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<br />hKNtTGAGf
<br />rt<,~,e t~Ati ~ir~. L 23.343
<br />K7+lQS4'ALLM@ti8Y''lffSEPRtS£'.TS Thrt houard b1, legg and !OCEna :. Legg, each in his and her
<br />t)tln right and as spouse of each other
<br />Yos.yror, rherhn Dee a rtxue, is d the ate ~
<br />Ills r.1<Y I-~+ Thousand grid No 100-----------------------------------------------------oou.Alis
<br />kened to acid tnorttagor by The Egtstabk Bttitdios attd i.,an Aaaodtttxm of Grand fa4nd, Nebrask,. MorttaEr, +fP~ 320 tiara d taodt of
<br />slid ASgOCtATIOly, Certifitxu No. L 23,343 . do hereby 9w[, convey and ntortgaee ua[a the rtd ASS7C[ATION the [oYowdeQ
<br />tiacrtfied teal es[au, si[tnud ~ }iall County, ^Sebruka.
<br />teSather wilt ~ the teaemrnts, heredipmwn gad appurteawoes thaemto bebyfy, isdudia{ attadrd Hoot oovuinp, sC a~adow iawasr.
<br />trittdoty shads, Muria. »otm rrstdovvs, , hsatin`, nir wadktooittp, aed piwftbie6 gad wrier egpiiwttwt cad amerortaa tbewto.fwP+~.
<br />tsftfaeraton, amt other fixtures and equipment [taw or heeeafter attached to or teed in connection wrih said rce! aatau.
<br />And arlssrga the acid eaottp~or hs weed gad dog hereby agree that the mortp~~oa shag asd e+>L pay at tpxea gad eraapeaah htsiad sr
<br />aasraed rpwe rid petesiaaa gad ttpoa then morepite cad the hoed axuaed t~aey before the tune tin6 Oeoosu 8q~ant: to llrt*ieh dp~ed~lid.
<br />a.re~ae ttt~pttttee the br'Mop oa add prwsees aMsrted r the atfw d i 32,000. t~ pey~Ie m aid AssoctAnc%tt ,nd rn adia.r fu aY
<br />ASSOCiAflON the pnliciea for aid inwnace; and not to cotntat[ a part aey caste oa a :boot aid prwtias:
<br />In ®e of default in the performance d goy of the arms and txtaditioas oC this mortytse or the bond attcured hereby, tle tnottdyaa aiQ,
<br />as demand, be rntitied to itnttxdtate poarrion of the mortp`ed premises and the tamtppor hereby aaesiprta. ttepsfen and tea over to td
<br />m~ee w S!x mats. ceveaexs and iecotsx to be derived from the rrtortpyed preenbes dttsiett; usrh sane u the tnortpt{e iadebtedpeet ~ retade
<br />tsapaid; gad the nsortppee shag have the power to appoint wY year a yrets it mry demo for the ptspor of repairiy aid ptadss cad ratty
<br />fire asee seal .;oRectin{ the cotta, revemsr ufd taoomc, and it tttay pay out of aid incorse atl exPeers of repairsfB said preri+es gad traerety
<br />aoasstiaa6ote aed expeosa stored to renting utd tttwa~y the rpfe aed of ooBatiog rantab thnefrom; the italantx ttrertitpy, B atty. to be
<br />towed tke ttueharge of acid martptpe ~ thsa risitta of the atwipyae aav he axerciad at arty tees drtYtp, th0 a of lYth
<br />uretpect;ve oC gay tea[porary vraiver of lire aloe.
<br />Tber traeats. bawever, are upon ttu Coaditba, Thu ff the said 1/ortppr stall repay aid bag an a Deforc the matsrity d raid altssea by
<br />pgmatt; pap soatthty to taid !><SSOCfAl'ISfM c:t t!r mm apat~3ed in the ~atd actuad hers as intrat and preudpal ae add bap. oe or basher
<br />the Tveetrsietl: taT c# ~ gad ev"rs tth,taeil and hit is ft~y paid: pay w 2=te-s a~ s:a: kvh:d yeitffi riti praapirs apctop ~ hlatytps
<br />and rife 1loari sew thraehy, itefate dma,gtusaev; ftunidt ap~nved mwsattoe tspran the btu rhere~ a the test of 3 32,~~~ pggbk
<br />to tahl A~OClATKfN; repay to tab ASSiOClA'Rak ttgon derawd ad tooafsy by it paid fa welt taus, araataeets sad eat rtdtif iKa+st u
<br />i'b ' ...~ -y--eu.- f.-~.~. dsu : --t ~ oC r. _ fere>srr - . - --' - - - -' -- - • - - ,,
<br />~ --'- .~, pe-,Tr~.. . +~ee' t° ~: ~ k~rttAS raafs ~ +ats gnu: atei
<br />sdfh ai the a4 a of Coaatuutiun gad 6yC-Istra of Wd ASSOCIAT10N:6~ ~fssaa ptasetab ebaY become erg and void, olhatwls
<br />airy taarif ie N.a lttsa gad may be forecheed a the optMa a~f the add ASSOCIATION dtu ttfihare to dtwc aauatle to make >rf' d std
<br />papspw a be [has mottrhs b uteat m mminp rid mrrethh' ttayatents. a to keep and ~nPN' with the tteaemrna and eaoditions of rid Bond:
<br />red Morlpplor tt~eea to have a rtxener appantad forthwith to writ ftmcbwrc prooeedirtpa.
<br />tf thss b gay Jaye b owaerahtp of the rql es4u mayycd herein, by ask or othstwae, tha tM tetin rsraioist{ sfde0ledater haaiy
<br />esopead rtaB, at the eptioa of The fyuiubk Btdidht{ and Laan Aasotaatiat of Greed Idufd, Nebrtdta, heoome 4' due gad ptfyahk vtit}sots
<br />fspthet atotiee, rah ghee attoooot temaio:s6 due trdar said hood. end any other bad fix any additional advrnces made theretmdu, ahAa~il ftum the
<br />its of s d add option bat mietest u the matrvetun kpl rate, and thin 71fe may thw be CaserJord b rtiafy the aaeeuat due w add
<br />bead, aed gay oNw bwtd fw addaiooai advanos, t r with a6 arse laaid by rid Tht Egtutabie ltttiAiy aed Law Aaeoweioa of Ctapd talaed,
<br />NaMeia Cor lasagna, taxes and aseewments, andding extension ehugea, whit ioterea thereon, from den of paytttsat at tM etatornwn
<br />~ ~.
<br />As m the Bond secured hereby. whtk this mortpye remains in etTect the mortppee [try tmeafter atiwtce atWittoro! arau to the
<br />taalren o Wd Bond, their aaiEre or stxasors b intetert, which sums shall be within the security of this mortpRc the :ante as the funds otiphtagy
<br />:erased tbariy, fir [Dial ataattm of prutcipai debt net to extted at any time the upinnl asto•~a of this cmrt6edr.
<br />is
<br />~ O~tt
<br />.~ ~i,F
<br />~- -
<br />` ~
<br />f'~TA~~
<br />~ ` _ t~l~f~ =~' a. cilia 7Li dp at Feti-rtt~try >9 79 . ttadses sr,
<br />tlts eaduaiBaud. a Notary Patric b std fee aid Camry, psesaatdyttaaaa
<br />~. # ~ E i. leg+g, e~h #n h#s ~lA her Dan right alas a i~aus,a~
<br />ttr ~ l» dr ydwaJod paerrtt s when aturtt6 are atPbtsd to the above mott~yor s and they sevrrraly
<br />~ and laatrunawe to b. the# r voiiausry sat pad dew, ~ ~~
<br />!YI'FNI~S cry hwd gad Notaahti Se.i the dNe.afvtaasid. ° ~'
<br />fey Gar>~doe etryhes C~ ~ L ~,~
<br />!' K !•ictary Wb
<br />s-t-rsu Not. 1.2a 19'~ ~- ,~~: -..~
<br />~,~ t,~
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