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THE MORTCA('AR Ft_fRTHEF, t'rfL'P;NANTS AND AGREES <br />That the Mnngagor will paY the iruiebixdrn. a ax hercinbeforP pt~+y~r t• , <br />ri. at Pr( <br />Thth.lha ~aetia{nr is the owner of said property fn tee siatple awd tars yaod milt rw6 !awful authanty to sell anA <br />tbnvev rhr aa-`e qid Hut flee IIrLrIR m lrtr and etrar of any HPn ur rnrumhrnteP; artA that MnrtgaR~r will wet snot and dP(enrl the <br />title to raid prrtnirPS agaitltd the shims of all persnnx whomsoever <br />To W!' iatreleAtrlett srltan due std pryaNr adI irse~l tltarar tlpecial tales, apPCIeI a vr•exmenta- wrttr cfwriex, terser ilerv~ <br />ice drrgrs. sold Mher tests a11d tE}tar~ra rpttmt rid property, sett ttll /.~itia Irvlrll cal ttw• drht srr urwi htrehy. snA b (urniah the <br />Mortgagee. ttpttR tpYeat, witb the ori/tinat nr dupiilxle receipts therefor. Tile Mortgagor agree. that there shall be added So <br />each monthly payment rcquttod herrwndrr .rr under fife evidrrlce of <kht aPa•urcd herrtly an antnunt eat+mated by the Mortgaltee <br />to 6e sutficlent to Pltablr the Mortl,agrr w prv, o they [teeomr due, all tatarx. axePSPmPntx end vlmllar charRra upon the prcm- <br />~ tree aubjett thereto; at}y detictency ta+cltuw d the Inaulficltmcy of .uch idditwrrtal prYtnentx shall be forthwith depa»Itrd by the <br />~' Mortgagor vit~-.tltt 7f~prljatp! tston demnrul by the Murtgagre Any Aetwlt under this WrasrsPh stall be rtPetttad a tMf7alt in <br />Q pttYment of to=es, aseesententa, ur similar ,~hargre rwtwred h.•n~undPr <br />i The Mortgaaor agtral that there shall altar he addrA to each mrmthly paymettt ul pnlatlpal artd tnterPSt rrquieed here- <br />tWder an amount ealimalyd by rhr Mortgagee In be aulNclrnt to rnrhle the Mortsagr•e to }wy, as rt Arcwxs dot. rhr irlaatrasae <br />plrMrutm tin anY rruurarre pr1My rtelerrred In the Mortpt(ee. MY deficiency beeauan n( the Iwwlkxrcy of auc6 addlttaltrl pay- <br />menta shall br funhwtth rlepastited by rhr Mortgagor with rhr Mortrtsgre upon drmrrir) by the MorlgaKeP Any drlru-t under thft <br />paea~raph ~eNhatl he deemed a default +n the paYtnrnt of tnxuratrcr ptrmiums. If the pulley ur p{7tNlM drpusitrd tie wecb a lwrn.r <br />owners rte all rtak pdtrt«, an%1 the dPprritx arc inruAicernt lu pay the soft rP premium, ttw MorlsalteP may apply lire ttagto~t to <br />pry premiums on risks requ,rrYf to he inwrrrt by thin mnrt=age <br />PsYttttn4 made by the Mortgagor under the aMwr pa:agraphn may, at rhr tKr:lon of the Mongsger, tw hrrFd by rl atad <br />rv.wttaiwglad with other ruck futsAa or its wwn !anat. fur the pay>pena d such iWmr, sad until w applied, rush payrncnta ere hereby <br />pled;erl w sscunly for lhr unpalA Mlancr r>t rhr mortgage IM1PMednras <br />Tn procure, drllver t<,, and rnalnlain for ttlr brrrrfit +>< the Mnrtgagle during ehP Irfe of /his Ltwrtgage origiMl pdic+etl and <br />rc+wetrals thereof, delivered at Trot ten drys brfarc the eaplration of my such policin, trrutring against fire aril other utaarttbta <br />itrtmtda, eiusgiaa. std rontirtgerrir a the AfoHttagee LnaY rs,attira. in N ttnaottnt lgftrl to ibe iA~ebtltfbllo fea7!!d ~ tl~ <br />Mort(s(e, sed in Oonipaniw al:a•P}stable Lu tM• Murtkagre. with Inxa }+syrhlr clause in (rvur of rod In form acrP}Nable to tVe Mlrep- <br />gee In the went any polcy Ir nut renewart a ur brfurc n•n days of Ilw eRplratwn, the Ma+Hgagee may procure Irnuran[r tin lift <br />tmprotrcmestr. p.y tlr premium therefor, and ruck wm .halt Itett,rrtP trrunediately due sod pryrWe with mterrq at the rata rr! <br />forth in acid !tole until palA and shell hr aec•urral h. than mnngage failure oft the pan of Uw Mortgagor b furttarh wch rcrwwda <br />M ere hstwa rr4uired ur (atlurc to pay my wmx uh~anrrrl hrreundrr shall. at the option of the Mortgagee, atrnalitute a delarJt <br />under the fates of thta mortgge The rlrlrvery d wch {x.ia-+rx sMll. In the turn! of Arfwlt. tvrrtltute an uwtfnmrwt of the un- <br />errnad prtrmium. <br />Any rums ra!arlvrd by rhr MurtKa}(rr by rrar+m tit k,ra .,r damage Inaurwl against may hr reulned try taw Marigagee <br />aril rpplted towrrA the }rryment of the dPM hereby arcurad. or at rhr option ..f the Mortgigor. such wms sober whalh ur In <br />paH may fie paid ours to rhr Mortgagor h= br uard to rc}wlr xllfh bUllAlllgl or ,+ ,•wld new ter aldmg. In tM lr Plea'•' ur far any <br />Mher purport or oh}ect aatlxfactorY W the Mortgages with.~W a1Frrt+nK tlw irrn ~m rhr mortRaae fur rhr full rmou nl aerated here <br />by hefrm wc1+ yaymrnt suss tank Place <br />-Po pnmptly rr{war. rat,~r.~ •~ n•bwld an ~ hudrbnK• •~ nnpn,..•nu~n r-. r+=w ..r h. rrru.v .+n ur- prrm,.r. .. hr. 1, ,,, tw <br />t9me drptrted a destmYwd. k+ keep soul prcmlrra an guwi +.•a+ndltton anA rcpa+r srtA fr.~r tram Ilny mn'i•arrra-'r Ilan ur other {irrl ur <br />eirtm of iieo rr.l r+s},r.-s.iv .uh-.r=fir.wtr.; t„ err t,rn ti<•r..d..,... t ..,., P.. r ,.. t.«r:nrt a :. r.'.r~.. t.....~. .. -.- a:,; !tueaarar t., exsst rr. <br />aril property nrx to permit wwrtP .n kn1 prrmlrrr nr+r t.+ A•. env .-.thrr r.°r whr rrhv tlw pn=}vrt• F rrhv .arn.rvev! obeli hecmre <br />{eta vajyabie, nor to Alminlah nr ampalr eta vat ur by anv m 1 ~~. ~,m,ev,vr t., sr1 t~~ , ~•rt4•h »rrl= a!I r«.t u. rr nw m. ~.t law with rrapecl <br />W the wladaaged premarra anal the oar ilumr( <br />That should ihr prr+nlara +:r env part itx-•rr.+( hr taken ~;r .tamagr--i he rraa;:n .;t r:. ,utd±< :mpr:rs r:runt or tarrdemerat:an <br />Friiaf. a•Y ::na:.'r tip' reg t:} :`" "tnertrr-i ^•rtllaen, ..r rn any ..iiwr manner ihr i;..rierrrr snap r+e rnnnr*+ s• rn n--~ --i+rr3rnrwi. <br />lararstt- its! arty ottre€ t'rYtaPat ur sets!! rhr rrfur- rtwi .hall hr rn till-al- a! +ta ..}stn+r. t.- a•wurwerr r}n+rar ra rr«1 Pr+rerule to Its <br />trwp !!acne anY it4tarl ur pne~rerling...r to nuke rnY a•umprrrtllsr tit settlement In av.nttectlun with atw•n taking ur ttrtwye Ait such <br />enntpretarBUn, awrnla. damasra ngirt ,•f Mann mni pnrrwla art herrhv :ua,Knr-.i L. ,c. \t..rtKrt... .h+• r.. . .her ,1r.luctrnK <br />therlfrum a:1 IV a:prtnrra, rcleasr ant moneva ++. +vrr1 M rt =~r apple the .amt ..n an. n.trMrdnr~., ar.-urrr/aMarhv I~hr \L•rt <br />gat~ar itnre to esot~tQe soeh lurtlwr arignwwntarrrffanv rom{wnwlu+n awnr+ts. rirmagP. ant: nKhta +>< artru rnA Tmrtrd- as lhP <br />Morl~stgw !tray rogtrtrc t:1h <br />ThM In caw n( Irllure to }/errurm my ~d fhr <'u..~urnt. ter tsar the Mortgagrr :ray da ,ul stir \4c+rtgarnr-a behalf evrrvthmg}wJ' <br />a r•wwrtartaKl, that the M..rtgagrr nay also d., env art rt rna} ,tr•.•m nPawaarrY a+ Prater'! taw Iirn ttwrrn(. tMt toe Marttrtror will •~ j <br />repay upam drer+anrf env •n++nrya {wld ..r drahu ralYi h+ the \t.,rtKrK r. I+,r nn..d tM air n-r {rur}xrra and wch moneva n.g.lhrr with •,~ <br />tttlrrrat thereon N the rats pr.rvlrtr+l in arnt v.a=tr .hall haa~•a+m •.~ wn r+kktnmal u,drbtr=6w•ss n, rrM aa.umi end may F+r In w- <br />ehaded in my :l.rr.rr farrchating th+a mmigsa•' r paid =,:rt .•f the ern t,: .. i•r.. r.... ..t .at. .,~ r;,t r. re,,.r, ., n.,t „t h. rw ,.r <br />pod, that d J.rll rnJ M obligrlorv atom ttr. \/µrtKaK r+• o. ~rrgln rr .nr=. th• ,nlidrt. .d en+ L.n vn. tors hr rn..-. ie+m n rd <br />vrttc/ng merrry~. n= rh+>`. autll.,rlrrd ! r+..1 t~, nK h••rr+n ,~++alarnrd ahrll M +~.rnlrurwi ar rw}xtnng fhr Mnrtaa}tre hr• rMvanrr am l <br />trtLtrwYa !or anY ~-:,~h par}•m.• our to do env e.-t h~r~u ndwr an+l that •t,~rtgagrr ahwl' o= ou-ur an. !s•ra:.rarl hetrhty !+. roar .u r+r+ <br />fhrry N qtly do or +wwlt to .kr Flervurrier <br />lit fire trrrai d IVi~tllrl~r~.u~K~Ay McW+rE~r a the }wYnrwt n( awy rnrtrltwtrnt ar rpuir.A by tM Nwr ar+ayrrd Iva+tby ar <br />~ rhr plalttRrttrtw! d the abil(}r/Mln M title nests vtea W Iw Ihr war! I+LrQar'ad UtetehY. the MVrtaa/ae ahfll bl lwNll/d fY datW! the <br />Betel aacurral I+e/ebv Bur raA paeatlle WltitV4t nuUww, a/el file Mar !gager cull tie PflUIMaI at 14 ciptu%R. wiLhaltt notice fltftrr by tt~tt <br />rw »q • tlceiver in ire appwnied by tlw tool ri thrrca ward w.r+ 4. the a3.r-+:... .,f any accu::ty ru: rhr :: c+.r!#eejtezsra re <br />tMta~d ltosaL~r, tu-RtrAtar tlppw grad taltti-porrnyiau ofHtiw mortptgrd pntnrara. std to cnik.t arrf rs•c•Hvr lhP ernes. raauer oral Pn+fits <br />,+nd- _ tits plpte..4xlr rtiitta at one»t'on std totirrtfun, upon the iadrbtrdwerr enured hY the mongagr. uW rents, <br />iytilir- r~ gs~t~Utt/-tl4raby to the Marfgape r trnher .reattiey for die prYlnewl of all iodel,t«Inrw aca•urrA hereby <br />Tlw• Maetgalgeo ehaH hour she parser ba rpt+rwnt anY agent ar aaPnu it wrrv Bra, n• fur rhr ,,,; rt. q= ..t .rna,.,,:r .. „1 .._, <br />iw+: tentttlg tM woe: notiecl. - tf+e retl4 r;•+Irrtairs rod iricwn+e, atai tt trtV TeT rttt d tlyd alerttte nM eal7irMM irlYrM lw satti <br />its; ud rnrgtrgittg tht rstne rrtd of cnllest,rt( rhr rcwtab ttwrefmm. The balutcr remaining. tf arv +hsll h.• ap},!•rd !swan! rhr <br />diatchargr ad the rtartgage iwdrhlednraa. Thin oaiRnmrnt Is kl termmrle anA null and .ont •,{su-. ~.i.~a.....t Ih~. rn.•nr sc.~ <br />