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79- l~ll~j"rt~31 <br />MOR?GAGE _ <br />~Rrr,ACi:LOA~+~:o l_Z3.344 -- <br />tcriowALLhtsriBy'rlfESepRFSEr+rs ?fret Bruce L. Burnett ana Jacqueline L. Burnett. each in <br />his and her awn right and as spouse of each other, <br />rortpeor, whether one or more, in oansfdention of tba stye o/ <br />Thirty-Five Thousand and No/100--------------------_----------------------- -_ ~~Rs <br />Wfaed to said rnortdagor by The Equi[abk Btsllirtg and Loan Association of Grand lalatd, Nebraska, Mottgadee, upon 3~ tltares of stodt of <br />said ASSOCtAT10N, Certificate No. L 23.344 , do hereby gent, ronrey and tttortga=e unto the sstd ASSOCIATION [M foi{owiy <br />described veil state, vttutrd ir, Nall Cnuntv, Nebraska: <br />LOT ELEVEN (11) IN AMICK ACRES SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />LOCATED IN PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH4IEST <br />QUARTER ;N~SbI~) AND PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE <br />NORTHNEST QUARTER (S~a1W~) OF SECTION TNO (2), TONN- <br />SHIP NINE (9) NORTN, RANGE TEN (10) HEST OF THE 6TH. <br />P.M., IN HALL COMITY. NEBRASKA. <br />tarrthw .ieh all the twratent:. herettitsttwma and appurxatteoea tiaetaeto betoaptad, includitaj attac6td floor . aB sri~dosr aasawe. <br />wesdow sbadr, blioda, cam wissdtsws, awniya, hatitt~, ssr wodaioniaB, and p1umEYaB and wtuer egaipatrnt and acoraotir tltrmo,l~ aww, <br />arfr~ratwa, and whet futaau and equtptaent maw ar herotfter utacird to or tread n meutaction with said teal estate. <br />And wlsererr the said taortprjor bas sgesd sell Odra haseby tt~see that the mortp~ot shag and tviB py aB taro , sell aatal~ti IaeY! or <br />darted ttooe said prenriwes and trptra this ttaorgase rd the bond atrmad thereby bs(ote the acme shag became BaBntaMmt: m [UeWr a~aewd <br />i tta~mm the DetiMirgs en stall premise dttrued-tn the wm of S 35 sue. ~ WYaAk to acid A330C1ATit?!V sad to Oetirw to m16 <br />AS$(XYATION the prrlictes for said insursaab, and nut to commit ar permit any waste on or about acid premises; <br />-n tar of defauh m the performtnce of any of the tttttr sad .xxtditiau of this trwrtgr6e us the burl secured hereby, the prxyyu aiaB, <br />an demaal, be ertnlsd to imrtrdtate poreruon of the rtstxtasdad ptemiws and the tranggtur hereby assiBna. uattsitr+ asd seta asw to the <br />aB the rents, rtwmuat and tnooese w be desired from the awrtOtBed pnmues dutstq such time as the riwrtpye aadtbtsdasas dqB rtri• <br />and the trtartgaoee fllnil have tlr power to appoint any st/ent sir a~etta it may desire for the purpor of rapairta` rid pseatisaa std egttittB <br />the sent and oolkctrng the recta, nrentrt and income, std it relay pay ow of sod tetcottte a!1 a of repairiad said pafrira trod aaoeawsy <br />ar~xu asd sxpeeuea aeceutal rn rentttt{ asd tirnt~rl/ the setae sell of coikcteq rentals nfrram; tM balatus wnrseYrd, 9 any, to M <br />tawar3 the ~'~ie .st rr-d ttwriBtOe tAOabcWeaa: Oeea r-fit, at the rraottegee cry be erxcird at ssey tiw daaiti the eatisteres d nett <br />ittespe.-t nay a! ssty tnsrp.v-erv wairri of tip s!-*rw <br />Tlsssr preaaats, herervrer, ax upsra the CtvsdRSOn, TAn d the sell frfatt~a/ior sidl repay said ban on or before the ttta[mtty of laid rhea by <br />prryernt: PY raurtthty to sad .A55OCIATIOut of the sum speayfied to the Bond secured hereby u interest and prtiscspal on sad Was, oa or be€ow <br />the firrcntietn da}• :zf eaw. and -<rr; rts,e:t*, :~.t:i ran man ~ fn:~y pa:C, pay at texts an:t utcsmcrts ~vtr : t s:::i p:zmuti aa3 as tAic lNttaa/t <br />irk. Ylx ~.:~ i2::::cw ..~..-~. ,-..-..: i:. ..~ - ... ~' '.. rii ::a«3:.. ._ ttwi~vi: ar :::. ,r.. _: . <br />^--z r .. r. rhr,..:. _ . ~,.. ...a. n .a • a peli{rte <br />to rid AS3tX7AT1ON, repay w said AS.SCICIATION apra dtssrad aii erwey by rt pod for such tastes, rrtrmaau sad ttuerftrt with raNMM a! <br />the asaxsatrn ~ rate tlxrer.ea te.vsr dale sit payasas ~ of w6tc#t Yawn asreby a6'wi ar pay, peraai no wow oa wd pcsmrts: aMp fad <br />aB the a~aarea:ts xad candstna;t .ti the liotsd f::r S ~l) ~. ~ thu day d+Ka by tts+r cart ti<rrt0. frr to srhi ASSOCiA iidl~, sell wapiy <br />w1Ht aB ih wr1lpitesnsMt of ehr Cweraa:tm sal By Law+ M stpd AS30('IATION; rhea thew presto slrB !seems nteB and vad. othetsfr dry <br />tiaB warm W fells fora and may be frxK-lard at for optwo ~ the srA ASSOCIATIOlJ after [dwr for three ratuattu to teaks soy of rid <br />ptryarou to be tone mwsshs sit ursfrs rn nsalttttB sad tseuathly paymeMS, ix W keep sett •'Omph' weth tM aBrserxnts and wmdttstsm of sad Doed: <br />std MottpMee :frets to franc a re<xrrn appwnted turthwrth sit such fcvsctrraurt ptucatdirtBt <br />if tbne r say Nipl/t Ir{ uwaertdesp of ltet rEil r,tite mtNtr~ii lla#er, by xsk of OSherwtw, ttrn tht MIiR resrrmued tn~brQetafa bt{eby <br />aactsrod thaB, N the option d The F4tutable Btsddr+Y and L.+an Atrarscrtrrr of Grand talawd. Nsbradsa. bsartm rrrtttrdrtaly dm and payabb withort <br />teretlrs notiuc, sad the ataswnt resawun} due uncles saw hwd, stet say utlrs bcesd fur err astdrrsrui adraaoaa rande tMwwede+, shall, iron tie <br />data of ettnrsr of amid opttore. bear tntneat at tM rrrxunum ley! rate. sad thts murt~s~e may then be fowckred to rti~y tie amoert Otte oe aafd <br />band, sad wry other brsarl frx addasaul advances, tu~ethrr with alt sttee pad by wd lYse Egtrbbk Btdldtttd ani Loran Asaurrttoa ofGsaptd tsitad. <br />Nebraska k!t utsuraaue, taaaa+uw arrrsureants. aril abatrartrna cstrnswn eharyes. wah mterass drersarrr, from date .s( pavmrnr at the nratmum <br />Nytt nu <br />As ptvrvtde~f to Ilrc fkxrJ sec-tred ttershy while rhr, mar t~ajr rerrs~tms rn rttect the nwsrttat{ee ma> nergltr advxrs.~e wluavsal suer to the <br />tsksss o std Y=:nd, then alaiitts sic stkisasas m enlsrest, whr:tt sums stab !se wtifttn tsar sszur rtr ,.t :hta :rrcrrtps~ rhr vrrrr as the rued, artpnahy <br />tenured tbewlsy. the toril atm+unt ut prtn.~rpil Seht rs.+t t.+exisrst at any trrn ttx rw Kmal erne+art ,:r th5s nxrrt~r <br />qty ~,, My a( feQl9ft~'~- A. P , l9 j9 <br />L+{ <br />a~ u~~N~ _ _ _ .. <br />ti'~~ garMrf <br />~~~' ~ aa. oe thk 9th . dry ~ FeArua f Y l v 79 , belbsa ar, <br />~A'YQ ~. ~urnetL ae-d s1a0Q11et it~e ~. Burnett, :lee tradetsf~tesd, a Notary rttbti:: m ani fat aid Cauat}. x~:~y ~ <br />tech in his and her arrr right spouse of each other, wit, are prrsrarliykrttswnto <br />ate W be tie dentist t+enou S ~ ~~iF z afttrad to t\e shore trrtrument a toartprsr S and they etenth <br />adreatviedrad the rid bWrumant to v 'ar ~' ~ sad decd. 'n/1 {fa''' // <br />M~Yr umntfealail ll~tresc tt~-';,..'~.'~'•- -._-J~S~'_:~aC.LG ~'..~~~j i~C_-- - <br />A _ ~ +- ~-" <br />~~+rl era ~uii ii. <br />6 1 7a1 R1 <br />~;\ ., <br />~:Jy. <br />