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ax~i:,~ I uw t:- ;rn ,u;', prrin:~ rt tom. trur_:ccrrtary +rf il.w.lsurg and :.-. n Cater -~-~: :arir <br />"+atl;,Ilal li„usntp a_' a+ank.:c:,,2a1, ati„ apphiathke Regulatlfrns thzre:.,!rdzt-~,r <br />flll t1 and ~„ lung as sarct na>tc of earn date .utd tit is uuimtr>rnt err hell by the k~~rz iat• ,•' }{r assmg ant'. <br />l.`rban [.kveiopmrnt, a m.anthiy charge ten hcu :fj n nrr,rrggfe rnsurenee prtmrum} whtclt shall hr ut an <br />ama-un! equal t.: one-tw:-if!h tI%!_) of +xrc-half (1/?) per centum of the average outstsndmg oai:rtct <br />dur on thz ;fete _fanpared wrihout taking utter aacrxrm deunquencies ur prepayrrunts <br />~ Ibl A sum .yual is: rhr a2nutnd renrs.:f any, next due. plus Nte prenuums that will nex+ txcome dur and pa4ahl<~ :nt <br />prslfctes eft rue anti other hazard msurana:e crwenng the mortgaged property, plus taxes and asussrmnts next dur <br />I,,, nn the mengaged nttaprrty /all as <°strmarefl hr the 4/.>nArt)terl less all sums already paid therefor d3rdcd by the <br />nw~-:be: ra months to rlepse befrnr ,nsr month prior ter, the date when such ground rents. premw;ns. taxes and <br />~ assts;ments w0i hecume delnquenr. ,u.h sum, ter: he held by Mortgagee to trust to pay card ground rrnts, pte- <br />`~ nnunfs. taxes and spacial assessments, and <br />~ 1. i 4i] payments nienuczned to the two preceding substcuuro ut this paragraph and all payments to tx rnadt under <br />p rhr note secwrd hereby shall hr added •,•}Srthrr. anJ rhr aggregate amount thereof shall he paid b± the Mortgagor <br />~ racfi rrrunth m a smglc payment rr~ be appirtd h} the Mortgagee to the miluwtng ~trtns m the order set forth <br />• (I) premmm charges under the ionvact of rnsurarrs wuh the Secreary of Hounmg and l:rban Uevelarpmrnt, <br />o+ monthly charge (rn lrrv .,r rn„rigors rnsurancr nrrmiurq r, as the seas may hr. <br />1111 ground rents, taxes. essessmenis. fire and ,ftha hazard insurance prettnums, <br />1111) aurrest on the note u• uu•d hereby. end <br />{IV 1 amortuauun r+f the punctpal u( pfJ note. <br />Any defiaency m the amount of any rush eg,Erega!e monthly paymrnt shall, ufiless nfadr gtwd by the Mott- <br />gagax prior tr, the due daa of the rrcxt su.h paym.,:t, a:nsutute an event u( defauh under this mortgarae. Tht <br />Murtga~et n1aY Colktc[ a "late cifarpe" not w exceed frutr cents (4q) for each ddiar (SI) of coif payment titers <br />than 1`tfteen (I ~ 1 days to areas to .iwtr the extra expense involved in hatdlind delinquent payments. <br />Y. 'that It the total of t#e paytsestts attwle by the 11ort~rtRor eerier Ibl of parttRraph 2 prrcedirryt shall sacead <br />the ataotrt of paytaawtn artraally atttde by rite Mtsrt~ttpee for ateund tenth. taxe> and aaseanwealrs or iaaaraate per <br />atitttar, v the cites teas be, attd a:cees if the im is tvttesft, at the option of the llfortaagttr, shall be cttdited by <br />~" 6e!' r'a "+~'-'afwat Nyses~ to be rude by the NtsrtpeRer, or refunded to tAe ltsrt~s~. !f. hassres. the <br />ntaalMiy payttteate tends by the Moetsa~or wrier r e~ ai prara~raph : prca.-editta shall tftn be wtficient to Pte' StaMd <br />twit, taaan awd asae,strawttr a iattttrattate prataimae, ere the case racy se, whew the aatae shalt bttoatao daa tatd pay- <br />able, then the tfrtaatpetr atfall pay b the Mart~ae soy atrtoawt w+'eaTMY b wake aP the tkttticiattcy, ua rx betere <br />the date when payraeat of ouch twsuad rents, taxes, aeswewrxwentw rte iasarance praatfiuatar trhall be der. K at efts <br />tithe rite 11aee~taatnr shalt twder is the ilertRaltee, in accordruce witlt the previsions of flee tale atsctred Meshy, <br />tall payeeat sf the soffits twdlrbtedness rept>taenled thereby. the -1ort~agee shall. in co+apatitsq the of eueir <br />iraiehterittess, eeedst to ebe account of the fKortpdor all payrttesrts mark under the provisionts of tut of para~apit Z <br />harrodt nkich the Mortga~rr hs- met become uhliRated a pay to the ~es•n•tan of Houitng and 1'rban fyeveltt}ftetnr <br />and say balance teataiwityl in the /tptds at•cumulated under tht rro.t~rrrn• of +h? of paralraph Y herw(. If than <br />•+ha[1 be a default under any fl! the procl~ron~ of Nip tatsriKage rr~ulttna .n a public -:rle of the prtwisrix co+ered <br />hereby, tx if thv Murtgarree a. quitwr- the prnperty otherwi ~e after default, rhr• Morttragee :hall apply. at the fiats of <br />the cowwtmeeaient of wt•h proreedmtt~, ref at Ne ileac the proprrtx' i~ otherwi~r acquired, the balance then n+wair.- <br />inK rn the funds aecutaulat.d under 1?, of parattrapti 'l preceding, :y a credit ryrarn-t the aatsaunt of pnnr~rpal Uteri <br />teraainintt unpaid irndav ;:sad rf±.te, Ord ,ttiall properly ad}uW arty payment- which -h'}ll bars tatYxt made tamer : e <br />nt paraar•aah 'L. <br />.f That rhr \fautyat:i>: +ttl pay ttrifund rent,. taxr,. asxssntrnls. water r.,tes. arfJ uthtr ea+e;nrrrenta in municipal <br />a: tiarpts, fine., :rf Impa„rtwn,. f.:r which provnia.+n ha. n<+i t+rrn made herrrnheforr. anJ m Jef quit nc~rr.if the \t,frtg-,rger mart' <br />• - rti~ M nr nTni inni inr~ ~>.~n:r w, 1 f+r: nit+l t- ~_ - :,.~„_ t3' r_ . _ i[!C•Fi„r , _.-{ \7,`+•~.~'r~ <br />l't.R - i \la C , :i,trif+l 1n uwi Pr4ae- <br />.ri~dEti i ..,_ a _: ,a _ . ..n n , lain n i iFfsaa. 'ra' r,tar¢ anF rm <br />mint,. atwt which ma: !~ ~+::u utxm lhas sscartgai,eY:rr lhr,yrht +e: ured hxrch; shut .,nt+ t„ t`rr , xtrrRt the? .w h r, mar prcaftthri <br />~.. .., ,o.....c ,,.na -.. ,,,~ a..en, ,ru,. •asa f. »n, Han rnn5r ann n=o u,nrfru+, Hui .~..:unrng +n+ .a.~.aetc ,-,+ :ear , _ - . <br />tmpoxed on Murttiagcr. anJ aril file rhr <ffh~wl,r•aeept +ha,wrgg ,ua:h r,a+iiacrU ,.uh rhr \f.urtc~a=~ tx _ _~ta. _ -. r to+._.n lrr- <br />taring, ui ,i the ilur iKaipur +, pn,hrivtcd ha ens yaw noes or hereafter exrcnng tr<:m pavnp the wn<fK or ant ywrtwrn or Ux a axt <br />wnf lase.. a upsrn Itie rencfrrtnyt .+! an+ :ifurt ik. sec pruhthtttng tlx pas mint hi the \ ..r en, ,uah is xr, ,rt .f annh fees <br />or Access pravµles that ens amount ,:+ part h+ rhr Mortgagor ,hall he arrJrKJ oa ~h, mavtgatte deM rhr \tarrprttee +haR hoer <br />rhr rttht n, grvr nrttrtc Jas, whiten hasher to rhr owner ,rf rhr murlaageJ prcmr+r,. re:tuut rig the r•a,:nent ,ft nc~ rnnrtltagc <br />ittht If sui'h nrHtac tae Ktsrn tnr +arJ Jrt't .h.,;l hcc ornc Jur. pHs ahk' and .avlcattbk a[ the rxprrahirn .-~t +aW mna•ta Ja„ <br />h Thal ahou kl ht !ad ro pa:.r.. .urr .~t [cep an+, ~.'ae r. unr pem tJeJ fa•r :n rhr, Y.nn Kagr then rhr \ d• .:p <br />tw,n. ma4 pea ur pertorn, rhr ,amr nnnal all raMnJrtrdr•. ,:•'•t,rdc ,half he aJdrJ tai the pnna spa! ,wn ,~w ln~ ,m the aho,r Hatt. <br />obeli tfe secured Frerehs and +ha!! hear miser+t at rhr t:nr ~a t„rah m rhr ,aW note unnl part <br />' that hr hrrthv ,f+ctcn+, trfn+ferc anJ +rr+ :+,ri to tisi• \tortaager. n, F+r apptteJ torero thr paymem a,f the Hatt anJ all <br />,unis aeacreJ Irereh+ .r aa+r nt .. default m Ihr nerforman:e of am of rhr term. an.t :o:Wdum, „f rhr, \6,rrR;fxr .n rhr +ani <br />rafle..rt! rhr end;. „ .,:ur+ and ;naumr h hr d .ed L::m the ntnrigattrJ prcnt l+r, .' rrinK wth hnic a+ rhr r :flgagr uwte Fief <br />Hess xha11 runmu unpaW anJ the Mortgagor ac,ll ha+c prrrt 1, app,.un cos .rprm of uKcnh t :nn+ Jc+ur rf.:t ;hr Panpafx ,,f <br />teparnnr .a,d ntrrnraea anJ of rrruurg rhr ,.,wr ,:rd .,,Irra ung the :rhr, rrsrnrtr+ -,fat ma, :.ra :n•f :: inns pea .nu of aeM to <br />armr+ all earn+et .rf reparnttg ,afJ pter.;nrk :utJ one++an <omnfr,~ron, .,rW r,pcu.e, usautrr. In rcnuria arrJ niafl;gpap rhr <br />±amr arwl rft -_„slcahrrg rental+ thrrrftom. the h~arHncc rr matmng tl ant, i.r ne appEteJ tow std rhr drxhat gc ut ,awl ma,rtl{agr <br />iadOblaillgas. <br />h. 'fhd be will beep the itaproveinents now axwtiax a hereafter erected oa the mtsrt~tfaed property. iastued as may be <br />requked from tone to umt by the MtrrtttaYte aaatnst karsx by tkr and other harards- crxualliex and connnaenctr. rn awA <br />amouals amr fur su.h pennds as may be rtsqufred by the \1onRapee atfd will pt prornpt;y. elfin Jur. any tsremium, ofl waA <br />ir.-..rte rx::::x•.s fsA „ss.;: • ~ =ls;:.•. ~a ...::x::...:..c hr<rs::'rat:.:e All »z::: : ° ,...., .,,. - :f,.., ,.p.- <br />rn'avrd by flee Miytlta/rer and fire parlrcre~. Herd retfewals thertuf shall ht heM by tier MirtXaget arniFh. • c ettaahtd~thrrcru fuse <br />tnfyahk clautts in tssix ref and to form accttrtatde to the Mtxtgagee In event ref kfss Maanttagor wrtl grit rmmedrate naHrce M <br />med to fife hlort~e. who they rtadte proM os toss d not made promptly by Mortygtsrt. and each msuraittt a ompan} t:un <br />urnW is hereby atidtoritcd and dvected w make payment for wch kvsa dirextly to rite Morgti~ac instead of to tlx llurt~w <br />and tit., Mongaget jrttntty, and the mwntta-t prncrtdx..v env pan thereof .mar hr apf+hed by the M.Ktnattre at n, ift+tw,n other <br />to she reduction u[ the snikMedness herchv secured tx b the rcstaratmn nr repair of tht prispem dama;cd In ra ant of f Herr to <br />wee pf this mgrt~ase tN otitt. rrtuester O(• irk w the rnOft~Cd progeny is exanaufshrMnt of the tndrhhdnr+, +ra ore;+. hereh4 <br />~B .fight, lift: «nd iri.u,t of khc 'dortgngafr m and u, ens mxuraecr t+ohess then m toter ,Bait pa,+ tar rhr pus. ha+r: ,r..ntra <br />`} Thal as addrtionai and eultateral ,ewnh fnt the pa4retnt of the nee de•,chheJ. ,end J: ,u:,:, to hra;:me .h:; .:rt.icr th• <br />mang:tltt, the Mrxl/aser berch4 assign. ha the MaKtpagrt all profits, revenur,. ros'aHtc,. rrghta anJ hrnrht•- ::.rtnng to the <br />Mungngor under any and ati oil arfd gac tea,t+ on .arid prrmrxs, wnh rhr right w recerar and rcr<rpt fo+ the ,amr and appl+ <br />them to ,arJ mdzhtednes, a+ wet! before as after Acfault in the tondniam of sine mortRa}tr- anJ rhr S{nrtgsgre m,ta Jrm ~nJ cur <br />fo: enJ rtr<oa r; ,:n+ .uah pus men!, when Jue end pay able but chaff oast r+c tryurr,d ~, ,:, i hr, r„~,..':,~ n: c. ~, ter:: heir <br />.roar brat+rnC r'.ttt ;nit • ('td 'ter rr ~r:3,r .,f 'hl, Ti?rtr <br />