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~---- <br />1}ftrt T~i.yC.i <br />ktvC)wAiiMF?i9t 'HI SFPR'•SE'<7S Tha' ~'CNlli >, ~tf+it~ and ~'.%~y ~, ai??1''^. 2dCt= if-~ f?'$ ;3CG <br />Ater 01It? righ! ai; ~~ d5 5t7QUSe G` E?eth oth@r, Martgagnr. wheTrtr one ar rnaT-.z ~~, wrtadetatron of'tbe suss of <br />Sixteen Ihausand~ia H~r~drEd ~n.C_~n1.144..:.c.-,--~:.--------------~~--_-- --_- -_~_rr_r,GL~.ARs <br />Fumed to nid mangagur by The Equitable Butidtrev and L~~r: AssoctatK;n of C;rand Isiartd. V!brasica. Mortgatsee, upu~: j 66 rturcs of stodt of <br />said ASat~C1.4T1G`: `;enifir~u a i- ZJ x.525 PRCIe,~ ,w~ F~etzt_-. assn[, .~Rr:-w,., ard rr 3rtga~ unto [Fie sa;~ 3Si7CiATrii''~ the fotlovinq <br />des;:sbr~ east estate, sttuatsd :n Hal; ~', ,arr. '~-brsska <br />PART OF LOTS FIFTEEN (35) AND SIXTEEN (16) IN B~.OrK <br />THREE f3) IN FIFTH ADDITION TO THE TONY OF CAIRO, <br />HALL CO!lrlTYr NEBRASKA, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT A <br />POINT 80 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHiiEST CORNER OF LOT <br />SIXTEEN (16) IN SAID BLOCK THREE (3) THENCE RUNPlIN6 <br />EAST 60 FEET, THENCE RtJNNIN6 SOt1TH 85 FEET, THENCE <br />RUNNiN6 iiEST 60 FEET, THENCE R'tRiNIN6 NORTH 85 FEET <br />~tlE P~A~ OF BE61Nl~ <br />together with atl the tentrnents. to [torten s apptittenances to bebnyng, incitrditg a[tadted foot aovervtp, as wisdar tctawas. <br />window shoves, bhads, storm wettdows, awntrtgs, heating, air condittorsing, sent piumbittg attd water equipment and uccesrories thereto, pampa, arose[. <br />rekigeraton, artd other futures and cqulpment [taw ar hereafter utavted to or used :n connection with rod real estate. <br />And wheass the said mortptgor has agreed and does ttere:by agree that the ctortgagor stop end will pay atl ta)ta and asauamaats levied os <br />aeeaed tspoo reed premises artd upon this mortg~e and the bond accrued thereby ixfore the same shag become delinquent: to ftuaittt approved <br />inwrattu upon rite bttii•imgs .,n sand premises atuaitd en the sort, of S ~ 6,600 , DO payas/k to raid ASSOCIAT~QN std to ttetiver to said <br />ASSOCIATIO[^! the polies fnr stud :nstuanee, and not to mmmit ar permit a.7y waste on or about said prembea: <br />In case of default m the performuue of any of the teeters and umdnions of :hts mortgage .r, the bond ses-urcd hereby, the ttsortgagsee sht11, <br />ar, drrrand. be entitled to immediate pnsseston of the mortgaged prcrmses std t5e rnartgag~~~ hereby asagres, transfers and sea over to the <br />tortgagee alI the «nts revenues and income to be denved from the mortgaged prcmtses during such tune as the rtrortgage mdebtettness shall remain <br />tr®paui; and the mortgagee shall have the you er to appatnt any agent ar atgenb n troy dean for ttte propose of repairwg said prcmixs atsd tasting <br />the Borne and collecting the renu, teventxs and income, and it may pay out of Bard utcome all expemes of repur:ng Bud ptemisn and necesm-y <br />ccmmiastons and expenses incurred m renting and mrtaging the sine and of coikatng rentals therefrom. the baLtaa [eauitdtsg, if say. to be <br />toward the disciurge of said msxtgagc iaskMesirtc~: there ri~tts of the mortgagee stay be artmasai ar say fie ds.ri$g the exatsnu of <br />77refe [Reaenu, however. are upon. the CondMion, That i; the sari Mortgagor Broil repay Bard k+an ,M or heron the rtattitity of raid sharaa by <br />payment; pay memNiy to Bard ASSOCIATtO!~ of the sttm speciftrd in the Bond secured hereby as interest and prinetpat on sod tom,ov or bafote <br />tilt Twstitiztt, day .;f e..h a :d :. , -._.-,.h.::rti; `-,~ 1ua^. is fu;7; pa:C: ea'i a'! taxsa u.^.^_ s~;srns^"'crzd x~:.^.at sa:w ,m..:^ttses sn^ c.^. i".a ~i~rtpt~ <br />ac. fu- spa ~ ., a _ -- .. .. .... ..... ......... .~,~,~ ! r' -`_~~ <br />to and AS5OCIATiON: repay tosud gSS(7CIATIt7N upon denurtd all rnunev bytt~patd for Such taxis, assessrttent: and tnstrtarax with tnterea at <br />the rroximum legal race ttxreon :Tom dart of payment au at[ which Mrntpgtrr ixseby ~; cgs iu ~y , permrt oat wage tin aaxi prztstissa: keep sad atari~iy <br />weUt ai3 ttte agteertxnts and a~.ttSiti.ri:s of ;its tiuttd ft:r S 16 s 600 ~ this day g:ts:n by the raid StartgadaT to sa:d ,A5.4fXtAT:G;ti.ssd attnpty <br />with aU the ngttuertxnts of the Constttvtion and By-Lawn of said AS.SOCIATI~I; then these presents shall bemrm ntdi sad void, otberwier they <br />slut) rettuitt in full force and tiny be foreclostd at ttte option of the said ASSOCIAT}ON after failure for three months to make my of said <br />paytttents ur ce three tttotsths rn a. rears in malctng sasd monthly payments, ur to kesp and :xtmph wish the agreemenu and ta~~ditions of said Band, <br />artd Mortgagor egrets to havt a reaiveT apptxnted forthwith m such forechnurc proxedingx <br />tf then is any change m ownership of the real e§taee mortgaged herein, by sale w otherwise, flan the entire rernavtivg vuieMedrwss hereby <br />secured droll, at the option of The Fquiubk Bttildme and Laan .4stax:utwn of Grastd Island. \sbreska, becotrre unmedistely due artd payable without <br />[strtttar twsix, and the antuuat temaerting due uruftr Bud hood, and a^,} ether hoed for any addittana: advaacx§ rrtade therettader, shalt, from the <br />dots of exercix of seed option, bear at the maximum isgal rate, and this vtortgage may then br forecosed to satisfy the uvouat due ov slid <br />bond, and any other bax+d fac rddtrtorul advance§, tirgetfier wnh ail Burns paid by Bard The Esittitabk 8uitding sad Lum Assoctatiun of GrarKt ts4ad, <br />-.ebradts tut rnsurantx, taxes and asscsanrrnts. attd ab§traclutg txtmuou ,:)large§, with rntetest thereon, from date of paytrent at the ntaxitnt[rrt <br />legal rate. <br />As pmvtded a-. the Bond ueured he«b) , white this mortgage « ntams m effect the mortgagee Wray htrcd[er advarta addtttonal stuns to the <br />ttn.~ers .~t Bard kk-:r:.;. °.?ten aa~tgr.s ,-" _~,:,s-sa*r=_ r= ;+,;~ t,t which sums snail he wethm ate se. ut sty ..:r tht. mortgzgs ,M same as tht funds urtgtnally <br />secured ?hereby, .-. ^:>tas arrx>unt :+t p:t t rp~ai .isbt ^~:t ~:, exited at §nv torte the Jngtral s:rtuunt of thud rounasge <br />1 - toy ae ; February A. G. 1979 <br />ny t <br />&4'AiEt3FItlP.l~ttLSACA,~e. ~~ 1st daYar February 1y79 ~~~ <br />Ct1UN7'Y 8F tIAt.L <br />~9tNi La Sle~ th ate G1 ^dy S: Swi the caCh ~k~ mod, s h~tttry pttbi~ m and f?r ~Ki Gutty, ncrssvvatW same <br />tfi his and her ogft right and ss space of each other, - w!w are peTSOnallyttnsrwata <br />me to be the ~mttmt person S w>sos tutees a r8 af',•ttcbd to the abate tnatrunsant as mpitgagoq artd ~'he~ aeaeraity <br />a:lmowkdged *he awl instrtatrexu to be ~t j r aolttalary acs artd deed. j <br />wtTtdt~s [sty land sad Notaria. Sal the date atttreaaW. ! ''~ <br />Rty Commission expires " ,~` __ ~!~ j <br />s~ c rat at t~ERAt tte*1!'! ~ 3tsta at lai+ew i <br />~ ~ lCJi M. G=AILSY <br />... Al~s.^ns^. x~~•. i. I9[H ~ - <br />