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°l:'~I'~' hiC:JC•t"f'd;i,ACat~:)fi'. F"C;J,tT`Ffh:Ftn t~rCv'4"(/f'tlAri+"[':S ANTI A~g27F^.']i::r.. <br />That trice ~#vrtgagor w,il pay frte xndc-k{tedr ~-harsintscfcCm pnw+ada+d. <br />'That the ;51=>.:gager la the Oymt°r ,;F aa,i {trope r?y in iFr si re pfr arzrl i•ax 3w r+xhi end r-w-fui anti`., r,tv ." ..'il anri <br />canvey the xarre atf¢ ttrat t#te a_irttl§~t tree agrl cleat rt any Iirn or rgaytmhrgr,cr, and that !ltertgag•,r w,li vra:rant and rlritn.t the <br />title w !lard prersiaea aRairel fife Ciaiotrr of ai[ pefbrfa der. <br />To ptty immecTrately wlxnn clue sell pttyrdrk ttli- ~eiurld t.a=2b. a~recial taxes, !petal araessmrnts. •,4atrr a-hares. sew-rz xrrv" <br />its C#eargra. and atheer tezra attd charges against said property. anri ati raze„ Irvirrt un rhr debt err-, rni fwrrh, and t+. fun,rxh the <br />Mur2gagrw, upon aegN~t: with 11re rxigine! s.I dnAlirate ~re~-eighe tfteiekr. Thr Mortg~c,s agrrras tfirt three shalt be added t:, <br />ra^h monthly payment rr:fuire,d hrrrunder •.r under ttu~ evidence of debt xcurrd h••rrhy an arn:,unt r,?:rnat: rt h~ the Mortgagrr- <br />',~"' Lo F,e su$cie,ft W enibx the ~! t:; pay. as Lhry F,„~ tier. aJ! taxes, aarscmenta and +im;la: charges uprrr, ttx• prrrn~ <br />face avbji<.t thereto: »ny drftCi~nry hereusr of the tn~ufficirn.y ..f such additional payr,rntshall he f,~rthwith deprstitrd by rhr <br />~-~, Myrtgsger wrL, ti,r MurtKa¢rr upon demand ht the \9.,rtg:tgrr An. dr`ault ~rn.,«r the. raze..-ipF. =hall t„~ •irrmrd a ,1,-iau)t ur <br />~ payttfrnt of taxes, asarastnents, nr srmitar charges rrqurrw/ hereunder <br />~... <br />•~ Thr Mortgagor ago •rs that there shall aLur br added tr: each mrrnthiy payment rd prtnc.pal and +rtrrrr:t requirtxi heu- <br />r+ unit.. a:r armwnt rxttmatrd by the Mortgagor ?r, tx• sufficient t:, enable the Mortgattee to pay ac it twc,.rnrs due rhr rnaurance <br />prernrum ur, any u,su roncr• 7x±hey drLvrnd 6, the Martgage,• :1nv deficsrr•+; hecaucr .f th.~ ;n..u!fi. u•nay •:! xuch rrrddiliorral pay- <br />nwitts shalt Fry 1nAhwiti, dr;uatitrd by the Mortgagor wrth rhr .".i"rtgagrr upon dmia:rd h} the \tr~. rtkagw' .Any default under th=e <br />pr:tagraph shall I,r dr•.•n,r~l s default rn the payment of rnsu rarrce premiums f( the 1x:l ic, :,r pntrriM dr•{r++srtrd are au^h is Fw,rtr~ <br />E>Mrb[rnt nr alt risk lxvi n'r••s, xnd Ibr drlxsiG are mxuffiou•nt in pay the rnhrr {+remnsm. the M.•rtgagrr mac apply [hr drlx,art •n <br />pry prrmiume on risks n•qusrrrt 'r. hr tnxtterf Ay thrs mortgage <br />PayRtenta rtiarlr by Ibr Mortgagor neuter the ehtwe paragraphs may. at th•• option of Ibr MRrtgsgee. tree held by .t anri <br />tvxnmfngkd with ollu•r sorb fw,ds ur eta awn funrlx for the payment of such rtrms, and anti) an applied. such paynrrntz are hereby <br />ple~dg«! as xcunty !or the unlrrrd balance n! the mn;tgage ir,deMrelmxs <br />To proton, deliver t<, and maintain (nr the F•enrfit of the Mortgz,¢•w dunn¢ the I:'. ..: thrs mortxaRr onR+nat (xdifrea seal <br />rcnewala tttrrasxt, deiivrrr.i at (east. ten days before the expiration of am such puLcrt•x, , -vr.~nx agarnat Ayr anri other rraurahle <br />tutcardR, and contiagerfriea m the Mnregagre mss' regidre, in an amount equal W t}fr i:tckbtrdnras ae•cvrad lay thir <br />Mortgage, atxi in CumpaRrrs arxeptahle to the Mnrt¢agre•, with Ines fayahlr ciauer in favor of anri m farm arcwptahie to the Martga- <br />6ce. [n the event any pulic,~ rs nut rrne•wr•ri on nr hafore ten days of rte expira4on. rhr• Mortgattrr may procure rnsuronee un rhr <br />imS>ruvements, pay the pre m.urn thrrrfur. and xuch sum shall hrtnnir! inimettrately .fur and payaMr write ;nlerrst at tht rely art <br />forth in laid trnle until pr ir: and shall ?w srau red t.v thsx mort¢a¢e Farlu r.- on the part of the 'Lortgagor to furnish stub rrrwwals <br />as are herein required or tedure tr, pay any xuma arivanced hervunder .bath at th.• upNr>n of the Alnrt¢agrr, rY,nstrtute a rlrfau(t <br />nrtder the terms of this mortgage Thr delivery of such !nA!cux shall. rn the event u( drfaatL romtrture en a-. rgn men? of the um <br />tamed pttufirmf. <br />Anv sums r.•rrr...f +:, rt., 4t::rtxaxw. h, rrae,.r of jn... .~r damaKr rn. .r.v? egzrn-t mb, ts- n•t ar nrd h4 thv 11,.riga¢r.- <br />arrrl agplieai toward [he ;avmr',t ~_< she debt hrrrM' .rioter! - n[ the upturn ~>f ?:,• \i~. .rtgagrv such ,~ =-,thee whrJly nr sn <br />part may M. hard .,.<r t=, ,hr Mortgagor t:. hr .rs:•d t.: rr µarr .uch h,n L.rngs , _ -,.Li ,. ,+ hu,Lh„¢., .. ti.., ids.-.~ ..r (•~r any <br />other purpevrr ~.r :•?-,r: t ~+airst a.9un tv the t11:~n gager wrth,~ut affrrtrng :hr ire:, ~ rs~. n,••rte sg. i,v ?hr• tu^ soo=n nt sr<r.nd hr re <br />by t~turn aurh payment r,-.•r tre=k plat-. <br />'Y"u pnmrptiy rrpssrr. .cmh~r. :r•tntdJ any iw.,Lhn¢s ,. rmpm,rm.-nt•~ cow ..r F,rm»tb'r :a: U,r t -rr, ..-. whr.h may he <br />i'vme ctam3ged ex drstmyrd, to ke=ep sax! presnasrs in gaxi tt,trati L<,n and rr pair and leer tr•.un at,y n,echamf srltrn ur .±Lher Lee. or <br />i -ur#r: ,,. .,,~..:::t :r::. ,...Es4:,.€ .: sop .:.--sarxz• .., v.t.r <br />etain: :d teen nut rzpre-xaty xrrtx:nitnarr,i to tF • urn .:error :s++t t:~ . ... .. ....... ._. ...u .-. ..ur __- ... _. <br />. un <br />aafd pttfperiy nor fez !termer xasLr :m seed premises, our t,. dr, any other 3r t +. hr n•ht rhr pn,~ r*,v h,-rrhy r<>nvr}rti shat? !>ferurte <br />tear es~rya_-hie: ~~~u.lrr ir. etsm:r:mih e::R::;ans :b slur by anv a_? ...r -••r::••:: •,• t,_ ~i. t., ; ,er::,e• LLeth :et .. 1_::rn:r ••ty :_( tow wtlh reaper( <br />try ttlP f[r,>'rt$ar,~ (rMm!sea an=, the uaY the rr[>! --...- - <br />T!ta! shuuiri tier prrn, ,:r an, part rtrrrr~rf tx• taw.. r dam3gr'd by .. ,.m d nn. r,n, rmjrn -+._r n? r.,n.irfl,nBUan <br />pmrcedrng. rN it REfrr itir rsgns '.. --mlrrrnt :t4Nnaif'--. :. f'. 33,4 :=t 1>Y: :i:3nfKr 1tM- \l.-.-q.Y fie-.- -t,ait t• r,,ritrt4 t-- wit i'-lnpC n~atY--~, <br />!!earl!. Rrrai am rrtiear ueyment r._ .r„r_ ,nfr :or. ars« f(~ rAEifl-i. 3t i{s .-ttr. ', -src;~~. arrfrxar r a=mot gt-~?r in t~ <br />uMgt f111tar any rieUaat ur pr,credrrrg, ur W make atr.Y eontprrxnisr ..r xrtilrnu'ut !n .,,nnrctwn with wch ?akrn¢ nr damage All such <br />ea¢apenwati3an, arearda, dama¢+t•a. ri;ht of aefron anri pew,rY!cAs are he nrby asar¢rtrrrl In the Mortitararu wtan mar. attar dadaNu~ <br />[haeetinrwt all iW eaprrrrea. release aaY m+xfeya x• raveived by rt or apply the ,cams- ca, any rntiwtrtednrwa secur+rrt hrsre6y, Tire Maut~ <br />gager alrere W ezettite sw~lt further reaaignrnrnls of ant ,v=mprnsatrun. awarvix, dama¢rs. and rights ,rf n:ta,n neat pri rx•$s ae Ibr <br />tt!lortgagass maY <br />''.£ <br />7-het R, case u( failetrr eo twrb. r_r, an. , try .~rnant. n.-r.•. r. th.' 1'orfgagr•r ma•, :: .m th.• Mr,rlrsgot'~ fs•half rw•rvthit~ <br />ao rxwenanhrl; drat the Murtatagrr may also do anv ar.'C rl +nav .!w-m nrsi•esary to pn,ta-a°t the Irrn the ra>..f. that Ibr Martattat+r wttl "i <br />rePaY uprrn demand anY nu,aeYS pout nr <i rxhur~d hr too M:,rtgattrr fur any n( the abrn'e wr{uw-n and xvr-h me,nrva tuttptiirr with -. <br />liRtlrea! thereon at the rote PnrvrdM rn earl nrrtr shalt ix¢'ornr ,u mix•h aridrttonai rndrhtr•+inrrra hrr.•b4 s••ru reel and mar tx in- -_ <br />eluded in anv drerrw farra-luat n¢ thee rnortgagr .d or , ul :,ut ~! rte. - t_t : , r,nurrds of tale .,f sent Pn•nu+,•s rl rxu utherw nr <br />{xatd. [reef a shat) not h:• =,hh¢uiory .. rhr kf..rtzax•.• n- nryuur into sbr .a:.:d,i, .,t .o„ -.. r, .. oh.,..., . ~ , s„ !, ad <br />nrarras sncsrrerys ~ aCzsrr atrth~naxi, Gat s. ~•tf_;rtg t;t=rfear= r-y~taratrd suatt Irf r..+f~trurrri rte. ;eyutrtnq rhr htvrtiattrr tr :tr~antfs an} <br />rnoneya for any s•~Ctr purprxtr rtcr tar der any act lvrrrura#r, anri that ME,rrgaarw shat) stx,t iraui ar,y ra;rx.:nai ltabrltt. hrfausr r•f any- <br />RI~ N tin ter awx re 11a isararrfiar. <br />in the a eat <d th« daftailt trY "durtq~tzt rn rhr µnyateut u! say rnstaUmrnt. as required by the Nvtr recumd hertby, ar <br />.n rr.. ta..t.,rrn.rRa . ..rte ~:irta.:.a..n ......m.rt~r- ,.. ... ..~ .Nw .,~::rs=; t~ r><h; .. . '~4i.,-icsss s.._.°. ~-. --..:€t~ n- -*~.a.>< il~. <br />.Clef e~fsarad !rrsou slur anal }fayrldr weitrr.ut ru .tax. !Rai Lhr Mnrtgaicr st,alt t,e eauiiesi at .ta optic a. wtthu4t nakt5~r. rik}ter hY riaelf <br />rx l~Y a t-treiwtr !c tfr appwnfed try fht cruirt tltrreart, and .ithcwt trgard to the arlegipffy of any eeeurity tear thtr irxl~rSsrhttefr ar <br />tvrad hesat~, lu tinter ttiuutrt end take trorirra5iian of flue maxtltltad prrmfaea, and En collect afxl receive the rirMS. tsrnaes anti pr+sAib <br />thereat, sad= appiir the- twee; lean rests o! aperatiarn aryl atallaelion. rtp®n the irtdehHrairrese necfteed ~y this trtnet;ale, said rsaeR, <br />iasntis and freer@iaiwrinttTrerelair`rriRrfrr! &t tart llttt+rt~t4em Rtfgiter euetlty for eM PaYntettt sf aN inekbte.lnrraa aoetued~efaahY <br />tv Nirral{trgea !!tail hart ttfe power ~ appoca[ anY agent ax !!cots rt r:,ay .iexue fur the twrtx,ar of ts•pa,eitfa !slat pt><-rn~ <br />iao-a: rentsng the same, trrllectios thn yenta. rotnmwa and tncrrrtfe, sell it rosy pay awl of card iricome all ezprnxs rncttrrad rn reat- <br />irtl sad mtrnaii~f the aaoai , .] of r~Haet:;l the-rratiada ihertittroie. Tlie tialaare remaining, tt ally. shalt br spplisd trtrarri the <br />diaretwrle „1 the marrtlagr iodstbterineiw- 'ibis aaaignrarnf is w trrtnina4• and taaranr null and .o<d u;x.n release *•f thin mrrrt¢aar <br />