, a• a credit oe the <br />ilstatMt r~rrrard wed ftt~aid cad tAe bakatee a the priaoipal then reatalning napaid on said note. <br />i. TAe tisA of the laet;zromptt ahr>I remain is full talcs and effect daring any postpanemrnt or e:ten- <br />etas oft t#ta t'+~t~ ~~~ et de irdebtat~saa ar say part thereof .eeured hereby. <br />~ ~sronnd tenter taxeD, sriesaoererts. wafer rates, and other governmental or munici- <br />j~ paaltious, M rod ~ srtW ~isea sari tatat he wiq pay all taxes levied upon this <br />mortgatge, or We debt eeeuead thetebtr, agather with any otter taxes or aareYn-ents which may be levied <br />Ltltlbeh+~soi;~F9hraakasg+-iaattitaltostgagt+e,o.- the legs! tenkter of said prtincipat rote, on accotrnt e+ <br />tftis:b-dtnam, ess+rpt when payeeeaet for al! such items has theretofore been made under tn) of para- <br />graph St hereof, and he will promptly deliver tyre oficial receipts therefor W the= zior°tgagre. In deiautt <br />thereof the Mertxsgee may pad a rams. <br />:..~ <br />